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r J\.Tf-A-JI ~F..~I\'e "l qoh~"".f'e tTlll\.h

~~&-A ~;J&T ;J~IIJ




h~..'t."t,'I';;: ~oo,). <II'I'Cf[ Oh.""f-*'.f' t..J.'..t-It'P.~.~ht-I'I..f''P. tT-f1l\.h 14thYear No 2

f'~n1f-f1"'(lJt}f-:f 9"hc 0."" mq+.~"" f'(lJnl ADDIS ABABA 13thDecember,2007
~\J:.fIMill :J'u'~P' E ""} Jitu ~.9"
°7aJ:6"}, CONTENTS
h{P:~: <II'I'C lrljlr/f[itlJ l},9" Proclamation No, 555/2007
f'OO'}"/p")' n,.r.~'. 'b~'}{}. tPJrJ:tJ:°'l.,rhtp~ 1?\ ri'1.t!IU ,Agency for Government Houses Establishment Proclamation
, Pa e 3952

J\tp~ cfI1'C ~1!l~/fitu PROCLAMA TION NO. 555/2007.


~'J:r fCD«J~~

r~,e..t,AOO')O}p"r ')'()IT rIY).-r') (t.,.:r. WHEREAS, it is necessary to improve the

1,{H'P' f.C h')JtV'9" t\{t"'~ r~f.l'OJ") 'I'(J:Pc; administration as well as the preservation and
h')h.nt,o.. tPJ"ti"'iA ()tPJfI&.t\'''I maintenance of Government owned Houses;

{~OO')C'}pl')' {t.,.:f. '/iJ'61.b hfl&.'~ 7\'ri1&.-r WHEREAS, the Office for the Sale of Government
0':1' cl.f.9" ftA hh.~.e o,.,.:r. 1..~')(l. ;JC r-ttpl/f. Owned Houses has earlier been amalgamated with the
(JooIY',-I Agency for Rented Houses; .

rh.~.e 0...,.:.,.. 1..~.)ft') flJ'OJtc; ~I\k~-r WHEREAS, due to the aforementioned reasons it
ntPJiP'iA (JhJtfl ooAh tPJ'J:'J:9" hfl&."'l. IYt; has b~come necessary to redefine the designation and
flt\ --,.,')"I mandate of the Agency for Rented Houses and
establish it as a new Agency;

ni1.. 'rr'A',f ~Y..t,"~~ Jt qoh~ft,f~~ tT.()t\.h NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55 (1)

,)" OO')c'}p"r h')"'7\' :1(; llil oolPl-r r~h-tt\OJ' of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
;J'OJ':~,A:: Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:

1. Short Title
6. ~
This Proclamation may be cited as the "Agency for
.e tJ h tp~ «r 00')"7 )J.1-r {t.,. :r. 1..~1ft Government Houses Establishment Proclamation
h tp ~ ~'I'C
tPJcJ:cJ:tPJ.~~- (;f.:U;;g7t~» -t.() No. 555/2007".
t\.mc/.fI .e :.,.,,,A::

r}~ (I':J ";J~+ ;J/f,nl 7'."'.1'.. itl1li

Unit Price 2.80 Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001

'11, ri'i.ii.~:H: ~~.t..A ~;J(,'''' ;J II.fll 4I'Pc; ft ;J'IJ"Ir I: 'r') fti'i,tJ 'J..llu Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.2 13th December, 2007 ..., page 3953

f. -rC~DI 2. Definitions
In this Proclamation, unless the context otherwise
r ,"Pt\. h1'l'O i\,t ,}c'I-r r~f()l1laJ' tlAO''1 reqUires,
(){}i'~C OIl.U hCPJ!. OJ'ilTI

(1), lJ)~ 11 "Government House" means, any urban house

M «r uP'} °1P'"}- (t.}-» O?"'}- <h'J'C
nationalized under Proclamation No. 47/1975 and
if!'!.:rw.v.:f/!.: uPwt..}- r"'aJt.Oc; (if
could be rented at a monthly rate of over Birr 100
n"l.e I\ht.'.e r°?":"('A rh."O? (t.}- aJ.e9°
or constructed or acquired in any manner by the
rt...e..t.A uP')OIF'} .fwt.w- aJ.e9° (JO?")
Federal Government and may be rented for
7,:aJ'9° uP"}1.e..' rt...e../"A uP'}OU~'"}-'''H1t..}-
residential, business or other purposes.
rll''' ntl/".e "uPC; t.fI "")°1.'7 p'/" aJ.e9°
- "fl."I i\1A°/(\"'}' r°?"a>'A (t'}'''o)'I
21 "Ministry" or "Minister" means the Ministry
!II «~ '1.{}'I: C» OJf., r «~ '1.{).} C» 0tJt\ T
of Work and Urban Development or the
h'}f.~f.r ."hi't\. r plt,c; hi'OtJ Minister of Works and Urban Development.
AOtJ.} ~'.{}-I:C OJf.,r ~'.{}TC '10)-::

