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Live Current Affairs At 5:45 AM Daily (By Abhijeet Sir)

About Abhijeet Mishra

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Live Current Affairs At 5:45 AM Daily (By Abhijeet Sir)

1. Ranking/ Report/ Indices 1-11

2. Appointment & Resignation 11-22

3. Banking/ Finance/ Economy 22-43

4. MoUs & Agreements 43-52

5. Merger & Acquisition 52-54

6. National News 54-76

7. Inauguration News 76-81

8. International News 81-85

9. Sports News 85-94

10. Awards & Honours 94-107

11. Summits & Conference 107-109

12. Defence News 110-115

13. Festival & Fairs 115-116

14. Science & Tech 116-118

15. Books & Authors 119-120

16. Obituaries News 120-121

17. Important Days 121-128

18. State/UT News 129-134

19. Extra Highlights 134-135

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Live Current Affairs At 5:45 AM Daily (By Abhijeet Sir)
Ranking/ Report/ Indices

India's rank remains unchanged at 42 in International IP index 2024

Report International IP Index

Edition 12th

Published by US Chamber of Commerce’s Global Innovation Policy Center

Highlights of the report:

● India ranks 42nd in the International IP Index for 2024, out of 55 countries evaluated. India’s overall score
also remained unchanged at 36.84 percent.
● While the United States is once again the world leader, there were notable advancements led by Saudi Arabia,
Brazil, and Nigeria.

Rank of Top 5, India & Last Country:

Rank Country Score

1 USA 95.48 %

2 UK 94.12%

3 France 93.12%

4 Germany 92.46%

5 Sweden 92.12%

42 India 36.84%

55 Venezuela 14.10%


“Status of Leopards in India”: Number of leopards in India Increased by 8% from 2018 to 2022

Report Status of Leopards in India

Published by Union Minister Bhupender Yadav, the Ministry of Environment, Forest

and Climate Change

Highlights of the report:

● The leopard population in India has risen by 8% from 12,852 in 2018 to 13,874 in 2022.
● The report covers forested habitats within 18 tiger states, grouped into four major tiger conservation
● The four regions are Shivalik Hills & Gangetic Plains, Central India & Eastern Ghats, Western Ghats, and North
Eastern Hills, and Brahmaputra Floodplains.
● Madhya Pradesh reported the most improvement in the number of leopards at 486 (3,421 in 2018 to 3,907 in
2022), while Odisha reported a drop of 192 (760 in 2018 to 568 in 2022).
● In terms of percentage, Arunachal Pradesh reported a 282% increase (11 in 2018 to 42 in 2022), while
Uttarakhand reported a 22% decline (839 in 2018 to 652 in 2022) in the leopard population.

Top 3 States in terms of Number of Leopards:

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Rank State No of Leopards

1 Madhya Pradesh 3907

2 Maharashtra 1985

3 karnataka 1879

Top 3 Regions in terms of Number of Leopards:

Rank Region No of Leopards

1 Western Ghats Increased from 3,387 in 2018 to 3,596 in 2020

2 Northeastern hills and the Brahmaputra floodplains Risen to 349 from 141

3 Shivalik Hills and the Gangetic Plains Decreased to 1,109 from 1,253


India Ranks 113 in the World Bank’s Women, Business, and the Law 2024 Index

Report Women, Business, and the Law (WBL) 2024

Edition 10th

Published by World Bank Group

Highlights of the report:

● India has climbed to 113th place out of 190 countries in the Index, with a score of 74.4%.
● The index shows that in India, women enjoy 60% of the legal rights granted to men, which is lower than the
global average of 64.2%.
● Despite challenges, India outperforms its South Asian counterparts, where women enjoy 45.9% of the legal
protections provided to men.
● However, the ranking of India has declined from 122 in 2021 to 126 in the 2023 index.

Ranking of Top 5 and India based on WBL 1.0 score:

Rank Economy WBL 1.0 legal frameworks score

1 Belgium; Canada; Denmark; France; Germany; Greece; 100.0

Iceland; Ireland; Latvia; Luxembourg; Netherlands;
Portugal; Spain; Sweden

2 Estonia; Finland; Italy; New Zealand; Togo; United Kingdom 97.5

3 Australia; Austria; Cyprus; Norway; Slovenia 96.9

4 Cote d’Ivoire; Gabon; Peru 95.0

5 Paraguay 94.4

113 India 74.4

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India world’s top arms importer between 2019-23: SIPRI

Highlights of the report:
● According to the latest data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), India was the
world’s top arms importer for the period 2019-2023.
● India’s arms imports witnessed a 4.7% increase compared to the 2014-2018 period.
● Despite Russia remaining India’s main arms supplier, accounting for 36% of its imports, the report notes that
this is the first five-year period since 1960-1964 when deliveries from Russia made up less than half of India’s
arms imports.
● Nine out of the ten biggest arms importers in 2019-2023, including the top three of India, Saudi Arabia, and
Qatar, were from Asia, Oceania, or the Middle East.
● Ukraine became the fourth-largest arms importer globally after receiving major arms transfers from over 30
states in 2022-2023.
● The top five arms importers received 35% of all arms imports in the period.

Ranking of top 5 world’s top arms importer

Rank Country

1 India

2 Saudi Arabia

3 Qatar

4 Ukraine

5 Pakistan


2022 Human Development Index: India betters position, ranks 134 out of 193 countries

Report Breaking the Gridlock: Reimagining Cooperation in a Polarized World

Built on 2021–2022 Human Development Report findings

Published by United Nations

Parameters ● Life expectancy at birth

● Expected years of schooling
● Mean years of schooling
● Gross national income (GNI) per capita

Highlights of the report:

● India ranked at 134 on a list of 193 countries in 2022 as per the latest Human Development Index, a notch
higher than 135 out of 192 countries in 2021
● According to UNDP’s Human Development Report 2023-24, India showed progress in reducing gender
inequality, ranking 108 out of 166 countries in Gender Inequality Index (GII), as compared with 122 out of 170
nations in 2021.
● With a GII value of 0.437 in 2022, India fared better than the global average of 0.462 and South Asian average
of 0.478.

Ranking of Top 5 and last countries:

Rank Country Value

1 Switzerland 0.967

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2 Norway 0.966

3 Iceland 0.959

4 Hong Kong, China (SAR) 0.956

5 Denmark, Sweden 0.952

15 United Kingdom 0.940

20 United States 0.927

193 Somalia 0.380

Ranking of India & Its neighbouring countries:

Rank Country Value

75 China 0.788

78 Sri Lanka 0.780

125 Bhutan 0.681

129 Bangladesh 0.670

134 India 0.644

144 Myanmar 0.608

146 Nepal 0.601

164 Pakistan 0.540

182 Afghanistan 0.462

India’s Scores in different Indicators

indicator Scores

Life expectancy at birth 67.7 years

Expected years of schooling 12.6 Years

Mean years of schooling 6.6 years

Gross national income (GNI) per capita $6,951


11th Edition of the NeSDA – Way Forward Monthly Report for States/UTs released

Report Monthly report of National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment

(NeSDA) Way Forward for States/UTs, January and February 2024

Edition 11th

Published by Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DARPG)

Highlights of the report:

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● 16,517 e-services are provided across States/UTs. Tamil Nadu provides maximum e-services (1128).
● Maximum e-services (5,288) lie in the sector – Local Governance & Utility Services.
● 1,528 out of 2,016 mandatory e-services (56*36 States/UTs) are available, making saturation at 76%.
● Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttarakhand have achieved 100% saturation of 56
mandatory e-services.
● Tamil Nadu, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, Assam and Odisha provide 100% of their services through their
identified Single Unified Service Delivery Portal i.e., tnesevai (1128), e-UNNAT (1119), e-Sevanam (911), Sewa
Setu (469) and Odisha One (404), respectively.

Ranking of top 5 states/UTs in terms of maximum e-services provided:

Rank State/UT Service provided

1 Tamil Nadu 1128

2 Jammu and Kashmir 1119

3 Madhya Pradesh 1010

4 Kerala 911

5 Uttarakhand 865

Ranking of top 5 sectors in terms of maximum e-services provided:

Rank Sectors Service provided

1 Local Governance & Utility Services 5288

2 Social Welfare including Health, 3776

Agriculture, Home & Security

3 Finance 2217

4 Labour & Employment 2073

5 Education 1393


India’s Ranking on the DHL Connectedness Index

Report DHL Global Connectedness Report 2024

Published by German logistics company DHL and prepared

Highlights of the report:

● India ranked 62nd on the DHL Global Connectedness 2024 Index. India was ranked 67th in the 2022 Index.
● The 2024 edition ranks the connectedness of 181 countries, accounting for 99.7% of the world's gross
domestic product and 98.7% of its population.
● Singapore was the most globally connected country, followed by the Netherlands and Ireland.

Ranking of Top 5 & last country:

Rank Country

1 Singapore

2 Netherlands

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3 Ireland

4 Luxembourg

5 Malta

181 Guinea-Bissau

Ranking of India & its neighbouring countries:

Rank Country

62 India

80 China

97 Sri Lanka

115 Pakistan

133 Bangladesh

137 Myanmar

148 Nepal

170 Afghanistan


Bihar's Begusarai, ‘world's most polluted city in 2023’; India ranks 3rd globally

Report Name 6th World Air Quality Report 2023

Published by Swiss organization IQAir

Highlights of the report:

● Bihar's Begusarai topped the list as the “most polluted metropolitan area in 2023”, while Delhi has been
identified as the capital city with the “poorest air quality” among global nations.
● India ranked third worst out of 134 countries in terms of average annual PM2.5 concentration, trailing behind
Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Ranking of Top 5 & last Country:

Rank Country PM2.5 concentration (μg/m³

1 Bangladesh 79.9

2 Pakistan 73.7

3 India 54.4

4 Tajikistan 49

5 Burkina Faso 46.6

134 French Polynesia 3.2

Ranking of Top 5 World's most polluted cities:

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Rank Country PM2.5 concentration (μg/m³

1 Begusarai, Bihar 118.9

2 Guwahati, Assam 105.4

3 Delhi, India 102.1

4 Mullanpur, Punjab 100.4

5 Lahore, Pakistan 99.5


Finland Tops Happiness Rankings For 7th Year, Afghanistan Ranks Last

Report Name World Happiness Report 2024

Published by United Nations

Parameters Life satisfaction, GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy,
freedom, generosity, and corruption

Highlights of the report:

● For the seventh year in a row, Finland has been named the happiest country in the world.
● Other Nordic countries like Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden also ranked among the top 10 happiest nations.
● India, on the other hand, ranked 126 out of the 143 countries listed.

Ranking of Top 5 & last Country:

Rank Country

1 Finland

2 Denmark

3 Iceland

4 Sweden

5 Israel

20 United Kingdom

23 United States

143 Afghanistan

Ranking of India & its Neighbours:

Rank Country

60 China

93 Nepal

108 Pakistan

118 Myanmar

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126 India

128 Sri Lanka

129 Bangladesh

143 Afghanistan


BPCL secures 5th spot in Business World Real 500: Leading the Change

Report Real 500 list

Published by Business World

Highlights of the report:

● Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) proudly announces its continued position as the 5th-ranked
company in The Business World Real 500 List of 2024.
● BPCL has unveiled ambitious investment plans totaling Rs 1.5 Lakh Crore over the next five years.
● In FY23, the top-5 companies in the BW Real 500 list could only generate a combined total income of Rs 38.7
lakh crore, a drastic drop over FY22 numbers of Rs 100.34 lakh crore.

Ranking of Top 5 companies:

Rank Company

1 Indian Oil Corporation

2 Reliance Industries

3 Life Insurance Corporation of India

4 Oil & Natural Gas Corporation

5 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited


UN’s 4th GEM Report: Global e-waste Generation Rising 5 Times Faster than Recycling

Report Global E-waste Monitor (GEM) 2024

Edition 4th

Published by United Nations (UN)

Highlights of the reports:

● The global electronic waste (e-waste) generation is rising 5 times faster than documented e-waste recycling.
Globally the e-waste generation is increasing by 2.6 million tonnes (Mt) annually.
● The report revealed that the world generated 62 Mt of e-waste in 2022, up 82% from 2010. This is equivalent
to filling 1.55 million (40-tonne average capacity) trucks.
● Only 22.3% (less than a quarter) of the e-waste was documented, properly collected, and recycled in 2022.
● This leaves USD 62 billion worth of natural resources unrecovered and escalates pollution risks globally.
● E-waste generation is set to reach 82 Mt by 2030, a 33% increase from 2022.
● The documented collection and recycling rate is expected to drop to 20% by 2030 from 22.3% in 2022.


LIC world's strongest insurance brand: Brand Finance Insurance Report

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Report Brand Finance Insurance 100 2024

Published by Brand Finance

Highlights of the report:

● Insurance behemoth Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has emerged as the strongest insurance
brand globally.
● The report said that LIC's brand value remains steady at USD 9.8 billion, accompanied by a brand strength
index score of 88.3 and an associated AAA brand strength rating.
● Following LIC, the rankings highlight Cathay Life Insurance as the second strongest brand, experiencing a 9
per cent increase in brand value to USD 4.9 billion.

Top 5 in the strongest insurance brand globally:

Rank Insurance

1 Life Insurance Corporation of India

2 Cathay Life Insurance (China)

3 NRMA Insurance (Australia)

4 PZU Group (Poland and Central and Eastern Europe)

5 China Life (China)

Top 5 Most Valuable Insurance Brands 2024:

Rank Insurance

1 Ping An (China)

2 Allianz (Germany)

3 China Life Insurance

4 AXA (France)

5 CPIC (China)


2024 Hurun Global Rich List: Mukesh Ambani becomes world’s 10th Richest man

Report 2024 Hurun Global Rich List

Edition 14th

Released by Hurun

Highlights of the report:

● Mukesh Ambani, Chairman & Managing Director(CMD) of Reliance Industries Limited(RIL), has been
ranked as the World’s 10th richest Person with a total net worth of USD 115 billion.
● Elon Musk, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Tesla Motors, topped the list for the 3rd time, with a total net
worth of USD 231 billion.

Ranking of top 5 billionaires:

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Rank Name Total Net Worth (USD billion)

1 Elon Musk 231

2 Jeff Bezos 185

3 Bernard Arnault 175

4 Mark Zuckerberg 158

5 Warren Buffett 144

10 Mukesh Ambani 115

Ranking of top 3 countries with the highest number of Billionaires:

Rank Name Number of Billionaires

1 China 814

2 United States of America 800

3 India 217

Ranking of top 5 cities with highest number of billionaires:

Rank Name Number of Billionaires

1 New York (USA) 119

2 London (United Kingdom) 97

3 Mumbai (India) 92

4 Beijing (China) 91

5 Shanghai (China) 87


UNEP Report: Globally, Around 19% of the Food Produced was Wasted in 2022
Report ‘Food Waste Index Report 2024-Think Eat Save Tracking Progress to Halve Global
Food Waste‘

Released by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Highlights of the report:

● As per it, the world wasted an estimated 19% of the food produced globally in 2022, or about 1.05 billion
metric tons. This equals to 132 kilograms per person, amounting to nearly one-fifth of all available food.
● Globally, each person wastes about 79 kilograms of food annually, totaling at least 1 billion meals wasted
● Household waste contributes to 60% of food wastage, followed by 28% from food service and 12% from
● 783 million people are facing chronic hunger globally and escalating food crises in many regions.

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● 150 million children under the age of five suffer stunted growth and development due to a chronic lack of
essential nutrients in their diets.

Appointment & Resignation


PayU names Renu Sud Karnad as chairperson and independent director

Appointed Person Renu Sud Karnad

Appointed as Chairperson and independent director of PayU Payments Private Ltd



Jana Small Finance Bank gets RBI approval to re-appoint Ajay Kanwal as MD & CEO

Appointed Person Ajay Kanwal

Appointed as Managing director and chief executive officer of Jana Small Finance


Arkaja Das appointed as Director in the Ministry of Women & Child Development

Appointed Person Arkaja Das

Appointed as Director in Women & Child Development Ministry

Extra Info Presently, she is posted as Deputy Secretary in the same Ministry


MRPL names Mundkur S Kamath as Managing Director

Appointed Person Mundkur S Kamath

Appointed as Managing Director (MD) of Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals

Limited (MRPL)

Replaced Sanjay Varma


IPS Officer Daljit Singh Chaudhary Named NSG’s New Director General

Appointed Person Daljit Singh Chaudhary

Appointed as Director General (DG) of the National Security Guard (NSG)

Replaced M A Ganapathy


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Anurag Agarwal Appointed as Head of Parliament Security

Appointed Person Anurag Agarwal

Appointed as Head of Parliament security

Replaced Raghubir Lal


World Gold Council appoints De Beers’ Sachin Jain as CEO

Appointed Person Sachin Jain

Appointed as CEO of World Gold Council (WGC)

Replaced Somasundaram PR


RBI Appoints S. Ravindran as Part-Time Chairman of Tamilnad Mercantile Bank

Appointed Person S. Ravindran

Appointed as Part-time chairman of Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd. (TMB)

Replace S. Annamalai


Rallis India appoints Dr. Gyanendra Shukla as MD & CEO

Appointed Person Dr. Gyanendra Shukla

Appointed as Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of Rallis India Ltd

Replaced Sanjiv Lal


Rajendra Prasad Goyal takes additional charge of NHPC's CMD

Appointed Person Rajendra Prasad Goyal

Appointed as Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of NHPC Limited

Replaced Rajeev Kumar Vishnoi


BPCL Teams Up With Neeraj Chopra As Brand Ambassador For ‘Speed’ Petrol

Appointed Person Neeraj Chopra

Appointed as Brand ambassador for Bharat Petroleum Corporation (BPCL)’s premium

petrol variant, ‘Speed’

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Live Current Affairs At 8:00 AM Daily (By Abhijeet Sir)


Shehbaz Sharif to be next Prime Minister of Pakistan

Appointed Person Pakistan Muslim League- Nawaz (PML-N) leader Shehbaz Sharif

Appointed as 24th Prime Minister of Pakistan

Replaced Imran Khan

Extra Info He secured 201 votes while Omer Ayub Khan, the Imran Khan-backed
PTI candidate managed to get 92 votes.


Sub-Inspector Suman Kumari Makes History as BSF’s First Female Sniper

Appointed Person Sub-Inspector Suman Kumari

Appointed as First woman sniper of the Border Security Force (BSF)


Slice Appoints Nayanthara As Brand Ambassador

Appointed Person Actress Nayanthara

Appointed as Brand ambassador of Slice


Hungary Parliament Elects New President: Tamas Sulyok

Appointed Person Tamas Sulyok

Appointed as President of Hungary

Replaced Katalin Novak


Pakistan’s Punjab gets first Sikh minister in Ramesh Singh Arora

Appointed Person Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora

Appointed as First member of the Sikh community to take oath as a minister in the
Punjab province

Extra Info It is for the first time since Partition in 1947 that a Sikh has been
inducted in the cabinet of Punjab province.


Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov resigned

Resigned Person Nikolai Denkov

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Resigned as Prime minister of Bulgaria


Future Generali India Life Insurance Appoints Alok Rungta as Managing Director & CEO

Appointed Person Alok Rungta

Appointed as Managing Director and CEO of Future Generali India Life Insurance

Replaced Bruce De Broize


SAP Appoints New President and MD for Indian Subcontinent

Appointed Person Manish Prasad

Appointed as President and managing director of German technology giant SAP

Replaced Kulmeet Bawa


Naresh Kumar appointed as next Indian envoy to Mauritania

Appointed Person Naresh Kumar

Appointed as Ambassador of India to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania

Extra Info India-Mauritania ties are strong, with India's mission in Nouakchott
opened in June 2021, enhancing cooperation.


Sudha Murty Nominated to Rajya Sabha

Appointed Person Author and philanthropist Sudha Murty

Appointed as Nominated as the member of Rajya Sabha

She established Murty Classical Library of India at Harvard University

Awards won Padma Shri (2006), Padma Bhushan (2023)

Literary Works ‘Dollar Bahu’ (Novel), ‘Runa’ (Story)


Devendra Jhajharia Becomes New President of Paralympic Committee of India

Appointed Person Devendra Jhajharia

Appointed as President of the Paralympic Committee of India (PCI)

Replaced Deepa Malik

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Arun Goel quits as Election Commissioner ahead of polls

Resigned Person Arun Goel

Resigned as Election commissioner of India


Asif Ali Zardari Takes Oath As Pakistan's 14th President

Appointed Person Asif Ali Zardari

Appointed as Pakistan's 14th President

Replaced Dr Arif Alvi


Kishor Makwana Assumes Charge as Chairman of National Commission for Scheduled Castes

Appointed Person Kishor Makwana

Appointed as Chairman of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC)

Replaced Vijay Sampla

Appointed Person Luv Kush Kumar

Appointed as Member of the NCSC


Nayab Saini sworn in as Haryana CM

Appointed Person Nayab Singh Saini

Appointed as 11th Chief Minister of Haryana

Replaced Manohar Lal Khattar

Extra Info Nayab Singh Saini, 54, is the MP representing Kurukshetra and a member of
the OBC community.


Airtel Payments Bank appoints Anuj Bansal as chief financial officer

Appointed Person Anuj Bansal

Appointed as Chief financial officer of Airtel Payments Bank


Indian Bank names Brajesh Kumar Singh as ED for 3 years

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Appointed Person Brajesh Kumar Singh

Appointed as Executive Director of Indian Bank


ISMA Appoints Deepak Ballani as New Director General

Appointed Person Mr. Deepak Ballani

Appointed as Director General of Indian Sugar & Bio-energy Manufacturers

Association (ISMA)


Election Commission: Gyanesh Kumar, Sukhbir Singh Sandhu assume charge as new commissioners

Appointed Person Gyanesh Kumar and Sukhbir Singh Sandhu

ppointed as Election commissioners of India

Replaced Anup Chandra Pandey, Arun Goel


Kotak Bank appoints Jaideep Hansraj as President of ‘One Kotak’

Appointed Person Kotak Securities MD and CEO Jaideep Hansraj

Appointed as Group President - One Kotak

Appointed Person Kotak Securities president and COO Shripal Shah

Appointed as MD & CEO of Kotak Securities


B Sairam is the New Chairman and Managing Director of NCL

Appointed Person B Sairam

Appointed as Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of Northern

Coalfields Limited (NCL)


President Abbas Named Mohammad Mustafa As New Palestinian PM

Appointed Person Mohammad Mustafa

Appointed as Prime Minister of Palestine

Replaced Mohammad Shtayyeh


Navneet Sehgal Appointed as Prasar Bharati Board Chairman

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Appointed Person Navneet Kumar Sehgal

Appointed as Chairperson of the Prasar Bharati Board

Replaced Surya Prakash


Tamilisai Soundararajan, Telangana Governor and Puducherry Lt. Governor, resigns to contest Lok Sabha polls
Resigned Person Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan

Resigned as Telangana Governor and Puducherry Lt. Governor

Extra info Sixty-two year old Dr. Tamilisai became the second Governor of the new state of
Telangana after E. S. L. Narasimhan and the first woman Governor of Telangana.


P&G India appoints Kumar Venkatasubramanian as CEO

Appointed Person Kumar Venkatasubramanian

Appointed as CEO of P&G India

Replaced V Vaidyanathan


Arvind Kapil appointed as MD & CEO of Poonawalla Fincorp

Appointed Person Arvind Kapil

Appointed as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (MD & CEO) of
Poonawalla Fincorp

Replaced Abhay Bhutada


Vinay Kumar Appointed As Next Ambassador Of India To Russia

Appointed Person Vinay Kumar

Appointed as Next Ambassador of India to Russia


CP Radhakrishnan Gets Additional Charge as Telangana Governor

Appointed Person Jharkhand Governor CP Radhakrishnan

Appointed as Governor of Telangana

Replaced Tamilisai Soundararajan


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Live Current Affairs At 8:00 AM Daily (By Abhijeet Sir)

Arjuna Awardee Sheetal Devi Named ECI’s National PwD Icon at Inclusive Cricket Match

Appointed Person Ms. Sheetal Devi

Appointed as National Icon in the PwD category by Election Commission of India



Rajeev Kumar Mital appointed Director General, National Mission for Clean Ganga

Appointed Person Rajeev Kumar Mital

Appointed as Director General of the National Mission for Clean Ganga

Replaced Asok Kumar


PESB picks Sivakumar V Vepakomma for SECI's Director (Power System) post

Appointed Person Sivakumar V Vepakomma

Appointed as Director (Power System) of Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI)


Union Minister Kiren Rijiju given additional charge of Ministry of Food Processing Industries

Appointed Person Union Minister Kiren Rijiju

Appointed as Additional charge of the Ministry of Food Processing Industries

Replaced Pashupati Kumar Paras


Leo Varadkar announces he is stepping down as Ireland’s PM

Resigned Person Leo Varadkar

Resigned as Prime Minister of Ireland

Extra Info He was the country’s youngest-ever (45) leader when first elected,
as well as Ireland’s first openly gay Prime Minister


Vietnam President Vo Van Thuong resigned

Resigned Person Vo Van Thuong

Resigned as President of Vietnam


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Live Current Affairs At 8:00 AM Daily (By Abhijeet Sir)

M V Rao Elected as New Chairman of Indian Banks Association

Appointed Person M V Rao, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Central Bank
of India

Appointed as Chairman of Indian Banks’ Association (IBA)

Replaced Rajkiran Rai

Appointed Person ● Dinesh Kumar Khara, Chairman, State Bank of India (SBI);
● S L Jain, MD and CEO , Indian Bank
● N Kamakodi, Managing Director and CEO, City Union Bank

Appointed as Deputy Chairmen for IBA

Appointed Person Madhav Nair, Country Head and CEO, Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait

Appointed as Secretary of IBA


Naveen Jindal Takes Over as President of Indian Steel Association

Appointed Person Naveen Jindal, Chairman of Jindal Steel and Power

Appointed as President of the Indian Steel Association (ISA)

Replaced Dilip Oommen, CEO of ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India


Vaughan Gething Becomes First Black Leader of a European Country

Appointed Person Vaughan Gething

Appointed as Leader of the Welsh Labour Party

Extra Info His victory marks a historic milestone as he becomes the first ever Black
person to lead a European country


Mustafa Suleyman, The New Face of Microsoft’s AI Division

Appointed Person Mustafa Suleyman

Appointed as Head of Microsoft’s AI division

Extra Info Suleyman, who co-founded Google’s DeepMind, will now report
directly to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella


Simon Harris, Ireland’s Youngest PM in the Making

Appointed Person Simon Harris

Appointed as Prime minister of Ireland

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Replaced Leo Varadkar

Extra Info At 37 years old, Harris is poised to become the youngest prime minister in
Ireland’s history

Appointment of Mariam Mammen Mathew as DNPA Chairperson

Appointed Person Mariam Mammen Mathew

Appointed as Chairperson of the Digital News Publishers Association (DNPA)

Replaced Tanmay Maheshwari


Govind Dholakia Appointed New Chairman of Surat Diamond Bourse

Appointed Person Govind Dholakia, a Rajya Sabha MP from Gujarat

Appointed as Chairman of Surat Diamond Bourse (SDB)

Replaced Vallabhbhai Patel (Lakhani)


Justice Mohammad Yousuf Wani takes oath as judge in J&K

Appointed Person Justice Mohd Yousuf Wani

Appointed as Additional Judge of the High Court of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh


Luis Montenegro Named as the Prime Minister of Portugal

Appointed Person Luís Filipe Montenegro Cardoso de Morais Esteves

Appointed as Prime Minister(PM) of Portugal

Replaced Antonio Costa


FSIB Selects Girija Subramanian as CMD of NIAC; Bhupesh Sushil Rahul as CMD of UIIC

Appointed Person Girija Subramanian

Appointed as Chairperson and Managing Director (CMD) of New India Assurance Company

Replaced Neerja Kapur

Appointed Person Bhupesh Sushil Rahul

Appointed as CMD of United India Insurance Company (UIIC)

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Replaced Satyajit Tripathy


Neeraj Chopra Appointed as the Brand Ambassador for Eveready Industries

Appointed Person Neeraj Chopra

Appointed as Brand ambassador for Eveready Industries India Limited (EIIL)


Indian Diplomat Abhay Thakur Appointed as Next Envoy to Myanmar

Appointed Person Senior Indian diplomat Abhay Thakur

Appointed as India’s ambassador or top envoy to Myanmar

Extra Info He had served as the sous-sherpa (deputy representative) for the G20
process during India’s presidency


Hansha Mishra Appointed as Director in UPSC

Appointed Person Hansha Mishra

Appointed as Director in the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

Extra Info Her tenure as Director in the UPSC will be for a period of five years
or until further orders, whichever is earlier.


Bassirou Diomaye Faye Wins Senegal’s Presidential Election

Appointed Person Bassirou Diomaye Faye

Appointed as President of Senegal

Replaced Amadou Ba

Extra Info At 44 years old, Faye is set to become Africa’s youngest elected
president and the first opponent to win in the first round since
Senegal’s independence from France in 1960.


India’s Kamal Kishore Appointed as UNSG’s Special Representative in UNDRR

Appointed Person Kamal Kishore

Appointed as Assistant Secretary-General and Special Representative of the

Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, United Nations Office
for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

Replaced Mami Mizutori (Japan)

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New Chiefs Appointed to Lead NIA, NDRF, and BPR&D

Appointed Person Sadanand Vasant Date

Appointed as Director General of the National Investigation Agency (NIA)

Replaced Dinkar Gupta

Appointed Person Piyush Anand

Appointed as Chief of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF)

Replaced Atul Karwal

Appointed Person Rajeev Kumar

Appointed as Director General of the Bureau of Police Research and Development


Replaced Balaji Srivastava


Nidhu Saxena Appointed as MD & CEO of Bank of Maharashtra

Appointed Person Nidhu Saxena

Appointed as Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer (MD & CEO) of the Bank
of Maharashtra

Replaced A.S. Rajeev

Banking/ Finance/ Economy


Maruti Suzuki partners with Union Bank of India for dealer financing solutions
Extra Points
● Maruti Suzuki India said it has inked an initial pact with Union Bank of India for dealer financing solutions.
● The tie-up enhances the comprehensive inventory funding options for over 4,000 Maruti Suzuki sales outlets
across the country.
● The company's partnership with Union Bank of India since 2008, has steadily evolved and reached a
significant milestone of facilitating over 3,00,000 car finance cases till date.


RBI cancels license of Rajasthan-based Sumerpur Mercantile Urban Co Op Bank

Extra Points
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said that it has cancelled the license of Sumerpur Mercantile Urban
Cooperative Bank, Pali (Rajasthan), as the lender does not have adequate capital and earning prospects.
● The Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Rajasthan, has also been requested to issue an order for winding up
the bank and appoint a liquidator, the Reserve Bank of India.


Innoviti & RBL Bank Partnered to set up Omnium, a Payment Platform for Progressive Retailers
Extra Points

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● RBL Bank and Innoviti Technologies Pvt. Ltd. have collaborated to create Omnium, an advanced omnichannel
payments platform designed for forward-thinking retailers in India.
● This platform utilizes retailer data and streamlines business processes to facilitate faster growth with
minimal effort.
● Innoviti Technologies has an in-principle approval from Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to act as a Payment


NABARD and NRLM Signed MoU to Support Rural Women SHGs

Extra Points
● The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) and Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana -
National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) have signed a MoU aimed at bolstering rural women Self-
Help Groups (SHGs).
● Under this MoU, NABARD and NRLM will empower the Women SHGs through capacity building, marketing
support, and financial inclusion initiatives. The MoU covers a period of 3 years.

About Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM):

Started in June 2011.

Objective to reduce rural poverty by increasing livelihood opportunities through skill

development and better access to financial services for rural poor households in the

Extra Info With an annual budget outlay of over Rs 13,000 crore, the program covers 7.15
lakh villages in 723 districts, and covers over 8.6 crore rural households.


Kotak Bank unveils ‘Smart Choice Gold Loan’

Extra Points
● Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited the launch of ''Smart Choice'' Gold Loan, a smarter solution for Aspirational
● The key features include fixed monthly interest rate as low as 0.88%, NIL processing fee, same-day
disbursement, flexible repayment options, and minimal documentation.
● According to a World Gold Council report, Indian households have 27,000 tonnes of gold.


PFRDA notifies Amendments to Retirement Adviser Regulations

Extra Points
● Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) made changes to the PFRDA (Retirement
Adviser) Regulations 2016 with effect from 20th February 2024.
● This regulation may be termed as the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Retirement
Adviser/ RA) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023.

About the amendments:

Topic Amendment

Eligibility criteria Non-Individual applicants regulated by other financial regulators, like

RBI, SEBI or IRDAI are now eligible to become RAs

Security deposit The amendment removed the requirement of submission of security


Grant of certificate of An application for grant of certificate of registration should be

registration disposed of by PFRDA within 30 days.


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Asian Development Bank priced USD 3.5 billion 5 year Global Bond
Extra Points
● The Asian Development Bank (ADB) priced a USD 3.5 billion 5-year global bond. The proceeds of this bond
will become part of ADB’s ordinary capital resources.
● The bond was priced at 99.827% to yield 12.7 basis points over the 4.25% United States Treasury notes due
February 2029.
● This issue attracted approximately USD 14 Billion in investor participation, marking ADB’s second-largest
orderbook ever for a global benchmark bond.
● The largest orderbook was achieved in 2021 for a USD 5 Billion global benchmark bond.


India Post Payments Bank Partners With Hindustan Zinc For CSR Financial Services
Extra Points
● India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) and Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL) signed an MoU to enhance financial
inclusion in rural Rajasthan.
● The collaboration aims to bring financial services to 3.5 Lakhs+ beneficiaries including SHG women, farmers,
and youth.


DPIIT and World Bank jointly organise National Workshop on Logistics Efficiency Enhancement
Extra Points
● The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) and the World Bank will jointly
organize a National Workshop on Logistics Efficiency Enhancement in New Delhi.
● The workshop will focus on modern methodologies and corridor approaches for improved performance.


Gross GST collections rise 12.5% to Rs 1.68 lakh crore in February

Extra Points
● A total of 1,68,337 crore rupees gross GST revenue has been collected during February. This marks a robust
12.5 percent increase compared to that in the same month last year.
● This growth was driven by a 13.9 percent rise in GST from domestic transactions and 8.5 percent increase in
GST from import of goods.

Collection of GST in February 2024:

Category Amount

Gross GST Revenue Rs 1,68,337 crore

Central GST Rs 31,785 crore

State GST Rs 39,615 crore

Integrated GST Rs 84,098 crore (including Rs 38,593 crore collected on import

of goods)

Cess Rs 12,839 crore (including ₹984 crore collected on import of


GST Collection of Previous Months

Month GST Collection

August 2023 1,59,069 crore

September 2023 1,62,712 crore

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October 2023 1,72,003 crore

November 2023 1,67,929 crore

December 2023 1,64,882 crore

January 2024 1,72,129 crore


India’s GDP grows at 8.4% in Q3FY24; Economy to expand at 7.6% in FY24: NSO
Extra Points
● The National Statistical Office (NSO) under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
(MoSPI) released the Second Advance Estimates (SAE) of National Income, Financial Year 2023-24 (FY24).
● Real GDP in Q3FY24 is estimated at Rs 43.72 lakh crore, against Rs 40.35 lakh crore in Q3 of FY23, showing a
growth rate of 8.4%.
● GDP at Current Prices in Q3FY24 is estimated at Rs 75.49 lakh crore, as against Rs 68.58 lakh crore in Q3 of
FY23, showing a growth rate of 10.1%.
● Real GDP or GDP at Constant (2011-12) Prices in FY24 is estimated at Rs 172.90 lakh crore, against the First
Revised Estimates (FRE) of GDP for FY23 of Rs 160.71 lakh crore.
● Nominal GDP or GDP at Current Prices in FY24 is estimated at Rs 293.90 lakh crore, against the FRE of GDP
FY23 of Rs 269.50 lakh crore.


Paytm Payments Bank fined Rs 5.49 crore for violating money laundering norms

Penalty amount 5.49 crore rupees

Imposed on Paytm Payments Bank Ltd

Imposed by Financial Intelligence Unit-India

Act Section 13 of Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002


GDP growth in FY24 likely to be within striking distance of 8%: SBI report
Extra Points
● According to the ‘Ecowrap‘ report by the State Bank of India (SBI), the GDP growth for Financial Year 2023-
24 (FY24) is likely to be within striking distance of 8%.
● The Indian Economy grew 8.4% in Q3FY24.
● Industry, Manufacturing, Electricity, Gas, Water Supply & Other Utility services, and construction sectors
propelled growth, with Industry at 10.4% and Manufacturing at 11.6%.
● Services also saw significant growth, surpassing 7%.


NIPL & Eurobank S.A. Signed MoU to Offer Foreign Inward Remittances Using UPI
Extra Points
● NPCI International Payments Limited (NIPL) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Greece-
based Eurobank S.A., to transform cross-border payments using the Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
● This initiative will place Greece as one of the 1st European countries to facilitate UPI remittances.
● Eurobank aims to become the bank of choice for Indian businesses in Greece or Cyprus, acting as an entry
point for their EU franchise.


