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Projekt:Tik and English

Worked by:Jessika
Dushkaj,Devi dhe Kevi
Malaj,Michael Alex
What are
• Traditional jobs are jobs that were active in
traditional the past and are still active but on a much
jobs and smaller scale.
what are • We have learned about lamblighters and
chimneysweepers which were both active
some we during the 19th century.
know about

• After William Murdoch discovered

that coal gas burned brightly when lit,gas
lanterns soon became the primary source
of lighting on the world's streets.These
lights needed someone to take care of
them and light them.This was the job of
They illuminated the city one lamp at a time.Soon these gas lamps
were slowly replaced with electric lamps making the lamplighters
unnecessary.However a bunch of cities are beginning to bring them
back.Prauge,Czech Republic is the city.There you can witness
lamplighters in their traditional uniforms doing their jobs.

• In the 19th century,people used to burn coal

and wood in open fireplaces to heat their
homes.These fuels produced a dirty black
powder called soot.This powder blocked the
chimney so someone had to clean them.The
chimneysweeps did just that.This job was very
dangerous as it involved climbing up chimneys
and rooftops
• When gas central heating
came into use,the work of
chimneysweepers began to
disappear.Today ,though,more
and more people are going
back to their fires so this old
job is getting back in business.
• Albania also has a very interesting
traditional job.
• Craftsmanship
• It used to be a fairly active job,especially
in the period of communism Albania
indured.Even though this job was never as
developed as the other more important
jobs at the time,it is certainaly a classic and
a very beautiful profession to posses.
All in all I think these jobs should be
protected as they are very interesting
and also carry a lot of history .Why
not,maybe one day the society will
bring these jobs back...

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