r. oP'J:*~ 3. Establishment

M r uP'}°1p' .}-
(t'" ~'. h.J!'Ut (h II.U (J=\"I 1/ The Agency for Government Houses (hereinafter
«1b~'Ul» hf".q" fl1' fCh"/ /'\E&~')' referred to as the "Agency") is hereby established
fit OJ. t./'\"} f~It p.).
f &..9.,t.A tTD"}"/ as an autonomous federal agency having its . own
tTDPtf 0,.). [fe;' Ottu (\CP~' "'<J:<hDJ.A:: juridical personality.
. .

!II r~~'}().(IJ' 'rmt~.). t\OIJ.'z.{H;~ Y,(fc;t\:: 21 The Agency shall be accountable to the

g, rC;oPFty oJ: 4. Head Office

rn.~'}o.lD' cpe; uoJ»tf (1')' On"til nOfl (fe;' The Agency shall have its head office in Addis
h'H'. nil~i\1. ~'f; OOIJc;rlD'r il~~ ~C'}6l».~ Ababa and may have branch offices anywhere, as
uoJ»tf !1f.:y. t\.ci?')' y,:y.i\t\:: may be necessary.

ll. '}1\"7 5. QbiWiw

rh.~'}(taJ' l}1\0tJ9J'1' r~h1"t\'T f.,O'c;"'I The Agency shall have the following objectives:

OO'}<1 1/ to utilize government owned dwelling houses

~I P' T O~f OJfllm' r t\.ft OOlP'--r
rOO'}<1p'T oPC;tf o.+'1"} T~~ I\,e in accordance with the policy to be issued by
rOtJCPAI the Government;

21 to apply modern management systems and

~I rOO'}<1p'T o.+'1"} h.f1C;~ffJ! m.m. thereby administer government 'houses in
:J'OtJc; 'O.PT 'It\m. oP11Y: t\0tJ{}i'~ economical, efficient and effective manner;
f.C llooc;q~ r P'~ hoo~C p'Cl}-r1
Opl~ I\.e OtJCPAI
3/ to collect rent from Government Houses;
l:1 rOO'}<1"~'} 0.+'1'1 h.~,e roo()'O(),OI

gl h {}~.I\ '1.'1'1: ft:J' 00 1 0 T t\ OO'} <1P' :J' q~ 41 where it isodeemed necessary to engage in real
h1A <1i\oT n~~.t\<1 OOffi'} ro.T estate development to alleviate shortage of
hT'-.}'} t\0tJ.Pt\A 00.+'1' t\ OtJT P'~ houses to the extent required for government
roolti'~ uses;


'110 Ei'i.V.f~!~ t..~ut..A ',:J(,-} ,; "1'J'e !{ ;)'11"'"" I: .,.'} Mi'i.u 'UI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.2] 3th December, 2007 page 3954

(;/ POD')"lP"} {1,y.:y. (lrll;Jq~ P'Cf}'}c; 5/ to privatize government houses following

~A Tc,;c; llt\OJ' OD'}1,e.' (l'iiJ~61.b h '}Jt.-t lawful and efficient procedures;
~t\fo flnJ.f:/.."I

~/ t\",w/..O. {1,y.:y, f<l',e.'CP> llt\'},O/..,y.:y. 6/ to pay allowances to former owners of

(lr}l", ODIP/"'} h(lA pODht,A:: nationalized houses in accordance with the
~. ~ 6. Powers and Duties
h.~'}o.OJ' r~OILtH.t\OJ' p'Anr}c; "'''Ill C The Agency shaH have the powers and duties to:

{if rUI?.,e r., f' P. ,f: t. :1:OJ"} POD'}"1 ph} {11'~:-".

