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A Research Proposal presented to

Ormoc City Senior High School, Ormoc City

S.Y. 2022-2023

In Partial Fulfillment for the Subject

Requirements for Inquiries, investigation, and Immersion

Larita, John Angelo L. Ramos, Ma. Jenelyn C.

Maglasang, Julianne R. Silvano, Ailyn P.

Meralles, Nona Ella M. Suan, Jhon Carlo S.

Omega, Cammille Joy R. Trangia, Ma. Alexandra C.

Oyzon, Erica Mae L. Ya-on, Nino Jay V

Pescante, Jevane B.

Jumar L. Cagoco

Research Adviser

April 2023


Background of the Study

Teachers play one of the most significant roles in education. Their jobs are to impact

children's knowledge to guide them into growing and developing as successful and

responsible citizens of this society (Omoru, 2021). Their performance, dedication, investment

of their expertise, and time influence the said impact.

Inflation has a severe impact on social classes ranging from the middle class and

under due to the monetary values dropping, thus, heavily decreasing the buying power of

consumers. Inflation is a critical economic issue affecting a country's monetary value,

consumer purchasing power, and marketing systems. It is also one of the most persistent

global issues hindering the growth of a country, disregarding how developed it is

(Gatpolintan, 2019). With product and service prices rising, it makes it significantly more

difficult for people to afford their physiological needs regardless of social class.

Wide-ranging effects on consumer pricing could result from rising delivery costs.

First, as the local price of imported items rises proportionately with shipping costs, they

might directly affect import prices. Second, an increase in the price of shipping intermediate

inputs puts companies under more financial strain and puts pressure on them to raise prices

for domestic customers. Finally, when, for instance, wage bargaining is tied to previous

inflation, there may be second-round effects on core inflation (Carriere-Swallow et al., 2022).

Of importance, a teacher's salary immensely affects their purchasing power which

plays a major factor in their performance. The significant shift in the prices for goods and

services drastically changed our economy, and teachers are among those who get the short

end of the issue. Most teachers fall under the lower middle-class sector, which consists of

people earning a monthly average of Php 18,200 to Php 36,400.

Based on recent articles, the DEPED administration has made decisions to raise the

salary of teachers in the Philippines to help with the teacher shortage occurring because of

inflation (Chi, 2023). The cause of teacher shortage is because, with inflation, their salary

decreases and direly affects their ability to afford their physiological needs. With these

unfulfilled needs, they become unable to keep up with their health, thus, lessening the quality

of education. Teachers are strongly impacted by the severe economic shifts that inflation

causes because it affects their access to their physiological needs. If this issue continues, the

number of teachers that can provide quality education will decrease, affecting our education

system entirely.

Studying this issue can also allow us to see the effects of inflation on teachers and

how that affects our education. With inflation affecting our economy and livelihood, many

articles have shown how the worse inflation gets, the harder it is for teachers to supply the

proper education students need. In the Philippines, there have been several cases where

teachers and other fellow Filipinos have started protesting because of the underpaid school

staff. From, teachers are even migrating as both public and private teachers are

affected by being underpaid. Statistics have shown that 92%, most public teachers, have an

average monthly salary of Php 25,000 to Php 30,000. There are even private teachers who

only receive a monthly pay of Php 6,000 (Mendoza, 2022).

The issue of underpayment is the biggest reason why there is a shortage of teachers in

the Philippines, and why teachers have been migrating to other countries for better pay. The

government has tried methods to increase the salary of teachers in the government sector in

response to the issue of teacher shortage. In doing so, they have stated that raising the salary

of public teachers will cause more private sectors to close down (Pinlac, B., 2022).

Furthermore, because of inflation, the overall purchasing power of teachers drastically

decreases resulting in lesser access to their physiological needs.

Public school teachers are greatly suffering from both underpayment and inflation.

With this study, we can find different methods to aid teachers in budgeting their money and

searching for better alternatives to accessing their physiological needs. In doing so, we can

increase the number of teachers and provide better education while helping improve the

workforce and employment rates.