RBI Updates Framework for Fintech Sandbox to Streamline the Process

Extra Points

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● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has updated its “Enabling Framework for Regulatory Sandbox” to streamline
the process for fintech companies.
● RBI has extended the overall timeline for the Regulatory Sandbox (RS) process from 7 months to 9 months,
excluding the preliminary screening period.
● The updated framework mandates compliance with the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023.
● RBI has introduced an additional phase called “formulation of test design and integration” in the regulatory
sandbox process.
● The RS was established on August 13, 2019 based on the recommendations of the Working Group on FinTech
and Digital Banking, set up by the Financial Stability and Development Council – Sub Committee (FSDC-SC).


Flipkart unveils its UPI handle to boost India's digital evolution

Extra Points
● Flipkart launched its UPI (Unified Payments Interface) handle to enhance digital payment offerings to all
users, including the e-commerce major's over 500 million customers, and boost India's digital evolution.
● Powered by Axis Bank, Flipkart UPI will initially be available for Android users.
● In 2023, UPI processed over 117 billion transactions worth Rs 182.84 trillion


UPI transactions dip slightly in Feb due to fewer days, technical disruptions
Extra Points
● After scaling an all-time high in January, Unified Payment Interface (UPI) transactions in India saw a marginal
dip in value and volume in February, falling 0.7 per cent and 0.8 per cent respectively, compared to January.
● In value terms, transactions were seen at Rs 18.28 trillion, compared to Rs 18.41 trillion in January.
● In volume terms, transactions were seen at 12.10 billion, compared to 12.20 billion in January.
● February numbers were 61 per cent higher in volume and 48 per cent in value, compared to the same month
in 2023.

List of month wise UPI transaction list:

Month Volume (in Mn) Value (in Cr.)

January- 24 12,203.02 18,41,083.97

December- 23 12,020.23 18,22,949.42

November- 23 11,235.29 17,39,740.61

October-23 11,408.79 17,15,768.34

September-23 10,555.69 15,79,133.18


RBI Bans IIFL Finance from Giving Gold Loans: Reasons and Implications
Extra Points
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has taken stern action against IIFL Finance by imposing an immediate ban on
the approval and disbursement of gold loans.
● This directive comes following a comprehensive inspection of the company’s financial position as of March
31, which revealed significant supervisory concerns in its gold loan portfolio.


REC Listed Two Bonds worth Rs 5,375 crore in BSE & NSE
Extra Points
● REC Limited has successfully listed two bonds worth Rs 5,375 crore on the NSE India (National Stock
Exchange of India Ltd) and BSE Limited (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange).
● The first bond is worth Rs.2,500 crore and has a maturity period of 10 years (matures on 28th February 2034).
It offers a yield of 7.47%.

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● The second bond is worth Rs.2,875 crore and has a maturity period of 3 years and 2 months (matures on
30th April 2027). It offers a yield of 7.64%.


Reserve Bank of India Reports Increase to 60.3% in Share of Term Deposits Among Banks’ Total Deposits in
December 2023
Extra Points
● According to the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) quarterly data, the share of term deposits in scheduled
commercial banks (SCBs) total deposits increased to 60.3% in December 2023 from 57.2% in March 2023.
● Weighted Average Domestic Term Deposit Rate (WADTDR) increased by 246 basis points (bps) for fresh
deposits and 180 bps for outstanding deposits from May 2022 to December 2023.
● Interest rates on TDs of over one year duration ranged from 6% to 7.25% by December-end 2023.
● SCBs’ total deposits amounted to approximately ₹201 lakh crore as of December 29, 2023.


Vadodara Municipal Corporation Launches First Certified Green Municipal Bond in India and Asia
Extra Points
● The Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) issued Asia’s first certified Green Municipal Bond for
sustainable water infrastructure worth Rs 100 crore, aimed at fostering sustainable urban development.
● Raised Rs 100 crore through the Certified Green Municipal Bond for Sustainable Water Infrastructure.
● VMC mobilized Rs 100 crore against its contribution of Rs 620.6 crore for 47 projects valued at Rs 1220.53
crore approved under the AMRUT 2.0 Scheme.


PNB, EaseMyTrip collaborate to introduce PNB EMT Credit Card

Card Name PNB EMT Credit Card

Launched by Punjab National Bank (PNB) & EaseMyTrip

Powered by Rupay


Moody's upgrades India's 2024 GDP growth forecast to 6.8%

Extra Points
● In March 2024, Moody's raised India's 2024 GDP growth forecast to 6.8%, up from 6.1%.


Infibeam Avenues received Online Payment Aggregator licence from RBI

Extra Points
● Infibeam Avenues Limited (formerly Avenues India Private Limited) has received final authorisation from the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to operate an Online Payment Aggregator (PA) for its payment gateway brand,
● Infibeam Avenues received in-principle approval from RBI to operate as a PA in 2022.
● The Certificate of Authorisation (CoA) for Setting up and Operating Payment System in India is issued by RBI under
Section 7 of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007.


30 Banks Join RBI’s UDGAM Portal for Unclaimed Deposits

Extra Points
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced that 30 banks are now participating in the UDGAM portal,
designed for individuals to search for their unclaimed deposits/accounts.
● As of March 4, 2024, 30 banks are already onboarded onto the UDGAM portal, covering approximately 90% of
unclaimed deposits in value terms.
● UDGAM, short for Unclaimed Deposits-Gateway to Access inforMation, serves as a centralized platform where
users can search for unclaimed deposits/accounts across various banks.

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Home Minister Amit Shah launches National Urban Co-operative Finance and Development Corporation Limited
Extra Points
● Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurated the National Urban Cooperative Finance and Development
Corporation Limited (NUCFDC) in New Delhi.
● This umbrella organization aims to modernize and strengthen the Urban Cooperative Banking Sector,
benefiting banks and customers alike.
● The minister suggested the Board of the newly launched NUCFDC to set up one urban cooperative bank in each
unrepresented town/city in a time-bound program.
● There are more than 1,500 UCBs with 11,000 branches, having a deposit of ₹5 lakh crore and credit base of
₹3.50 lakh crore across the country.


Kotak Life Introduces Non-Linked Par Product Kotak G.A.I.N

Extra Points
● Private sector life insurer Kotak Life Insurance made headlines with the launch of its latest offering, Kotak
● With its unique features and flexibility, Kotak G.A.I.N aims to address the diverse financial needs of customers
while ensuring robust protection for their loved ones.
● Kotak G.A.I.N sets a minimum annual premium requirement of Rs 50,000, ensuring accessibility for a wide
range of investors, regardless of their financial capacity.
● To avail of the policy, the policyholder must be a minimum of 90 days old at the time of issuance.
● The policy matures between the ages of 40 to 85 years, providing flexibility and long-term financial planning


NPCI and IISc Partner for Deep Tech Research

Extra Points
● National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has forged a strategic partnership with the Indian Institute of
Science (IISc), Bangalore, to conduct joint research on Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.
● This collaboration aims to establish the “NPCI–IISc Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Deep Tech Research &
Development” to drive innovation in the fintech sector.
● Faculty members from five departments at IISc will collaborate with NPCI researchers to tackle practical
challenges in scalable blockchain platforms and multi-modal analytics.


WB approved USD 452 Million Loan to Boost Connectivity in Assam

Loan amount USD 452 million

Given by World Bank (WB)

Given to Govt of Assam

Purpose To improve connectivity for over 1.8 million people living in rural areas of Assam

Out of the committed USD 452 million, World Bank will use the financing instruments such as:

USD 424.29 million Program-for-Results (PforR) Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs)

USD 26.58 million Investment Project Financing (IPF) financed Technical Assistance (TA)

Extra Info:

● The Assam Resilient Rural Bridges Program will strengthen the resilience and management of roads and
bridges to help people living in 1,739 villages.
● The total finance of the program is USD 564.71 million.

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● The Program loan has a maturity of 19 years with a grace period of 4.5 years.
● The project was approved for the fiscal year 2024.


Reserve Bank of India Suspended the Function of JMFPL

Extra Points
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has barred Mumbai based JM Financial Products Ltd (JMFPL) from financing
against shares and debentures including sanction and disbursal of loans against initial public offering (IPO) of
shares with immediate effect.
● RBI imposed the ban on exercise of its powers under section 45L(1)(b) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.


RBI and Bank Indonesia Sign MoU to Promote Local Currency Use
Extra Points
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Bank Indonesia (BI) have inked a MoU aimed at bolstering the utilization
of local currencies – the Indian Rupee (INR) and the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) – for cross-border transactions.
● The MoU, signed in Mumbai by RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das and Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo.
● The framework enables exporters and importers to invoice and settle transactions in their domestic


FDI Inflows Decline 13% to USD 32bn in April-December 2023

Extra Points
● According to data by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) Foreign direct
investment (FDI) inflows in India decreased by 13% to USD 32.03 billion in April-December 2023.
● FDI inflows were USD 36.74 billion during April to December 2022.
● Inflows in the October-December quarter of 2023 (Q3FY24) rose by 18% to USD 11.6 billion compared to the
Q3FY23 (USD 9.83 billion).
● Total FDI, including equity inflows, reinvested earnings, and other capital, declined by about 7% to USD 51.5
billion during April-December 2023 from USD 55.27 billion in April-December 2022.
● Maharashtra received the highest FDI inflow of USD 12.1 billion during April-December 2023.
● FDI equity inflows into India declined by 22% to USD 46 billion in the Fiscal Year 2022-23 (FY23).


CRISIL raises India's GDP growth forecast to 6.8% from 6.4% for FY25
Extra Points
● Rating agency CRISIL raised its economic growth forecast for India in the next financial year (FY25) to 6.8
percent from 6.4 percent estimated earlier.
● In its India Outlook report, it, however, said growth will moderate in FY25 from 7.6 per cent in the current
financial year (FY24).


India inks pact with EFTA, gets $100 billion commitment

Extra Points
● India and the four-nation European bloc EFTA signed a free trade agreement under which New Delhi has
received an investment commitment of $ 100 billion in the next 15 years.
● The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) members are Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.
● The agreement has 14 chapters, including trade in goods, rules of origin, intellectual property rights (IPRs),
trade in services, investment promotion and cooperation, government procurement, technical barriers to trade
and trade facilitation.
● India and EFTA have been negotiating the pact, officially dubbed the Trade and Economic Partnership
Agreement (TEPA), since January 2008.

Extra Info:

● India-EFTA two-way trade was $ 18.65 billion in 2022-23 compared to $ 27.23 billion in 2021-22. The trade
deficit was $ 14.8 billion in the last fiscal.

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● Switzerland is the largest trading partner of India followed by Norway in the bloc.


Fairfax India Provides Liquidity Support of USD 200 Million to IIFL Finance
Extra Points
● Indian-Canadian billionaire Prem Watsa-backed Fairfax India Holdings Corporation committed to provide
up to USD 200 million liquidity support to IIFL Finance Limited.
● This move by Fairfax India aims to assure investors and lenders about IIFL Finance’s financial health.
● Fairfax India is one of the long-term investors in the IIFL group of companies and it owns a 15% stake in IIFL


RBI amends Card Rules; Customers can Choose Card Network

Extra Points
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 35A of the Banking Regulation
(BR) Act, 1949 and Chapter IIIB of the RBI Act 1934, amended the ‘Master Direction – Credit Card and Debit
Card – Issuance and Conduct Directions, 2022’.
● It will come into effect from March 07, 2024.
● The timeline to follow the new norms by the card issuers is 6 months.
● The central bank-listed authorised card networks are American Express, Diners Club International,
MasterCard Asia/Pacific, Rupay, and Visa.


Bank of Baroda launches green term deposit scheme with 7.15% interest
Extra Points
● Bank of Baroda (BoB) has announced the launch of the BoB Earth Green Term Deposit Scheme, aimed at
raising deposits for financing eligible environment-friendly projects and sectors.
● It offers annual interest rates, ranging from 6.75 per cent for a tenure of 12 to 18 months to 7.15 per cent for
777 days.
● Additionally, for longer tenures of 1,111 days, 1,717 days, and 2,201 days, the interest rates are set at 6.40 per
cent per annum.


L&T Finance, L&T Infra Credit, 5 NBFCs surrender registration certificates

Extra Points
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced that seven Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) have
surrendered their Certificate of Registration (CoR).
● Of the seven companies the oldest NBFC to surrender their CoR is Kolkata-based Marudhar Food & Credit,
which got its registration in November 2003.
● The youngest being L&T Infra Credit, which got its registration done in June 2022.
● The others in the list (in no particular order) include – L&T Finance, Creative Intra, Jinvani Trading &
Investment, Manjushree Fincap and Shruti Financial Services among others.
● The RBI in exercise of powers conferred on it under Section 45-IA (6) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934,
has therefore cancelled their CoR.


Sebi plans to implement optional same-day settlement from March 28

Extra Points
● The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) plans to implement a T+0 (same day) settlement cycle for
the cash segment from March 28 on an optional basis, while instantaneous settlement will be effective from
March 2025.
● At present, the Indian market operates on a T+1 (trade-plus-one-day) settlement cycle, even as most global
markets settle trades on a T+2 basis.
● Foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) had earlier submitted concerns to Sebi regarding the fragmentation of
liquidity in the market and urged to wait for the United States to move to a T+1 settlement cycle.

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SIDBI secures first green climate fund project worth $120 mn

Extra Points
● Development bank Sidbi said it has secured approval from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for its first anchored
project, Avaana Sustainability Fund (ASF), valued at $120 million.
● The closure was announced at the 38th board meeting of the GCF, which will invest $24.5 million in the fund,
in Kigali, Rwanda.
● The primary aim of the ASF project is to invest in early-stage companies harnessing technology-led
innovation to spur climate solutions and sustainability in the country.


IndusInd Bank launched all-in-one payment wearables

Extra Points
● IndusInd Bank has introduced 'Indus PayWear,' which, in collaboration with Mastercard, boasts to be the
country's first all-in-one tokenisable wearables for both debit and credit cards.
● The company stated in a filing on the exchanges that this offering aims to enable users to tokenize their IndusInd
Bank cards onto a chip-enabled wearable device.
● Transactions below Rs 5000 can be seamlessly conducted as tap-and-pay using the wearable.
● However, for transactions exceeding Rs. 5000, the PIN of the linked card must be entered on the PoS machine
in accordance with RBI guidelines.


Cashinvoice partners with SBI Global factors, plans to target 3000 Cr invoice financing in FY24
Extra Points
● Digital supply chain finance platform Cashinvoice has partnered with factoring company SBI Global Factors to
broad base the use of factoring solutions for MSMEs.
● With this collaboration, the company is targeting additional credit disbursement of Rs 3,000 crore across over
100 MSMEs in tier 2 and tier 3 areas in the financial year 2024-2025.
● Cashinvoice said it is also expecting a 20 per cent upsurge in its revenue post integrating the factoring business.
● The global factoring services market size is expected to grow to $5,872 billion by 2031.


Retail Inflation Steadies at 5.09% in February 2024

Extra Points
● Retail inflation in February 2024 saw a decline to a four-month low of 5.09 per cent, remaining well within
the Reserve Bank of India’s comfort zone of 6 per cent for the sixth consecutive month.
● The inflation rate within the food basket saw a marginal uptick, rising to 8.66 per cent in February from 5.1 per
cent in the previous month.
● The food basket holds significant importance, accounting for nearly 50 per cent weightage in the Consumer
Price Index (CPI).

Month-wise list of retail inflation:

Month CPI

August 2023 6.83%

September 2023 5.02%

October 2023 4.87%

November 2023 5.55%

December 2023 5.69%

January 2024 5.1%

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Following the Reserve Bank of India, JM Financial Faces Regulatory Scrutiny from the Securities and Exchange
Board of India
Extra Points
● The Market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) barred JM Financial, a registered
merchant banker, from acting as a lead manager for any new public issue of debt securities.
● The SEBI stated that JM Financial may continue to act as a lead manager for public issue of debt securities for
a period of 60 days from the date of this Order.


VMC, Civic body of Gujarat, issues Asia’s 1st Certified Green Municipal Bond
Extra Points
● Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC), a civic body of Gujarat, has raised Rs 100 crore (USD 12.07 million)
by issuing Asia’s first certified green municipal bond for Sustainable Water Infrastructure.
● VMC, with a semi-annual coupon rate of 7.90% on the issue, invited bids from investors, setting a new standard
in green finance.
● The bonds are rated AA+ STABLE by India Ratings, and have received a green security certificate from the
Climate Bond Initiative.
● SBI Capital Markets and Tipsons Consultancy Services are the arrangers of the bond issue.


SBI partners with Aurionpro for its transaction banking platform

Extra Points
● Aurionpro Solutions has clinched a significant deal with the State Bank of India (SBI) for the license,
implementation, and support of its cutting-edge cash management and transaction banking platform,
● Valued at nearly Rs 100 crore, this prestigious contract entails phased delivery of license and implementation
over 12 months, followed by a 6-year maintenance and support period.
● Implementation tailored to seamlessly integrate with SBI’s core banking systems, Payments Hub, and various
internal and external platforms.


Private Banks’ Share in Deposits Rises to 34%

Extra Points
● The share of private sector banks in total deposits has risen significantly, reaching 34% as of December 2023,
up from 25% at the end of the financial year 2017-18.
● Conversely, the share of public sector banks in total deposits has declined to 59% from 66% at the end of the
financial year 2017-18, according to data from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
● Deposits of private banks grew by a staggering 135% to Rs. 68.4 trillion as of December 2023, up from Rs.
29 trillion as of March 2018.
● Public sector banks increased their deposits by 40% to Rs 116.5 trillion as of December 2023, up from Rs 76.5
trillion as of March 2018.


India signed 181 million dollars loan with ADB to improve urban livability and mobility in Ahmedabad

Loan Amount USD 181 million

Given to Government of India

Given by Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Purpose To improve urban livability and mobility in Ahmedabad.

Extra Info:

● The loan will fund development in areas transitioning from rural to urban, called Peri-urban areas.

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● The Project will also support 10 junction improvements along the existing Sardar Patel Ring Road to improve
connectivity of the peri-urban area.
● Under the Ahmedabad Peri-urban Livability Improvement Project, 166 km of water distribution network, 126
km of climate-resilient stormwater drainage, 300 km of sewerage systems, and four sewage treatment
plants will be constructed.


L&T Finance inks $125 million pact with Japan International Cooperation Agency
Extra Points
● L&T Finance Holdings has inked a financing pact with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) worth
$125 million to support financing in rural and peri-urban areas in India, particularly with respect to women
● Last November, L&T Finance Holdings sourced a $125 million loan from Asian Development Bank (ADB), and
as part of the co-financing agreement, an additional $125 million loan is now being raised from JICA.
● At least 40 percent of the proceeds will be allocated for women borrowers, while the rest will be allocated to
support farmers, MSMEs, as well as loans to purchase new two-wheeler vehicles including electric two-

RBI imposes ₹1.40 cr monetary penalty on Bank of India

Penalty amount ₹1.40 crore

Imposed on Bank of India

Penalty amount Rs 29.55 lakh

Imposed on Bandhan Bank

Penalty amount Rs 13.60 lakh

Imposed on Indostar Capital Finance Ltd


Perfios secures $80 million funding, set to become 2nd unicorn of 2024
Extra Points
● Fintech-focussed software-as-a-service firm Perfios said it has secured $80 million in funding from Teachers’
Venture Growth (TVG), a late-stage venture and growth investment arm of Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan.
● With the fresh investment, the company’s new valuation will cross the $1 billion mark, said sources, which
makes Perfios the second unicorn of 2024.
● Before it, Bhavish Aggarwal’s AI startup Krutrim had attained the coveted status.


