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Handbook of Catalysis 1st Edition

Praveen Bhai Patel

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Discovery of the Laws of Phenomena of Dipolarized Light.

B ESIDES the above-mentioned perplexing cases of colors

produced by common light, cases of periodical colors produced
by polarized light began to be discovered, and soon became
numerous. In August, 1811, M. Arago communicated to the Institute
of France an account of colors seen by passing polarized light
through mica, and analysing 57 it with a prism of Iceland spar. It is
remarkable that the light which produced the colors in this case was
the light polarized by the sky, a cause of polarization not previously
known. The effect which the mica thus produced was termed
depolarization;—not a very happy term, since the effect is not the
destruction of the polarization, but the combination of a new
polarizing influence with the former. The word dipolarization, which
has since been proposed, is a much more appropriate expression.
Several other curious phenomena of the same kind were observed in
quartz, and in flint-glass. M. Arago was not able to reduce these
phenomena to laws, but he had a full conviction of their value, and
ventures to class them with the great steps in 81 this part of optics.
“To Bartholin we owe the knowledge of double refraction; to
Huyghens, that of the accompanying polarization; to Malus,
polarization by reflection; to Arago, depolarization.” Sir D. Brewster
was at the same time engaged in a similar train of research; and
made discoveries of the same nature, which, though not published
till some time after those of Arago, were obtained without a
knowledge of what had been done by him. Sir D. Brewster’s Treatise
on New Philosophical Instruments, published in 1813, contains many
curious experiments on the “depolarizing” properties of minerals.
Both these observers noticed the changes of color which are
produced by changes in the position of the ray, and the alternations
of color in the two oppositely polarized images; and Sir D. Brewster
discovered that, in topaz, the phenomena had a certain reference to
lines which he called the neutral and depolarizing axes. M. Biot had
endeavored to reduce the phenomena to a law; and had succeeded
so far, that he found that in the plates of sulphate of lime, the place
of the tint, estimated in Newton’s scale (see ante, chap. vii.), was as
the square of the sine of the inclination. But the laws of these
phenomena became much more obvious when they were observed
by Sir D. Brewster with a larger field of view. 58 He found that the
colors of topaz, under the circumstances now described, exhibited
themselves in the form of elliptical rings, crossed by a black bar, “the
most brilliant class of phenomena,” as he justly says, “in the whole
range of optics.” In 1814, also, Wollaston observed the circular rings
with a black cross, produced by similar means in calc-spar; and M.
Biot, in 1815, made the same observation. The rings in several of
these cases were carefully measured by M. Biot and Sir D. Brewster,
and a great mass of similar phenomena was discovered. These were
added to by various persons, as M. Seebeck, and Sir John Herschel.
57 The prism of Iceland spar produces the colors by separating
the transmitted rays according to the laws of double refraction.
Hence it is said to analyse the light.

58 Phil. Trans. 1814.

Sir D. Brewster, in 1818, discovered a general relation between

the crystalline form and the optical properties, which gave an
incalculable impulse and a new clearness to these researches. He
found that there was a correspondence between the degree of
symmetry of the optical phenomena and the crystalline form; those
crystals which are uniaxal in the crystallographical sense, are also
uniaxal in their optical properties, and give circular rings; those which
are of other forms are, generally speaking, biaxal; they give oval and
knotted isochromatic lines, with two poles. He also discovered a rule
for the tint at each point 82 in such cases; and thus explained, so far
as an empirical law of phenomena went, the curious and various
forms of the colored curves. This law, when simplified by M. Biot, 59
made the tint proportional to the product of the distances of the point
from the two poles. In the following year, Sir J. Herschel confirmed
this law by showing, from actual measurement, that the curve of the
isochromatic lines in these cases was the curve termed the
lemniscata, which has, for each point, the product of the distances
from two fixed poles equal to a constant quantity. 60 He also reduced
to rule some other apparent anomalies in phenomena of the same
59 Mém. Inst. 1818, p. 192.

