Keyboard Windows Alt Codes List

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Alt Codes




Alt codes list ☺♥♪ keyboard


How to type keyboard symbols

Wondering how to make symbols with keyboard alt codes? Pick your system and read how.

➲ Windows PC

➲ Windows Laptop

➲ Other

Alt codes
All alt codes are listed below.

1 ☺ ○ 9 17 ◄ ↓ 25

2 ☻ ◙ 10 18 ↕ → 26

3 ♥ ♂ 11 19 ‼ ← 27

4 ♦ ♀ 12 20 ¶ ∟ 28

5 ♣ ♪ 13 21 § ↔ 29

6 ♠ ♫ 14 22 ▬ ▲ 30

7 • ☼ 15 23 ↨ ▼ 31

8 ◘ ► 16 24 ↑ 32


33 A = 61 89 Y u 117 0146 ’ ¯ 0175 0203 Ë æ 0230

34 " > 62 90 Z v 118 0147 “ ° 0176 0204 Ì ç 0231

35 # ? 63 91 [ w 119 0148 ” ± 0177 0205 Í è 0232

36 $ @ 64 92 \ x 120 0149 • ² 0178 0206 Î é 0233

37 % A 65 93 ] y 121 0150 – ³ 0179 0207 Ï ê 0234

38 & B 66 94 ^ z 122 0151 — ´ 0180 0208 Ð ë 0235

39 ' C 67 95 _ { 123 0152 ˜ µ 0181 0209 Ñ ì 0236

40 ( D 68 96 ` | 124 0153 ™ ¶ 0182 0210 Ò í 0237

41 ) E 69 97 a } 125 0154 š · 0183 0211 Ó î 0238

42 * F 70 98 b ~ 126 0155 › ¸ 0184 0212 Ô ï 0239

43 + G 71 99 c Δ 127 0156 œ ¹ 0185 0213 Õ ð 0240

44 , H 72 100 d € 0128 0158 ž º 0186 0214 Ö ñ 0241

45 - I 73 101 e ‚ 0130 0159 Ÿ » 0187 0215 × ò 0242

46 . J 74 102 f ƒ 0131 0160 ¼ 0188 0216 Ø ó 0243

47 / K 75 103 g „ 0132 0161 ¡ ½ 0189 0217 Ù ô 0244

48 0 L 76 104 h … 0133 0162 ¢ ¾ 0190 0218 Ú õ 0245

49 1 M 77 105 i † 0134 0163 £ ¿ 0191 0219 Û ö 0246

50 2 N 78 106 j ‡ 0135 0164 ¤ À 0192 0220 Ü ÷ 0247

51 3 O 79 107 k ˆ 0136 0165 ¥ Á 0193 0221 Ý ø 0248

52 4 P 80 108 l ‰ 0137 0166 ¦ Â 0194 0222 Þ ù 0249

53 5 Q 81 109 m Š 0138 0167 § Ã 0195 0223 ß ú 0250

54 6 R 82 110 n ‹ 0139 0168 ¨ Ä 0196 0224 à û 0251

55 7 S 83 111 o Œ 0140 0169 © Å 0197 0225 á ü 0252

56 8 T 84 112 p Ž 0142 0170 ª Æ 0198 0226 â ý 0253

57 9 U 85 113 q ‘ 0145 0171 « Ç 0199 0227 ã þ 0254

58 : V 86 114 r 0172 ¬ È 0200 0228 ä ÿ 0255

59 ; W 87 115 s 0173 É 0201 0229 å

60 < X 88 116 t 0174 ® Ê 0202

128 Ç É 144 160 á ░ 176 192 └ ╨ 208 224 α ≡ 240

129 ü æ 145 161 í ▒ 177 193 ┴ ╤ 209 225 ß ± 241

130 é Æ 146 162 ó ▓ 178 194 ┬ ╥ 210 226 Γ ≥ 242

131 â ô 147 163 ú │ 179 195 ├ ╙ 211 227 π ≤ 243

132 ä ö 148 164 ñ ┤ 180 196 ─ ╘ 212 228 Σ ⌠ 244

133 à ò 149 165 Ñ ╡ 181 197 ┼ ╒ 213 229 σ ⌡ 245

134 å û 150 166 ª ╢ 182 198 ╞ ╓ 214 230 µ ÷ 246

135 ç ù 151 167 º ╖ 183 199 ╟ ╫ 215 231 τ ≈ 247

136 ê ÿ 152 168 ¿ ╕ 184 200 ╚ ╪ 216 232 Φ ° 248

137 ë Ö 153 169 ⌐ ╣ 185 201 ╔ ┘ 217 233 Θ ∙ 249

138 è Ü 154 170 ¬ ║ 186 202 ╩ ┌ 218 234 Ω · 250

139 ï ¢ 155 171 ½ ╗ 187 203 ╦ █ 219 235 δ √ 251

140 î £ 156 172 ¼ ╝ 188 204 ╠ ▄ 220 236 ∞ ⁿ 252

141 ì ¥ 157 173 ¡ ╜ 189 205 ═ ▌ 221 237 φ ² 253

142 Ä ₧ 158 174 « ╛ 190 206 ╬ ▐ 222 238 ε ■ 254

143 Å ƒ 159 175 » ┐ 191 207 ╧ ▀ 223 239 ∩ 255


More Symbols
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ʕ• ̀ ʔっ♡ Text Art Small Simple
