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CSEC Mathematics


TOPIC: An investigation into whether the mode of transportation of teachers affects their time

of arrival at school; private vs. public.

NAME OF STUDENTS: Blake, Mishone

Dazel, Quincy

Rampersaud, Tinesha

Umakant, Joshua


NAME OF SCHOOL: Friendship Secondary School

NAME OF TEACHER: Mrs. Cianda Ten-Pow Gonputh


This School Based Assessment (S.B.A) would not have been successful without the assistance of

a number of persons. Firstly, the researchers would like to thank God for all HE has done.

Secondly, sincere gratitude to researchers’ subject teacher who has provided guidance

throughout this School Based Assessment (S.B.A). Lastly, special thanks to researchers’ family

members for their financial assistance.


SBA Descriptor Heading Page Number

Acknowledgement 1

Project Title 3

Introduction 4

Method of Data Collection 5

Presentation of Data 6

Analysis of Data 12

Discussion of Findings 14

Conclusion 15

References 16

Appendix 17


An investigation into whether the mode of transportation of teachers affects their time of arrival

at school; private vs. public.


Tardy is said to mean delaying or delayed beyond the right or expected time, in other words, late.

It was noted by the researchers that some teachers of Friendship Secondary School are repeatedly

late for the morning sessions in particular. This project serves to determine whether the mode of

transportation of teachers are subjected to has an effect their time of arrival at school.

In going forward, the researchers plan to achieve the following:

i) Identify and tabulate five (5) teachers who travel to school using some form of the public

transport system.

ii) Identify and tabulate five (5) teachers who travel to school using some form of private


iii) Record each teacher’s time of arrival for a week using the Teacher’s Time Book kept in

the Admin’s Office.

iv) Interview each teacher to determine whether their mode of transport was the cause of

their tardiness where applicable.

v) Determine the total and the average learning time students would have lost due to each

mode of transportation.

vi) Present the data on graphs for easy comparison.


Method of Data Collection

To collect the quantitative data, the researcher plans to refer to the official Teacher’s Time Book.

Here each teacher’s time of arrival will be recorded for one (1) week and tabulated. Apart from

the data acquired from the school’s records, the researcher plans to conduct ten (10) interviews to

ascertain whether or not the mode of transportation of these teachers is what would delay them.

The teachers’ identities will, however, be withheld.

Mode of
Is the mode of transportation taken the
Teacher Transportation
Private Public cause of tardiness?

Table 1: Sample of interview on teacher’s mode of transportation taken in relation to tardiness.

Presentation of Data

Formula to be used:

Average =
∑ of data points
number of data points

Mode of
Is the mode of transportation taken the
Teacher Transportation
Private Public cause of tardiness?


B  NO


D  NO


F  NO

G  NO

H  NO



Table 2: Teachers’ mode of transportation in relation to tardiness.

Mode of TOTAL
Arrival Time for One Week
Teacher Transportation Learning
Private Public Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Time Lost
A  10:10 10:12 09:40 10:00 09:40 507

B  09:00 08:00 08:40 08:35 08:11 90

C  09:30 09:05 09:10 08:00 09:02 237

D  07:40 07:10 06:20 07:10 07:05 0

E  09:39 08:40 09:34 09:10 10:05 353

F  08:40 08:35 08:35 08:55 08:32 122

G  08:45 08:45 08:30 08:30 09:00 135

H  08:25 08:28 07:52 08:32 08:35 07

I  08:35 08:32 08:45 08:40 08:17 62

J  09:35 08:30 09:00 08:30 08:25 165

Table 3: Teachers’ time of arrival for one week.

Tardiness due to Public and Private Transports
Private Public


Time (mins)


122 135
0 7


Figure 1: Total learning time lost due to teachers traveling with both public and private
transports for one week.

Learning Time Lost (mins)
Private Public

A 507

B 90

C 237

D 0

E 353

F 122

G 135

H 7

I 62

J 165

TOTAL 354 1200

AVERAGE 70.8 240

Table 4: Total and average learning time lost due to mode of transportation.

Chart Showing Learning Time Lost Due To Mode of
Mode of Transport

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Time (mins)

Public Private

Figure 2: A comparison of the learning time lost due to mode of transportation per week.

Ch a rt S h o win g Av era g e Lea rn in g T ime L o st Du e
to Mo d e o f T ra n sp o rta tio n

Average Time Lost


0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Time (mins)

Public Private

Figure 3: A comparison of the average learning time lost due to mode of transportation per week.

Analysis of data

Average Learning Time Lost due to Private Transportation =

∑ of data points
number of data points

90+0+122+135+ 7


= 70.8 minutes

Hence, average learning time lost due to private transportation per week was 70.8 minutes.

Average Learning Time Lost due to Public Transportation =

∑ of data points
number of data points

507+237+353+ 62+ 165



= 240 minutes

Hence, average learning time lost due to public transportation per week was 240 minutes.

The data in Table 2 shows that five of the ten teachers used public transportation while the other

five used private transportation. The data also shows the five who take public transportation

stated that the mode of transportation with which they travel is the cause of tardiness while the

other five said it did not make them tardy.

Table 3 shows teachers’ time of arrival to work and the total learning time lost for one week by

each teacher. This data is also reflected in Figure 1 which clearly shows how much more

teachers who travel with public transportation tardy they are as opposed to teachers who travel

with their privately owned vehicles.

The data in Table 4 states the total learning time lost due to private transportation which was 354

minutes and due to public transportation, which was 1200 minutes. Figure 2 gives a vivid

illustration on the comparison between the learning times lost due to these two modes of

transportation. Even though both modes allowed for teachers to be tardy, it can be seen exactly

how vast a difference the mode of transportation used by teachers of Friendship Secondary

School affect their arrival at school which directly affects the amount of learning time lost by


The data in Table 4 also reveals the average learning time lost due to either mode of

transportation which was determined to be 70.8 minutes for private transportation and 240

minutes for public transportation. Figure 3 depicts the 169.2 minutes difference between the two


Discussion of findings

Based on the analysis, the teachers who travel with private transportation would reach to school

earlier than those who travel with public transportation. Therefore, teachers that use private

transportation are less tardy and have less learning time lost for students, 354 minutes, compared

to teachers travelling with public transportation, 1200 minutes, more than triple times the time.

Moreover, it can be said that on average a teacher travelling by private transport is 70.8 minutes

late per week while a teacher travelling by public transport is 240 minutes late per week which is

more than 300% later.

Recommendation - Teachers that travel in public transportation need to schedule their timings in

such a way that they will be able to arrive early.

Limitation – Teachers lead very different family lives; therefore, some may have other variables

hindering their ability to get to school on time.


It can be concluded that the mode of transportation has a drastic effect on the time of arrival of

teachers and the amount of learning time lost for students; teachers being publicly transported are

likely to be three times later than privately transported teachers.


 Teachers’ Official Time Book (The Administration Office).

 Toolsie, Raymond (1996) Mathematics A Complete course with CXC Questions, Volume

One. Caribbean Education Publishers.

 Roger Berment (2016) The Student’s Handbook for CXC. Caribbean Education

Publishers (2003) Ltd.

Teacher D


Samples of some of the time of arrival to school from the Teachers’ Time Book.

Teacher D

Teacher E

Teacher G


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