Fitch Ratings ups GDP growth forecast to 7% for FY25 on demand push
Extra Points
● Global rating agency Fitch Ratings raised India’s growth forecast for the next financial year (FY25) to 7 per
cent from 6.5 per cent estimated earlier.
● It also expects the growth in the current financial year to clock 7.8 per cent, slightly higher than the
government's own forecast of 7.6 per cent.


Wholesale inflation eases to a four-month low of 0.2% in February

Extra Points
● The headline wholesale price index (WPI)-based inflation eased to 0.2 per cent in February from 0.27 per
cent in the preceding month, remaining in positive territory for the fourth consecutive month.
● The WPI inflation was in the negative zone from April to October and had turned positive in November at 0.26
per cent.

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Royal Sundaram General Insurance inks pact with Dvara KGFS

Extra Points
● Private sector general insurer Royal Sundaram has partnered with non-banking finance company Dvara
KGFS to offer its comprehensive suite of general insurance products.
● Through this partnership, 400 branches of Dvara KGFS (Kshetriya Gramin Financial Services) would offer the
general insurance products of Royal Sundaram to its customers.


India, ADB Sign $23 Million Loan for Fintech Ecosystem Development
Loan Amount USD 23 million

Given to Government of India

Given by Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Purpose To establish an International Fintech Institute (IFI) to strengthen fintech

education, boost start-up success rates, and drive fintech research and innovation


Paytm gets nod to continue UPI via State Bank of India, three others
Extra Points
● The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) allowed One97 Communications (OCL), which operates
brand Paytm, to function as a third party application provider (TPAP) on Unified Payments Interface (UPI).
● Four banks — State Bank of India (SBI), Axis Bank, HDFC Bank, and YES Bank — will act as payment service
providers (PSPs) to Paytm.
● The NPCI said YES Bank would operate as a merchant acquiring bank for existing and new UPI merchants for

Extra Info:

● A TPAP is a service provider that participates in UPI through a PSP bank, according to the NPCI, which runs
the UPI.


E-way bill generation in Feb new second all time high, collection to get boost
Extra Points
● E-way bill generation surged to 9.73 crores in February. This is the highest in four months and also the new
second-all all-time-high generation.
● This is expected to have a positive impact on GST collection in March. February figures are also important as
the month had only 29 days.
● As per Rule 138 of the CGST Rules, 2017, every registered person, who causes the movement of goods of
consignment value of more than ₹50,000 (can be lower for intra-state movement) is required to generate an e-
way bill.
● During the last three months (December, January and February), e way bill generation has been more than
9.5 crore. Also, the month of October saw an all time high generation of over 10 crore.


MoRD, GoI signs MoU with the Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited to synergize the livelihood intervention in
livestock sector
Extra Points
● The Ministry of Rural Development has signed a Non-Financial MoU with the Bharat Financial Inclusion
Limited (BFIL) to support the livelihood intervention of DAY-NRLM by syncing their activities in livestock and
fisheries development.
● As part of the MoU, in the initial phase a centralized Project Monitoring Unit (PMU) will be established to
support DAY-NRLM at national level and State PMU in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttar
Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Bihar will be developed.

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About Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM):

Started in June 2011.

Objective to reduce rural poverty by increasing livelihood opportunities through skill

development and better access to financial services for rural poor households in the

Extra Info With an annual budget outlay of over Rs 13,000 crore, the program covers 7.15
lakh villages in 723 districts, and covers over 8.6 crore rural households.


SANY India signs MoU with J&K Bank to give finance solution to their customers
Extra Points
● SANY India, a leading manufacturer of construction equipment, has taken a significant stride towards offering
improved financial solutions to its customers.
● The company has formalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with J&K Bank, aiming to stimulate
substantial growth and development opportunities within the region.


RBI Unveils Draft Guidelines on Climate Risk Disclosures for Financial Institutions
Extra Points
● Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released draft guidelines outlining a disclosure framework for climate-related
financial risks applicable to various regulated entities (REs).
● The draft guidelines are set to apply to a wide range of REs, including: Scheduled commercial banks, Tier IV
primary urban co-operative banks (UCBs), Foreign banks operating in India, All Indian financial institutions
(AIFIs), Top and upper layer non-banking financial companies (NBFCs).
● The RBI’s move aligns with its commitment to addressing climate risks, as demonstrated by its membership in
the Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) since April 2021.
● Aligning with the NGFS guidelines and those of other jurisdictions like Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore, and
Australia, the RBI’s requirements encompass measurement and disclosures for Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3
GHG risks.


Nagaland’s DoIC signed MoU with YES Bank & Sellmetric Pvt Ltd to Utilize ONDC platform
Extra Points
● The Department of Industries & Commerce (DoIC), Government of Nagaland has signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with YES Bank Limited and Sellmetric Private Limited.
● Objective: To facilitate digital sales for small businesses, farmers, and entrepreneurs, through the Open Network
for Digital Commerce (ONDC) platform.
● DoIC is the Nodal department for promoting and advancing the implementation of ONDC initiatives within


India’s Forex Reserves Grow by $10.47 Billion, Reaching $636.095 Billion

Extra Points
● According to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), India’s foreign exchange reserves surged by $10.47 billion to
reach $636.095 billion.
● In the preceding reporting week, the overall reserves had grown by $6.55 billion to $625.626 billion.
● India’s forex reserves had reached an all-time high of $645 billion in October 2021.
● Foreign currency assets, a significant component of the reserves, increased by $8.121 billion to $562.352
● Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) rose by $31 million to $18.211 billion.


Axis Bank Commits ₹100 Crore to Enhance Cancer Care through National Cancer Grid

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Extra Points
● In an effort to advance cancer care in India, Axis Bank has pledged a significant contribution of ₹100 crore to
the National Cancer Grid (NCG), in collaboration with Tata Memorial Centre.
● This partnership aims to bolster research, innovation, and digital health adoption in oncology over the next
five years.
● Axis Bank’s contribution will support various projects under the National Cancer Grid, including the
establishment of a national tumour biobank and a cancer teleconsultation network.


Insurance sector received Rs 54,000 crore FDI in 9 years, says DFS Secy
Extra Points
● The insurance sector has received close to Rs 54,000 crore as foreign direct investment (FDI) in the last 9
years on the back of further liberalisation of overseas capital flow norms by the government, Financial Services
Secretary Vivek Joshi has said.
● The government increased the permissible FDI limit from 26 per cent in 2014 to 49 per cent in 2015 and then
to 74 per cent in 2021.
● However, the permissible FDI limit for insurance intermediaries was increased to 100 per cent in 2019.
● As a result, Rs 53,900 crore of FDI was received in insurance companies between December 2014 and
January 2024.
● Insurance penetration increased from 3.9 percent in 2013-14 to 4 per cent in 2022-23 while insurance
density rose from USD 52 in 2013-14 to USD 92 in 2022-23


AB Sun Life AMC launches AI-based search engine for investors

Extra Points
● Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC has launched its latest innovation, MyMutualFundGPT, an information tool designed
to elevate the overall investor experience across its digital platforms.
● The Gen AI-based tool goes beyond traditional keyword matching by comprehending the context of queries
and generates responses based on the meaning.


RBI imposes penalty on Tamilnad Mercantile Bank & DCB Bank

Penalty amount 1.32 crore rupees

Imposed on Tamilnad Mercantile Bank

Penalty amount 63.6 lakh rupees

Imposed on DCB Bank


RBI Reconstitutes Committee of Advisors of the Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank

Committee Committee of Advisors of Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank Limited

Member 3

Previous chairman Mahendra Chhajed

Replaced Chairman Devendara Kumar


RBI made its largest gold purchase since July 2022, acquiring 8.7 tonnes
Extra Points
● In January, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) made its largest gold purchase since July 2022, acquiring 8.7 tonnes
of gold.
● This brought the RBI’s gold holding to 812.3 tonnes, up from 803.58 tonnes in December 2023.

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● After buying 200 tonnes in November 2009, the reserves were stagnant at 557.7 tonnes for a long time.


YES Bank Partners with Indian Olympic Association for Paris Olympics
Extra Points
● YES Bank has forged a strategic partnership with the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) to become the Official
Banking Partner for Team India at the Paris Olympics 2024.
● YES Bank introduces the ‘Milkar Jitayengey’ campaign to signify unity and determination in achieving victory.
● YES Bank unveils the ‘YES Glory Debit Card,’ exclusively designed for India’s Olympic athletes.
● YES Bank launches the ‘YES Glory’ savings account proposition, catering to the unique needs of champion


DBS Bank India unveils $250 mn lending support to start-ups and ‘new economy’ organisations
Extra Points
● DBS Bank India announced a lending commitment of $250 million for new-age startups.
● The initiative is part of the bank's focus on fostering innovation and entrepreneurship within the country's
thriving startup ecosystem.
● The Indian start-up sector, a foundational pillar of the country’s development goals, has seen significant
expansion over the years with over 90,000 start-ups and more than 100 unicorns as of 2024.


Gross Direct Tax collections for Financial Year (FY) 2023-24 register a growth of 18.74%
Extra Points
● The provisional figures of Direct Tax collections for the Financial Year 2023-24 show that Net collections are
at Rs. 18,90,259 crore, compared to Rs. 15,76,776 crore in the corresponding period of the preceding
Financial Year (i.e. FY 2022-23), representing an increase of 19.88%.
● The Net Direct Tax collection of Rs. 18,90,259 crore includes Corporation Tax at Rs 9,14,469 crore (net of
refund) and Personal Income Tax including Securities Transaction Tax at Rs 9,72,224 crore (net of refund).
● The provisional figures of Gross collection of Direct Taxes (before adjusting for refunds) for the Financial Year
2023-24 stand at Rs. 22,27,067 crores compared to Rs. 18,75,535 crores in the corresponding period of the
preceding financial year, showing a growth of 18.74% over the collections of FY 2022-23.


Airtel Payments Bank partners with Noise and Mastercard

Extra Points
● Airtel Payments Bank has partnered with Noise, India’s premier wristwatch brand, and Mastercard, a
worldwide payments technology business, to launch A New Way to Pay.
● The institutions have collaborated to create the Bank’s Airtel Payments Bank Smart Watch, which aims to
revolutionise contactless payments by redefining and making them more accessible to a wider user base.
● Customers with an Airtel Payments Bank savings account can purchase this smartwatch using the Airtel
Thanks App.
● The Airtel Payments Bank Smart Watch allows customers to make daily payments ranging from INR 1 to INR


Guyana Signs USD 23.27mn LOC Agreement with Exim Bank for Aircraft Procurement

Loan amount USD 23.27 million

Given by Export-Import Bank of India (India Exim Bank)

Given to Government of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana

Purpose Under this LOC, Guyana will purchase two Dornier (Hindustan 228-201)
transport aircraft from Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) for USD 23.37

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Finance Ministry Introduces ₹90 Coin to Commemorate 90 Years of Reserve Bank of India
Extra Points
● The Finance Ministry announced the release of a unique ₹90 denomination coin to mark the 90th anniversary
of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
● Crafted with 99.99% silver purity, the coin weighs approximately 40 grams and has a diameter of 44mm.
● It features 200 serrations along the edge, symbolizing the historical significance and achievements of the RBI
over nine decades.
● The obverse side of the coin showcases the iconic RBI logo at the center, with the inscription “RBI@90” below.
● The reverse side of the coin displays the Lion Capital of Ashoka Pillar, symbolizing India’s rich heritage and
democratic values.
● The national motto “Satyamev Jayate” (Truth Alone Triumphs) is inscribed in Devanagari script below the
Ashoka Pillar.

States and Union Territories Raise ₹50,206 Crores through Auction of State Government Securities
Extra Points
● The weighted average cut-off at the biggest weekly auction of State Government Securities (SGS) so far in
FY24 rose 7 basis points (bps) due to the huge supply of paper.
● 16 States and 1 Union Territory (UT) cumulatively mopped up ₹50,206 crore via auction of SGS.
● The amount raised surpassed the planned borrowing of ₹27,810 crore as per the Indicative Calendar of Market
● The weighted average cut-off of SGS rose to 7.45% on March 19, 2024, from 7.38% the previous week.
● Although there was a slight decline in the weighted average tenor of SGS to 15 years from 16 years during the
same period.


Citibank Set to Introduce Digital Payments Product “Spring” in India in Q2

Extra Points
● Citibank plans to launch its digital payments acceptance product ‘Spring by Citi’ in India in the second quarter
of this year (April-June).
● Currently available in about 24 countries, Spring by Citi processes business-to-business and direct-to-
customer payments, and integrates with payment methods across geographies.
● Citibank manages significant portions of electronic payment flows (4.3%), trade flows (8%), and Swift
payments (25%) in India.
● Spring was developed by Citi’s Treasury and Trade Solutions business, a segment that comprises payments,
working-capital solutions, and liquidity management.


SBI Cards and Payment Services Ltd, in collaboration with Titan Company Ltd, Presented Titan SBI Card
Extra Points
● SBI Cards and Payment Services Ltd, in collaboration with Titan Company Ltd, proudly presents the Titan SBI
Card, an exclusive shopping credit card designed to offer unparalleled benefits to its users.
● With a focus on cashbacks, gift vouchers, and reward points, this card promises benefits worth over ₹2,00,000


PolicyBazaar Establishes Wholly Owned Subsidiary ‘PB Pay Private Limited’

Extra Points
● PolicyBazaar has unveiled plans to diversify its offerings by establishing a wholly owned subsidiary named ‘PB
Pay Private Limited.’
● This subsidiary, approved by the Board of Directors, aims to specialize in payment aggregation services, both
domestically and internationally.
● PB Pay Private Limited is slated to operate as a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) with a focus on
payment aggregation.

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MCX & JFX Inked an MoU for Knowledge Sharing and Regional Development
Extra Points
● The Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited (MCX), and Jakarta Futures Exchange (JFX) entered into a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to bolster collaboration in key areas such as knowledge sharing,
research, education, training etc.
● MCX is India’s 1st listed, national-level electronic exchange and the leading Exchange in the Commodity
Derivatives Market segment.


Income Tax Department Levies Rs 103.63 Crore Penalty on Tata Chemicals

Extra Points
● The Income Tax Department has imposed a penalty of Rs 103.63 crore on Tata Chemicals for violation related
to disallowance of interest.
● The penalty has been imposed under Section 270A of the Income Tax Act for disallowance of interest under
section 36(1)(iii) of the Act.


SEBI Orders Association of Mutual Funds in India to Halt Investments in Mutual Funds’ Overseas Schemes Starting
from April 1,2024
Extra Points
● Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has directed the Association of Mutual Funds to stop inflows
into overseas exchange traded funds (ETF) from April 1, 2024 as it is approaching the overall limit of $1
billion set by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
● In January 2022, SEBI stopped mutual fund houses from taking fresh subscriptions in schemes investing in
overseas stocks.
● After the recent fall in the overseas market, it eased with the strict overall industry cap of $7 billion.
● Presently, there are 77 mutual fund schemes in India that invest overseas.


Federal Bank Partners with NPCI to Introduce ‘Rupay Smart Key Chain –FlashPay’
Extra Points
● The Federal Bank and National Payment Corporation of India(NPCI), launched a Rupay Smart Key Chain –
‘FlashPay’ for Contactless National Common Mobility Card (NCMC) payments at enabled metro stations and
Point Of Sale (POS) terminals.
● The customers can make payments up to Rs.5000 without using a Personal Identification Number (PIN) and
whereas above Rs. 5000, requires a PIN authentication with a daily limit of Rs.1,00,000 at any POS terminal.


India’s growth expected to be between 6.5% – 7% in FY25: DEA

Extra Points
● The Monthly Economic Review report for February 2024, released by the Department of Economic Affairs
(DEA) mentioned that various agencies have expected India’s growth to be between 6.5% and 7% in the
Financial Year 2024–2025 (FY25).
● The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation’s second advance estimate report has revised
India’s growth rate for FY24 from 7.3% to 7.6%.


UBS Estimates India’s GDP to Grow at 7% in FY 2024-25

Extra Points
● According to UBS Securities India Private Limited, India’s Gross domestic product (GDP) growth is predicted
to slow down from the projected 7.6% in FY24 to 7% in fiscal year 2024-25 (FY25).
● India’s GDP growth in FY 2025-26 is expected to ease further to 6.8%.

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Modi Government Allocates Rs 6212.03 Crore for Strengthening Regional Rural Banks
Extra Points
● The Modi government has allocated Rs 6212.03 crore to Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) as part of the
recapitalization scheme.
● RRBs, established in 1975 and owned by the Indian government, function at the regional level across various
● Consolidated Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR) reached an all-time high of 13.83 percent by
December 31, 2023, indicating strengthened financial position.
● Achieved highest-ever consolidated net profit of Rs 4,974 crores in FY 22-23 and Rs 5,236 crore by the third
quarter of FY 2023-24.
● Consolidated credit-deposit ratio rose to 72.13 percent as of September 30, 2023, the highest in the past 15
● 43 RRBs sponsored by 12 scheduled commercial banks in India.


Aditya Birla Housing Finance Launches Digital Lending Platform “ABHFL-Finverse”

Extra Points
● Aditya Birla Housing Finance Limited (ABHFL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aditya Birla Capital Limited,
has launched a unified digital lending platform called ‘ABHFL-Finverse’ for its home loan customers.
● The ABHFL-Finverse platform has been co-created in association with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS).


India's current account deficit narrowed to 1.2% of GDP in Q3: RBI data
Extra Points
● Current account deficit (CAD) narrowed sequentially to $10.5 billion in the quarter ended December 2023
(Q3 FY 24) — 1.2 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) — from $11.4 billion in Q2 FY 24 (1.3 percent of
● The deficit was also down from $16.8 billion or 2 percent of GDP in the year-ago period (Q3 FY23).
● Services exports grew by 5.2 per cent year-on-year (Y-o-Y) on the back of rising exports of software, business
and travel services.
● The merchandise trade deficit was at $71.6 billion in Q3 FY24 compared to $71.3 billion a year ago.


