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Positive Pay Extracts

Owner: Global FICO AP

Last Updated: 12 Jun 2013
Audience: FICO Support Team or Implementation Team


Accounts payable bank accounts, which issue checks, can be set up with positive pay functionality. When
a unit cuts checks to pay their suppliers, the details of these checks can be sent to the bank. The bank
will then notify a specified distribution list (usually General Ledger Shared Services for units supported by
GLSS) if a check is trying to be cashed which doesn’t match the name and/or amount which was
previously sent to the bank. Exceptions would also be raised if the check had already been cashed.

SAP and the Host are used to export details for checks which have been issued by a paying company
code. The information is sent to the bank through Treasury to support the positive pay process. These
transactions call variants from SAP transaction FCHX. The reason we don’t use FCHX directly is because it
uses FTP to send the file to the Host. We use ZFPOSPAY and ZFPOSPAY_CAN_TD instead so that we can
send the file to the Host via iDoc.

Most company codes using JPMorgan Chase use ZFPOSPAY. Company Code 8000 in PCC and PG00 in PDX
use ZFPOSPAY_CAN_TD for their Canadian Payments.



Security Roles Required:

ZJOB:FICO_POSITIVE_PAY (used by the batch job in production)

E0XX:FICO_ALL_ACCOUNTING (used to test the process in lower clients)

When to Run:

The following batch jobs are set up within each landscape to run at the times specified below. These
batch jobs are for JPMorgan Banks.

PDX: ZFD0D_AP_CHECK_EXTRACT - runs Sunday through Thursday around 2200 CST

PDC: ZF79D_POSITIVE_PAYEE_EXTRACT - runs daily around 0800 CST
PCC: ZCCE_AP_CHECK_EXTRACT – runs Sunday through Thursday around 2200 CST
PAG: Separate batch jobs are set up for each company code in PAG. The jobs run Sunday through
Thursday around 2220 CST.

The following batch jobs are setup within each landscape to run at the times specified below. These batch
jobs are for TD Bank.

PDX: ZFD0D_AP_TD_CHECK_EXTRACT - runs Sunday through Thursday around 21:45 CST

PCC: ZCCE_AP_TD_CHECK_EXTRACT - runs Sunday through Thursday around 21:45 CST

The JPMorgan batch jobs contain the following steps:

1) /DEERE/F_POSITIVE_PAY for each company code, with a variant set up for each of the company
2) RSEOUT00, with the variant ZFA0_POSPAY

The TD Bank batch jobs contain the following steps:

2) RSEOUT00, with the variant ZFA0_POSPAY_TD

Job Log from sm37 details how many lines, checks, and the amount sent to Treasury.

How to Run:

No specific configuration is required in SAP to set up a bank account within SAP. The unit will need to
have set up the bank account for positive pay through the Treasury department. The only tasks required
in SAP, is setting up the batch job to run ZFPOSPAY and ZFPOSPAY_CAN_TD to send the issued checks to
Host. These transactions also determine where the file will be stored on the Host.

The two transactions call a variant within transaction FCHX to determine which checks will be extracted.
The normal setting in FCHX is to select all checks which haven’t been previously extracted. On table
PAYR, you can see which checks have been issued for a paying company code and it also provides the
date that the check information was extracted. If this field is blank for a given check, it will be included
when ZFPOSPAY and ZFPOSPAY_CAN_TD are run.

The variant in FCHX defines a temporary location where the information will be sent

Note: When testing in a lower client, this temporary location is probably not set up. You would need to
create a Solman ticket to Divisional Basis requesting this storage location be set up in the client you will
be testing in. Divisional Basis will approve the request and send to Central Basis who will create the
temporary storage location.

Since all positive pay batch jobs are currently set up to use the same temporary location, the batch jobs
need to run in a job plan so that no two company codes are running at the same time and risk overwriting
the information for the other company code. For PAG, the job plan is

The second step of the batch job is to send out the iDocs through WE14. The Basic Type is
ZSSV_GENERIC_IDOC. The message type is ZFA0_POSPAY (PAG) or ZFD0_POSPAY (PDX). The outbound
parameters in the partner profile is set up as “Collect Idocs” (tran WE20) therefore we need to run
transaction WE14 to send the iDocs to PI.