1/ rent out Government Houses under its control
plnJh/"p,}c; h.~.e PODO'(lo,nI and coHectthe rent thereof;

!l/ r~OD'}alp"1' {1,y.:-,',,} hr.t.~'I.aJo'} 1'1'1'1 2/ carry out necessary maintenance and repair
().f:I}'} (llnJ ,e.'/.."I r~ODlI1(}~c; pOD'H,1l works to preserve Government Houses;

(l1(l"} OJ'A ODIJ..'/..'1~ ''1J?.;J':I:m,') r~lnJ 3/ give and execute expulsion orders to tenants of
i:/ government houses who have breached their
.e uun. 'J'h t. f' :-""}'I OJ'A I}~ c,u~ ~I:OJ.
obligations under their lease contracts and to
r~OD'}"lp"1~ n.'1~ r~,ell"}'} (It,O. OJ'Of), persons occupying such houses without having
r~lnJr.t\".~ h'},~'I. "'1: (lOD'}"Ip.:t any lease contracts; enforce. as may be necessary,
{1,y.:t, 'I ~ ;J' $I' :y. ~~ PD?,h 'I w ',. ;'11 the demolition of illegal construction works
wT "I'}Il;J'?':Y"} PlnJr.t,/..r.I undertaken on government houses and

g/ ,}c~ {1'} P'f'w/..Oll:r:OJ' (lODlY~. SJOh')

4/ pay aHowances, in accordance with
,e,} h (lA t\ D?,111:I:OJ' O.?J:Y' (l h lJ>~ Proclamation No, 47/1975, to persons whose
'hTC ij~:r(j!y'~'% ODIP/..:t h(lA extra houses are nationalized;
r~opht.A I

(;/ POD'}''1p..} {1''':Y' 'b~'}o.'} P{1'} h.~f.. 5/ study and implement the rate of rent for the
.-tOD'} hT'},y. p'/" ~~ PlnJlJ>AI Agency's houses;

~/ hr.tA'I. lYc,uo.1~ t\OD'}"1p';J'(/~ h1A 6/ where necessary, construct houses to be used

"ll\o,} PD?,OJ,t\. {1,y.:Y"} OD1'}Il'} I for government services;

~:/ o'Ii,e61!' h'}Jt".~t\fo (lOD'}"lp';J.q~ 7/ undertake studies on the valuation and

OJ"J.f). P'I'Oll111:I:OJ"} POD'}"1P"} {1.-f:Y' payment of compensation relating to
lJ>;J t1,"lnJOD'}c; ',Of hh~t,A Tc;,} government houses which the Government
r~lnJ.Jy'.f: I ' has decided to privatize;

{1,y.:-,'.'} (l'liJ'61.b PlnJr.'t~ 8/ execute the privatization of Government

1;/ POD'}'"IP"}
Houses' in accordance with modalities
l\ fo') "'"lllC (lOD'}"I p"} (lOy""'OJ' approved by the Government;
r.A:t ODIP/"'} PODt,?tSJOI

Iii (lOD'}"lP"} (lD?,wr..,OJ' ODIP/"'} hOD 9/ pay appropriate compensation to former

'}"I p.:t {1,y.:y. 'Iif61.b 1ft ~.e (lh lJ>~ owners from the proceeds of the sale of
'hTC ij%/n!y.~'% h'}"'7\' Xt ODIP/"'} Government Houses in accordance with
l\ <I'Y:CP> lll\ '},n/..,y.:y. h'},~'I, "'1: Article 18 of Proclamation 47/1975 and the
'f'1ftOJ"} .J'''' Panh t,A I decision of the :Government;
1~ c7tifYli ~Y.IrIA '1;J6.'J- ;Jlf.ffJ 'IITC I ;rU.., P' r +1 Ilitu 1.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.2 13th December, 2007 page 3955

II ftiP1"/p':" n..y."f 07if~ f~1'~l\4c 10/ create conditions which facilitate the
O:"1e; fl-)~ 1,hct.Lt\.1 '/.f.:" l\~",I-):" successful completion of the process of
f~l~. ~).;r ?J":f'1 flllJoo;F:f:" I privatizing Government Houses and the
payment of compensation;
Ilil f1'Ol:" Cll\n.:" foolf1 OJ"A fOOtp

tpA -: nCnC'T') It"lA"lA OIJ~l11,) 11/ own property, enter into contracts, sue and
be sued in its own name, including settlement
Q;\.rC' Oiano- f oon{\iaq f ooh{\ia !
of disputes through arbitration;
III l}I\ OIJm- ') It OIJiat.fJr f 01J.f"1 H. Ibfto T 12/ undertake such other duties necessary for the
1'"ll1C'T') fOlJhqlD'):: implementation of its objectives;

~.~ 7. Or~ani~ation of the Afl'ency

n.~'){\.m-:- The Agency shall have:

lil Ooo')"/P':" f~7"oo. 1,11.: tpe; ~.e&. 1/ a Director General and a Deputy Director
h1'C "he; 1,')Y: rh:"A tpe; ~.e&.h1'Cf General to be appointed by the Government;

1/ niat.I\~m- LPt-1'7f"f -: ~'i';';J-A:: 2/ the necessary staff;

8. Powers and Duti&ulfjJ1e Director General.

1/ The Director General shall be the chief.
lil tpqm- ~~&.n'''C fn.~')tLm- tpq Ft- executive officer of the Agency and shall
niat.,OIJ. OooU") fn.~'){\.m-') Ft-fP"f direct and administer the activities of the
~,oot-A -: fia1'~Y.:t-A:: Agency.