RBI Imposes Monetary Penalties on 5 Co-operative Banks

Penalty amount ₹7 lakh

Imposed on Navsarjan Industrial Co-operative Bank Ltd

Penalty amount ₹3 lakh

Imposed on Mehsana Jilla Panchayat Karmachari Co-operative Bank

Penalty amount ₹2 lakh

Imposed on Halol Urban Co-operative Bank

Penalty amount ₹50,000

Imposed on Stambhadri Co-operative Urban Bank

Penalty amount ₹25,000

Imposed on Subramanianagar Co-operative Urban Bank

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RBI Grants Payment Aggregator Licences to Innoviti Payments and Concerto Software
Extra Points
● Innoviti Payments and Concerto Software have received payment aggregator (PA) licences from the Reserve
Bank of India (RBI), marking significant milestones in the digital payments landscape of India.
● Innoviti operates the PA ‘Innoviti Link’, serving 2,500 online merchants, while Concerto Software’s gateway
‘Vegaah’ joins the league of authorized PA solutions.


IRDAI Identifies LIC, GIC Re, and New India Assurance as D-SIIs
Extra Points
● The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has designated three insurers as
Domestic Systemically Important Insurers (D-SIIs) for the year 2023-24.
● These insurers, namely Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), General Insurance Corporation of India
(GIC Re), and New India Assurance Co Ltd, have retained their D-SII status from the previous year.
● These insurers are considered “too big or too important to fail” (TBTF), necessitating additional regulatory
measures to address systemic risks and moral hazard issues.


Axis Bank introduces Digital Opening of US Dollar FD for NRI customers at GIFT City
Extra Points
● Axis Bank has introduced digital opening of US (United States) dollar Fixed Deposits (FD) for NRI (Non-
Resident Indian) customers at its International Financial Services Centre/IFSC Banking Unit (IBU) in
Gujarat International Finance Tec (GIFT) City in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
● With this, Axis Bank becomes the first bank to offer digitization of GIFT City Deposits.
● Customers can conveniently manage their FD digitally and enjoy flexible investment tenures ranging from
seven days to ten years.


PayU Introduces Industry-First Downpayment EMI Solution for Online Retail

Extra Points
● PayU Payments Private Limited (PayU), a leading payments solution provider in India, introduced a first-of-
its-kind Down Payment EMI (Equated Monthly Installment) solution for online retail.
● This will enable the users to make a partial payment upfront while the remaining can be converted into
easy EMIs.


Star Housing Finance Signs Co-lending Partnership with Tata Capital Housing Finance
Extra Points
● Star Housing Finance Limited (Star HFL) has signed a co-lending partnership with Tata Capital Housing
Finance Limited (TCHFL) to provide loans to economically weaker sections (EWS) and low-income groups
(LIG) at more affordable rates.
● The partnerships aim to serve consumers across different geographies by offering diverse origination
capacities and levels of franchise to the borrower base.


Morgan Stanley raises India's GDP growth forecast for FY25 to 6.8%
Extra Points
● Global brokerage firm Morgan Stanley has revised its gross domestic product (GDP) growth forecast for
the financial year 2024-25 (FY25) to 6.8 per cent, up from the previous estimate of 6.5 per cent.
● The firm also revised its growth forecast for the ongoing financial year (FY24) to 7.9 per cent.


India releases 2nd tranche of Rs 500 Crore to Bhutan for GyalSung Infrastructure Project
Extra Points

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● India released the 2nd tranche of Rs 500 Crore for the development of infrastructure related to GyalSung
Project to Bhutan.
● The MoU laid down the framework for the disbursal of Rs 1,500 Crore as concessionary financing to the
Royal Government of Bhutan.
● Till Now, Government of India (GoI) has released Rs 1000 Crore to Government of Bhutan.

About GyalSung:
● It is an important national initiative envisioned by His Majesty King, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck to
build a strong foundation for the future of Bhutan.
● It was launched by the King of Bhutan, during the 112th National Day of Bhutan on 17th December, 2019.


SEBI Crackdown: Karvy Investor Services Loses Merchant Banker Registration

Extra Points
● The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has cancelled the registration of Karvy Investor
Services Ltd (KISL) as a merchant banker due to a breach of eligibility criteria.
● During the on-site inspection, SEBI found that KISL was not functioning or operational at both its registered
and correspondence addresses.
● Karvy Investor Services was registered as a merchant banker with SEBI in December 2013.


Housing Finance Companies Anticipate 12-14% Growth in Assets Under Management for FY24 and FY25
Extra Points
● According to CareEdge Ratings, Housing finance companies’ Assets under management (AUM) is seen
growing 12-14% in FY24 and FY25 led by continued growth momentum in housing loans coupled with an
expected revival in developer loans.
● In FY23, HFCs witnessed a 9% growth in AUM, with housing loans growing by 13%.
● As of March 2023 (excluding HDFC), the outstanding portfolio of HFCs stood at ₹7.4 lakh crore, with housing
loans comprising ₹5.5 lakh crore.
● Housing loans provided by banks stood at ₹19.4 lakh crore, highlighting the substantial presence of both
HFCs and banks in the housing loan market.
● The Net NPA to net worth ratio for HFCs improved from 16.6% to 11.7%, indicating enhanced asset quality
and financial stability.

MoUs & Agreements


CIL and BHEL sign a JVA for Setting Up Ammonium Nitrate Plant through Surface Coal Gasification Technology

Signed between Coal India Limited (CIL) and Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)

Objective For setting up an ammonium nitrate plant through surface coal gasification (SCG)
technology route

Extra Info The plant to come up in Lakhanpur area of Mahanadi Coalfields Limited, Odisha
is planned to produce 2000 tons of ammonium nitrate per day initially.


NTPC Green Energy Limited joins hands with MAHAGENCO for development of Renewable Energy Parks in

Signed between NTPC Green Energy Limited (NGEL) & Maharashtra State Power Generation
Company Limited (MAHAGENCO)

Objective For development of Renewable Energy Parks in the state of Maharashtra.

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Extra Info NTPC Group has ambitious plans of attaining 60 GW of renewable energy capacity
by the year 2032. Currently, it has 3.4 GW of installed RE capacity and more than
22 GW under pipeline.


MoSPI Signs MoU with ISRO on Urban Frame Survey using Bhuvan

Signed between Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) & National Remote
Sensing Centre (NRSC) under the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

Objective To facilitate Urban Frame Survey (UFS) in a digital mode using the state-of-the-art
Geo ICT tools and techniques using Bhuvan Platform.

Extra Info:

● UFS is conducted in five-year phases to prepare and maintain a frame of compact urban geographical units,
which serve as a sampling frame in the urban sector, mainly for NSSO large scale Socio-Economic Surveys.
● The UFS in digital form was carried out for the first time during Phase 2017-22 using the Bhuvan platform
covering more than 5300 towns.


IIM Mumbai and Sambalpur to launch course in Logistics and Operations Excellence for CIL execs

Signed between Coal India Limited (CIL) & Indian Institute of Managements (IIM) Mumbai and

Objective Marking a crucial step in multimodal connectivity infrastructure for coal

transportation in alignment with the PM GatiShakti National Master Plan 2021.

Extra Info Under this initiative, a one-year PGP-Ex programme in “Logistics and Operations
Excellence through Digitisation” is to be conducted


C-DOT and Qualcomm Sign MoU to Boost Make in India Vision

Signed between Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) and Qualcomm Technologies

Objective To empower local developers, startups, academia, and industry partners through
technological expertise and support


Google Partners with Shakti to Combat Online Misinformation and Deepfakes

Signed between Google & Shakti

Objective To the early detection of online misinformation, including deepfakes, and

establishing a common repository for news publishers to effectively tackle such

Extra Info Shakti emerges as a pan-India network, orchestrated by DataLEADS in

collaboration with the Misinformation Combat Alliance.


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REC Limited joins hands with UNISED to support Education of Children

Signed between REC Limited and Unit of Science and Educational Development (UNISED)

Objective To support the education of 75,500 children in the Siddharthnagar district of Uttar

Extra Info REC has committed a financial assistance of Rs. 9.91 crores towards this noble


MoD inks MoU with BEML, BEL & MIDHANI for Development of Advanced Fueling & Control System

Signed between Ministry of Defence (MoD) & BEML Limited, Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) and
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI)

Objective To develop indigenous capabilities to design, test, and manufacture an Advanced

Fuelling and Control System


Airbus Collaborates with IIM Mumbai to Elevate Aviation Training Standards

Signed between Airbus and Indian Institute of Management Mumbai (IIM Mumbai)

Objective To deliver high-quality aviation training to professionals.


Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog and Meta join hands to establish Frontier Technology Labs in schools

Signed between Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog and Meta

Objective To set up Frontier Technology Labs (FTLs) in schools of strategic importance to

ensure that students from diverse backgrounds across India have equal
opportunities to learn and engage with frontier technologies

Extra Info Till date, AIM has established 10,000 Atal Tinkering Labs (ATLs) in schools across
722 districts in India.

The FTL is an advanced version of Atal Tinkering Lab.


Swiggy and IRCTC join hands to deliver food on Indian Railways

Signed between Swiggy and Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC)

Signed by Sanjay Kumar Jain, Chairman and Managing Director, IRCTC and Rohit Kapoor,
CEO, Swiggy Food Marketplace

Objective It will deliver pre-ordered food on trains.

Extra Info The service will start with four stations – Bengaluru, Bhubaneshwar,
Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada – from March 12 and will be expanded to 59
additional city stations in the coming weeks.

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NLC India signs mou with GUVNL for 600 MW solar power project

Signed between NLC India Green Energy Limited (NIGEL) & Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited

Objective For the supply of 600 MW of power from the Khavda Solar Park in Bhuj district in

Extra Info GUVNL will purchase the entire power generated by the project at a tariff of Rs


Goa signs MoU with IRCTC for rail-based pilgrimage scheme

Signed between Goa and Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC)

Objective To ferry passengers under the 'Mukhyamantri Dev Darshan Yatra.

Extra Info  Under the MoU with the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation, the
first train will leave for Velankanni in Tamil Nadu on March 12 with 1,000

 Chief Minister Pramod Sawant had proposed Rs 10 crore for this scheme in the
budget tabled recently in the Assembly


Canva & CBSE partnership to boost Digital Education

Signed between Canva & Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

Objective To train educators in visual communication and generative artificial intelligence

(genAI) tools in CBSE-affiliated schools across India

Extra Info The first phase of the training series will begin with nearly 30,000 teachers


DEPwD signs a MoU with SignAble Communications

Signed between Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) and SignAble

Objective To enhance communication and accessibility for visually and hearing impaired


Reliance Consumer Products & Elephant House Partners for Beverages

Signed between Reliance Consumer Products Limited (RCPL) & Sri Lanka-based Elephant House

Objective To manufacture, market, distribute and sell beverages under the Elephant House
brand across India.

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CSIR-IIP and UCOST launched Pine Needle Fuel Tech

Signed between CSIR Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun and Uttarakhand State Council for
Science & Technology (UCOST)

Objective To launch pine needle-based fuel making technology in Champawat, including a

briquetting unit and improved cookstoves for rural households

Extra Info ● The briquetting unit will have a capacity of producing 50 kilograms
per hour using Pine Needles as raw material.

● Additionally, 500 units of Improved Cookstoves will be distributed to

rural households in Champawat.


NHAI Collaborates with HLL Life care to Strengthen IMS and Assist Accident Victims on NH

Signed between National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) and HLL Lifecare Limited

Objective To provide immediate assistance to accident victims and to strengthen NHAI’s

Incident Management System (IMS) on the National Highways

Extra Info This will also strengthen the services provided through National Highway (NH)
Toll-Free Helpline Number 1033


MakeMyTrip, RedBus sign MoU with Madhya Pradesh Tourism

Signed between Department of Tourism, Madhya Pradesh & MakeMyTrip and redBus

Objective To foster sustainable tourism development and promote Madhya Pradesh as a

premier tourist destination

Extra Info redBus will be recognised as the official “Online Bus Ticketing Partner” by the
Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board and will work to help travelers discover the far
reaches of the state.


MoJS & IISc Bangalore signed MoA to Establish ICED

Signed between Central Water Commission (CWC), Ministry of Jal Shakti (MoJS) & Indian Institute
of Science (IISc) Bangalore, Karnataka

Objective To establish an International Centre of Excellence for Dams (ICED).

Extra Info:
● The ICED will be established under the Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) Phase II and III.
● The MoA will remain valid for 10 years or till the duration of the DRIP Phase-II and III Scheme, whichever is
earlier, from the date of signing this MoA.
● ICED at IISc Bangalore will be the 2nd International centre focused on Dam safety.
● The 1st ICED was established at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, Uttarakhand signing of
MoA in February 2023.

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MoRD Partners With IIT Delhi For Geospatial Tech & AI Applications

Signed between MoRD (Ministry of Rural Development) and IIT Delhi

Objective To collaborate on geospatial technology and artificial intelligence (AI) for rural

Extra Info:
● The MoU centers around the project 'BhuPRAHARI,' an ambitious initiative aimed at leveraging ground and
space-based geospatial technologies along with Artificial Intelligence to monitor and manage assets under the
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).
● The project is to be executed by the HydroSense lab led by Prof. Manabendra Saharia.

Full Form Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

Launched in 2nd February 2006

Act Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was passed on
23rd August 2005

Earlier known as National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

Mandate of MGNREGA Provision of at least 100 days of work that provides guaranteed wage in a
financial year


Tripartite MoU signed among USOF, Prasar Bharati and ONDC

Signed between Universal Service Obligation Fund, Prasar Bharati and Open Network for Digital

Objective To bundle broadband services with OTT and e-commerce platforms for rural India
riding on BharatNet infrastructure under the USOF.

Extra Info The USOF has been instrumental in enabling highspeed broadband and mobile
connections across Gram Panchayats (GPs) and villages in the country.


NIELIT And ITI Egypt Sign MoU To Improve Skills, Jobs, And Global Collaboration
Signed between National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) of India
and Information Technology Institute (ITI) of Egypt

Objective To foster mutual collaboration for improving workforce skills, promoting

employment opportunities, addressing skills gaps, and fostering international


India and Singapore Sign Memorandum of Understanding on Law and Dispute Resolution

Signed between India and Singapore

Signed by Singapore’s Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, and Second Minister for

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Law Mr. Edwin Tong SC and India’s Minister for Law and Justice Mr. Arjun Ram

Objective To bolster collaboration in areas such as international commercial dispute



DEPwD And COA Join Forces To Support Persons With Disabilities

Signed between Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) and Council of
Architecture (COA)

Objective To raise awareness about designing environments that accommodate the needs of


HUL joins forces with Tea Research Association to tackle climate challenges in tea sector

Signed between Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) and Tea Research Association (TRA), Tocklai,

Objective To address the challenges posed by climate change to the tea industry.

Extra Info HUL, along with TRA, will conduct a detailed ‘Life Cycle Analysis’ for Indian tea
and will devise strategies that can help reduce carbon impact across the value


IIT Delhi, Israel Aerospace Industries sign CSR agreement on applied research

Signed between Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi

Objective Includes collaborative projects, training, and research consultancy. Israel

Aerospace Industries (IAI) is a global leader in defence and commercial aerospace


Tamil Nadu Signs MoU to Implement PM SHRI School Scheme

Signed between Tamil Nadu and Ministry of Education, Government of India

Objective To implement the PM SHRI Schools (PM Schools for Rising India) scheme to
enhance the quality of education in the state and align with the objectives of the
National Education Policy 2020


Cabinet approves signing of Memorandum of Understanding Between India and Bhutan

Signed between Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India, and
Department of Energy, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Royal
Government of Bhutan

Objective To promote energy efficiency in Bhutan by facilitating the country’s adoption of

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India’s star labeling program and building codes.


MoRD and J-PAL South Africa MoU to boost Rural Women's Development

Signed between Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) and Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
(J-PAL), South Asia

Objective To facilitate inclusive development under DAY NRLM, for empowering rural poor

Extra Info It aims at leveraging scientific evidence and data in decision-making to enhance
financial inclusion, digital literacy, and sustainable livelihoods among over 10
crore women in self-help groups


REC signs MoU with Rajasthan to Finance Power & Infrastructure Projects Worth Rs.20,000 Cr

Signed between REC Limited & Government of Rajasthan

Objective To finance power & infrastructure projects worth Rs. 20,000 crore per annum
for a period of six years, extending up to 2030


ICAR and Krishi Jagran signs a MoU for the dissemination & promotion of ICAR’s initiatives

Signed between Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Krishi Jagran Pvt Ltd

Objective For the dissemination & promotion of ICAR’s initiatives for the growth of Indian
Agriculture and farmers' welfare


IIT Kharagpur Signs MoU with Indian Navy For Cutting-Edge Research

Signed between Indian Navy and Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Objective To promote technology development, innovative solutions and joint R&D

Extra Info The strategic collaboration focuses on joint research and development initiatives
involving teams from the Indian Navy and IIT Kharagpur.


CAG signs MoU with IIT Delhi on Artificial Intelligence

Signed between Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Objective A significant milestone in the journey towards leveraging AI and other emerging
technologies for the advancement of audit
practices, and beyond

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CAPFIMS signs MoU with Aiims to run it as campus, MHA will provide funding

Signed between Central Armed Police Forces Institute of Medical Sciences (CAPFIMS) and All India
Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi

Objective To run the 970-bed super-specialty and tertiary care hospital (of CAPFIMS) as a
campus of AIIMS.

Extra Info The Union Cabinet approved budgetary support of Rs 2207.5 crore in the 15th
Finance Commission (FC) cycle to run CAPFIMS as a campus of AIIMS, Delhi.


NCC & NPCIL ink MoU to raise awareness on peaceful use of nuclear power through various programmes pan India

Signed between National Cadet Corps (NCC) and Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited

Objective To conduct various awareness programmes throughout the country to enhance

public perceptions on peaceful use of nuclear power and disseminate scientific &
authentic information


MoU signed between the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Dhanuka Agritech Limited

Signed between Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and Dhanuka Agritech Limited

Objective To utilize the efficiency of both institutions to deliver new technology to the


CSIR-NIIST Signs MoU with VSSC to Scale up Advanced Materials for Space Missions

Signed between Council of Scientific & Industrial Research -National Institute for Interdisciplinary
Science and Technology (CSIR-NIIST) and Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC)

Objective To scale up research and delivery of strategically-advanced materials for India’s

space programme.

Extra Info The research areas will be covered under the agreement include near-net shaping
and advanced manufacturing, smart coating, hydrogen gas storage, and materials
for electronic and magnetic applications


Tech Mahindra, IBM collaborate to drive digital adoption

Signed between Tech Mahindra and IBM

Objective To inaugurate a Synergy Lounge in Singapore, aimed at accelerating digital

adoption for enterprises across the Asia-Pacific region

Extra info The Lounge is built on the Hex-I concept, comprising ignite, inspire, ideate,
innovate, infuse, and implement stages.

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Mahindra, Adani Total Energies join hands to set up EV charging infra

Signed between Mahindra & Mahindra and Adani Total Energies

Objective To establish EV charging infrastructure nationwide

Extra Info They have aimed to roll out e-mobility solutions for seamless access, covering
discovery, availability, navigation, and transaction processes.