With the given issue, it is perceived that inflation has a significant effect on the

physiological needs of teachers. It is expected that these teachers in the present time will now

dive into settling for higher debts, either in the bank or other resources where they can ask for

liability, to sustain their needs, and find cheaper alternatives to where they can allocate their

set budget.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the effects of inflation on the physiological needs of teachers in

Ormoc City Senior High School.

Specifically, it seeks to find the answer to the following questions:

1. What are the demographics of teachers that can affect their spending during inflation?

2. How much do teachers spend on their physiological needs before and during


a) Food

b) Clothes

c) Shelter

3. What is the buying capacity of teachers in their physiological needs during inflation?

4. What budget adjustments have been made as a result of the price increase?

5. How did they fill the budgetary gap in order to still meet their needs?

Significance of the Study

If the researchers are able to come up with a comprehensive understanding of the

different effects of inflation on the physiological needs of teachers from Ormoc City Senior

High School then the following can benefit from the study:

● Teachers

Through this study, the teachers will have increased awareness of how

inflation affects them based on their physiological needs. Giving them an outlook on

how they should budget their salaries when they buy their necessities.

● Government Departments

This study will enable government departments to formulate plans for the

people amid the rising inflation rate.

a.) Department of Trade and Industry

This study will help the Department of Trade and Industry to foresee how they

could generate inclusive businesses that can empower consumers.

b.) Department of Labor and Employment

This study will help the Department of Labor and Employment to

acknowledge what they can do to help teachers amid the rising inflation rate.

c.) Department of Education

This study will help the Department of Education to improve its budgetary plan for

the teachers.

● Business Owners

The study will be able to help business owners to strategize their prices, giving

them consideration on how they should market their products or services to

consumers considering that there is rising inflation, whether they will match it with

the current inflation rate or not.

● Society

This study will help society to have a perception on what are the effects of

inflation on them. Helping people to find an efficient countermeasure for the growing


● Future Researchers

This study can be a reference for future studies.

Scope and Delimitations

This study will be conducted during the second semester of the academic year 2022-

2023. Collecting data from teachers from Ormoc City Senior High School. Specifically, these

chosen respondents are either men or women, who are in the civil status either married or

single. In terms of age, the researchers will only focus on early adulthood (20-29 years old),

adulthood (30-39 years old), and middle age (40 years and older) (40-59 years old). The not

aforementioned age categories are excluded as they are not qualified with the study’s


Furthermore, the gathering of data will only be within the premises of Ormoc City Senior

High School. Location outside the selected area will not be viable for the research conduct.

The aim of this research is to assess the effects of inflation on the physiological needs of

teachers from Ormoc City Senior High School. Primarily, on their needs in food, clothing,

and shelter. Also, it will focus on the factors such as the (1) effects, (2) changes, (3)

experiences, and (3) approaches; and will recognize if preferences, age, civil status, and other

sources of income are variables that affect these factors.

Since face-to-face interaction is now permitted, the researchers will be given

approximately a month to conduct their study. The researchers have decided to use a

quantitative approach. The researchers will gather their data with the use of a personal

survey, where they will give their chosen respondents a close-ended questionnaire. Also, all

of these respondents will be given the same questionnaire made by the researchers




Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs stated that people are motivated to achieve certain

needs in their life, and the most basic and needed need there is the physiological need that is

required for human survival, such as food, water, clothing, air, shelter, warmth, and sex.

Further elaborating, that if these needs are not met, the human body cannot function to its

extent (Mcleod, 2018).

Last 2013, in the study that Howell et. al. conducted, in relation to Maslow’s

Hierarchy of Needs and income. They found out the theory that money does buy happiness,

since in the present day in order to satisfy one’s physiological needs, specifically food,

clothing, and shelter, people have to purchase it with the income they acquired through

working. Which furthermore explained that it leads to a person having a life of satisfaction. A

life of well-being.

Giardino (2019) also stated in his theory that meeting basic needs improves one's

organizational performance. It benefits a person to create a road map to satisfaction where

they can have a more practical order in their life. Wherein they serve progress not just within

themselves but within the company where they work as well.

