Key Events and Dates

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Date Event Date Event

1066 Battle of Hastings 1531 Break with Rome; Henry VIII

becomes ‘Supreme Head of the
1069 Harrying of the North; 100K+ 1534 Treason Act
people die from starvation/cold
c1070 Murdrum Fine; compensation 1542 Witchcraft Act; punishable by
paid by Anglo Saxons for death
murdering Norman
c1072 Forest Laws 1547 Henry VIII dies; 10yr old son
Edward VI becomes king.
Country governed by Regency
Council led by Edward Seymour
1154 Henry II becomes king + wanted 1547 Vagrancy Act; Vagabonds w/o
to reform court system; 1163 – work for 3+ days branded with
royal courts ‘V’ + sold into slavery for 2yrs;
withdrawn after b/c seen as too
1164 (Jan) Constitution of Clarendon 1553-58 Mary I (Catholic)
1166 Assize of Clarendon; prisons for 1558-1603 Elizabeth I (Catholic)
those awaiting trial
1194 Coroners introduced by Richard I 1563 Act against Conjuration,
Enchantments and Witchcraft by
Elizabeth I; witchcraft tried in
common courts rather than
church courts + death penalty
only issued if harm caused to
another person
1195 Knights appointed by Richard I 1597 Act for the Relief of the Poor;
as ‘keepers’ of the King’s peace whippings + burning ear with hot
iron to deter vagabonds
1215 Trial by ordeal/combat ended by 1601 Poor Laws; Local parishes
Pope Innocent III. Trial by Jury provide relief for the ‘deserving’
introduced poor. ‘Undeserving’ poor
1285 Parish constables introduced by 1604 Witchcraft and Conjurations Act
Edward I by James I; death penalty for
anyone summoning evil spirits
1327 Justices of the Peace (JPs) c1617 Parish constables introduced;
introduced by Edward I unpaid
1348 Black Death; 1/3 of Eastern The Gunpowder Plot
European population killed 1559 – Act of Uniformity
1351 Statute of Labourers; maximum 1570 – Elizabeth I excommunicated by Pope
wage 1587 – MQofS executed
1351 Stocks in every town 1603 – Elizabeth I dies; James I takes the throne
1361 Justices of the Peace Act 1604 (20th May) – Robert Catesby recruits
1372 Lollards (led by John Wyclef) gunpowder plotters + meet
1381 The Peasants’ Revolt for the first time
1382 Heresy criminalised. Heretics 1604 (20th Oct) – Lord Monteagle receives
burnt at the stake warning letter not to attend
c1400 High Treason ceremonial opening of
1401 Buring at the stake Parliament
c1450 More petty crimes + unpaid 1605 (5th Nov) – Monteagle alerts Robert Cecil
constables appointed + Manor who orders search in
Courts + hanged drawn and Westminster; finds Guy
quartered (poor) + beheading Fawkes + gunpowder
(nobles) 1605 (17th Nov) – Guy Fawkes confesses
1494 Vagabonds and Beggars Act 1606 (Jan) – Conspirators trialled + found guilty
1509-47 Henry VIII (Catholic) of treason; hanged drawn and
1517 Martin Luther sends 95 thesis quartered
against Catholic church in 1606 – Popish Recusants Act; Catholics take
Germany oath of allegiance to English crown
1527 Henry VIII wants to divorce Catholics banned from elections until 1829
Catherine of Aragon + marry
Date Event
Event Date Event
1907(22nd Aug)
1642 English Civil
Probation War used to check
officers 1831
1969 Last reported
Death penaltycase of highway
on offenders outside of prison robbery
made more permanent
1907 1K people executed
Telephones for witchcraft
exchange in H 1834
1969 Tolpuddleand
Children Martyrs
Young Persons
in Sudbury;
Division 117station
police accused, 300 Act; focused on use of
investigated, 112 executed by probation officers instead of
hanging prison
1908 Bridewell
Children’sPrison; used
Act; no u16to could
punish 1842
1971 Pentonville
The Misuse Prison;
of Drugs separate
receive death penalty system, prisoner stayed 23 hrs in
cell per day
1908 National System of Borstals 1976 The Domestic Violence Act;
1645-47 Witch hunts; Matthew Hopkins 1856 Police Act; All areas had to have a
gave victims right to ask for an
(‘witchfinder General’) spread fear professional police force that was
through printing press
injunction against a violent
centrally controlled by gov.
1597 James I publishes ‘Demonologie' 1860s partner
The Silent System
c1654 Bikes in H Division
Transportation of convicted 1980s
1868 Internet invented
Transportation officially ended
1916 (Mar) Military to
criminals Service Act;of North
east coast 1980 Police
Public hangings Computer
National officially ended
America. 50K-80Kunmarried
Conscription for transportedmen
to launched, capable of holding
America up to c1770 25M people