CBI and Europol sign Working Arrangement for Cooperative Relations

Signed between Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and European Union Agency for Law
Enforcement Cooperation (Europol)

Signed by Catherine De Bolle, Executive Director of Europol and Praveen Sood, Director of

Objective Working Arrangement cooperative relations between the law enforcement

authorities of the Republic of India and the Europol to prevent and combat serious
crime and terrorism


Starburst Accelerator, IIT Madras join hands for €100 million startup hub

Signed between French aerospace and defence firm Starburst Accelerator and IIT Madras

Objective To set up an innovative hub for start-ups with a funding support of €100 million
(100 Million Euros)

Extra Info IIT-Madras will enable Starburst to set up accelerator programs to ASD ecosystem
in India.


NTPC signs pact with Japanese agency for USD 200 million loan

Signed between Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and NTPC Limited

Objective For sourcing foreign currency loans of USD 200 million (Japanese Yen (JPY) 30
billion or around Rs 1,650 crore).

Extra Info:
● JBIC will provide 60% of the facility amount and the balance amount will be provided by other commercial
banks under JBIC guarantee
● Agreements signed for JPY 15 billion loans each for NTPC Ltd and NTPC Renewables Energy Ltd (NREL).
● Of the 30 billion, the JBIC’s portion is only JPY 9 billion each.
● The loan is co-financed by Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and the Bank of Yokohama Ltd.


Tejas Networks announces strategic partnership with Telecom Egypt

Signed between Telecom Egypt (TE) and Tejas Networks Ltd.

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Objective To accelerate the vision of Digital Egypt, upskill Egyptian engineers and
technicians, establish local manufacturing and R&D facilities, and set up
technical support services in Egypt


RPF and NCW signed MoU to combat human trafficking

Signed between National Commission for Women (NCW) and the Railway Protection Force

Objective To announce a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at

strengthening efforts to combat human trafficking across India

Merger & Acquisition


ICICI Bank Acquired Additional Stake of 1.41% in ICICI Lombard

Target ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company (ILGIC)

Acquirer ICICI Bank Limited

Acquisition Stake 1.41%

Stake increase to 49.32%


RBI Approval: Merger of Fincare SFB with AU Small Finance Bank

Extra Points
● The Reserve Bank of India has given its approval for the merger of Fincare Small Finance Bank Ltd. with AU
Small Finance Bank, effective from April 1.
● The merger is sanctioned under Section 44A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
● Shareholders of Fincare Small Finance Bank will receive 579 equity shares of AU Small Finance Bank for
every 2,000 shares held.


CCI clears Ring Plus Aqua’s 59% stake buy in Maini Precision Products

Target Maini Precision Products Limited (MPPL)

Acquirer Ring Plus Aqua Limited

Stake 59.25%


CCI approves merger of Garagepreneurs Internet Private Limited with the North East Small Finance
Target Garagepreneurs Internet Private Limited (GIPL)

Acquirer North East Small Finance Bank

Extra Info GIPL operates under the brand name "slice"

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Eris buys India formulation biz of Biocon Biologics for Rs 1,242 crore

Target Biocon Biologics, a subsidiary of Biocon

Acquirer Eris Lifesciences

Acquisition cost Rs 1,242 crore


CCI approves acquisition of stake in Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology Private Limited

Target Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology Private Limited

Acquirer TPG Growth V SF Markets Pte. Ltd. and Waverly Pte. Ltd. through Asia
Healthcare Holdings Pte. Ltd.


RIL acquires Paramount Global’s 13.01% stake in Viacom for Rs 4,286 crore

Target Paramount Global’s stake in Viacom18 Media Private Ltd

Acquirer Reliance Industries Limited (RIL)

Stake 13.01%

Cost Rs 4,286 crore


Tata Sons Announces Sale of 0.6% Stake in TCS for Over ₹9,300 Crore
Extra Points
● Tata Sons, aiming to alleviate its debt, plans to sell 0.65% equity in Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) for
₹9,362.3 crore.
● This move precedes a potential IPO, with related stocks rallying. TCS dividends, contributing 95% of FY23
revenue, highlight its strategic importance within Tata’s asset portfolio.


CCI approves acquisition of Kesoram Cement Business from Kesoram Industries Limited by UltraTech Cement
Target Kesoram Cement Business from Kesoram Industries Limited

Acquirer UltraTech Cement Limited


CCI approves acquisition of certain shareholding of SIHL by SOT

Target Shriram Investment Holdings (SIHL)

Acquirer Shriram Ownership Trust (SOT)

Acquisition Stake 29.44%

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Adani Ports acquires 95% stake in Gopalpur Port in Rs 3,350 cr deal

Target Odisha’s Gopalpur Port Ltd (GPL)

Acquirer Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone

Acquisition Stake 95%

Stake increase to Rs 3,350 crore


CCI approves subscription to CCPS B of API Holdings by MEMG LLP and 360 ONE

Target API Holdings Limited

Acquirer 1 MEMG LLP

Acquirer 2 360 ONE Private Equity Fund and 360 ONE AML (together referred to as 360


CCI approves 100% acquisition of Lanco Amarkantak Power Limited by Adani Power Limited

Target Lanco Amarkantak Power Limited, a part of the Lanco Group

Acquirer Adani Power Limited

National News

MoSDE launches ‘SWAYAM Plus Platform’ to Boost Employability and Professional Development

Portal Name SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) Plus Platform

Launched by Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, Ministry of Education (MoE) and Ministry of Skill
Development and Entrepreneurship (MoSDE)

Objective To offer employability and professional development focused courses developed collaboratively
with industry players like Larsen & Toubro (L&T), Microsoft, CISCO


Adani Group unveils India’s 1st & South Asia’s Largest Ammunition twin-facility complex in Kanpur
Extra Points
● Adani Defence and Aerospace, a part of Adani Group, unveiled its India’s first private sector ammunition-
missile manufacturing complex in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh (UP).
● The complex spread over 500 acres is set to become South Asia’s largest integrated ammunition
manufacturing Complex.
● The twin facility complex was inaugurated by Yogi Adityanath, Chief Minister(CM) of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and
Chief of Army Staff (CAS) General Manoj Pande.
● The Kanpur complex, with a planned investment of over Rs 3,000 crore, will create around 4,000 jobs and
benefit Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

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Reliance Launches “Vantara,” a National Initiative for Animal Welfare

Extra Points
● Reliance Industries and Reliance Foundation have launched a bold initiative, Vantara (Star of the Forest),
dedicated to the rescue, treatment, care, and rehabilitation of animals in need.
● This ambitious program, spearheaded by Anant Ambani, aims to create a national and international impact
on animal welfare.
● Vantara’s core lies in a sprawling 3,000-acre sanctuary within the Green Belt of Reliance’s Jamnagar Refinery
Complex in Gujarat.
● It has provided a new lease of life for over 200 elephants, over 300 large felines, over 300 herbivores, and over
1,200 reptiles.
● Vantara has also participated in rescue missions in countries like Mexico and Venezuela.
● The program has worked with international organizations like the Venezuelan National Foundation of Zoos, the
Smithsonian, and the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums.


Cabinet approves ₹75,000-crore ‘free electricity’ solar scheme

Extra Points
● The cabinet approved PM-Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana for installing rooftop solar in one crore households
with a total outlay of Rs.75,021 crore.
● Households can access collateral-free low-interest loan products of around 7 per cent at present for
● Solar energy is an important constituent of India’s ambitions of generating 500 GW of renewable energy by
● With overall solar energy generation getting traction in the last few years—capacity additions nearly doubled
from 6,510 MW in 2019-20 to 12,760 MW in 2021-22.

All about the PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana

Scheme name PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana

Launched on February, 2024

Objective To boost sustainable development and ensure the well-being of people by

offering free electricity

Outlay Rs 75,000 crores

Benefit Provide up to 300 units of free electricity every month

Subsidy Rs 30,000 subsidy for a 1 kw system

Rs 60,000 for 2 kw systems
Rs 78,000 for 3 kw systems or higher


FSSAI gives ‘Eat Right Station’ certificate to 150 Railway Stations

Extra Points
● The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has certified 150 railway stations as "Eat Right
● This certification indicates the strict compliance of food safety, hygiene, and nutrition standards.
● After an FSSAI-approved third-party audit agency evaluation, stations are awarded certificates with ratings
ranging from 1 to 5 stars, with a 5-star rating indicating full compliance with food safety and hygiene


Centre launches 2nd round of critical mineral auction worth Rs 30 trillion

Extra Points

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● The Centre launched the second round of auction for the 18 strategic mineral blocks valued at Rs 30 trillion,
a move aimed at bolstering the country’s mineral supply chain.
● In the initial phase, we initiated the auction process for 20 blocks, amounting to approximately Rs 40,000
crore in value.
● The inaugural round for the auction of critical minerals commenced on November 29.
● The minister said that over 180 potential bidders have procured the tender documents. The deadline for
selecting the preferred bidder in the initial round is set for April 18.


Cabinet Approval, Establishment of International Big Cat Alliance

Extra Points
● The Union Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the establishment of the
International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA) with its headquarters based in India.
● This landmark decision comes with a one-time budgetary support of Rs. 150 crore for a period of five years
from 2023-24 to 2027-28.
● It’ll serve as a common platform and a centralized repository of successful practices for conservation of seven
big cats namely tiger, lion, leopard, snow leopard, cheetah, jaguar and puma.
● Five of these - tiger, lion, leopard, snow leopard and cheetah - are found in India.
● The Alliance was launched by Prime Minister Modi at an event commemorating 50 yearsf Project Tiger in India
in April last year for conservation of seven big cats.
● Subsequently, the IBCA was conceived as a global multi-country, multi-agency coalition of 96 big cat range
countries, non-range countries interested in big cat conservation.


Union Minister Smriti Zubin Irani Launched Logo & Website of Alliance for Global Good – Gender Equity and
Extra Points
● Union Minister Smriti Zubin Irani, Ministry of Women and Child Development (MoWCD), launched the logo
and website for the Alliance for Global Good – Gender Equity and Equality in an event held in New Delhi.
● The logo forms the alphabet “e” symbolising Equality and Equity.
● Tricolours signify Alliance values: Saffron for strength and courage; White for truth; and Green for growth
and the red dot symbolises prosperity.
● The logo is inspired by Lord Ganesha, representing intellect, wisdom, and understanding.

About Alliance for Global Good – Gender Equity and Equality:

● Alliance for Global Good – Gender Equity and Equality was launched by India on the sidelines of the 54th annual
meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF 2024) held in Davos, Switzerland.
● The Alliance, aligning with India’s vision on women-led development, represents a step towards gender


Central Electricity Authority To Recognize Frontline Power Sector Heroes

Extra Points
● The Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Ministry of Power, is gearing up to host the fourth edition of ‘Lineman
Diwas’ in New Delhi on March 4, 2024.
● In collaboration with Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd (Tata Power-DDL), the theme for this year’s celebration
is ‘Seva, Suraksha, Swabhiman’—a tribute to the selfless service of linemen nationwide.
● Lineman Diwas has been celebrated since 2021, with each edition reaffirming the commitment to honoring
linemen for their invaluable contributions to power distribution.


L&T Commissions First Indigenously Manufactured Hydrogen Electrolyser At Hazira

Extra Points
● Larsen & Toubro (L&T) has achieved a major milestone in clean energy by commissioning its first domestically
manufactured electrolyser at the Green Hydrogen Plant in Hazira, Gujarat.
● This marks the entry of L&T Electrolysers Limited into domestic electrolyser manufacturing, showcasing the
company’s dedication to advancing sustainable energy solutions.

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● Boasts a robust power capacity of 1 MW, with the potential for expansion up to 2 MW.
● Capable of producing 200 Nm3/Hr of hydrogen, showcasing its efficiency and productivity.
● L&T Electrolysers secures a substantial allocation of 300 MW/annum capacity under the prestigious
Production Linked Incentive (PLI) initiative of the National Green Hydrogen Mission.

About PLI Scheme

Launched in March, 2020

Targeted Industry ● Mobile and allied Component Manufacturing

● Electrical Component Manufacturing
● Medical Devices

Incentive The incentives, calculated on the basis of incremental sales, range from
as low as 1% for the electronics and technology products to as high as


India's February manufacturing PMI rises to 56.9, highest in 5 months

Extra Points
● India's manufacturing activity continued to expand in February with the HSBC Purchasing Managers' Index
(PMI) for the sector coming in at 56.9.
● At 56.9, the February manufacturing PMI is above the flash estimate of 56.7 released on February 22 and is
the highest in five months.
● It is also above the key level of 50, which separates expansion in activity from contraction, for the 32nd month
in a row.


Sarbananda Sonowal launched First Made-in-India ASTDS Tug

Extra Points
● Sarbananda Sonowal, Union Minister of MoPSW & AYUSH, virtually inaugurated the 60T bollard pull tug named
‘Ocean Grace’ and the Medical Mobile Unit (MMU).
● The Ocean Grace is the first Make-in-India ASTDS Tug developed by Cochin Shipyard Limited under MoPSW.
● Green Tug Transition Programme (GTTP) aims to convert 50% of all tugs into Green Tugs by 2030, with major
ports transitioning to eco-friendly operations.
● Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA), DPA, PPA, and VoCPA will procure two brand-new green tugs from
Cochin Shipyard by 2027 as part of the initial phase.


Haj Suvidha App Launched and Haj Guide Released for Haj-2024 by Union Minister Smriti Irani

App Haj Suvidha App

Launched by Union Minister for Minority Affairs, Smriti Zubin Irani

Objective To streamline the Haj pilgrimage experience by offering direct access to

essential services

Haj Guide-2024 Release:

● Objective: To educate pilgrims about various aspects of the Haj pilgrimage and promote the effective utilization of
the Haj Suvidha App.
● Languages: Published in 10 languages for widespread accessibility.
● Distribution: Will be issued to all Haj pilgrims to facilitate a better understanding of the pilgrimage process and
the utilization of digital resources.

New Press and Registration of Periodicals Act, 2023 comes into force

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Extra Points
● The new Press and Registration of Periodicals Act, 2023, has come into force and the old Press and
Registration of Books Act, 1867, now stands repealed.
● The office of Press Registrar General of India – PRGI (erstwhile Registrar of Newspapers for India – RNI)
shall be carrying out the purposes of the new Act.
● It provides for an online system for facilitating the registration of newspapers and other periodicals in the
● The new system replaces the existing manual, cumbersome processes involving multiple steps and
approvals at various stages, which were causing unnecessary hardships to the publishers.


DGCA Penalizes Air India ₹30 Lakh For 80-Year-Old Passenger’s Demise
Extra Points
● The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has levied a fine of Rs 30 lakh on Air India over the recent
death of an 80-year old passenger who opted to walk from the aircraft to the terminal building as the airline had
a shortage of wheelchairs.


DoT's new CHAKSU portal to allow citizens to report fraudulent calls

Portal Name Chakshu

Launched by Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw

Objective To report suspected fraudulent communication from mobile numbers via

calls, SMS, or social media like WhatsApp

Portal Name Digital Intelligence Platform (DIP)

Launched by Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw

Objective For coordination among the stakeholders to curb misuse of telecom



MSME Minister Narayan Rane Launched Three Initiatives to Promote Women Entrepreneurship
Extra Points
● Union Minister Narayan Rane, Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MoMSME) launched 3 new
Initiatives to promote women entrepreneurship in India during the 9th Annual Shakti International Women
Entrepreneurs Summit held in New Delhi.
The 3 new initiatives are:

● Panjikaran Se Pragati.
● Women Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP) Unnati _ Udyamita se Pragati tak.
● Mentorship Platform

About these initiatives:

Initiatives About

Panjikaran Se Pragati ● This national campaign is a joint initiative by the Ministry of

MSME and the Women Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP).

● It encourages women entrepreneurs nationwide to register

under Udyam and unlock vast opportunities.

WEP Unnati _ Udyamita se Pragati tak ● Joint program of the Ministry of MSME and WEP

● It is an initiative to take Women MSMEs to the next level

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through comprehensive capacity-building support via WEP

Mentorship Platform An initiative fostering mentorship opportunities for women



Coal Minister Pralhad Joshi Launches “Coal Logistics Plan and Policy”
Extra Points
● Union Minister Pralhad Joshi, Ministry of Coal, launched the “Coal Logistics Plan and Policy” in an event
organized by the Indian National Committee World Mining Congress with the patronage of the Ministry of Coal.
● This will assist in reducing around 14% in rail logistic costs and an annual cost saving of Rs 21,000 crore.
● This will also minimize air pollution, reduce traffic congestion and reduce carbon emissions by around
100,000 tonnes per annum.
● This is also expected to result in a 10% saving in the average turnaround time of wagons across India.


Union Cabinet approves establishment of three semiconductor units

Extra Points
● The Union Cabinet approved the construction of three semiconductor units in India under the Development
of Semiconductors and Display Manufacturing Ecosystem with a total outlay of Rs 76,000 crores including
the first semiconductor unit in the northeast (Assam).

The approved three semiconductor units are:

Semiconductor Unit Investment Location Parties involved

Semiconductor Fab Rs 91,000 crore Dholera, Gujarat Tata Electronics Private

Limited and Powerchip
Manufacturing Corp,
Taiwan – Technology Partner

Semiconductor ATMP Rs 27,000 crore Morigaon, Assam Tata Semiconductor

(Assembly, Testing, Assembly and Test Pvt Ltd
Marking and Packaging)

Semiconductor ATMP Rs 7,600 crore Sanand, Gujarat Crompton Greaves Power

Renesas Electronics
Microelectronics (Thailand)


India’s first indigenous Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor at Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu
Extra Points
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi marked the beginning of a new era in India’s nuclear energy sector by
witnessing the “Core Loading” at the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) in Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu.
● This event signifies the near completion of India’s first indigenous PFBR, a landmark project fully designed and
constructed within the country by Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited (BHAVINI), in collaboration with
over 200 Indian industries.
● With the commissioning of the 500 MWe PFBR, India is set to become only the second country after Russia to
operate a commercial Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR).


Geological Survey of India Celebrates 174th Foundation Day

Extra Points

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● The Geological Survey of India (GSI) commemorated its 174th Foundation Day on March 4th, 2024, with zeal
and enthusiasm resonating across all its offices nationwide.
● The event was a grand affair, with celebrations held in Kolkata, the Central Headquarters of GSI, and the
Southern Region’s headquarters in Hyderabad.
● In Kolkata, the festivities kicked off with an inaugural ceremony led by Shri Janardan Prasad, Director General
of GSI.


Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw to Launch ‘NITI For States’ Platform

Portal NITI For States

Developed by NITI Aayog

Launched by Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw

Objective Serving as a Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI), is designed to bolster policy

formulation and promote good governance across states


Union Minister Piyush Goyal Launches ‘e-Kisan Upaj Nidhi’ to Facilitate Post-Harvest Financing for Farmers

Portal e-Kisan Upaj Nidhi

Developed by Department of Food and Public Distribution, the Department of Financial Services,
and the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)

Regulated by Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA)

Launched by Union Minister Piyush Goyal, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public

Objective ● It enables farmers to secure collateral-free loans from the banks

against their farm produce stored in the WDRA-registered warehouse

● It also simplifies the process for farmers to store their produce at any
WDRA-registered warehouse for six months at 7% interest per


South Eastern Coalfield Limited’s Gevra Mine Set to Become The Largest Coal Mine in Asia
Extra Points
● South Eastern Coalfield Limited’s (SECL) Gevra mine, located in Chhattisgarh, is on the verge of becoming the
largest coal mine in Asia.
● The mine recently received environmental clearance to enhance its production capacity to 70 million tons per
annum, up from the existing 52.5 million tons.
● With the development, Gevra will surpass Indonesia's Sangatta mine to become the biggest coal mine in Asia
in terms of production.
● With an approximate length of 10 km and a width of 4 km, the Gevra mine is the largest in India.
● The Gevra mine development is in line with India's goal of becoming self-sufficient in coal production and
eliminating imports by the year FY26.


Government Raises Minimum Age for Postal Voting to 85 Years

Extra Points
● For the upcoming Lok Sabha and State Assembly elections, senior citizens who are 85 years and older will be
able to opt for postal ballots as the government amended the rule to increase the eligibility from the current

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limit of 80 years and above.
● The Union Law Ministry amended the Conduct of Elections Rules-1961 to change the definition of senior
citizens who are eligible to choose the postal ballot facility from those “above 80 years” to those “above 85

Extra Info

● According to the electoral roll published, out of the total 96.88 crore electors in the country, 1.85 crore were
those above the age of 80 years.
● The postal ballot facility had been extended to persons with disability, absentee voters who are working in
essential services and senior citizens (above 80 years) for the first time in 2019.
● In Section 27(A) (e) of Conduct of Elections Rules-1961, senior citizens had been defined as those above 80

PM dedicates and launches 52 tourism sector projects worth more than Rs 1400 crores
Extra Points
● Prime minister Narendra Modi launched 52 tourism sector projects worth over Rs 1400 crore under the
Swadesh Darshan and Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Heritage Augmentation Drive (PRASHAD)
● He dedicated nine tourism infrastructure projects, spread across the country worth Rs 469 crore through
video conferencing from Srinagar.
● Further, 43 other projects for Rs 963 crore were also launched by him. The project launch events were carried
out at all the 52 destinations.
● The projects launched included three projects under PRASHAD Scheme covering Hazratbal in Srinagar,
Jogulamba in Telangana, and Amarkantak in Madhya Pradesh worth Rs 129.35 crore.

About PRASHAD Scheme:

Initially launched 2014-15 as ‘National Mission on Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual

Augmentation Drive’ (PRASAD)

Name changed October 2017 as ‘National Mission on Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and

Spiritual Heritage Augmentation Drive’ (PRASHAD)

Ministry Ministry of Tourism

Objective To integrate pilgrimage destinations in a prioritised, planned and

sustainable manner to provide a complete religious tourism experience

About Swadesh Darshan scheme 2.0 (SD2.0):

1st edition Launched in 2014-15

2.0 launched in 2022

Objective To develop sustainable and responsible destinations following a

tourist & destination centric approach.

Financial Assistance Around Rs 80 crore for each region will be provided to develop
places of importance that have heritage and cultural significance,
as tourism spots.

Target Ministry have notified 57 destinations from 32 States and Union

Territories for development under scheme

Achievement The Ministry has sanctioned 29 tourist experiences in 17

States/UTs amounting to Rs 644.44 crore till date


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Government Approves Dearness Allowance Hike and Other Benefits for Employees and Pensioners
Extra Points
● The Union Cabinet has sanctioned a 4% increase in Dearness Allowance (DA) and Dearness Relief (DR) for
central government employees and pensioners, effective from January 1.
● The DA and DR will rise from 46% to 50% of the basic pay/pension, effective from January 1, 2024.
● This decision aims to benefit over 10 million employees and 6.79 million pensioners, with a combined impact
on the exchequer of Rs 12,869 crore annually.
● Gratuity benefits have been raised by 25%, with the ceiling increased to Rs 25 lakh from the existing Rs 20


Farmers’ Enrollment under PMFBY increase by 27% in FY24

Extra Points
● Farmers’ enrollment under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) has increased by 27% in the
financial year 2023-24 (FY24).
● So far, around 56.80 crore farmers have enrolled under PMFBY and more than 23.22 crore farmers have
received claims.
● Since 2016, Farmers have paid around Rs 31,139 crore as their share of premium against which they have
claimed over Rs 1,55,977 crore.
● More than 42% of total farmers insured under the PMFBY in FY 2023-24 are non-loanee farmers.

About Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)

Launched in 2016

Implementing Agency Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers

Aim To provide financial support to farmers suffering crop loss/damage arising out of natural

Payment of premium Maximum of 2 percent of the total premium of the insured amount for Kharif crops, 1.5 percent
for rabi food crops and oilseeds as well as 5 percent for commercial/horticultural crops

Cost distribution Union and state governments on a 50:50 basis and on a 90:10 basis in the case of northeastern


Cabinet Approves IndiaAI Mission with Rs. 10,372 Crore Budget

Extra Points
● The Indian Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has greenlit the ambitious IndiaAI mission,
allocating a substantial budget of Rs 10,371.92 crore.
● This initiative aligns with the vision of bolstering AI innovation within India and leveraging AI for the nation’s
● The IndiaAI compute pillar will build a high-end scalable AI computing ecosystem to cater to the increasing
demands from India’s rapidly expanding AI start-ups.
● The ecosystem will comprise AI compute infrastructure of 10,000 or more Graphics Processing Units (GPUs),
built through public-private partnerships.


Govt to train tribal students in semiconductor technology Arjun Munda

Extra Points
● The Centre will provide training to tribal students in semiconductor technology in collaboration with the
Bengaluru-based Indian Institute of Science.
● In partnership with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), the tribal affairs ministry also plans to use
satellite-based technology on a pilot basis to improve mobile and internet connectivity in remote tribal
● 2100 National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF)-certified level 6.0 and 6.5 training in semiconductor
technology will be offered over three years.

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● This will be an advanced job-oriented programme for 200 students with the potential of high-paying
placements in the industry.
● The ministry is also collaborating with IIT-Delhi and IIM-Calcutta to develop a countrywide entrepreneurship
ecosystem for the tribal youth.


Cabinet approves Minimum Support Price for Raw Jute for 2024-25 Season
Extra Points
● The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has increased the Minimum Support Price (MSP) for raw jute for
the 2024-25 season by ₹285 to ₹5,335 per quintal.
● Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal told reporters that the decision would ensure a return of 64.8% over the all-
India weighted average cost of production.
● In the last 10 years, the government has increased MSP for raw jute from ₹2,400 per quintal in 2014-15 to
₹5,335 a quintal in 2024-25, registering a growth of 122%.
● In the current 2023-24 season, the government has procured more than 6.24 lakh bales of raw jute at a cost
of Rs 524.32 crore.


Launch of Digital Exhibition “Subhash Abhinandan” on 134th Foundation Day of National Archives of India
Extra Points
● On the occasion of the 134th Foundation Day of the National Archives of India, Minister of State for
Parliamentary Affairs and Culture, Arjun Ram Meghwal, will inaugurate a digital exhibition titled “Subhash
Abhinandan” in New Delhi
● The digital exhibition “Subhash Abhinandan” delves into the life of Subhash Chandra Bose, offering insights
through a collection of documents.
● It spans 16 sections, encompassing significant milestones from Bose’s birth to his enduring legacy.


Union Minister Piyush Goyal announces extension of RoDTEP Scheme support to additional export sectors in New
Extra Points
● Union Minister of Commerce and Industry Piyush Goyal announced the extension of the Remission of Duties
and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) Scheme support to additional export sectors.
● This decision comes in recognition of the significant contribution these sectors make to India’s Exports,
constituting approximately 25 percent of exports.
● In the current financial year, the scheme has a budget of ₹15,070 Crore with an additional increase of 10% in
FY 2024-25.
● The extension of RODTEP to additional sectors is presently till 30.09.2024.

About Scheme for Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products

Launched in January 2021

Objective To exporters on taxes and duties that were previously non-recoverable.

Tax benefit The tax refund rates under RoDTEP range from 0.5% to 4.3% depending on the
sector and the product.

Extra Info Under the Scheme, a support of Rs. 27,018 crores has been extended for the 27
month period till 31.03.2023.


North India’s First Government Homeopathic College to be Established in Kathua, J&K

Extra Points
● Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Science & Technology, Dr Jitendra Singh, announced the
establishment of North India’s first Government Homeopathic College in the Jasrota area of Kathua district,

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● The project, funded centrally at Rs 80 crore, reflects a significant stride in healthcare and education
infrastructure development in the region.
● The college will cover an area of over 8 acres, with provisions to expand further.
● It aims to provide cost-effective treatment options to patients and cater to the growing demand for Homeopathy
in the region.


UGC Introduces SheRNI, Helping Female Scientists And Faculty Connect

Extra Points
● The University Grants Commission’s (UGC) Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre unveiled
a groundbreaking initiative, known as the ‘She Research Network in India’ (SheRNI).
● This initiative aims to address the gender disparity in the field of science by ensuring equal representation of
women scientists.
● The SheRNI database currently hosts profiles of 81,818 women faculty members, showcasing their vast
contributions to the field of science.
● Furthermore, it houses an impressive collection of 6,75,313 publications and 11,543 patents, underscoring
the significant role of women in advancing scientific knowledge and innovation.


GOI Announces Implementation of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA)

Extra Points
● The Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government has announced the implementation of the
Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) on 11, March 2024, bringing the law back into the spotlight.
● The CAA aims to provide a pathway to Indian citizenship for persecuted minority communities from
neighbouring countries.

About Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA)

Passed in Parliament 2019

Amended act Citizenship Act of 1955

Purpose To grant Indian citizenship to refugees belonging to six non-Muslim

communities who have fled religious persecution from Pakistan,
Bangladesh, and Afghanistan

Communities covered Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, and Parsis

Criteria ● They must have entered India on or before December 31, 2014,
due to fear of religious persecution in their home country.

● They will need to prove that they have lived in India for five
years or more.

● They must speak languages from the Eighth Schedule of the

Constitution and fulfill the requirements of the Third Schedule of
the Civil Code 1955.

Extra Info The Ministry of Home Affairs in its 2021-22 Annual Report revealed that
from April 1, 2021 to December 31 2021, a total of 1414 citizenship
certificates were granted by authorities.


Dr Mansukh Mandaviya launches Credit Assistance Program for Jan Aushadhi Kendras
Extra Points
● Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya launched a credit assistance program for Jan Aushadhi Kendras.
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called them ‘Sanjeevani’ for the poor. From only 80 Jan Aushadhi Kendras
in 2014, there are around 11,000 units operating across the country today
● Around 10 to 12 lakh people visit these Jan Aushadhi Kendras every day.

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RPF Holds the Largest Share of Women Personnel among CPF

Extra Points
● The Railway Protection Force (RPF), established in 1957 under the Ministry of Railways (MoR), has the largest
share of women personnel (9%) among Central Paramilitary Forces (CPF) in India.
● Women and girl children are more vulnerable to Human Trafficking. The RPF has launched an operation against
Human Trafficking. In 2023, 1048 persons were rescued from traffickers, with 257 traffickers.
● During the year 2023, 3973 girl children were rescued by the RPF under operation Nanhe Farishtey.
● The different operations of RPF includes – Meri Saheli initiative, Operation Matrishakti, Operation AAHT
(Against Human Trafficking), Operation Nanhe Farishtey and Operation Dignity.


Cabinet approves Targeted Subsidy to PMUY consumers

Extra Points
● Cabinet approved the extension of the targeted subsidy of Rs 300 per 14.2 kg cylinder to the beneficiaries of
Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) for Financial year 2024-2025 (FY25).
● As per the Government data, average LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Natural Gas) consumption of PMUY
consumers has increased from 3.01 refills in 2019-20 to 3.87 refills in 2024.
● Thus, Average LPG consumption of PMUY consumers has increased by 29% from 2019 to 2024.

About Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana

Launched in May 1, 2016

Launched at Ballia, Uttar Pradesh

Launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Oil Companies Participants IOCL, BPCL and HPCL

Government Ministry Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas

Budget Rs 12,000 crore for FY (2024-2025)

Target To provide LPG connections to 8 crore women by March 2020

Benefit ● Target subsidy to Rs 300 (increased in 2023 from Rs 200).

● Beneficiaries of PMUY are eligible for up to 12 refills per


● Also, it provides financial assistance of Rs 1600 per LPG



Prime Minister Modi Launches PM-SURAJ Portal to Empower Marginalized Communities

Portal Name ‘Pradhan Mantri Samajik Utthan and Rozgar Adharit Jankalyan’ (PM-

Launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Nodal Ministry Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

Objective It signifies the government’s commitment to extending credit support

and empowering one lakh entrepreneurs from disadvantaged

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NITI Aayog’s ‘Vocal for Local’ Initiative: Empowering Grassroots Entrepreneurship

Extra Points
● NITI Aayog launched the 'Vocal for Local' initiative under its Aspirational Blocks Programme to bolster local
economies and foster grassroots-level entrepreneurship.
● Prof. Ramesh Chand, Member, NITI Aayog, unveiled the logo for ‘Aakanksha’ under the ‘Vocal for Local’
● The initiative aims to consolidate indigenous local products from 500 Aspirational Blocks under the brand
● In order to encourage these products, a dedicated window for Aspirational Blocks Programme under the brand
name ‘Aakanksha’ on GeM portal has been established.


Heavy Industries Ministry announces Electric Mobility Promotion Scheme 2024

Extra Points
● The Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI) announced a new promotional scheme for electric two and three-
wheelers for four months, beginning April 2024, with an outlay of ₹500 crore.
● The Ministry also signed a MoU with IIT Roorkee to work together to encourage innovation and advance the
automotive and electric vehicle (EV) sector.

About Electric Mobility Promotion Scheme:

Start from April,2024

Launched for Electric two and three-wheelers for four months

Outlay ₹500 crore

Aim To further promote e-mobility, particularly in the two and three-wheeler segments

Benefits ● Support for electric 2-wheelers: ₹10,000 per vehicle

● Support for small electric 3-wheelers: ₹25,000 per vehicle

● Support for large electric 3-wheelers: ₹50,000 per vehicle


National Commission for Protection of Child Rights Celebrates 19th Foundation Day
Extra Points
● On March 12, 2024, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) celebrated its 19th
Foundation Day at the Jacaranda Hall, Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
● The Commission invited children from different parts of the country to acknowledge their efforts and
participation in the Pariksha Parv campaign.


ESTD 2007

ESTD Act Section 3 of the Commission for Protection Of Child Rights Act, 2005

HQ New Delhi

Nodal Ministry Ministry of Women & Child Development

Composition 1 chairman + 6 other members (2 members should be women except the chairman)

Tenure of Chairperson 3 years or up to 65 years of Age

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Tenure of Members 5 years or up to 60 years of age

First Chairman Shanta Sinha

Present Chairman Priyank Kanungo


Anurag Thakur launches Prasar Bharti – Shared Audio Visuals for Broadcast and Dissemination (PB-SHABD)
Extra Points
● India’s public broadcaster Prasar Bharti launched a service to share text news, clean video feed and
photographs with news organisations.
● Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur launched the PB-Shared Audio Visuals for Broadcast
and Dissemination (PB-SHABD) as a free service for a year to news organisations registered with the ministry.
● The news sharing service will provide news stories in all major Indian languages across fifty categories.


Centre to provide cashless treatment for road crash victims

Extra Points
● The government is launching a pilot programme to provide cashless treatment to road accident victims,
under which they will be entitled to cashless treatment up to a maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh per accident.
● The statement further said the pilot programme -- being initiated in Chandigarh and developed under the aegis
of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH).
● The broad contours of the pilot programme are -- victims entitled to cashless treatment up to a maximum of Rs
1.5 lakh per accident per person for a maximum period of 7 days from date of the accident.
● The National Health Authority (NHA) shall be the implementing agency for the pilot programme.


Union Minister Hardeep S Puri Launches Ethanol 100 Fuel Initiative

Extra Points
● Petroleum Minister Hardeep Singh Puri unveiled ‘Ethanol 100’, an automotive fuel aimed at reducing
emissions and promoting sustainability.
● With a high-octane rating typically between 100-105, Ethanol 100 is suitable for high-performance engines,
ensuring better efficiency and power output while minimizing environmental impact.
● The launch of Ethanol 100 expands its availability to 183 retail petrol outlets across Maharashtra, Karnataka,
Uttar Pradesh, New Delhi, and Tamil Nadu, with plans for further expansion.
● This initiative aligns with the goal of achieving 20% ethanol blending by 2025-26.


GOI Approves Electric Vehicle Policy to Boost Local Manufacturing

Extra Points
● The Indian government made a landmark announcement on approving a comprehensive scheme aimed at
positioning India as a global hub for electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing.
● This policy, designed by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, seeks to entice significant investments from
renowned global EV manufacturers into the Indian market.

The policy entails the following:-

Topic About

Minimum Investment Companies are required to invest at least Rs 4,150 crore

Manufacturing Timeline The policy allows a three-year window for companies to establish their
manufacturing facilities in India

Local Sourcing Mandate for companies to achieve a 25% localisation level by the end of
the third year and 50% by the fifth year

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Import Benefits Permitted companies to import up to 8,000 EVs annually at a reduced
customs duty of 15% on cars valued over $35,000.

Incentive Caps ● The duty waiver on imported EVs is directly linked to the
company’s investment or an equivalent incentive under the
PLI scheme (capped at Rs 6,484 crore), whichever is lower.

● It outlines a limit of 40,000 EVs over five years, provided the

investment hits the $800 million mark.


Shipping Ministry Approves Rs 645 crore for 10 New Waterways projects on Brahmaputra in Assam
Extra Points
● The shipping ministry approved Rs 645 crore for 10 new waterways projects on the Brahmaputra river in
Assam, according to an official statement.
● The statement said projects will be implemented under 100 per cent funding from the central government
under the Sagarmala programme of the Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways.
● Notably, with a focus on the Northeastern states, including Assam, projects exceeding Rs 1,000 crore have been
initiated under the Sagarmala program. In Assam alone, projects exceeding Rs 760 crore are currently


India’s First Integrated Oil Palm Processing Unit by 3F Oil Palm

Extra Points
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated India’s first integrated oil palm processing unit,
operated by 3F Oil Palm, marking a significant stride in the nation’s journey towards self-reliance in edible oils.
● Situated in Arunachal Pradesh’s Roing, this project aligns with Mission Palm Oil under the National Mission
on Edible Oils – Oil Palm (NMEO-OP).
● 3F Oil Palm has invested Rs 100 crore in the region, with plans to invest Rs 1100 crore by 2030, generating
employment opportunities for 1,700 people.
● Arunachal Pradesh alone has identified 1,30,000 hectares of suitable land for Oil Palm cultivation, with the
Northeast region holding 33% (9.6 Lakh hectares) of the designated area.
● India currently imports 96% of its required palm oil, constituting 67% of the country’s edible oil import
bill, surpassing Rs. 1 Lakh crore.


