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Microteaching Scenario

Stages Activities


Yaya Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good morning everyone.

Students: Waalaikumsalam. Good morning, Miss.

Yaya How are you all doing today?

Students: Alhamdulillah, We're good, Miss.

Yaya Before we begin, let's pray together. Class leader, please lead the

Preparation prayer.

Let's pray together according to our beliefs. Pray starting now.

Lucky (All pray together)

Praying finished

Yaya Alhamdulillah, is anyone absent today? (checks attendance)

Students: All present, Miss.

Apperception Yaya Ok, before we get into today's material, I want to ask if you all still
remember what we learned yesterday?

Avina I want to answer, Miss. Yesterday we studied simple airplanes.

Yaya Yes, that's right. Now, please mention the types of simple planes
you learned before.

Sabrina (Raises hand) The types of simple aircraft are levers, inclined
planes, and pulleys.

Yaya Okay, good. You still remember the material from the last lesson
about simple planes. Before we start, do you already know what
today's lesson will be about?

Students: Not yet, Miss.

Yaya Ok, let's see. When you talk, what do you feel when you touch
your throat?

Maharani (Raise hand) It feels like it's vibrating, Miss.

Yaya What about the others?

Sabrina Same, Miss.

Yaya Well right, based on what we just did, do you know what material
we will discuss today?

Hana (Raises hand) Probably vibration, Miss.

Yaya Anything else?

Ananda Yes, vibration Miss.

Yaya Yes, that's right, class. So, our material today is vibration.

Yaya So, our goal in studying vibration are:

1. Explain the concept of vibration through appropriate


2. Identify vibration events on a pendulum correctly.

3. Analyze the relationship between rope length and the period of

a vibration through appropriate discussion.

4. Analyze the relationship between the period of vibration and

frequency through appropriate discussion.

5. Present the results of an experiment on vibration using a simple

pendulum through appropriate observation.

Alright, students. After this, I will share the GForm link to the
WhatsApp test your understanding of vibration. Please
work on it independently and don’t cheat.

Students: Yes, Miss (Students work on the pretest)

Yaya Okay gays, are you done with the pertest?

Student: Done, Miss

Yaya Ok, after this, we will be working in groups of three. Please form
your groups and sit with your teammates.
Students: Yes, Miss

Core Section

Presentation of Anes Before we start our group discussion, I'd like to ask: What is
the question or vibration?
Reiza (Raises hand) I think vibration is a regular back-and-forth
(Anesia Anggun movement.
Anes : Yes, good. Does anyone want to add anything to make it more

Lucky (Raises hand) I think vibration is a back-and-forth movement that

regularly passes the equilibrium point.

Anes: Yes, that's right! Now, I have another question. Do you all know
the toy that went viral recently? The one with two balls connected
by a string, known as lato-lato?

Students Yes, Miss, we know!

Anes: Which of a swing and a lato-lato exhibits vibration? Try to explain

your answer.

Avina (Raises hand) For me Miss, the swing exhibits vibration.

Anes: Why do you think the swing exhibits vibration?

Avina Because the swing moves up and down regularly, always returning
to its initial position through the equilibrium point.

Anes: Great explanation, Avina! But the movement of the lato-lato toy is
also vibration. This toy acts like a pendulum with a rope for
swinging. The movement is similar to a pendulum's back-and-forth
motion to its equilibrium point. Remember to keep your distance
when playing lato-lato, as the ball might hit you.

Anes (Anes then showed a picture of a swing on the LCD) What

problems can you identify from this picture?

(Students 3 and 4 raise their hands. The teacher points to Student 3

first, then Student 4.)

Sabrina Anita has a bigger body than Rini, so Anita chooses the swing with
the longest rope. (The teacher writes Student 3's answer on the

Hana) Rini uses the swing with the shortest rope length. (The teacher
writes Student 4's answer on the board.)

Anes: Good answers, but they're not quite right yet. Does anyone want to
try again?

Ananda They started swinging together, but after a while, Rini swung faster
than Anita. (The teacher writes the answer on the board.)

Anes: Ok, great job! All the statements you've identified are correct.
Now, I will distribute the worksheets for Vibration. Please read and
understand the contents first. Don't forget to write down the
problems your classmates mentioned earlier in each group's

Students Yes, Miss.

Anes: Okay, class. Earlier, you identified the problem in the picture of
Anita and Rini swinging. Based on that, please discuss in your
groups to determine the problem formulation based on the
identified problems.

Students Yes, Miss. (Students discuss)

Anes Time's up. Can someone share what problem formulation your
group came up with?

Lucky (Raises hand) Our group's formulation Miss.

Anes (The teacher approaches group 1) Ok, go ahead.

Lucky How does the length of the rope affect the speed of the swing?"
(The teacher writes this on the board.)

Anes Great! What about the other groups?

Reiza (Raises hand) Group 2's formulation is: "How does the length of
the rope affect the time it takes for the swing to vibrate?" (The
teacher writes this on the board.)

Maharani (Raises hand) Group 3's formulation is: "How does the length of
the rope affect the period of oscillation?" (The teacher writes this
on the board.)

Anes Ok, now that we have three problem formulations. After that,
determine a hypothesis for your chosen problem and write it down
on your worksheet. Do you all understand?

Students Yes, Miss.

Dina Alright, students, are you finished discussing?

Students Yes, Miss, we're finished.

Dina (The teacher approaches group 2) What is your group's hypothesis?

Ananda The longer the pendulum string, the longer the vibration period.
Creating a
Dina (Teacher approaches group 3) Ok, and what about your group's

Hana Our group's hypothesis is that the shorter the rope length, the less
time it takes for the swing to vibrate.

