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Moviegoers accusing CGV Vietnam of unreasonable intervention due to a scheduled premiere & British
director suits CGV Vietnam, demanding compensation of 6 billion VND for being fired
1. Company profile

CGV Vietnam is the distributor, manager and operator of the largest CGV Cinemas Cinema Complex in

2. Case overview
- Case 1: On August 30th, a group of people claimed that they were forced to leave their seats in
the CGV cinema located in Lieu Giai Metropolis without receiving any reasonable explanations.
- Case 2: Mr. Benedict Daniel Sullivan claimed that CGV illegally transferred his job and
terminated the labor contract unilaterally, demanding compensation of nearly 6 billion VND.
3. Reasons for case selection

Studying these cases readers gain more knowledge on resolving conflicts, learn from mistakes and avoid
further communication pitfalls, thus improving communication skills.

4. Course-based knowledge
- Using Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem-Solving Process
 Step 1: Explore the challenge (Identify the problem and Gather information, clarify the
 Step 2: Generate Ideas (Come up with ideas to solve the problem and pick the most
promising idea)
 Step 3: Implement solutions (Select and strengthen solutions; Plan how to bring your
solution to life and implement)


1. Communication-related problems identification
- Case 1: Accusation of disrespectful treatment; disagreement or argument
- Case 2: Lawsuit proceeding of disputing labor right/ benefits; Labor action
2. Perceived causes
- Case 1:
 Communication barrier: Attitude barriers (Disrespect)
 Lack of both external and internal communication; clarification, persuasiveness and
 Fear of reprisal for honest communication
- Case 2:
 Communication barrier: Bypassing (Intercultural communication barrier: Different frames of
reference between the UK and Vietnam)
 Competition for power, status, rewards
 Lack of consistency/negotiation
3. Consequences

Due to the incidents, CGV has experienced certain consequences.

-Case 1:
 Reputation loss and trust loss among customers
 Increasing cost for rebuilding trust and satisfaction
- Case 2:
 CGV’S reputation loss and trust loss among employees and employers
 Expense and time cost for lawsuit
 Potential employee’s morale downgrade
4. CGV Vietnam’s actions towards the problems and comments
- Case 1:
 CGV responded slowly and lack of transparency to the incident; simultaneously
apologized and promised to refund the tickets and give free movie tickets.
 This is a positive step,
- Case 2:
 CGV dealt with the lawsuit. The court dismissed his lawsuit and acknowledged CGV's
voluntary payment of over VND 156 million.
 CGV could have been more done more effectively by its reasons for transferring Mr.
Sullivan's job more clearly and being more transparent about his resignation.


To resolve existing problems and avoid potentially similar incidents, the research team has proposed
several solutions for both cases.

- Case 1:
 Publicly apologize for the inconvenience caused and promise better communication
 Show respect customers' rights and address concerns promptly
 Offer compensation to affected customers and ensure better staff training in handling
such situations.
- Case 2:
 Consistently ensure clear communication and adhere to labor laws
 Maintain transparent records of employment agreements and any changes, including their
reasons, to prevent misunderstandings.


From these two cases, we can expect to learn crucial aspects of effective business communication. Firstly,
the importance of both external and internal communication cannot be understated. Additionally, the
significance of adapting communication to different contexts is highlighted. Lastly, conflict resolution
and negotiation skills are essential for addressing issues and finding amicable solutions. Aside from the
benefits mentioned, the research team also wishes to develop a grasp of cultural sensitivity, especially in
the age of globalization.

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