However, as inflation rates start to rise, acquiring these needs will start to be

unsteady, since as stated, money is needed to get some of this consumption, specifically for

food, clothing, and shelter. In the study presented by Carnazza, G. et al. (2023), unmet needs

are categorized into two groups: those that are directly related to households' financial

limitations, such as waiting lists and transportation issues, and those that are not. The findings

demonstrate that lower-income individuals are the ones that experience all types of unmet

needs. When analyzing the factors that influence unmet needs, it is also important to note that

those directly related to budgetary restrictions are most strongly influenced by economic

drivers, whereas income-related unmet needs brought on by lengthy waiting lists and access

issues due to distance or transportation are more strongly influenced by institutional factors,

such as the poor quality of the government.

In relation, according to Lily (2018), those who are in the middle class are the ones who

are the most negatively affected by the rising inflation, such as teachers, since their pay in

most parts is stagnant, their wages stay relatively the same while the prices continuously rise.

So how does this affect their physiological needs?

Initially, teachers from public schools have two major problems with their financial status

and challenges. First, they are not satisfied with the income they are receiving currently,

which drives them to struggle financially. This makes them hope for the government to

increase their salary, for more income gain. Second, is that there are too many expenses with

them, causing them to have a lot of plate in their financial responsibilities (Casingal and

Ancho, 2022).

In the study of De Jesus and De Jesus in 2021, where they studied the Spending Habits of

Public School Teachers in Palayan City. It was perceived by them that teachers mostly spend

their income on their basic needs (physiological needs) rather than using it on leisure and

other miscellaneous activities. In their data, it was analyzed that out of the one hundred

seventy-seven (177) respondents from twenty-two (22) public schools in Palayan City, the

majority of the teachers chose to spend most of their money on necessary foods, because they

believe this is the most fundamental need to keep the body working and alive. Also, it was

shown that teachers spend sometimes on clothes that are simpler and more necessary than

luxurious, and the least need they allocate their money to is shelter, as teachers believe they

should not have any budget for house renovations and house loans as long as the house is

already constructed.

Alday et. al (2021) also stated in their study, Inflationary Effects of Train Law to the

Lifestyle of Teaching Employees in a Private Institution, that in the physiological needs of an

employee, food is their top priority, while it was seen that buying new clothes is only done

when there are special occasions or occasions, gaining a weighted mean of 2.95.

However, with inflationary concerns, teachers lose some of their purchasing power, as

their salaries are collective bargaining with the policy and do not respond swiftly to the

pressures of the economy. It is perceived that as the inflation rate increases, the increase in

salary continues to lag behind (Armstrong, 2022). Making budgeting hard to apprehend

during high inflation periods.

Budgeting During Inflation

According to D’Acunto et. al. (2019), inflationary expectations shape consumers who

shop frequently to change their purchasing actions. They are most likely to act upon what

they should buy in their next market visit knowing there is a price increase.

As De Jesus and De Jesus (2021) stated as they went beyond their data analysis. When

they saw and interpreted that the major problem teachers encounter in their expenses is the

high inflation rate, having a weighted mean of 2.90. According to them, with inflation,

teachers tend to pay more for goods and services, as the monetary value decreases. Creating a

gap between how they budget from the past and the present. Enabling them to have less as

they budget their money for their basic needs. Giving them an incurring problem on how they

should properly allocate their salary. However, despite this issue, the teachers’ stated how

they should adopt and how they should spend their income efficiently with the rise. However,

still, according to the teachers, indebtedness still follows, as borrowing money from people

and banks will be their only means of get-go to buy the right amount of their necessities.

Furthermore, another study that was conducted by Gatpolintan and Avila (2019),

Perceived Effects of Inflation on Budget Consumption of Public Secondary School Teachers

in Ragay, Camarines Sur, Philippines, stated after their observation and assessment, that

when the inflation started to rise, teachers incurred for higher goods and services. Meaning,

when the prices of the product they usually bought for their basic need, started to go up by a

peso or more, it causes them to reallocate their consumer expenditures, due to their

inflationary expectations. Which also pushes them to change their preferences for products in

the market in the long run. There were items that they bought before that were substituted

since it will be less costly for them and convenient, enabling them to have lesser expenses. A

thought that this action would be the best budgetary plan.