Dina Great! Now that everyone has a hypothesis, please write it on your

Designing an Dina Ok, students. Next, you can start designing an experiment to test
experiment the hypothesis you've chosen. Before that, you can search for
additional information from various sources. I'll give you 20
minutes, starting now.

Students Yes, Miss. (Students discuss)

Andika (Raises hand) Our group has a question, Miss.

Dina (Approaching group 1) Ok, what would you like to ask?

Anesia Is there a specific amount of vibration and deviation we need to


Dina Yes, students. Remember to repeat the experiment three times for
each rope length.

Maharani (Teacher walks to group 2) What length of rope should we use,


Dina You can choose the lengths freely, students. As long as the
difference between each rope length is consistent. For example,
you could use 3 cm, 6 cm, and 9 cm. In this case, the difference
between each rope length is always 3 cm. Do you understand?

Students Understood, Miss.

group 2

Dina Is there anything else you'd like to ask?

Ananda What about the deviation? Can we choose any number, Miss?

Dina Yes, it's free. You can choose any number you like.

Ananda Okay, Miss. Thank you.

Dina Have you finished designing your experiment?

Students Already, Miss.

Dina Now, try to sketch your experimental design. Does everyone


Students Understood, Miss.

Conducting an Dina Students, once you've designed the experiment, you're ready to
experiment to proceed. Before you begin, carefully gather the tools and materials
obtain data you'll need. Be careful when handling them.

Students Yes, Miss. (Students come forward to take tools and materials)
(Students begin the experiment)

Dina (Teacher monitors the experiments, going around the classroom)

Is anyone having any difficulties?

Rifdha We're having trouble, Miss. How do we tie the pendulum?

Dina (Teacher walks over and demonstrates how to tie the pendulum)

Rifdha Ok, Miss, thank you.

Andika Miss, to measure the deviation, is it correct to place the bow like

Dina No, it should be like this. (Demonstrates)

Andika Ok, Miss, thank you.

Dina Ok, Miss, thank you.

Maharani (Raises hand) Do we need to write the calculations on the


Dina Yes, you can write the calculations on the back blank sheet.

Students Yes, Miss.

Dina (Walks around checking on students as they record their data) Have
you all collected your data?

Student Already, Miss.

Collecting and Valia Students, once you've finished the experiment, you can record the
analyzing data results of the experimental data on the 'collecting data' page. Do
you understand?

Student Understood, Miss. (All students work on their worksheet)

Valia Has everyone finished writing the results of the experiment on their

Students Already, Miss

Valia Ok good. Now, to process the data, please continue the discussion
with a group of friends to answer the questions on the worksheet,
based on the results of the experiments you have done.

Students Yes, Miss

Valia Are there any questions?

Students No, Miss.

Making Valia: Is everything finished?

Students Yes, Miss

Valia Ok, next, you can conclude your experiment by writing it on the
'Conclusion' page. Your conclusion should answer the problem
formulation you investigated through the experiment. Is that clear,

Students Yes, Miss

Valia: Okay, when you're finished, which group would like to present
their work first?

Lucky Group one, Miss.

Valia Great! Yes, please, group one, come forward and explain your
experimental design and present the results of your work.

group 1 (Group 1 presents their findings)

Valia: Ok, group 1 has completed the experiment and presented their
results. Does anyone have any feedback for them?

Maharani: Yes, Miss. A suggestion for group 1: When repeating the

experiment, it might be helpful to be more careful when adjusting
the angle using an arc to minimize deviation. Additionally, for
improved accuracy, two people could time the experiment using
separate stopwatches.

Valia Ok, that's a good response from group 2. Do any other groups have
feedback for group 1?

Reiza: Me, Miss. Our group's conclusion is actually similar to group 1's,
Miss. It's just that our data is different. We used rope lengths of ...
cm, ... cm, and ... cm, with a deviation of ....

Valia: Very good! You've all been able to effectively evaluate and
compare the results of your experiments. Let's give yourselves a
round of applause first.

Closing Part

Ayu: Good work, students. You've all done well conducting and
presenting the results of your experiments. Now, based on today's
learning, what conclusions can you draw?

Andika (Raises hand) me teacher, the conclusion is that when we use a

swing with a longer rope length, it takes longer to swing back and

Ayu: That's a good start! Does anyone want to add anything else?

Student 2: (Raises hand) I'd like to add to what my classmate said, Ayu. The
conclusion is that the longer the rope used in the swing, the greater
the vibration period, so the swing swings back and forth for a
longer time.

Ayu: Excellent! That's a complete answer. So, the relationship between

the length of the rope and the period of vibration is directly

Now, to check your understanding of vibration, you can take the

post-test I sent through the WA group. Please complete it

Students (All students work on the post-test)

Ayu Has everyone finished the post-test?

Students Yes, Miss.

Ayu: How are the results? Did you see any improvement from the pre-
test we took earlier?

Lucky, Yes, there is an improvement!


Ayu: Great! I see your post-test results have improved. Remember, keep
up the good work and keep learning!

Before we finish, let's reflect on what we learned this morning.

What new knowledge did you gain today?

Rifdha We learned about vibration through the swing experiment, Miss.

We found that the length of the swing rope affects how long it
takes the swing to go back and forth.

Ayu: Excellent! Did anyone else discover anything else?

Reiza (Raises hand) Yes, Miss! There's also an inverse relationship

between period and frequency. The longer the vibration period, the
smaller the frequency of vibration.

Ayu: That's right! It seems you all understand the concepts well from the
experiment. Remember, when you swing, be gentle to avoid
injuries. For the next lesson, be sure to study the material about
vibrations in springs.

Students Yes, Miss.

Ayu: Ok, that's all for today's lesson. Thank you to everyone who
actively participated in learning about vibration.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Students Wa’alaikumussalam Wr. Wb., Thank you, Miss.

Ayu: You're welcome.

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