generator Emoticons ‫؜‬ Text Art

Symbols ☯ Emoji

FSYMBOLS is a collection of cute and cool symbols and special text characters for
your Facebook, Instagram bio, chat, posts, or some profiles. Put these special
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my huge text character collection of special emoji for social networks.

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↓↳➜⇢➤Ϲ➵Ҙ Arrow

Copy and paste + Find how to text arrow signs ➟ ➡ ➢ ➣ ➤ ➥ ➦ ➧ ➨ ➚ ➘ ➙ ➛ ➜ ➝ ➞

➸ ِ ➲ ➳ ➳ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➷ ➸ ➹ ➺ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↚ ↛ ⏎ directly from your keyboard. You can put
them in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Ways to make arrow symbols, HTML
unicode entities and more.

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Copy paste, or type heart text symbols ♥ ❤ ❥ ❣ ❦ ❧ with your keyboard. Copy and
paste heart to Facebook, Instagram bio or story, etc. Share cute love heart signs.

Lenny Face generator ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Copy paste Lenny face ( ͡° х ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡⊙ ʖ͜ ͡⊙) ( ͡ ◉ ͜ʖ ͡ ◉ ) ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ emoticons and
use a cool Lenny Face generator to make your own custom Lenny Faces that perfectly
suit any discussion.

Last update 1 year ago


Question We just bought a notebook (laptop). How do you make alternative symbols? The keyboard has 4 symbols
on the keys. It is an Acer running Windows 7. Thank you.

Answer Look here Alt Code symbols on Laptop keyboard for the details.

Question You might want to add this one on ª = alt + 9999654 I think.

Answer Nope, universally alt + 9999654 is alt code 84. and ª can't be inputted with this code in most browsers
through alt codes. Only in Word and "Rich edit" stuff, maybe. But thanks anyway, I've listed it on Cool
Symbols ♡؎ now as a copy-paste symbol.

Question I cant find out how you make all the text symbols. I know you can copy them but how to make them?

Answer Read How to write symbols by using keyboard Alt codes

Question *. How do you do the star usinq alt?

Answer If you're talking about this * star, then you can do it (How to write symbols by using keyboard Alt codes)
with alt code 42. If you're talking about more starry-looking ones - then you better just copy-paste them
from Cool Symbols ♡؎. Easiest and most efficient way, cause there's no alt codes for them.
Question Yea, I did some thing wrong and now my screen is all big. Help, please.

Answer Try "Ctrl+0". You probably zoomed in. Remember to enable Num Lock first and use Alt, not Ctrl.

Question how do u do the twisted smirk face?

Answer You don't do - it's pretty hard to do it. You copy it. From Cool Symbols ♡؎.

