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Title: Exploring the Impact of Big Data Analytics on Healthcare Systems

Healthcare systems collect a massive amount of data from various sources such as
electronic health records, diagnostic tests, and patient surveys. However, that data is not
utilised to its full potential due to the lack of advanced analytics techniques. With the
emergence of big data analytics, healthcare systems can convert this data into valuable
insights to enhance patient care, optimise clinical processes, and reduce costs.

Research Objectives:
The primary objective of this research is to investigate the impact of big data analytics on
healthcare systems. More specifically, the research aims to achieve the following
1. Evaluate the utilisation of big data analytics in enhancing patient care.
2. Assess the role of big data analytics in optimising clinical processes.
3. Investigate the impact of big data analytics on reducing healthcare costs.
4. Identify the challenges and limitations of implementing big data analytics in healthcare

The research will adopt a mixed-method approach, combining both quantitative and
qualitative data collection and analysis methods. A survey will be conducted on
healthcare providers, administrators, and other stakeholders in healthcare systems to
collect quantitative data. The survey will contain questions designed to address the
research objectives. Data collected from the survey will be analysed using descriptive and
inferential statistics. Interviews with key stakeholders in healthcare systems will also be
conducted to collect qualitative data to support the research findings. Data collected from
both methods will be analysed using content analysis.

Expected Outcomes:
This research will provide insights into the potential of big data analytics in healthcare
systems. The research findings will be useful to policymakers, healthcare providers, and
administrators in identifying best practices and strategies for leveraging big data analytics
to enhance patient care, optimise clinical processes, and reduce healthcare costs. The
research will also provide an understanding of the challenges and limitations of
implementing big data analytics in healthcare systems, which will be useful for
developing effective strategies for overcoming such challenges.

This research is significant in advancing knowledge in healthcare analytics. It will
provide insights into the impact of big data analytics on healthcare systems, which will be
useful in enabling healthcare providers, administrators, and policymakers to make
informed decisions about the adoption of big data analytics in healthcare systems.

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