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I. Introduction

A. Greeting and Introduction

Warm welcome as a representative of the University of Foreign Languages
Acknowledgment of the exciting adventure of studying in the upcoming
Mention of personal status as a current student
II. Cultural Delights: Food
A. Introduction to Local Cuisine
Highlighting the diverse and flavorful local cuisine
Encouragement to explore savory street food and traditional dishes
Assurance of international restaurants for diverse tastes
III. Practical Considerations: Weather and Clothing
A. Discussion on Seasonal Changes
Noting the onset of winter in October
Advising on packing warm layers, a good coat, and a sturdy umbrella
Caution about floods and reassurance of the city's charm after floods
IV. Accommodation and Community Building
A. Importance of Accommodation
Recognition of the significance of accommodation during the stay
Highlighting the sense of community in student residences
Encouragement to forge friendships through communal spaces
V. Academic Environment
A. Overview of University's Academic Environment
Introduction to diverse and inclusive learning environment
Mention of various teaching styles – lectures, seminars, and practical sessions
Emphasis on engaging with professors and fellow students
VI. Beyond Academics: Extracurricular Activities
A. Opportunities for Engagement
Exploration of extracurricular activities
Encouragement to join clubs, attend cultural events, and explore sports
Mention of the rich historical sites in the city
VII. Connecting with Locals
A. Emphasizing the Heart of the Community
Appreciation for the hospitality and friendliness of local Vietnamese
Encouragement to engage in conversations and learn from one another
Broadening perspectives through interaction with the local community
VIII. Charitable Activities
A. Invitation to Give Back
Encouragement to engage in charitable activities during the stay
Recommendation of non-profit organizations for volunteering
Highlighting the opportunity to make a positive impact on the community
IX. Closing and Final Words
A. Embracing the Transformative Adventure
Summary of the transformative nature of the upcoming adventure
Encouragement to view challenges as opportunities for growth
Expressing the journey as an extraordinary opportunity for personal and
academic growth
Final words of encouragement, safe travels, and welcome to the adventure of a
Audience analyst

Age Group: Primarily university students, likely ranging from late teens to
early twenties.
Educational Background: University students, potentially from diverse
academic disciplines within the foreign languages field.
Nationality: International students coming to study in Vietnam.

Motivation: The audience is motivated by the desire for a transformative

educational and cultural experience. They are seeking opportunities for
personal and academic growth.
Interests: Interested in exploring local cuisine, experiencing different cultures,
building friendships, and engaging in extracurricular and charitable activities.
Concerns: Concerned about adapting to the local weather, accommodation,
academic challenges, and forming meaningful connections in a new
Values: Value diversity, inclusivity, and community engagement. Appreciate
the importance of both academic and personal development.
Communication Style:

Language Preference: English, as the speech is likely delivered to an

international audience.
Tone: Positive, welcoming, and encouraging. The audience is likely to respond
well to a friendly and optimistic tone.
Communication Channels: Likely to engage with both traditional and digital
channels, such as university websites, social media, and email.
Key Messages:

Warm Welcome: Emphasize a warm welcome to the students, acknowledging

the transformative adventure they are about to embark on.
Cultural Exploration: Highlight the rich local cuisine, weather tips, and the
cultural and historical aspects of the city.
Academic Environment: Emphasize the diverse and inclusive academic
environment, encouraging active engagement with professors and fellow
Community Engagement: Encourage participation in extracurricular
activities, exploring the local culture, and engaging with the community
through volunteer opportunities.
Personal Growth: Emphasize that challenges are opportunities for growth and
encourage a positive and open mindset.
Call to Action:
Encourage students to actively participate in local activities, explore the
culture, and engage with the community.
Emphasize the importance of embracing challenges and viewing each
experience as a chance for personal and academic growth.
Invite them to consider engaging in charitable activities during their stay and
provide recommendations for non-profit organizations.
Overall, the communication should convey a sense of excitement, support, and
encouragement, addressing the practical aspects of the students' new
environment while emphasizing the broader, life-changing opportunities they
are about to experience.
Hello everyone, My name is Toan and I am currently a student of the
University of foreign languages. I will be the one of our representative to
introduce you guys a few things about our country.

First and foremost, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you who
are embarking on this exciting adventure to study in our university for the
upcoming semester. This experience will be trans-formative, and I'm honored
to be here today to share some insights that I believe will enhance your time in

Let's start with a topic close to everyone's heart – food. Our local cuisine is a
delightful change of flavors that will undoubtedly Fantasize your taste buds.
From savory street food to delicate traditional dishes, don't hesitate to explore
and savor the diverse culinary experiences our city has to offer. And if you're
feeling a bit homesick, fear not; we have a variety of international restaurants
that cater to different tastes.

Another thing you need to keep in mind is the weather and clothing. In
Vietnam, October usually marks the beginning of cold climate, and
temperatures can drop significantly. So, pack accordingly with warm layers, a
good coat, and don't forget a sturdy umbrella because the rains will occur quite
persistent. Most importantly, watch out for heavy rain because in this season
the flood can rise extremely quickly. But fear not, the cold climate has its
charm, and after the flood, you'll find the city beautifully adorned with seasonal

Accommodation is another important aspect of your stay. Many of you will be

living in student residences, fostering a sense of community and making it
easier to forge friendships. Take advantage of the communal spaces and get to
know your neighbors – you never know the friendships you might form during
your stay.

Moving on to academics, our university prides itself on a diverse and inclusive

learning environment. You'll encounter a variety of teaching styles, including
lectures, seminars, and practical sessions. Don't hesitate to engage with your
professors and fellow students; our academic community values collaboration
and intellectual curiosity.

Beyond the classroom, there are numerous activities to participate in. Whether
it's joining a club, attending cultural events, or exploring recreational sports,
these activities provide opportunities to make friends and immerse yourself in
the local culture. Speaking of culture, our city boasts a rich history with many
historical sites to explore. Take some time to visit local landmarks and
museums, as they offer a glimpse into the fascinating stories that have shaped
our community.
Now, let's talk about the heart of any community – its people. The locals
Vietnamese are known for their hospitality and friendliness. Don't be shy to
strike up conversations and embrace the opportunity to learn from one another.
Engaging with the local community will enrich your experience and broaden
your perspectives.

Lastly, I want to encourage you to consider participate in charitable activities

during your stay. Volunteering is a meaningful way to give back to the
community that has welcomed you, and it provides a unique opportunity to
make a positive impact. If you are interested, some of the non-profit
organization I would recommend are : Vietnam Red-cross society, operation
smile, Saigon Children’s Charity.

Before ending my speech, I just want to say : In the coming months, you're not
just studying in a new place; you're embracing a trans-formative adventure. See
each challenge as a chance to grow, every unfamiliar face as a potential friend,
and every lesson, inside and outside the classroom, as a stepping stone to a
more profound understanding of the world and yourself. This journey is more
than a semester; it's an opportunity for extraordinary personal and academic
growth. So, dive in, make the most of every moment, and let this experience
shape you in ways you never imagined. Safe travels and welcome to the
journey of a lifetime!

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