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Minutes of Embakasi East District leaders Meeting Held on 14th Jan 24 at 4.


Vote of thanks from the chair to all leaders for doing their best the last year. Also a word of
devotion from the book of Ecclesiastes 9:10-11. The main point was that we work hard in the
ministry God has given us

Min2: Financial report

Our treasurer informed the faction that we had 13000ksh in the youth kitty excluding the
balance of the last event which was 2500ksh.

Min 3: Calendar of events

We agreed on having 4 major events and podcast live streams on months we had no events.
The Calendar is as follow

Name of event Date Location

17th February Prayer breakfast Goodtidings

1st June Real talk live podcast To be decided

10th August Funday To be decided

16th November Outreach To be decided

Mn4: Adjournment
There being no other business the faction agreed to end the meeting at 6pm.

Minutes compiled by;

Salome Wachuka - Vice Secretary

Confirmed by ;

Petras -Vice Chair

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