60 Phil. Trans. 1819.

M. Biot, too, gave a rule for the directions of the planes of

polarization of the two rays produced by double refraction in biaxal
crystals, a circumstance which has a close bearing upon the
phenomena of dipolarization. His rule was, that the one plane of
polarization bisects the dihedral angle formed by the two planes
which pass through the optic axes, and that the other is
perpendicular to such a plane. When, however, Fresnel had
discovered from the theory the true laws of double refraction, it
appeared that the above rule is inaccurate, although in a degree
which observation could hardly detect without the aid of theory. 61
61 Fresnel, Mém. Inst. 1827, p. 162.
There were still other classes of optical phenomena which
attracted notice; especially those which are exhibited by plates of
quartz cut perpendicular to the axis. M. Arago had observed, in
1811, that this substance produced a twist of the plane of
polarization to the right or left hand, the amount of this twist being
different for different colors; a result which was afterwards traced to a
modification of light different both from common and from polarized
light, and subsequently known as circular polarization. Sir J.
Herschel had the good fortune and sagacity to discover that this
peculiar kind of polarization in quartz was connected with an equally
peculiar modification of crystallization, the plagihedral faces which
are seen, on some crystals, obliquely disposed, and, as it were,
following each other round the crystal from left to right, or from right
to left. Sir J. Herschel found that the right-handed or left-handed
character of the circular polarization corresponded, in all cases, to
that of the crystal.

In 1815, M. Biot, in his researches on the subject of circular

polarization, was led to the unexpected and curious discovery, that
this 83 property which seemed to require for its very conception a
crystalline structure in the body, belonged nevertheless to several
fluids, and in different directions for different fluids. Oil of turpentine,
and an essential oil of laurel, gave the plane of polarization a rotation
to the left hand; oil of citron, syrup of sugar, and a solution of
camphor, gave a rotation to the right hand. Soon after, the like
discovery was made independently by Dr. Seebeck, of Berlin.

It will easily be supposed that all those brilliant phenomena could

not be observed, and the laws of many of the phenomena
discovered, without attempts on the part of philosophers to combine
them all under the dominion of some wide and profound theory.
Endeavors to ascend from such knowledge as we have spoken of, to
the general theory of light, were, in fact, made at every stage of the
subject, and with a success which at last won almost all suffrages.
We are now arrived at the point at which we are called upon to trace
the history of this theory; to pass from the laws of phenomena to
their causes;—from Formal to Physical Optics. The undulatory
theory of light, the only discovery which can stand by the side of the
theory of universal gravitation, as a doctrine belonging to the same
order, for its generality, its fertility, and its certainty, may properly be
treated of with that ceremony which we have hitherto bestowed only
on the great advances of astronomy; and I shall therefore now
proceed to speak of the Prelude to this epoch, the Epoch itself, and
its Sequel, according to the form of the preceding Book which treats
of astronomy.

[2nd Ed.] [I ought to have stated, in the beginning of this chapter,

that Malus discovered the depolarization of white light in 1811. He
found that a pencil of light which, being polarized, refused to be
reflected by a surface properly placed, recovered its power of being
reflected after being transmitted through certain crystals and other
transparent bodies. Malus intended to pursue this subject, when his
researches were terminated by his death, Feb. 7, 1812. M. Arago,
about the same time, announced his important discovery of the
depolarization of colors by crystals.

I may add, to what is above said of M. Biot’s discoveries

respecting the circular polarizing power of fluids, that he pursued his
researches so as to bring into view some most curious relations
among the elements of bodies. It appeared that certain substances,
as sugar of canes, had a right-handed effect, and certain other
substances, as gum, a left-handed effect; and that the molecular
value of this effect was not altered by dilution. It appeared also that a
certain element of the 84 substance of fruits, which had been
supposed to be gum, and which is changed into sugar by the
operation of acids, is not gum, and has a very energetic right-handed
effect. This substance M. Biot called dextrine, and he has since
traced its effects into many highly curious and important results.]

Prelude to the Epoch of Young and Fresnel.