The Host location designated in the ZFPOSPAY variant should point to Center 2 file name for AG and DX
 Production - DXX.D510.PPPAY.CHASE.U**GAPCM.TRANSFER where ** designates the unit
 Test - DXX.D510.PPPAY.CHASE.U**GAPCM.TRANSFER.TEST where ** designates the unit

The Host location designated in the ZFPOSPAY_CAN_TD variant should point to Center 2 file name for DX
and CC landscape:
 Production - DXX.D510.PPPAY.TDBNK.U**GAPCM.TRANSFER where ** designates the unit
 Test - DXX.D510.PPPAY.TDBNK.U**GAPCM.TRANSFER.TEST where ** designates the unit

JPMorgan Bank Accounts

The format of the file sent to Host can be seen in structure DTACHKH and DTACHKP.

From this main location, a FTP job will run to save a version of that file named
‘DXX.D510.PPPAY.CHASE.U??GAPCM(+0)’. It will also save this to RMDS20 in report AMCJ job DXPPAY??.

Treasury then has a Host job which runs and combines the files for each unit into one large corporate file.
This file is also in RMDS20 report AMCJ job DXPPAY02. This is the file which is sent to the bank.

The bank uses the check information sent by Deere to compare against checks being cashed by suppliers.
If the details for the check being cashed don’t match the name and/or amount which was previously sent
to the bank, an exception would be raised. Exceptions would also be raised if the check had already been
cashed. GLSS is notified by email for any exceptions raised that day. They have until 3 PM to log into the
JPM Access website to approve or reject any of these exceptions. If no response is received by JP Morgan,
the exception would be treated as a rejection.

Working Exceptions, Warnings or Common Errors:

Activating Positive Pay

The error message within the JPMorgan Access says the following:

To complete the activation of your Standard Positive Pay service you must submit an issue file(s) that
constitutes your outstanding issues. For new accounts this is simply your first check issuance file. For
existing accounts, this is an issue file that contains all the checks issued and still outstanding. Submission
of this issue file can be Payable Web Service Recon Input (File Upload or Manual Entry) or by direct
transmission. PWS will change the status of your Positive Pay Activation from “Awaiting Issues” to
“Activate” on the business day following your issue submission. The “Activate” status is also a link you
will click to start the activate decision process for you. Regardless of your account’s status be sure to
view all your exception checks daily to make pay and return decisions.

Until this is done, unit personnel can’t log into JP Morgan’s website to display exceptions. They will
receive an error that positive pay had not been activated yet. The way to ensure that the files are being
sent to the bank is confirming that their checks are included in the Corporate file in RMDS 20 form AMCJ
job DXPPAY02.

Resending Check Extract Information

For some reason the file may not have made it successfully to Host and to Treasury. If this is the case,
the checks previously extracted can be resent one of two ways:
 by selecting the Checks from an Extract button – This allows you to enter the specific date
which the checks were originally extracted. (Reference table PAYR)
 by selecting the All Checks According to Further Selection Criteria – You will then want to select
the range of checks to be extracted.

Displaying the Information Sent

The logical message for this iDoc type is ZFA0_POSPAY (JPMorgan) or /DEERE/F_POSPAY_CAN_OB (TD
Bank). You can search for iDocs with this logical message through tran WE05.

File Name Does Not Exist

If you get an error message that the file name does not exist, this may be related to the temporary file
location listed in the variant within transaction FCHX. If the file under the Output Control section does not
exist in the client you are using, send a request to the Basis group to get that temporary file location
created in the client you are using. Basis will approve the ticket then send to Central Basis for processing.

Authorization Error for Batch Job

If you get an error message that the batch ID is missing authorization you may need to have security add
the program to the batch roles authorization.

Error screen shot in SM37:

Security Analysis Email

SAP Process:

1) Tran: FCHX
This transaction will extract checks that need to be sent to the bank

Creation with database update should be checked
Variant should be saved in FCHX


This transaction will call the FCHX variant that you created in step 1.
Choose correct variant, ensure host filename is correct

If you execute this transaction manually, Idocs will be created.

The following confirmation messages will be displayed:

3) Tran WE05 to see the idocs created:
a. JPMorgan Logical Message: ZFA0_POSPAY
b. TD Bank Logical Message: /DEERE/F_POSPAY_CAN_OB

4) Tran BD87 or WE14 to send the idoc to PI.

For WE14: Enter selection criteria for the idocs you want to send. Execute.

For BD87:

Highlight the node you want to process, click on Process to send to PI.

HOST Process:

Logon to TSO20 or TSO21

Type PDFA or PDF 3.4 and hit enter

Enter Filename (same location used when sending out of SAP) -

If you receive the below screen, there is a security issue.


Other details for SAP set up of positive pay

Tran WE20
Set up logical system
Message type ZFA0_POSPAY (JPMorgan) or /DEERE/F_POSPAY_CAN_OB (TD Bank) should be created in
outbound parameters

Example of set up in QAG:


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