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More information
on King Tut
Tutankhamun, the
last heir of a
powerful Egyptian
family, died as a
teenager and was
buried with lavish
His tomb, discovered in 1922, sparked
speculation about his mysterious death, with
murder being a potential explanation.
After nearly 80 years, Tutankhamun's
remains underwent a CT scan, offering new
insights into his life and death.
The CT scan data will aid in creating an
accurate forensic reconstruction of the
young pharaoh, shedding light on his
appearance and potential cause of death.
King tut was taken from his resting
place called The Valley of the Kings.
He was taken at 6 p.m. on 5th
January 2005.
He was glided into a CT scanner to
examine the lingering mysteries of
King Tut had died more than 3,300
years ago.
1. Scudded across - to move swiftly
2. Casket grey - an ancient decorated
box for keeping jewels.
(In the sentence it implies that dark clouds
were hiding the stars in the grey sky.)
Tourists from various parts of
the world visited the confined
and rock-cut tomb of King Tut,
situated approximately 26 feet
below the surface.
Tourists were there to pay their
respects to the ancient pharaoh.
Some visitors read about the
history in hushed whispers,
using guidebooks
Others stood silently,perhaps
pondering on the tragic end of
King Tut's life, which came at a
young age. Ishant
Zahi Hawass, the Secretary General of
Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities,
stated that the mummy of Tutankhamun
is in poor condition due to the actions of
Howard Carter in the 1920s.
Carter was a British archaeologist who
discovered Tut's tomb in 1922 after many
unsuccessful attempts. Despite being
looted in the past, the contents of the
tomb were surprisingly well-preserved and
are considered the most valuable
collection of royal artifacts ever found.
The discovery of stunning gold artifacts,
intended to ensure resurrection,caused a
great deal of excitement. However, Tut
was also buried with everyday items that
he would need in the afterlife, such as
board games, a razor, clothing, and food
and wine. Jiya
Carter records the treasures found in Tut's grave.
In the first coffin, he finds a piece of cloth with
garlands of willow, olive leaves, wild celery, lotus
petals and cornflower, which suggests that he had
been buried in the months of March or April.
When he reached the third coffin, he was in
trouble. The body had hardened due to the resins
which had cemented the body and it had stuck to
the bottom of the coffin which was made of gold.
Carter wonders what to do next because no
amount of force could separate the two.
1. Funerary Treasures - the valuable things with
which the king was buriedy
2. Three nested coffin - three coffins placed one in
another in order of decreasing size. The
innermost coffin houses the body of the
deceased Arushi
It talks about the dangers of leaving the tomb
alone and the best way to preserve it properly.
Due to the hardened resins, the King’s body
was found cemented to the solid gold-bottom
of the coffin such that “no amount of
legitimate force could move them”.
The mummy had to be separated as the thieves
would escape the eyes of guards and rip the
mummy apart to steal away the gold.
Carter tried to loosen the resins by putting the
mummy under the blazing sun but failed. The
only way left for him was to “chisel” it
“beneath the limbs and trunk”. Thus, Carter
decided to remove the mummy’s head and
break the major joints to separate it from its

MCQ time!!

1. What is the mystery of Tutenkhaman?

A) His death
B) His wealth
C) His family
D) His tomb

2. When did Tutenkhaman die ?

A) Childhood
B) Adulthood
C) Teenage
D) Old-Age

3. What was the name of egyptian cemetery

from which King Tut was taken?
A) The Mountain of kings
B) The Palace of Pharaos
C) The Pyramid of Kings
D) The Valley of Kings
4. At what time and day was King Tut taken from his
A)5 p.m. on 6th January 2005
B) 5 p.m. on 5th January 2006
C) 6 p.m. on 5th January 2005
D) 6th p.m. on 5th January 2006

5. What were tourists particularly fascinated with inside

King Tut's burial chamber?
A) The captivating murals on the walls.
B) The pharaoh's curse legend.
C) The rock-cut tomb situated 26 feet below the surface.
D) King Tut's tragic end at a young age.

6. Why were some visitors left uncertain after visiting King

Tut's tomb?
A) They were unsure about the pharaoh's true identity.
B) They couldn't decide whether the murals were
authentic or not.
C) They were uncertain about the potential
consequences of disturbing the ancient ruler's resting
D) They were uncertain about the accuracy of their
7. Who discovered Tut’s tomb and when?
A) Adam Cooper in 1901
B) Howard Carter in 1922
C) Howard Carter in 1930
D) Sam Shaw in 1890

8. Who said “the mummy is in very bad

condition because of what carter did in the
A) Carter
B) An Egypt historian
C) An anatomy professor
D) Zahi hawass

9. What was in the first coffin?

A) Garlands of olives, lotus petals, and
B) Flowers and coins
C) Gold, wealth, bronze razor, games, clothes,
cases of food and wine
D) It was empty
10. Why did the third coffin put Carter in trouble?
A) It was empty
B) The body had hardened due to the resins which had
cemented the body and it had stuck to the bottom of
the coffin
C) The material found inside was already looted
D) None of the above

11. Why was carter not forced to chisel the king’s

A) The thieves would have stolen the gold and
destroyed the remains
B) He was not able to loosen the resins in any way
C) He was greedy and heartless
D) It was required to study and preserve the mummy

12. What is the sun compared to and how much heat

did it provide to the mummy?
A) Sun is compared to the glory of the king, 149 C
B) Sun is compared to a hammer, 149 F
C) Sun is compared to a chisel, 149 F
D) Sun is compared to a great ball of fire, 149 C
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. C
12. B
Group-4 Members:
1. Vidushi
2. Manasi
3. Jiya
4. Siyona
5. Arushi
6. Ishant

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