B Y Physical Optics we mean, as has already been stated, the

theories which explain optical phenomena on mechanical
principles. No such explanation could be given till true mechanical
principles had been obtained; and, accordingly, we must date the
commencement of the essays towards physical optics from
Descartes, the founder of the modern mechanical philosophy. His
hypothesis concerning light is, that it consists of small particles
emitted by the luminous body. He compares these particles to balls,
and endeavors to explain, by means of this comparison, the laws of
reflection and refraction. 62 In order to account for the production of
colors by refraction, he ascribes to these balls an alternating rotatory
motion. 63 This form of the emission theory, was, like most of the
physical speculations of its author, hasty and gratuitous; but was
extensively accepted, like the rest of the Cartesian doctrines, in
consequence of the love which men have for sweeping and simple
dogmas, and deductive reasonings from them. In a short time,
however, the rival optical theory of undulations made its appearance.
Hooke in his Micrographia (1664) propounds it, upon occasion of his
observations, already noticed, (chap. vii.,) on the colors of thin
plates. He there asserts 64 light to consist in a “quick, short, vibrating
motion,” and that it is propagated in a homogeneous medium, in
such a way that “every pulse or vibration of the luminous body will
generate a sphere, which will continually increase and grow bigger,
just after the same manner (though indefinitely swifter) as the waves
or rings on the surface of water do swell into bigger and bigger
circles about a point in it.” 65 He applies this to the explanation of
refraction, 86 by supposing that the rays in a denser medium move
more easily, and hence that the pulses become oblique; a far less
satisfactory and consistent hypothesis than that of Huyghens, of
which we shall next have to speak. But Hooke has the merit of
having also combined with his theory, though somewhat obscurely,
the Principle of Interferences, in the application which he makes of it
to the colors of thin plates. Thus 66 he supposes the light to be
reflected at the first surface of such plates; and he adds, “after two
refractions and one reflection (from the second surface) there is
propagated a kind of fainter ray,” which comes behind the other
reflected pulse; “so that hereby (the surfaces ab and ef being so
near together that the eye cannot discriminate them from one), this
compound or duplicated pulse does produce on the retina the
sensation of a yellow.” The reason for the production of this
particular color, in the case of which he here speaks, depends on his
views concerning the kind of pulses appropriate to each color; and,
for the same reason, when the thickness is different, he finds that the
result will be a red or a green. This is a very remarkable anticipation
of the explanation ultimately given of these colors; and we may
observe that if Hooke could have measured the thickness of his thin
plates, he could hardly have avoided making considerable progress
in the doctrine of interferences.
62 Diopt. c. ii. 4.

63 Meteor. c. viii. 6.

64 Micrographia, p. 56.

65 Micrographia, p. 57.

66 Micrographia, p. 66.
But the person who is generally, and with justice, looked upon as
the great author of the undulatory theory, at the period now under
notice, is Huyghens, whose Traité de la Lumière, containing a
developement of his theory, was written in 1678, though not
published till 1690. In this work he maintained, as Hooke had done,
that light consists in undulations, and expands itself spherically,
nearly in the same manner as sound does; and he referred to the
observations of Römer on Jupiter’s satellites, both to prove that this
difference takes place successively, and to show its exceeding
swiftness. In order to trace the effect of an undulation, Huyghens
considers that every point of a wave diffuses its motion in all
directions; and hence he draws the conclusion, so long looked upon
as the turning-point of the combat between the rival theories, that the
light will not be diffused beyond the rectilinear space, when it passes
through an aperture; “for,” says he, 67 “although the partial waves,
produced by the particles comprised in the aperture, do diffuse
themselves beyond the rectilinear space, these waves do not concur
anywhere except in front of the 87 aperture.” He rightly considers this
observation as of the most essential value. “This,” he says, “was not
known by those who began to consider the waves of light, among
whom are Mr. Hooke in his Micrography, and Father Pardies; who, in
a treatise of which he showed me a part, and which he did not live to
finish, had undertaken to prove, by these waves, the effects of
reflection and refraction. But the principal foundation, which consists
in the remark I have just made, was wanting in his demonstrations.”
67 Tracts on Optics, p. 209.

By the help of this view, Huyghens gave a perfectly satisfactory

and correct explanation of the laws of reflection and refraction; and
he also applied the same theory, as we have seen, to the double
refraction of Iceland spar with great sagacity and success. He
conceived that in this crystal, besides the spherical waves, there
might be others of a spheroidal form, the axis of the spheroid being
symmetrically disposed with regard to the faces of the
rhombohedron, for to these faces the optical phenomena are
symmetrically related. He found 68 that the position of the refracted
ray, determined by such spheroidal undulations, would give an
oblique refraction, which would coincide in its laws with the refraction
observed in Iceland spar; and, as we have stated, this coincidence
was long after fully confirmed by other observers.
68 Tracts on Optics, 237.

