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Mechanical bonding, Adhesive bonding, Heat bonding, Mechanical Fasteners and Tape
2. Concrete, Plywood, Fiberglass and Crude
3. Schottky Defect
4. Composite Materials
5. Point at which being to deformed plastically under applied force
6. Covalent bond or Covalent compound
7. “hkl” where h=x axis, k=y axis, l=z axis
8. Ionic bond
9. The chemical composition of the repeat unit for nylon 6,6 is given by the formula
C12H22N2O2. Atomic weights for the constituent elements are C=12, H=1, N=14, and O=16.
According to this chemical formula (for nylon 6,6), the percentage (by weight) of carbon in
nylon 6,6 is most nearly what?
To calculate the percentage of carbon (by weight) in nylon 6,6, we need to determine the total
molecular weight of the repeat unit (C12H22N2O2) and then calculate the percentage of carbon in
that unit.

The molecular weight of the repeat unit (C12H22N2O2) can be calculated as follows:

Molecular weight = (Number of carbon atoms * Atomic weight of carbon) + (Number of hydrogen
atoms * Atomic weight of hydrogen) + (Number of nitrogen atoms * Atomic weight of nitrogen) +
(Number of oxygen atoms * Atomic weight of oxygen)

Molecular weight = (12 * 12) + (22 * 1) + (2 * 14) + (2 * 16) = 144 + 22 + 28 + 32 = 226 g/mol

Now, let's calculate the percentage of carbon by weight:

Percentage of carbon = (Number of carbon atoms * Atomic weight of carbon) / Molecular weight *

Percentage of carbon = (12 * 12) / 226 * 100 ≈ 63.72%

Therefore, the percentage (by weight) of carbon in nylon 6,6 is most nearly 63.72%.

10. An aluminium (AI) wire of 4 mm diameter is to offer a resistance of no more than 0.250
Ohms. Compute the maximum wire length, given that the room temperature electrical
conductivity of Al is 3.8 x 10^7
To calculate the maximum wire length for the given resistance requirement, we can use the formula
for the resistance of a wire:

Resistance (R) = (ρ * L) / A

 R is the resistance of the wire (0.250 Ohms)
 ρ (rho) is the resistivity of the material (given as 3.8 x 10^(-7) Ohm*m for aluminum)
 L is the length of the wire (which we need to find)
 A is the cross-sectional area of the wire (π * r^2, where r is the radius of the wire)

Given that the diameter of the wire is 4 mm, the radius (r) can be calculated as half of the diameter:

r = 4 mm / 2 = 2 mm = 0.002 m

Now, let's calculate the cross-sectional area (A):

A = π * (0.002 m)^2 = 3.1416 * 4 x 10^(-6) m^2 = 1.25664 x 10^(-5) m^2

Now we can rearrange the formula to solve for the length of the wire (L):

L = (R * A) / ρ

Substitute the given values:

L = (0.250 Ohms * 1.25664 x 10^(-5) m^2) / (3.8 x 10^(-7) Ohm*m) L = 8.30294737 m

The maximum wire length to offer a resistance of no more than 0.250 Ohms is approximately 8.30

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