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When people have understood to utilize digital media such as communication tools and

internet networks with their knowledge and skills, they have applied ...... in their lives.

A.Digital Literacy
B.Digital Computer
C.Digital Technology
D.Digital Information

The growing development of technology provides many benefits and negative effects for
humans. The following is the positive effect of digital literacy is .....

A.Increasing time for upgrading skill

B.Increasing vocabularies mastery
C.Increasing individual characteristic
D.Increasing computer hacking skill
Soal Nomor 3 (Chapter 1)

One of the organizations that developed the Youth Pledge event is Jong Java. At first, Jong
Java was called by .....

A.Pemoeda Jawa
B.Jawa Raya
C.Dwikoro Dharmo
D.Trikoro Dharmo

Soal Nomor 4 (Chapter 1)

Indonesia raya song was sung for the first time by all participants at the second youth pledge
on October 28th, 1928. The song was created by.....

A.M. Marzuki
B.WR. Supratman
C.L. Malik
D.M. Tamrin
Soal Nomor 5 (Chapter 1)

Before Jong Java wanted to create Indonesian independence, what was the purpose of the

A.To reach Java Raya

B.To destroy Java island
C.To throw the archipelagic ideology
D.To compete with other regional organizations
Soal Nomor 6 (Chapter 1)

The youth pledge was attended by youths who were members of several youth organizations.
One of the organizations was Jong Java. The organization was a regional organization that
founded by .....
A.Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat
B.Dr. Satiman Wirdjosandjojo
C.Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusudo

Soal Nomor 7 (Chapter 1)

In the first congress of youth pledge there are several figures who expressed their opinion.
The one who conveyed the formulation of the Youth Pledge in a piece of paper was .....

A.M. Yamin
B.Ir. Soekarno
D.Amir Syarifuddin
Soal Nomor 8 (Chapter 1)

In the history of the Youth Pledge, two congresses were held with different goals, places and
dates. The second youth congress was held on .....

A.27 of October 1928

B.26 of October 1928
C.1 of October 1928
D.29 of October 1928
Soal Nomor 9 (Chapter 1)

The picture beside is a hero from ....

A.Jong Java
B.Jong Sumatranen Bond
C.Jong Batak
D.Jong Minahasa
Soal Nomor 10 (Chapter 1)

According to Moh. Yamin, there are five factors that can strengthen Indonesian unity, they
are .....

A.history, language, customary law, education and willingness

B.history, language, customary law, education and habit
C.obligation, language, customary law, education and will
D.history, language, spirit, education and will
Soal Nomor 11 (Chapter 1)

Expressing opinions in public can be done through several ways such as speeches, lectures,
dialogues or discussions. Those are the examples of ways to express an opinion in public
through .....
Soal Nomor 12 (Chapter 1)

Based on the congresses that were held by the youth generation, they got a result called the
“Sumpah Pemuda” or “The Youth Pledge”. At first, the Youth Pledge was called by .....

A.Poetoesan Kongres Pemoedi

B.Poetoesan Kongres Pemoeda
C.Janji Para Pemoeda
D.Janji Para Pemoeda
Soal Nomor 13 (Chapter 1)

In the history of the youth oath, two congresses were held with different purposes, places and
dates. Which of the following is the discussed topic of the 1st youth congress?

A.the importance of national unity for the struggle for independence

B.unite all Indonesian people
C.the development of education in Indonesia
D.the fate of the Indonesian people
Soal Nomor 14 (Chapter 1)

Statements showing the characteristics of the struggle of the Indonesian nation after 1908 are
indicated by numbers .....

Soal Nomor 15 (Chapter 1)

In 1928, the youth generations made a promise that they will unite the variety and form a
common force to win the independence. That statement is called by ....

Youth Blood
Youth Spirit
Youth Pledge
Youth Movement
Soal Nomor 16 (Chapter 1)

The utilization of digital literacy has several different levels. According to Mayes and
Fowler, digital literacy consists of three levels. Which of the following statement is not the
digital literacy level?

Digital Competence
Digital Skill
Digital Transformation
Digital Usage
Soal Nomor 17 (Chapter 1)

A youth organization whose membership consisted of high school students in Java and
Madura was named Tri Koro Dharmo has three noble goals. Which of the following is not Tri
Koro Dharmo's goal?

Soal Nomor 18 (Chapter 1)

Who is the Youth Pledge figure in the picture above?

Moh. Yamin
Soegondo Djojopoespito
Tengku Mansur
Moh. Tabrani
Soal Nomor 19 (Chapter 1)
Nadiem Makarim utilizes digital technology innovation by creating an online transportation
platform called called Gojek. With this platform, people can easily utilize public
transportation services for various needs. The action taken by Mr. Nadim Makarim is one of
the applications of the digital level of literacy, namely .....

Digital Competence
Digital Skill
Digital Transformation
Digital Usage
Soal Nomor 20 (Chapter 1)

In Indonesia, freedom of opinion is guaranteed through several rules. One of the rules
governing freedom of speech in Indonesia reads "bahwa kemerdekaan berserikat dan
berkumpul, mengeluarkan pikiran dengan lisan dan tulisan dan sebagainya ditetapkan dengan
undang-undang." The rule is stated in article …. of the 1945 Constitution.


21. The figure of Youth Congress who was born in North Sumatra was .. dr Tengku mansur

22. The Tri Koro Dharmo organization was founded on ... march 7th 1915

23. The chairman of the 1st Youth Congress committee was ... mohammad tabrani

24. An organization that was foundes on 9th of December 1917 was ...jong sumateranen bond

25. The creator of the song Satu Nusa Satu Bangsa is ... Muhammad yamin

26. Today's technology and information development has caused the existence of digital
literacy in Indonesia. The application of digital literacy has 4 principles that must be
considered. Mention the principles of digital literacy!

1. understanding

2. interpendence

3. sosial factor
4. curate

27. In exploring the internet world that is very wide and fast spreading, there are several etiquettes
that need to be considered so that no violations or unwanted things occur. Mention 3 Internet
etiquette (netiquette) that need to be applied!

write or upload valid content

avoid trash or spam content

don't steal other people data

28. Based on the material we have learned, namely digital literacy in diversity and SMP Sains
Miftahul Huda system that has implemented digital literacy. Mention at least 2 benefits and 2
negative effects that you have felt while implementing digital literacy!

benefits = inprove individual verbal abilities, speed up the work or project

negative = fake news, online fround

29. Youth Congress 2 was held in three different buildings. Mention them!

katholieke jongenlingen bond building

oost java bioscoop building

indonesische clubgebouw

30. The 1st Youth Congress was held in Jakarta. Explain the purpose of the 1st Youth Congress!

formed the central youth organizations

advancing the nation of national unity

stengthening relations between all nation youth associations

31. At the congress in Solo on 12 July 1918 Trikoro Dharmo was changed to Jong Java. Mention the
goals that Tri Koro Dharmo wants to achieve!

education the mamber so that one day their energy to develop jawa raya

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