Since Huyghens, at this early period, expounded the undulatory

theory with so much distinctness, and applied it with so much skill, it
may be asked why we do not hold him up as the great Author of the
induction of undulations of light;—the person who marks the epoch
of the theory? To this we reply, that though Huyghens discovered
strong presumptions in favor of the undulatory theory, it was not
established till a later era, when the fringes of shadows, rightly
understood, made the waves visible, and when the hypothesis which
had been assumed to account for double refraction, was found to
contain also an explanation of polarization. It is then that this theory
of light assumes its commanding form; and the persons who gave it
this form, we must make the great names of our narrative; without,
however, denying the genius and merit of Huyghens, who is,
undoubtedly, the leading character in the prelude to the discovery.

The undulatory theory, from this time to our own, was unfortunate
in its career. It was by no means destitute of defenders, but these
were not experimenters; and none of them thought of applying it to
88 Grimaldi’s experiments on fringes, of which we have spoken a
little while ago. And the great authority of the period, Newton,
adopted the opposite hypothesis, that of emission, and gave it a
currency among his followers which kept down the sounder theory
for above a century.

Newton’s first disposition appears to have been by no means

averse to the assumption of an ether as the vehicle of luminiferous
undulations. When Hooke brought against his prismatic analysis of
light some objections, founded on his own hypothetical notions,
Newton, in his reply, said, 69 “The hypothesis has a much greater
affinity with his own hypothesis than he seems to be aware of; the
vibrations of the ether being as useful and necessary in this as in
his.” This was in 1672; and we might produce, from Newton’s writing,
passages of the same kind, of a much later date. Indeed it would
seem that, to the last, Newton considered the assumption of an ether
as highly probable, and its vibrations important parts of the
phenomena of light; but he also introduced into his system the
hypothesis of emission, and having followed this hypothesis into
mathematical detail, while he has left all that concerns the ether in
the form of queries and conjectures, the emission theory has
naturally been treated as the leading part of his optical doctrines.
69 Phil. Trans. vii. 5087.

The principal propositions of the Principia which bear upon the

question of optical theory are those of the fourteenth Section of the
first Book, 70 in which the law of the sines in refraction is proved on
the hypothesis that the particles of bodies act on light only at very
small distances; and the proposition of the eighth Section of the
second Book; 71 in which it is pretended to be demonstrated that the
motion propagated in a fluid must diverge when it has passed
through an aperture. The former proposition shows that the law of
refraction, an optical truth which mainly affected the choice of a
theory, (for about reflection there is no difficulty on any mechanical
hypothesis,) follows from the theory of emission: the latter
proposition was intended to prove the inadmissibility of the rival
hypothesis, that of undulations. As to the former point,—the
hypothetical explanation of refraction, on the assumptions there
made,—the conclusion is quite satisfactory; but the reasoning in the
latter case, (respecting the propagation of undulations,) is certainly
inconclusive and vague; and something better might the more
reasonably have been expected, since Huyghens had at least 89
endeavored to prove the opposite proposition. But supposing we
leave these properties, the rectilinear course, the reflection, and the
refraction of light, as problems in which neither theory has a decided
advantage, what is the next material point? The colors of thin plates.
Now, how does Newton’s theory explain these? By a new and
special supposition;—that of fits of easy transmission and reflection:
a supposition which, though it truly expresses these facts, is not
borne out by any other phenomena. But, passing over this, when we
come to the peculiar laws of polarization in Iceland spar, how does
Newton’s meet this? Again by a special and new supposition;—that
the rays of light have sides. Thus we find no fresh evidence in favor
of the emission hypothesis springing out of the fresh demands made
upon it. It may be urged, in reply, that the same is true of the
undulatory theory; and it must be allowed that, at the time of which
we now speak, its superiority in this respect was not manifested;
though Hooke, as we have seen, had caught a glimpse of the
explanation, which this theory supplies, of the colors of thin plates.
70 Principia, Prop. 94, et seq.
71 Ib. Prop. 42.

