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Radio programme essay

The need for new facilities in my area is growing by the day with some proving to be more
necessary than others. Therefore, I believe that two of the most important ones would be a
residential car park and a modern history museum.

First of all, a new parking lot would have a positive impact on the traffic flow of the city. In
modern times most households own at least one car which consequently needs a parking space.
Therefore, having a reserved space to park near your home would stop people from parking on the
road and disrupting the road traffic.

Another useful facility, especially for our youth, would be a new history museum. One
advantage to building a history museum would be that our artifacts would not have to be sent away
to other more developed cities to profit off of. In addition, building a new history museum in my area
would influence tourists to visit more parts of our city, therefore spending more time on holiday
here. A second great advantage would be that our youth would be able to learn about our rich
history in an interactive way thus being more culturally developed at a young age. As a result, the
younger generation would be less likely to leave for bigger cities, instead choosing to honor our
history and continue it.

To conclude I believe that a better decision would be to build a history museum rather than a
parking lot, in my area to display our culture for everybody to see and enjoy. While a parking space
would clear up the streets of cars, a museum would have a greater impact on the future of our city.



The purpose of this report is to outline the experience I had completing the cooking course
offered by my school. This report will contain my thoughts on the teachers and their teaching
methods. Moreover, I will talk about what I learned throughout the cooking class and give my
recommendation on how to improve it.

Thoughts (and prayers) on the course

To begin with, the training course was helpful at first since it taught me some secret
techniques that proved to be useful in a lot of circumstances. However, it steadily turned into a
repetitive course that by the end felt more like a burden. From my point of view, there were not
enough techniques taught for Michelin aspiring chefs which for a prestigious presenting school it is

The teachers

A positive point in my report is about the teachers and their teaching abilities. While they
might not be the most experienced in high-end cooking, they were impressive teachers which
managed to help even the most inexperienced students. Furthermore, most of the teachers were
able to connect with their students well and motivate them even in the worst of situations

I believe that, while I enjoyed my time during the course it didn’t teach me enough of the
necessary techniques needed to succeed in a true restaurant environment. I strongly recommend
hiring a new high-end chef yearly to teach students their approach to cooking. Furthermore, you
could change the program in such a way to allow students more imagination, instead of following
recipes bit by bit.

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