II fit U n ').,.1\ ')cria. ~if'C (li) nm:PI\~ 2/ Without prejudice to the generality stated in
n";J1C h')y'1'mO.,. U''i tpq ~~&. Sub-Article (1) of this Article, the Director'
n+';':- General shall:

lJ) OH.u ntp1: n').,.1\ Z f,,,oolth.J:.}.') a) exercise the powers and duties of the
fn.~'){\.m-') FAllJ')q ,t-"1l1C Ft- Agency specified under Article 6 of this
I\~ fm-I\A!
b) employ and administer employees of the
It) 0&..9..t-A 00')"1 F'}' LPt-1'7f"f lh"1 Agency in accordance with the Federal
OOLPl'}' f n.~')tLlD- ') LPt-." 7f"f
Civil Service laws;
~I"'if't-A -: fia,"~y'.t-A!

rh) fn.~'){\.lD") f Ft- tJ~y.'q O~,}. c) prepare the annual plans and budgets of
fH;J;qA -: tLt..,.y:r OFt- I\~ the Agency; and implement the same
fm-I\A ! upon approval;

00) 1tn.~'){\.lD' O,,,t..,.Y.m- O~,}. h'i d) effect expenditure in accordance with

f Ft- TC'"lt-r ooIJJl'}' 1')"11 the approved budget and work program
lDr.t1. f Y.C;JA ! of the Agency;

. e) ensure that house rents are colIected in

u') h.t-~, OlD~'J: oo{\11{\O.')
due time and the amount collected is
O{\OlD-r h.t- ~ It"- U- l}I\0IJ OOlJ.h deposited in a bank account opened for
t.'''m- fW)n '1/\11 10. ooY.l1-') such purpose;
f l;J"lllJA !
'11; J:i'i.i!UI ~YDtrlA ~;J~'''' ;JIl.n, <IITC Ji ;J'u"Ip'i: Jii'i.u 'HI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.2 13th December, 2007 page 3956

l) h~{l't.~ OYlCj'"f ;JC OOJf.Y.l1' "'} t) represent the Agency in all its dealings
1."f."f U.I\. n.~')(\.m- .elDn"A 1 with third parties;

g) prepare and submit to the Ministry the

") fn.~'}".m-'} f J»tr nl'larC; f'l/\-n
,}. ,(:c;. operational and financial reports of the
tT C n H;J~.f. IW'l.'1.1I f'" C Agency.
3/ The Director General may delegate part of his
EI tpC; ~.e~n'''c;. 1\n.~'}".lD' J»tr. ~Arrli~C;
powers and duties to the officials and
Onllatl\1 00(0') hJ» A fTl1C; '''''ll~ employees of the Agency to the extent
Oh&,A 1\n.~1".(J)- ,>,,&,JIl"fc; lPtr',.7f'"f necessary for the efficient management of the
OID-nAC; l\.fll"'''A~ .e"f"A:: actfvities of the Agency.

u. un 9. Bud¥"et .
/il n.~'}".m- 01'}H-nC; On.t1Cj'OJf. A e1IJ.}. 1/ The agency shall be governed by the laws of
0Jf.'1.lI'f:C"}lI fh~ oolPl'}' fOJf.'" the Ministry of the Federal finance and
~Y.C f,(J'C;A:: Economic Development
II f n.~'}".m- qoo;rce o~,}. Ooo'}" p.}. 2/ .The annual budget of the Agency shall be
fOJf.~~'~ (J'Cj' hOJf.fll'''~~' trfm- f1f."f
approved by the Government and shall be
C; covered by the rental revenue collected from
0Jf."0 1IOm- h. tr f, f,7i at A ::
° .
houses under its control.

EI n.~'}".m- hqoo'l: 1ft lD(J;lm-') "ft\o 3/ The surplus revenue of the Agency shall be
fOJf..tCatm-'} 1\00'}~J»'}' 10. fY.C;JA:: paid to the government treasury.