At a later period, Newton certainly seems to have been strongly

disinclined to believe light to consist in undulations merely. “Are not,”
he says, in Question twenty-eight of the Opticks, “all hypotheses
erroneous, in which light is supposed to consist in pression or motion
propagated through a fluid medium?” The arguments which most
weighed with him to produce this conviction, appear to have been
the one already mentioned,—that, on the undulatory hypothesis,
undulations passing through an aperture would be diffused; and
again,—his conviction, that the properties of light, developed in
various optical phenomena, “depend not upon new modifications, but
upon the original and unchangeable properties of the rays.”
(Question twenty-seven.)

But yet, even in this state of his views, he was very far from
abandoning the machinery of vibrations altogether. He is disposed to
use such machinery to produce his “fits of easy transmission.” In his
seventeenth Query, he says, 72 “when a ray of light falls upon the
surface of any pellucid body, and is there refracted or reflected; may
not waves of vibrations or tremors be thereby excited in the
refracting or reflecting medium at the point of incidence? . . . . and do
not these vibrations overtake the rays of light, and by overtaking
them successively, do they not put them into the fits of easy
reflection and easy 90 transmission described above?” Several of the
other queries imply the same persuasion, of the necessity for the
assumption of an ether and its vibrations. And it might have been
asked, whether any good reason could be given for the hypothesis of
an ether as a part of the mechanism of light, which would not be
equally valid in favor of this being the whole of the mechanism,
especially if it could be shown that nothing more was wanted to
produce the results.
72 Opticks, p. 322.

The emission theory was, however, embraced in the most

strenuous manner by the disciples of Newton. That propositions
existed in the Principia which proceeded on this hypothesis, was,
with many of these persons, ground enough for adopting the
doctrine; and it had also the advantage of being more ready of
conception, for though the propagation of a wave is not very difficult
to conceive, at least by a mathematician, the motion of a particle is
still easier.

On the other hand, the undulation theory was maintained by no

less a person than Euler; and the war between the two opinions was
carried on with great earnestness. The arguments on one side and
on the other soon became trite and familiar, for no person explained
any new class of facts by either theory. Thus it was urged by Euler
against the system of emission, 73 —that the perpetual emanation of
light from the sun must have diminished the mass;—that the stream
of matter thus constantly flowing must affect the motions of the
planets and comets; that the rays must disturb each other;—that the
passage of light through transparent bodies is, on this system,
inconceivable: all such arguments were answered by
representations of the exceeding minuteness and velocity of the
matter of light. On the other hand, there was urged against the
theory of waves, the favorite Newtonian argument, that on this theory
the light passing through an aperture ought to be diffused, as sound
is. It is curious that Euler does not make to this argument the reply
which Huyghens had made before. The fact really was, that he was
not aware of the true ground of the difference of the result in the
cases of sound and light; namely, that any ordinary aperture bears
an immense ratio to the length of an undulation of light, but does not
bear a very great ratio to the length of an undulation of sound. The
demonstrable consequence of this difference is, that light darts
through such an orifice in straight rays, while sound is diffused in all
directions. Euler, not perceiving this difference, rested his answer
mainly upon a circumstance by no means 91 unimportant, that the
partitions usually employed are not impermeable to sound, as opake
bodies are to light. He observes that the sound does not all come
through the aperture; for we hear, though the aperture be stopped.
These were the main original points of attack and defence, and they
continued nearly the same for the whole of the last century; the
same difficulties were over and over again proposed, and the same
solutions given, much in the manner of the disputations of the
schoolmen of the middle ages.
73 Fischer, iv. 449.

The struggle being thus apparently balanced, the scale was

naturally turned by the general ascendancy of the Newtonian
doctrines: and the emission theory was the one most generally
adopted. It was still more firmly established, in consequence of the
turn generally taken by the scientific activity of the latter half of the
eighteenth century: for while nothing was added to our knowledge of
optical laws, the chemical effects of light were studied to a
considerable extent by various inquirers; 74 and the opinions at which
these persons arrived, they found that they could express most
readily, in consistency with the reigning chemical views, by assuming
the materiality of light. It is, however, clear, that no reasonings of the
inevitably vague and doubtful character which belong to these
portions of chemistry, ought to be allowed to interfere with the steady
and regular progress of induction and generalization, founded on
relations of space and number, by which procedure the mechanical
sciences are formed. We reject, therefore, all these chemical
speculations, as belonging to other subjects; and consider the
history of optical theory as a blank, till we arrive at some very
different events, of which we have now to speak.
74 As Scheele, Selle, Lavoisier, De Luc, Richter, Leonhardi, Gren,
Girtanner, Link, Hagen, Voigt, De la Metherie, Scherer, Dizé,
Brugnatelli. See Fischer, vii. p. 20.


