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Name: Jacob Patrick L.

Desear Date: 05/17/2024

Course: BSIT203 Assignment in P.E

1.Do height and weight play a key role in our activity?

- Yes, because we need to know if we are fitted to do these kinds of activities.

Example is for cardio exercises, the goal of cardio is to improve both your lungs
and heart. It is the most effective exercise because it helps burn calories. Not
only in physical activities but it can boost up your mental state since you only
focus on exercises and your breathing. It can help lower blood pressure and
improve cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease. It also enhances
sleep quality, helping you feel more rested and energized. Regular cardio
exercise is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

2. How does one's age affect their performance in this activity?

- Age really affects how we perform physical activities. As we get older, we might
not be as strong, flexible, or have as much stamina like before. It takes longer to
recover after exercising, so we always take a rest for a longer time. Our
metabolism slows down, affecting both energy and weight. Hormonal changes
can make it harder to keep muscles and bones strong. Regular exercise can help
reduce these effects, that’s why some older people are still fit and active.
Adjusting workouts to focus on strength, balance, and flexibility can help maintain
performance. Some may not be applicable to others, check up is the best
solution to know if our body is capable to do these kinds of activity or exercise.

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