Additionally, according to Alday et. al. (2020), through their research conduct, the

majority of their participants agreed that their income is allocated to their personal expenses,

however, with the rising inflation some are still figuring out how to balance their needs and


Also, it was perceived by Alday et. al. (2020), that civil status and age are the significant

factors that impacted the participants to have decisions in their income allocation.

Civil Status

The behavior of how a consumer buys their consumption is most significantly affected by

their family. The way they purchase is impacted by the spouses' contract agreement, as well

as the number of children they have if there are any (Niosi, 2021).

As it was shown in the study of De Jesus and De Jesus (2020), The Spending Habits of

Public School Teachers in Palayan City, where it was shown that some of their respondents

(teachers) do not only buy for themselves but also for their whole family. Which made their

expense to be more for a greater quantity of entities. Making their budgeting more

complicated during the high inflationary period, as they are not only thinking for themselves

but for their household as well.

It was also observed that a family of four has marginally higher expenses than those who

are only in a relationship and single (Alday et. al 2020).


Moreover, according to Alday et. al (2020). When we talk about a person's age in terms of

purchasing power. Those who are in the age of 40 and above have more buying power than

those in the lower ages. Since the majority of those who are in this age have more monetary

sources and savings than those who are young.

Also, this analysis was concluded by Haffower and Kiesz last 2021. Where they stated

that those who are in the age of 40 above have the most purchasing power since they have a

greater income. Meaning, they are greater beneficiaries in their work.

In regard to the rise of inflation, according to Gatpolintan and Avila (2019), due to the

rising inflation, teachers tend to regulate themselves during inflation periods, just to acquire

the basic needs that they need. Leading them to take-on extra income generating work.

Source of Income

According to Adiele and Abraham (2013) unparalleled income to market prices was

perceived by them as one of the major causes why teachers constantly go to more labor work

just to satisfy their needs.

Further elaborating, that if an entity’s income is lower than the increase of price, an entity

must reduce their expenses and find other jobs to generate more money. Also, teachers had

come to realize that with increasing prices, they have less or no savings at all during the

period. Having them during the inflationary period to incur debts, due to salary delay

distributions, just to cover their expenses in the meantime. Concluding, teachers from public

secondary schools agreed that the increase in inflation caused them to change their budget

consumption and decisions, substitute their old preferences, scale costs on their consumption,

do part-time jobs and other sources of income, have a reduction in savings, and take out loans

and other types of money borrowing (Gatpolintan and Avila, 2019).

Moreover, if these physiological needs are not acquired by teachers because their salary

cannot complement the prices set in the market, according to Adiele and Abraham (2013),

teachers may not show their best in school, as they may feel demotivated by the low sense of

attainment in having their basic needs met. Teachers may have a hard time sleeping at night

thinking about where they can attain money just to put food on their table, which may cause

them to either not go to school, or even if they will come to teach, they may not function

properly, giving them a low job performance. This conclusion was constructed from the

survey that the researchers had conducted where it was believed that a weighted mean score

below 2.50 on a four-point scale shows that teachers express minimal achievement in that

certain area, and tallying the result shows that the level of achievement of Abraham

Maslow’s lower order needs among secondary school teachers was the most minimal of all.

Conceptual framework

(Chart to be added)

The inflation evokes teachers from Ormoc City Senior High School to settle for higher

debts, and cheaper alternatives to where they can allocate their set budget.

Definition of Terms

Budget – Monetary allocation to buy needs.

Buying Power – A person’s ability on the amount they can purchase in a certain time.

Clothing – What a person wear.

Economic Shifts – A change in the economy that can affect a person’s decision-making in

the market.

Food – An essential substance that a person must consume to maintain life.

Income – An employee’s monetary earnings, received on a regular basis.

Inflation – The price increase over a period.

Lower- Middle Class - Individuals who do white-collar jobs such as teachers, small business

owners, and managers.