Epoch of Young and Fresnel.

Sect. 1.—Introduction.

T HE man whose name must occupy the most distinguished place

in the history of Physical Optics, in consequence of what he did
in reviving and establishing the undulatory theory of light, is Dr.
Thomas Young. He was born in 1773, at Milverton in Somersetshire,
of Quaker parents; and after distinguishing himself during youth by
the variety and accuracy of his attainments, he settled in London as
a physician in 1801; but continued to give much of his attention to
general science. His optical theory, for a long time, made few
proselytes; and several years afterwards, Auguste Fresnel, an
eminent French mathematician, an engineer officer, took up similar
views, proved their truth, and traced their consequences, by a series
of labors almost independent of those of Dr. Young. It was not till the
theory was thus re-echoed from another land, that it was able to take
any strong hold on the attention of the countrymen of its earlier

The theory of undulations, like that of universal gravitation, may be

divided into several successive steps of generalization. In both
cases, all these steps were made by the same persons; but there is
this difference:—all the parts of the law of universal gravitation were
worked out in one burst of inspiration by its author, and published at
one time;—in the doctrine of light, on the other hand, the different
steps of the advance were made and published at separate times,
with intervals between. We see the theory in a narrower form, and in
detached portions, before the widest generalizations and principles
of unity are reached; we see the authors struggling with the
difficulties before we see them successful. They appear to us as
men like ourselves, liable to perplexity and failure, instead of coming
before us, as Newton does in the history of Physical Astronomy, as
the irresistible and almost supernatural hero of a philosophical
romance. 93

The main subdivisions of the great advance in physical optics, of

which we have now to give an account, are the following:—

1. The explanation of the periodical colors of thin plates, thick

plates, fringed shadows, striated surfaces, and other phenomena of
the same kind, by means of the doctrine of the interference of

2. The explanation of the phenomena of double refraction by the

propagation of undulations in a medium of which the optical elasticity
is different in different directions.

3. The conception of polarization as the result of the vibrations

being transverse; and the consequent explanation of the production
of polarization, and the necessary connexion between polarization
and double refraction, on mechanical principles.

4. The explanation of the phenomena of dipolarization, by means

of the interference of the resolved parts of the vibrations after double

The history of each of these discoveries will be given separately to

a certain extent; by which means the force of proof arising from their
combination will be more apparent.

Sect. 2.—Explanation of the Periodical Colors of Thin Plates and

Shadows by the Undulatory Theory.

The explanation of periodical colors by the principle of interference

of vibrations, was the first step which Young made in his confirmation
of the undulatory theory. In a paper on Sound and Light, dated
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 9th July, 1799, and read before the
Royal Society in January following, he appears to incline strongly to
the Huyghenian theory; not however offering any new facts or
calculations in its favor, but pointing out the great difficulties of the
Newtonian hypothesis. But in a paper read before the Royal Society,
November 12, 1801, he says, “A further consideration of the colors
of thin plates has converted that prepossession which I before
entertained for the undulatory theory of light, into a very strong
conviction of its truth and efficiency; a conviction which has since
been most strikingly confirmed by an analysis of the colors of striated
surfaces.” He here states the general principle of interferences in the
form of a proposition. (Prop. viii.) “When two undulations from
different origins coincide either perfectly or very nearly in direction,
their joint effect is a combination of the motions belonging to them.”
He explains, by the help of this proposition, the colors which were
observed in Coventry’s 94 micrometers, in which instrument lines
were drawn on glass at a distance of 1⁄500th of an inch. The
interference of the undulations of the rays reflected from the two
sides of these fine lines, produced periodical colors. In the same
manner, he accounts for the colors of thin plates, by the interference
of the light partially reflected from the two surfaces of the plates. We
have already seen that Hooke had long before suggested the same

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