1671 Women
Game Act;first recruited
poaching to illegal
made police 1982
1869 First Neighbourhood
National Crime Record Watch set
1679 Habeas Corpus; a person could not 1870 up – neighbourhood
Dr Thomas Barnardo opened watch
be imprisoned indefinitely w/o fair schemes
orphanage rose
for from
boys.1K to 29K
Later opened
trial in 1980shome
a girls’
1922 Bloody Code;Act;
Infanticide 50 crimes
recognised that 1872
1988 Illegal
First to drive
murder a horse-drawn
convictions based
punishable by deathstate could be
women’s mental coach
on DNA while drunk
1717 Transportation
altered after Act 1875 Artisans Dwelling Act; cleared
pregnancy/childbirth slums
1922 Black Act;system
Separate poaching becomes
ended 1878
1991 The Criminal
Became legal Investigation
to prosecute a
capital offence/fines/prison husband for (CID)
Department rapingsethisupwife
1922-47 sentence
Prisons Commissioner 1992 Speed cameras introduced
1735 Witchcraft
AlexanderAct by George II;
Patterson 1881 Peabody Estate built by Henry
‘witches’ seen as confidence Darbishire, paid for by George
1925 Illegal to drive a car while 1993 Derek Bentley pardoned
tricksters. Fines/imprisonment Peabody
3 shillings/week for one room, 6
1930 Police cars introduced with two- 1995 National Automatic
shillings/week Fingerprint
for 3 rooms
1748 wayStreet
Bow radiosRunners set Henry 1878-83 Identification system
Home Office archive shows and DNA
Fielding (Chief Magistrate) database
number of officers in CID in
1930s 999 telephone number 1998 Derek
grew from conviction
216 to 294 forand
murder quashed
arrests rose from 13K to 18K
1754 Young
John Persons’
Fielding Act;
takes raise
over Bowage 2005
1884 Criminal Justic Act;
No more rewards for gave power
limit Runners
Street of death penalty to 18 + set to courts to issue more severe
1772 age ofpenalty
Death criminal
Highway to 1888 punishments
Police severely forunderstaffed;
hate crime 8773
Robbery police for 5,476,447 citizens
1774 Specialist
John Howard Fraud Squad to ensure
campaigns 2006
1889 Spreading
Charles Booth racial or religious
report called ‘Life
prisoners who had finished their hate is a crime
and Labour of the People of
1946 sentences
Specialistwould be released
dog section 2013 London’,Crime
National includes povertytackles
Agency; map;
drug 1/3 of Londoners were
1947 Police Training College set up 2014 poor
Controlling/coercive behaviour
1775-83 American War of Independence; 1890 Houses of the Working Classes
1948 transportation moved
Criminal Justice Actto Australia. Act; Improved
Toldpuddle Martyrs – 1834health
more and
160K people transported to
1957 Homicide Act; diminished George Loveloss + 5 others accused of
Australia, 1/6 were women
responsibility for those ‘administering an illegal oath’
1785 Bow Street Runners funded by the 1890 Public Health Amendment Act:;
suffering with mental illnesses Had sworn to do what they could to protect their
government sanitary services improved
in the case of murder. Charge wages (they were sailors)
1789 French Revolution 1894 Bertillon System; photos and
diminished to manslaughter. Set up a friendly society
measurements of suspects taken
1813 Police first
Elizabeth Fryused
Newgate for Sentenced
1896 to 7 years transportation
Kent to Australia
Police introduce Bikes
pay roll + pensions
prison + set up Association for the 100K people attended demonstration protesting
1960s Campaigns of
Reformation forFemale
equal rights for
Prisoners their punishment
1815 women
Wars with France end Petition
1901 with 200K Telephone
signaturesline sentfrom
to Parliament;
H Division to
1963 The Children and Young Lord Melbourne (Home Headquarters refuses to
1815 Persons
225 crimesAct; raised
in the age Code
Bloody of accept
1901 it + men sentBlood to Australia
1822 Robert Peel becomes Home 8 to
criminal responsibility from Govt
1901 pardons + releases Tolpuddle
Fingerprint Branch Martyrs
set up 4at Met
Secretary years later headquarters at New Scotland
1965 Death penalty abolished Yard
1823 Breathalysers
Black introduced
Act abolished by Robert 1902 Borstals
1967 Peel
Sexual Offences Act;
1823 Gaols Act; femalehomosexuality
decriminalised warders for 1902 Hard labour ended
for menprisoners,
over 21wages paid to
1967 warders,
Abortionsanitation increased,
Act; legalised abortion
1968 magistrates
Race Relations Act; prisons
inspected in
illegal to
their local areas, prisoners
refuse jobs/housing/public given

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