9.1 OH.U n1.,,1\ 1~1I n'}.,,1\ (I) f,"y'''11m- 4/ Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Article (2)
fi.Cj'cr : n.~10.m- hoo'}" J»'} f1f."f of this Article, the proceeds from the sale of
7if6t'" fOJf.f11m-. 1fi. OAf. f-ll'}n '1..".0 government houses shall be deposited in a special
bank account and be used to pay compensations.
.,.."rf11 I\ll~ nlt~f h'}~.m-A .ey'l;JA::
10. Books of accounts
1/ The Agency shall keep complete and accurate
/il n.~'}".m- f.,.cry.I\'C; '}'nnl\~ f(J'"t. f'i/\-n books of accounts.
oolJ~-n'}' .e.eIJA::
2/ The books of a~counts and financial
II f n.~'}""m- f 'il\-n oolJ~-nrC; 11H-n "n documents of the Agency shall be audited
""~"f OfquD-I: OtpC;m- ~~.,.C annually by the Auditor General or by
OO'J.7iOJffm- ~~.tC'"f. .eooloo auditors assigned by him.
trl\.: :

11. Power to issue Re~ulations and Directives

Ili. 1.
II The Council of Ministers may issue Regulations,
f!/ fOtt.'l.{)')'C'';f. 9"hC 0."" h{)~"1. lfCj (\.f11(1)- where it deems it necessary, to implement this
,eu') ~,If'~ "Ott{)~fJ9" Y.')-(1 f(]JfIlA::

II O'J.'1.1I1:c;. .eU1 ntp'!: .he; Ontp:q: oolPl'} 2/ The Ministry may issue directives, where it deems
f O'J.lDfTlm-') Y.1-n 1\0Jf1Iat ar 00 00 t f it necessary, to implement this proclamation and
I\.f lDfl] .e "f" A: : the Regulations to be issued there under.
'/~ ritUf.'iX ~YD/..A ~;Jt-'" ;J.r.n/4I'rC M ;)'11''1",,;: ""J !(i'lu 'U" Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.2 13lh December, 2007 page 3957

II. fOD1:!lQC ~Y..:r 12. Duty to Cooperate

tb:e:'}(}.(]). OH. U t,tp:e:. t,'}c"~' :~ '}D.{} t,'}cf>~ (E) Administrative organs and organs of the Police, shall
f"'mcf>o,,}"} "''7f1C>'f' ~01Jh'i(])'} f t,{}',.,~.r.e(j cooperate with the Agency when the Agency requests
for their assistance to implement the 'provisions of Sub-
f 7' ~.{} t,t.".}.'} 61i1 o.m,e-r h ~H.(J. t,t.",}.
Article (3) of Article 6 of this Proclamation.
foo"'floe '7~;r t,NFf(]).::
13. Repeal
The following are hereby repealed:

?if rh.~.e o..y.:y. h{}T~f..C J'.:C~'}') liThe Agency for the administration of Rented
r OJ tlJ 0). h cP~ th~C :ly/)]!f~';!; Houses Establishment Proclamation No.
( h ') f.. 't' ?t'7i t\) n If. U h cP ~ g. 'ii~ A :: 59/1975 (as amended);

r/ r h. ,.,.r-A',f' ~ .e..t. cr. .itqoh ~ I\.f' q~ 2/ Sub-Article 7(d) of Article 33 of the Definition
" of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs
t T.n t\.h h {}~.,at hI-]" ""') P' A ar) c;
T~llC t\ODOJ()') rOJalO)' hCP~ th1'C of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
9.f(fli/)]lf1;!; h')~iJ «lie /%/ kf..A "OD" Proclamation No. 471/2005;
nlf.u hCP~ ,t"ii~A::

Iu. 14. Transfer of Ri2"hts and Oblhmtions

The rights and obligations of the Agency for

nnCP~' ~1'C :liHlj!f~';!; .,.*~qo r.,Ol(J)- rho
Rented Houses established under Proclamation
tof, {1,y.:y. nil'''~Y.C Y:C~';}' onofi'}'c; ~~;r
No. 59/1975 are hereby transferrea to the Agency.
fIJ"f 0". U n cp~' t\n.~'}(1.(J)-
'''''A~ CPA::

I(;.~ 15. Effective Date

tJ il cP~ n ~ .e..~ A ., .'Jt"" ;J ,I,tlJ ;1' ..,.qo

,("1 This Proclamation shall enter into force up on
hOJtlJn,} ~') ~crC' roc; .eo-c;A:: Publication in the Feder.alNegarit Gazeta.

:rUUtP'r 4" lit '.r Done at Addis Ababa, this 13th day of November, 2007


r h. off'*, J' ~F..~"'e "l qoh~""J''e PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL


ofiC'I '}C; l\l\r l1TJ1'iltJ.f Y: C 'f:T

I ~

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