English Quiz #1 Skills and Dream Job

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- An ability or capacity that can be acquired and that helps one achieve a particular task or job.
- Umbrella terms: A term used to cover a broad category of things

Skills & University

- Academic and practical skills
- Written english: express yourself in several written contexts (essays, dissertations, examinations), argue a point
w/ proper vocab & grammar
- Essay writing: peruasiveness & clarity of thinking
- Reading: follow footnotes, reading abilities
- Note-taking: methods
- Independent learning: be productive, manage time wisely
- Research: how and where to look for info
- Presentation skills: preparing and giving a presentation
- Exam technique: create one

- Social skills
- Conversation: master smalltalk
- Cooking: to survive and impress
- home skills: to survive; iron
- Self-motivation: helps to achieve your goals and make good use of time
- Time management: to meet deadlines, appointments; learn to manage your schedule

Dream Job & Vocab

- The work itself: Variety, new problems, learning
- People: Collaborative, diverse team
- Boss: Constructive feedback
- Time commitment: Within reasonable boundaries
- Possibilities: A job that leads to more opportunities
- Secondary: Pay, office space, technology

1. Trade: The buying and selling of goods and services between people or countries.
2. Dying trade: An occupation or skill set that is declining in demand or popularity.
3. Vocational education: Training that focuses on practical skills and knowledge related to a specific trade or profession.
4. Career woman: A woman dedicated to her career, often implying a high level of professional success and commitment.
5. Apprenticeship: A method of on-the-job training where an individual learns a skill or trade under the guidance of a skilled
6. To get sacked: To be fired from a job, often due to poor performance or other issues.
7. Self-made man: A person who achieves success and prosperity through their own efforts, without significant assistance.
8. Blue-collar worker: Someone employed in manual or industrial work, typically involving physical labor.
9. White-collar worker: Someone employed in professional, administrative, or managerial roles that typically involve office
10. Commuter: A person who regularly travels to work, often from a suburb or another city.
11. Possibility to have/gain savings: The chance to accumulate or increase personal financial reserves.
12. Subsistence wage: The minimum income required for basic living necessities.
13. Unconditional basic income: A fixed, regular payment provided by the government to all citizens, regardless of other
income sources.
14. Severance pay: Compensation provided to an employee upon termination of employment, often based on factors like
years of service.
15. Unemployment benefit: Financial assistance provided to individuals who are unemployed and seeking employment.
16. Dole money: Informal term for unemployment benefits or financial aid provided by the government.
17. Sensitive: Easily affected or influenced emotionally, often referring to an individual's feelings or reactions.

- Words or phrases commonly used together with another word or phrase.
- Committing a crime, take a test…

- Expressions with a meaning that cannot be understood by looking at the individual words.
- Break a leg, give the cold shoulder…

Task Verbs
- Point, state, list, name
- Outline: Point out but using a full body of text.
- Sum up, summarize: Concise account, but no details or examples.
- Describe: Detailed account.
- Define: Exact meaning.
- Compare: Similarities and differences (descriptions or explanations).
- Contrast: Differences (descriptions or explanations)..
- Illustrate: Explain with an example.
- Explain: How things are related or why something happens.
- Analyze: Describe and explain.
- Comment on: Your POV w/ arguments
- Discuss: Arguments for and against, end with the side you agree with.
- Evaluate: Your opinion with reason, no need for elaborate arguments.

Aspect & Tense

- Continuous (progressing): ongoing, -ing
- Simple: straightfoward facts (interruption)
- Key words: sometimes, nerver, frequently, usually/ability/feeling
- Perfect: complete action, have, had, will have
- Perfect continuous: have been -ing, had been -ing, will have been -ing’ ongoing action towards outcome

- Present
- Past
- Future

Words of the day

- Thrive
- Academia
- Thesaurus

- Relevant
- Major
- Significant
- Essential
- Meaningful

Contentment to career and money

- They value more good working environment rather than salary.
- They value job security rather than moving upward in their career.
- They like stability. It does not necessarily mean that they are not ambitious.
- Good work-life balance. Public-sector workers were more satisfied with it because they receive a better income and

Defining and Non-Defining Relative Clauses

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