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PA objectives important

Pruning is a strategy to prevent ___________________

Association rules are popular for mining __________________ databases
Principal components are a useful tool for__________________
The Google page rank algorithm is an example of
_________________learning method.
.Random forest works on the ______________ principle.
XGBoost stands for __________________
Decision trees can be applied to both ____________ and ____________
Neural networks are _________________________ statistical models
In Regression, we use sum of ________________________as our measure
of fit (error function)
The delta rule is ____________
A random forest is an ensemble of decision-tree _____ that are trained on
bootstrapped data.
The major voting process is consider to be?
Options :
a. Sampling
b. Bagging
c. High Variance
d. None of these
The target attributes indicates the value of?

Options :

a. Leaf Node

b. Decision Node

c. Path

Split of one attribute is said to be?

Options :

a. Leaf Node

b. Decision Node

c. Path

d. Arc/Edge

Increase in Training time will tends to

Options :

a. Decreased of Size

b. Increased of Size

c. Constant Size

d. None of
the above.

Trees generate fast because it have to test?

Options :
a. No Pruning
b. Fewer Attributes
c. Both a and B
d. Either a or b
1. The Neural network model has unknown parameters, often called as [ ]
a) Weights b)Coefficients c)Neurons d)Inputs
2. Starting values is an issue in training [ ]
a) Decision tree b)Neural network c)SVM d)Kernel function
3. Support vector machine is a ________ learning model [ ]
a)Unsupervised b)Semi-supervised c)Supervised d)optimized
4. K-NN is a _______ learner [ ]
a)Lazy learner b)Eager learner c) Neighbor d)Dataset
5. Cluster analysis also called [ ]
a) subsets b) regions c) data segmentation d) data analysis
6. Association rules attempt to construct [ ]
a) Conjunctive rules b)disjunctive rules c)union rules d)high
dimensional rules
7. Random forest is a substantial modification of [ ]
a)Boosting b) regression c) classification d) bagging
8. Ensemble learning technique uses following methods [ ]
a)Regression and Classification b)Bagging and Boosting
c)linear and non-linear d)Training and Testing
9. AdaBoost is more susceptible to [ ]
a)noise and outliers b)errors and weights c)inputs and outputs d)loss and
10. Leaves in a classification tree represent [ ]
a)errors b)inputs c)variables d)decisions

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