Physiological needs – The basic requirement for human survival like, food, clothing, and


Quality Education – An education that creates a well-rounded potential for people to

achieve success.

Shelter – A place where a person can live.

Social Class – a division in society according to economic status.



Research Design

With a quantitative approach, the researchers utilized a causal-comparative research

design. Since, this was viewed as the most appropriate to use, from the point that the study

"The effects of inflation on the physiological needs of teachers from Ormoc City Senior High

School" is non-experimental and does not manipulate any variable, unlike experimental

setups. Furthermore, the subject characteristics and perceptions of this study will be more

defined through conducting a survey.

There will be an exploration about inflation, to know its effects on the physiological needs

of teachers from Ormoc City Senior High School. Which then be a comparison and contrast

will be applied to find the cause-and-effect relationship between the variables of the study,

the independent variable inflation, and the dependent variable physiological needs of teachers

from Ormoc City.

The Sample

The researchers’ target population will consist of Ormoc City High School teachers.

However, due to the large quantity of the total population of teachers within the school,

which is 89, the researchers decided to use cluster sampling which they sub-grouped the

teachers based on their similar characteristics: a teacher with advisory and without advisory.

Through subgrouping the researchers found out that there is a total of 46 teachers with an

advisory and a total population of 43 teachers without an advisory.

With discussion, the researchers have decided to use the teachers in Ormoc City Senior

High School with advisory as their overall target population, which was stated to total 46. For

precision and to be able to make effective conclusions, the sample size was calculated with a

5% margin of error and a confidence level of 95%, using the Slovin’s formula. The result

showed a need to have a minimum of 42 respondents.

The Instruments

This study is quantitative research where the researchers will use a pen and paper

questionnaire as their instrument, which will be unstructured and will compose of the

questions made by the researchers themselves. The researchers will use their statement of the

problem as the basis for their questionnaire construction. Utilizing two parts: (1) the

respondents’ personal details, and (2) the research questions that put-use of close-ended

questions that can be answered through a checklist.

To develop evidence and to demonstrate that the constructed survey questionnaire

matches its proposed use, a professional financial adviser and a teacher with an advisory class

who are recognized to be adept at understanding a person's physiological demands will be

asked to evaluate the instrument using content validity. The formulated questions of the

researchers in the questionnaire will be assessed as “essential” or “not essential” so that it can

be used for future data gathering.

Also, before the official data gathering, the researchers will first pilot-test their

validated questionnaire to ensure reliability and to avoid biases. Utilizing the test-retest

reliability where each participant will be tested twice. Also, to further measure its reliability,

the researchers will use Cronbach’s Alpha with the gathered pilot-testing answers from the

selected forty-six (46) advisory teachers from Ormoc City Senior High School.

Data Collection Procedure

(Flow Chart To be added)

The researchers will use a survey method that will enable them to gather and analyze

their wanted data easily. But before the researchers collect the data, they will need to undergo

the following: First, they will make a consent letter to the principal of their school Ormoc

City Senior High School that will be given to her to be signed to seek approval for the

conduct of the study. If the principal will give them a confirmation, then, they will now start

meeting face-to-face or start messaging their chosen respondents, who are teachers from

Ormoc City Senior High School to also give them consent letter, to ask permission if they are

willing to answer the questionnaire, and while asking for permission, the researchers will

explain their intention why they chose them as their respondent onto how their participation

will contribute to the success of identifying the study’s possible outcome. Later, if the chosen

respondents accept the given specification, the researchers will now orient them on how they

should answer the paper and pen survey questionnaire that was given to them. Lastly, the

researchers will now start gathering the data they needed to allow them to come up to a

comprehensive analysis and conclusion.

Data Analysis Procedure

In this research, since this study aims to know the effects of inflation on the

physiological needs of teachers from Ormoc City Senior High School, to utilize bite-size

descriptions, descriptive statistics will be used to perform coding for easier comprehension of

the cause-relationships. This will be done by analyzing the mean, percentages, frequencies,

and patterns from the responses that will be gathered in the form of quantitative data.


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