Question How do you do beautiful letters >.< I keep on trying but it just shuts computer down!

Answer Oh My F-God! Haven't heard about anything like this before ^.^ Watch my video on How to write symbols
by using keyboard Alt codes. I'm sure you're doing something wrong.

Question How to create apple?

Answer [Option] + [Shift] + [K] on a Mac.

Question How to add some character in my full name on Facebook?..

Like these characters: ۞ , ℬ ℰ ℯ ℱ ℊ ℋ.
What's your secret?..

Answer There's no big secret. Read Facebook name with cool symbol letters.

Question Hey thank you for this but I can't use it in Yahoo Messenger. Sometimes it appears, sometimes it won't
happen. I have to use alt+fun. Can't I use number keys given under f1, f2 and f3?

Answer No. They won't work for Alt codes.

Comment This really isn't a question, but yes, Windows did change and that is why you can no longer type certian
symbols. Hope this helps!

Question Can you please tell me how to do this symbol, ◕. I can't seem to find it.

Answer You can't make this one with your keyboard on Windows. Instead you can copy-paste it, or use Character

Question I can't use this symbol to change my nickname in Facebook. How can I use this symbols to change my
nickname on Facebook?

Answer Read Facebook name with cool symbol letters.

Question What is the math. alt code for approximately?

Answer 247, if you'll take a closer look at the list. Hope, this works for you.

Question I have a laptop with the numeric key pad. My keyboard quite often acts as though the numeric keys are on
the right half of the regular keyboard when I have the num lock on. The number keypad also just does the
home, right arrowes etc. How do I get it out of this mode so I can use it normally?

Answer Well, what I can say is that the key pad keys act like arrows, home, delete and other keys when you have
Num Lock turned off.

Question I press Alt + 239, but I get what Alt + 0180 is. Why?

Answer Note the leading zero in 0180. Short details on Alt codes.

Question Is there a list of Alt codes somewhere in a Word or PDF file that can be saved and then printed?

You can print this page. Just press CTRL+P. Or copy it and paste into a word document and delete stuff you
don't want to print.

Question Hi, I am Barbara. I need to know how to access codes for letters. I am used to using 3 letters in Swedish
correspondence, one of which is a with two dots over it (ä). The code is Alt+132 but when I type that I get a
musical note ♪ Help! Barbara.

Answer It looks like you've got a different character set. Try 228, or 0132. I hope it works. If it won't - you should
probably read about Shift states for Windows symbols. If you'll use Shift states you'll be able to bind ä to
AltGr (right alt) + a, which is a lot faster. ;)

Question I love these! How can I print out a paper copy? I'm an old ♀.

Answer Do Ctrl+P (press Ctrl and P simultaneously) to open a printing dialog, or copy this to Word and cut
unneeded stuff away, leaving just Alt codes and then print from there.

Question How can I write when playing cards like in BBO: Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and clubs, please?

Answer Well, actually use these Alt codes (read manual on the other page first), or read Symbols on Keyboard for
other methods.

Question How do you do ૐ by using alt codes?

Answer You can't. Alt codes aren't for all the symbols. Just for some.

Question ♡ what is alt code for this one?

Answer There's no alt code for it. Copy-paste it.

Question I found this one at school on the computer. 9996=♀

Answer It's about rich text codes. Maybe I'll take care of that topic later.. It works in MS Word, but not in browsers..

Question please find the letter J to be within a circle example Ⓞ Ⓐ Ⓝ Ⓘ

Answer You can find all the circled symbols inside Cool Symbols ♡؎. Good luck ;)

Question Infinty doesn't work.

Answer Yeah. The lower ones work only on some systems. Mostly, American ones, I think.

Question When I type specific alt codes on the Internet, it keeps screwing up & thinking that I pressed Backspace,
which takes me to the previous page. Is there a way to stop this? Or does my computer just suck.

Answer Enable Num Lock, funny. =)

Question How do you do "thumb's up"? :)

Answer Copy э. There's no alt code for it, sorry

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