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2l-A, Kashmir Block Alhma Iqbal Town, Lahorc

t1w.obte.edtr.ok- T€l # 042-99260t 9J, 99260 | 94 (Err. r]9)
RD&QA Section Tcl # 0{2-99260273

Ref. No. PIIrE/RD&QA t2uit 7 l/ q D^t d,-a/-oe -i7

All Principals,
(iovcrument Colleges of Technology /
All Afliliatcd Polytechnic Institutes with P.B.T,E, Lahorc.
Srrjecl: Bifurcation / Division of the Mart$ of the Subiect (FPI'T-314) Meat poultry and Fish
Technology Revised DAE Food Processinq & Preservation Technolosy.

The bifurcation / division of thc following subjcct of Revised DAE Food Procossing &
Presewation Technology has been madc and will bc available ar PB1D website i.e for thc guidance of teachers and students for thc DAE
Examina0or 2017 and onward.
Sr. Papcr "A" (Topics) Paper "8" (Topics)
Subjects Name
Marks = 75 Marks = 75
Mc:|t Poultry and Fish 1. Meat and meat products 2. Poultry processing.
'fechnology processing. iv- Post Slaughter I landling.
TPP'I'-3I4 2. Pouluf processing. v- Storage and preservation of
i- Classcs ofPoultry Meat. Poulty Meat.
ii- Nutritive Value of Poultry vi- Spoilage and its Control.
iii- Commercial Methods of 3. Eggs.
Slaughtering and Drcssing. 4. Fish.

l- PA to Chairman, I'BTE, Lahorc.
2- PA to CM Acadenics. TEVTA, Lahorc.
3- PA ro C\4 Operalio||s, TEVTA, Lahorc.
4- PA to S€crctary, PBTE, Lahofe.
5- PA to Controller ofExaminations, PBTE, Lahore.
6- I hc PrinciDal concemed.
7- Deputy Controller of Examinations (Conduct), PBTE, I-ahorc.
8- Dcputy Conlroller of Examinations (Secrccy), I'B'l E, Lahore.
9- lD Chargc Computer Section, PBIL, Lahorc.
l0- ChiefSecrecy Officcr, PBTE, Inhore.
I l- Assistant Controller ofExaminatiors (Tcchnical), PBTE, Lahorc.
l2- ,^ssistant Corlroller ofExaminations (Conduct), PB I'8, Lahorc.
I3- Assistant Cortroller ofExamirations (Secrecy), PBTE, Lahorc.
I4- Assislant Controllcr ofExaminations (P&P-l & Il), PBTE, Lahore.
15- Assistant Secretary (Recognition), PBTIr;, Lahore.
l6- Assista|t Secretary (Certificale), PBTII, Lahore.
l7- Assistant Sccrctary (Registration), PB'l E, l-ahorc.
I B- Assistant Secretary (Record & Verification), PBTE, Lahore.
l9- Wcb Administrator, PBTE Lahore to Upload on lJoard Website.

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