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Airline Reservation System


Mr. Anand T
ROLL NO: SB210311
UUCMS Reg. No: U01BF21S0025

MYSURU – 570015

➢ Introduction

➢ Abstract

➢ Existing System

➢ Proposed System

➢ Advantages of Proposed System

➢ Hardware and Software Requirements

➢ Conclusion
Airline Reservation system using

Airline reservation systems incorporate airline schedules, fare tariffs, passenger reservations
and ticket records. An airline’s direct distribution works within their own reservation system,
as well as pushing out information to the GDS. The second type of direct distribution channel
are consumers who use the internet or mobile applications to make their own reservations.
Travel agencies and other indirect distribution channels access the same GDS as those
accessed by the airline reservation systems, and all messaging is transmitted by a
standardized messaging system that functions on two types of messaging that transmit on
SITA’s high level network (HLN). These messaging types are called Type A [usually
EDIFACT format] for real time interactive communication and Type B [TTY] for
informational and booking type of messages. Message construction standards set by IATA
and ICAO, are global, and apply to more than air transportation. Since airline reservation
systems are business critical applications, and they are functionally quite complex, the
operation of an in-house airline reservation system is relatively expensive.

Prior to deregulation[clarification needed], airlines owned their own reservation systems with
travel agents subscribing to them. Today, the GDS are run by independent companies with
airlines and travel agencies being major subscribers.

As of February 2009, there are only four major GDS providers in the market: Amadeus,
Travel port (which operates the Apollo, World span and Galileo systems), Sabre and Shares.
There is one major Regional GDS, Abacus, serving the Asian market and a number of
regional players serving single countries, including Travel sky (China), ORS (Russia),
Infinite and Axes (both Japan) and Topaz (South Korea). Of these, Infinite is hosted within
the Sabre complex, Axes is in the process of moving into a partition within the World span
complex, and Topaz agencies will be migrating into Amadeus.

Airline Reservation System contains the details about flight schedules and its fare tariffs,
Reservations and ticket records. An airline’s inventory contains all flights with their available seats.
The Inventory of an airline service is generally divided into three category of classes (e.g. First,
Business or Economy class) and each category is having seats up to 26 bookings, along. With prices
and booking Conditions. Inventory data is imported and maintained through a Schedule Distribution
System over Standardized interfaces. One of the core functions of the inventory management of
airline reservations Is the inventory control. Inventory control steers how many seats are available for
the different booking Classes, DN opening and closing individual booking cases for sale. Combination
with the fares and Booking conditions stored in the Fare Quote System the price for each sold seat is

Existing System:

The current job suggestion system frequently uses primitive keyword matching, which leaves
out personalised recommendations and matches jobs in an ineffective manner. Simple search
algorithms are used by traditional job boards and recruitment platforms, which do not take
into account the unique credentials and preferences of individual users. Furthermore, these
systems frequently experience scalability problems when handling high volumes of candidate
profiles and job advertisements. The incapacity of current systems to adjust to changing user
preferences and job market developments makes it difficult for them to provide employers
and job searchers with relevant recommendations that meet their demands. Thus, a more
complex and automated job suggestion system that makes use of cutting-edge technology like
machine learning and natural language processing is desperately needed.

Proposed System:

A comprehensive strategy aimed at obtaining precise and customised job recommendations is

encompassed by the suggested techniques for creating the job recommendation system
utilising Python and a variety of technologies, including NLTK, pandas, Streamlit, scikit-
learn, feature extraction, cosine similarity, and stemming.

First, text preparation tasks including tokenization, stop word removal, and stemming will be
performed using NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit), which will improve the quality of
textual data retrieved from job postings and candidate profiles.

Pandas is a potent data manipulation library that will make it easier to handle and manipulate
structured data effectively. This will allow for the smooth integration of various data sources
and APIs.
An interactive and user-friendly user interface will be developed using Streamlit, a user-
friendly web application framework, enabling users to input their preferences and view job
recommendations in real-time.

A powerful machine learning package called Scikit-learn will be essential to the

implementation of different recommendation algorithms, such as content-based filtering and
collaborative filtering. To make it easier to compare and match job recommendations,
pertinent features from candidate profiles and job ads will be extracted using feature
extraction algorithms.

The similarity between user profiles and job posts will be calculated using the cosine
similarity metric, which measures vector similarity. This will allow for the creation of
customised job recommendations based on user preferences and qualifications.

Utilising a text normalisation process called stemming, words will be reduced to their most
basic form, increasing the relevancy of job recommendations and the precision of keyword

Advantages of Proposed System:

1. Enhanced Text Processing: Tokenization, stop word removal, and stemming are
just a few of the sophisticated text preparation activities made possible by NLTK,
which raises the calibre and applicability of textual data taken from job
advertisements and candidate profiles.
2. Effective Data Management: Pandas offers effective data management features
that facilitate the smooth integration of various data sources and APIs, therefore
augmenting the system's scalability and adaptability.
3. Feature Extraction: Feature extraction techniques enable the extraction of relevant
features from job postings and candidate profiles, facilitating comparison and
matching of job recommendations, leading to more accurate and personalized
4. Cosine Similarity: Cosine similarity metric measures the similarity between vectors,
enabling the computation of similarity between job postings and user profiles,
resulting in personalized job recommendations based on user preferences and
5. Interactive User Interface: By allowing users to submit their preferences and view
job recommendations in real-time, Streamlit makes it easier to design an intuitive and
interactive user interface, which improves user experience and engagement.
6. Sturdy Machine Learning Algorithms: scikit-learn provides a variety of machine
learning algorithms, such as content-based and collaborative filtering, to build
recommendation systems that are accurate and reliable in job matching.

Hardware and Software Requirements:

- Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
- RAM: 8GB or higher

- Storage: 100GB HDD/SSD

- Internet Connection.
- Browser : Chrome, Edge.

- Operating System: Windows 10, macOS, Linux
- Python 3.11.5
- IDE: Pycharm

- Jupyter Notebook
- Libraries: NumPy, pandas, scikit-learn, streamlit,NLTK,pickle

To sum up, a major step towards revolutionising the hiring process has been taken
with the creation of a job recommendation system that makes use of Python and
state-of-the-art tools like NLTK, pandas, Streamlit, scikit-learn, feature extraction,
cosine similarity, and stemming. Through the use of these approaches, the system
seeks to overcome the shortcomings of current job recommendation systems by
providing improved text processing powers, effective data management, dynamic
user interfaces, strong machine learning algorithms, and customised job matching
services. By including sophisticated functions like as stemming and cosine similarity,
the system guarantees the provision of exceptionally relevant and customised job
recommendations that are based on each candidate's qualifications and preferences.
In the end, this project offers a thorough method for updating hiring procedures,
giving job searchers and employers alike a strong instrument for efficient and
successful job matching in the fast-paced labour market of today.

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