MoS Meenakshi Lekhi Unveiled Revamped Website of ASI & handed over MoUs under the Adopt a Heritage 2.0
Extra Points
● Union Ministers of State (MoS) Meenakshi Lekhi, the Ministry of Culture (MoC), has launched the revamped
website of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) at the National Museum in New Delhi.
● She also handed over the Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) for Monuments Adoption under the Adopt
a Heritage 2.0 to the representatives of the Corporate-Houses.
● The MoU aims to make the preservation of 14 out of 4000 heritages of ASI an inclusion process based on the
theme of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Pryas’.


Ministry of Child Development launches national curriculum for early childhood care and education
Extra Points
● The Ministry of Women and Child Development unveiled a national curriculum for three- to six-year-old
● They also implemented a national framework for early childhood stimulation for children aged to three
● The Ministry's goal is to improve India's Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) landscape.
● The National Curriculum for ECCE 2024 aims to improve the quality of ECCE transacted at the Anganwadi
Centre through competency-based lesson plans and activities.
● The documents were developed by the National Institute for Public Cooperation and Child Development
(NIPCCD), in collaboration with an Internal Committee and development partners.

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Food regulator FSSAI certifies nearly 100 jails as ‘Eat Right Campus’
Extra Points
● The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has certified nearly 100 jails across the nation as
‘Eat Right Campus,’ a part of its broader Eat Right India movement.
● Food Safety Supervisors and handlers within the jails undergo training through FSSAI’s Food Safety Training
and Certification (FoSTaC) Programme.
● With over 2,900 workplaces nationwide certified as Eat Right Campuses, the initiative significantly impacts the
lives of individuals, ensuring access to healthy and hygienic food.


Election Commission Launches ‘Know Your Candidate’ App

Portal Name ‘Know Your Candidate’ (KYC)

Launched by Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar

Objective It will enable voters to find out if any electoral candidate in their
constituency has any criminal records


MoH&FW formed 16 Member Committee headed by V K Paul to Review AB-PMJAY

Committee Committee to review the implementation of the Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan

Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY)

Member 16

Chaired by Vinod Kumar Paul, Member (Health) at the National Institution for
Transforming India (NITI) Aayog

Report submit Within 45 days from the issue of the order of its constitution

About Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY):

Launched in 23 September, 2018

Nodal agency National Health Authority

Feature It provides a cover of Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary
care hospitalization.

Achievement The scheme has provided free hospitalizations to 5.5 crore individuals, with
a total value of Rs. 69,000 Crore.


GoI Approves Transfer of Air India Building to Govt of Maharashtra for Rs 1,601 Crore
Extra Points
● Government of India has approved the transfer of the Air India building at Nariman Point in Mumbai
(Maharashtra) from AI Assets Holding Company Ltd (AIAHL) to the Government of Maharashtra (GoM) for a
cash consideration of Rs 1,601 crore.
● The Maharashtra govt has agreed to waive Department of Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM)
dues amounting to Rs 298.42 crore.
● The Maharashtra Cabinet approved the acquisition of the 23-storey Air India building in November 2023.
● The building was constructed in 1974 on land owned by the GoM. The building was designed by renowned
American architect John Burgee.

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● In 2018, Air India shifted its headquarters to New Delhi (Delhi).


India’s First Ayurvedic Cafe Opens in Delhi

Extra Points
● The Maharishi Ayurveda Hospital in Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, is making headlines for its in-house restaurant,
Soma-The Ayurvedic Kitchen.
● This restaurant is being hailed as the first Ayurvedic Kitchen in India.
● The menu features dishes like Dumplings and Pav Bhaji, all prepared without onion and garlic.
● The Pav (bread) is made of Ragi, known for its cooling effect in Ayurveda, while the Vada (potato balls) are
coated with nutritious Moong Daal.


Railways earned ₹1,230 crore from cancelled waiting list tickets in span of 3 years
Extra Points
● The Indian Railways clocked earnings of ₹1,229.85 crore from cancelled waiting list tickets between 2021
and 2024 (till January), a reponse to a query under the Right to Information Act has revealed.
● For instance in 2021, a total of 2.53 crore tickets on the waiting list were cancelled and the Railways earned
₹242.68 crore.
● In 2024, in the month of January alone, 45.86 lakh tickets were cancelled, leading to earnings of ₹43 crore for
the Railways.
● Between November 5 and November 17 last year, during the Deepavali week, the Railways saw 96.18 lakh
ticket cancellations.
● Only in the Deepavali week, the Railways clocked earnings of ₹10.37 crore as ‘total cancellation earning’ from
all tickets having final status as waiting list.


Department of Fisheries Inaugurates Integration of KCC Fisheries Scheme onto JanSamarth Portal
Extra Points
● The Department of Fisheries successfully inaugurated the integration of the Kisan Credit Card (KCC)
Fisheries scheme onto the JanSamarth Portal, to transform access to credit facilities for fishers, fish farmers,
and stakeholders nationwide.
● Integrating the KCC Fisheries scheme onto the JanSamarth Portal facilitates seamless access to institutional
credit facilities.


NIXI and MeitY to unveil BhashaNet Portal

Portal Name Bhasha-Net Portal

Launched by National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) and Ministry of Electronics

and Information Technology (MeitY)

Objective To provide a truly multilingual internet, where local language website

name and local language email id, work everywhere seamlessly

Extra Info It is going to be launched on Universal Acceptance (UA) Day (28th



GRID-INDIA Achieves Miniratna Status

Extra Points
● Grid Controller of India Limited (GRID-INDIA) has achieved a significant milestone by being conferred with the
status of Miniratna Category-I Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE).
● This recognition was bestowed upon by the Ministry of Power, Government of India, highlighting GRID-INDIA’s
pivotal role in the nation’s power landscape.

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Mineral Production in the Country Grows by 5.9% During January 2024

Extra Points
● In January 2024, the index of mineral production in the mining and quarrying sector stood at 144.1,
indicating a 5.9% increase compared to January 2023.
● The cumulative growth for April-January 2023-24 over the corresponding period of the previous year is
recorded at 8.3%.

Positive Growth in Important Minerals: January 2024 Over January 2023:

Minerals Growth

Magnesite 90.1%

Copper Conc 34.2%

Coal 10.3%

Limestone 10%

Bauxite 9.8%

Manganese Ore 7.8%

Natural Gas (U) 5.5%

Lead Conc 5.2%

Iron Ore 4.3%

Lignite 3.6%

Zinc Conc 1.3%

Petroleum (Crude) 0.7%

Negative Growth in Important Minerals: January 2024 Over January 2023

Minerals Growth

Gold -23.4%

Chromite -35.2%

Phosphorite -44.4%


CMFRI Launches ‘MARLIN@CMFRI’ App to Help Citizen Science Initiative in Marine Fisheries Research


Launched by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-Central Marine

Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI)

Objective To encourage citizen science initiatives in marine fisheries research

Extra Info

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● The app was developed under a project by Eldho Varghese at the Fishery Resources Assessment, Economics
and Extension division (FRAEED) of the CMFRI.
● MARLIN stands for MARine Fishery Machine Learning Routines of INdian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).


Union Minister Amit Shah Launches Digital CCMS Platform of NIA & ‘Sankalan’ app of NCRB

Portal Sankalan

Launched by Union Minister Amit Shah, Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)

Developed by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)

Objective To navigate new criminal laws, bridging the gap between old and new
criminal laws

Extra Info:

● He also inaugurated a unique digital Criminal Case Management System (CCMS), designed by the National
Investigation Agency (NIA) in New Delhi.
● He inaugurated 2 new branch offices of NIA in Jammu and Kochi (Kerala), and a residential complex in Raipur,


India Elected Co-Chair of ITU’s Digital Innovation Board

Extra Points
● The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has elected India as co-chair of its Digital Innovation
Board, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT).
● DoT Secretary, Dr Neeraj Mittal, was unanimously elected as co-chair of the Digital Innovation Board of ITU,
formed under the aegis of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Alliance for Digital Development.
● The Telecom Secretary had led a high-level delegation to Geneva for a series of crucial meetings at the ITU


India will double its financial support for Bhutan in the next five years
Extra Points
● India has decided to double Bhutan’s assistance from ₹5,000 crore in 2019-2024 to ₹10,000 crore till 2029.
● India and Bhutan inked seven agreements, on cooperation in energy, food safety, sports, space and research.
● India and Bhutan will work on initiatives for better air connectivity and rail links between Kokrajhar-
Gelephu and Banarhat-Samtse and waterways navigation through Brahmaputra.
● The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) had received permission from the Election Commission to announce
the grant of ₹10,000 crore for Bhutan.


Operation Indravati has been launched by India

Extra Points
● India has started Operation Indravati to evacuate its nationals from Haiti to the Dominican Republic.
● External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar said that 12 Indians have been evacuated on 21 March.
● Haiti has been seeing violent gang wars. On 29 February, gangs in Haiti launched attacks across Port-au-Prince,
the capital of Haiti.
● Haiti declared an emergency on March 3. Ariel Henry, Haiti’s acting prime minister, is currently exiled in
Puerto Rico.

Mind Refreshing Facts (Other Operations conducted by India):

Operation Name Objective

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Operation Ajay 2023 To evacuate its nationals from Israel amid the ongoing conflict
between Israel and Hamas

Operation Karuna 2023 To provide humanitarian assistance for people in Myanmar,

which is affected by Cyclone Mocha.

Operation Kaveri 2023 To evacuate Indians from unrest-hit Sudan.

Operation Dost 2023 To help after the earthquake in Turkey.

Operation Ganga 2022 To provide humanitarian aid and to evacuate Indian nationals
from Ukraine amid the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Election Commission Launches Saksham App

App Name Saksham App

Launched by Election Commission

Objective To facilitate easier voting for Persons with Disabilities and to avail facilities at
Polling Stations

Extra Info The Election Commission has announced that voters above 85 years of age and
Persons with Disabilities with 40 percent benchmark disability can vote from


DGCA Imposes Rs 80 Lakh Penalty On Air India For Violating FDTL Rules
Extra Points
● Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has imposed a fine of Rs 80 lakh on Air India for violating
regulations pertaining to flight duty time limitations (FDTL)
● The regulator conducted a spot audit in Jan and found violations, such as both pilots operating a flight being
aged above 60.


FSSAI sets up lab network to test food for pathogens

Extra Points
● The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is working towards creating a network of 34
microbiology labs across the country that will be equipped to test food products.
● It will be equipped to test food products for 10 pathogens, including E. coli, salmonella and listeria.


Supreme Court Appoints Committee for Great Indian Bustard Preservation

Committee Committee to tackle the critical endangerment of the Great Indian

Bustard. With a focus on balancing conservation

Constituted by Supreme Court of India

Chaired by Chief Justice DY Chandrachud

Other members JB Pardiwala, and Manoj Misra

Deadline The committee is expected to propose additional measures and submit

a report to the Supreme Court by July 31st.

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MeitY Notifies PIB’s Fact Check Unit as Authorised Body for Centre under IT Rules 2021
Extra Points
● The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) notified the Fact Check Unit (FCU) under
the Press Information Bureau (PIB) as a statutory body with powers to flag misinformation about the
Central government and its departments across social media platforms.
● This was notified in exercise of power conferred by Rule 3(1)(b)(v) of the Information Technology Rules,
● FCU is managed by 3 Joint Director rank officers of the Indian Information Service, overseen by the Principal
Director General (DG) of the PIB.
● The FCU under PIB was founded in November 2019 to deter the spread of fake news and misinformation.


TRAI Amends MNP Regulations to Curb Fraudulent SIM Swap Activities

Extra Points
● The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) released Telecommunication Mobile Number Portability
(MNP) (ninth amendment) Regulations 2024, to eliminate porting of mobile numbers using fraudulent
Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) swap or replacement by unscrupulous elements.
● The regulations will come into effect from 1st July 2024.
● TRAI has amended the Telecommunication MNP Regulations 2009 in the exercise of the power conferred by
sub-section (1) of section 36.
● As per the amendment, if a SIM card is swapped or replaced, the associated mobile number cannot be ported
out to another telecom operator for 7 days.
● The UPC will not be allocated if the UPC request was made before the expiry of 7 days.


India’s Transition from Minimum Wage to Living Wage

Extra Points
● India aims to replace its minimum wage system with a living wage framework by 2025, seeking assistance
from the International Labour Organization (ILO) for technical support in creating and implementing this
● India’s shift towards living wages aims to accelerate poverty reduction efforts and enhance the well-being of
millions of workers.


Living Wage The living wage is the income necessary for workers and their families to afford a
decent standard of living, considering the country’s circumstances and calculated
for normal working hours

Minimum Wage Minimum wage is the minimum remuneration required by law for work
performed within a given period, ensuring workers are protected against unduly
low pay


Wipro-GE JV to invest Rs 8K crore to 'Make in India for the World'

Extra Points
● Wipro GE Healthcare, a leading medical technology, diagnostics, and digital solutions innovator, aims to increase
localisation in manufacturing in the country from 50 per cent currently to 70–80 per cent.
● This initiative comes alongside an announcement made regarding a fresh investment of Rs 8,000 crore in
the next five years to bolster its focus not only on ‘Make in India’ but also on ‘Make in India for the World’.
● Across our product range, the average localisation stands at 50 per cent, and we aspire to incrementally
increase this figure by 10–15 per cent annually until reaching 70–80 per cent.


Election Commission Keeps Close Eye On Election Process Through The cVIGIL App

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App Name citizens' vigil App

Launched by Election Commission of India

Objective For recording, reporting and resolving violations of model code of

conduct. Through this app, online complaints regarding violations of
model code of conduct can be made by capturing photos, videos etc.

Extra Info CEC Rajiv Kumar has assured action on reports within 100 minutes.


TRAI Release Recommendations on ‘Usage of Embedded SIM for M2M Communications’

Extra Points
● The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), released the recommendations on Usage of Embedded
Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) for Machine-to-Machine Communications (M2M) under the TRAI Act
● The introduction of 5G services in India provides more opportunities for the M2M ecosystem offering
increased scope for applications in various sectors such as agriculture, transportation, healthcare and
industrial automation.


World's largest single-location copper manufacturing plant owned by Adani starts operation
Extra Points
● Billionaire Gautam Adani-led group announced the start of the first phase of the world's largest single-
location copper manufacturing plant at Mundra in Gujarat.
● The plant is operated by Kutch Copper, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the ports-to-power
conglomerate’s flagship company, Adani Enterprises Limited.
● AEL has invested about $1.2 billion to set up a copper smelter with 0.5 million tonne per annum (MTPA)
capacity in the first phase.
● The plant is expected to create 2,000 direct and 5,000 indirect employment opportunities.


Government notifies bonus for Postal Life Insurance, Rural Postal Life Insurance schemes for FY25
Extra Points
● The Centre has approved a simple reversionary bonus for the Postal Life Insurance Scheme and Rural
Postal Life Insurance Scheme for fiscal year 2024-25.
● There is no change in the rate.
● According to a notification, under the Postal Life Insurance Scheme, the rate of bonus will be ₹76 per
thousand of sum assured for whole life assurance (WLA).
● Similarly, for endowment assurance (EA) (including joint life and children policies), it will be ₹52 per
thousand of sum assured.
● Anticipated endowment assurance (AEA) will fetch ₹48 per thousand of sum assured.
● Rate of terminal bonus will be ₹20 per sum assured of ₹10,000, subject to maximum of ₹1,000 for WLA and
EA policies with term of 20 years or more.


MoRD Notifies 3-10% hike in MGNREGA Wage Rates for FY25

Extra Points
● The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) has notified a 3-10% increase in the wage rate of workers
under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) in nominal terms for the
financial year 2024-25(FY25).
● The notification was issued under Section 6 (1) of the MGNREGA, 2005.
● The new wage hike ranging from Rs 7 and Rs 26 will come into force from 1st April 2024.
● The wages have seen an average increase of about 7% from the existing all-India average wage rate of Rs
267.32 per day to Rs 285.47 per day for FY25.
● Goa witnesses the highest hike of 10.56% over the current wage rate, while Uttar Pradesh(UP) and
Uttarakhand have recorded the lowest raise of 3.04% each.

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● Goa, Karnataka (10.4%), Andhra Pradesh (10.29%), and Telangana (10.29%) have seen a significant hike
of over 10% increase.
● Kerala (3.90%) and Lakshadweep (3.62%) have a hike below 4%.


Full Form Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

Launched in 2nd February 2006

Act Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was passed
on 23rd August 2005

Earlier known as National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

Mandate of MGNREGA Provision of at least 100 days of work that provides guaranteed wage in a
financial year


Core Industries Show Robust Growth in February 2024

Extra Points
● The Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI) witnessed a significant 6.7% increase (provisional) in February
2024 compared to the same month in 2023.
● This growth was driven by positive performances across various sectors, including Coal, Natural Gas, Cement,
Steel, Crude Oil, Electricity, and Refinery Products.
● These core industries contribute 40.27% of the weight in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).
● The cumulative growth rate of the ICI during April to February 2023-24 stood at an impressive 7.7%
(provisional) compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.


India’s GAIL to commission its first green hydrogen project in April 2024
Extra Points
● India’s state-run natural gas company, GAIL (India) Ltd, is preparing to commission the country’s first green
hydrogen project.
● This pioneering initiative is slated to commence operations at GAIL’s Vijaipur complex in Madhya Pradesh
by April.
● The project comprises a 10-megawatt proton exchange membrane electrolyser imported from Canada for
the production of green hydrogen.
● The report added that once operational, the unit is expected to produce approximately 4.3 metric tons of
hydrogen per day, boasting a purity level of 99.999% by volume.

Inauguration News

Amit Shah Inaugurates Swaminarayan Institute of Medical Science and Research

Extra Points
● Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah inaugurated the ‘Swaminarayan Institute of Medical Science and
Research’ at the Shri Swaminarayan Vishwamangal Gurukul in Kalol, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
● This significant development marks a pivotal moment in the advancement of medical education and healthcare
services in the region.


PM Modi Launches India’s First Hydrogen Fuel Cell Ferry

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● Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated India’s inaugural hydrogen fuel cell ferry, a product of
indigenous development and construction built by Cochin Shipyard.
● Participating from Thoothukudi, he launched the inland waterway vessel, which is part of the Harit Nauka
initiative—a pilot project aimed at showcasing the technology for the maritime sector.
● Embracing green hydrogen furthers India’s goal of net-zero emissions by 2070.


PM Dedicates HURL Sindri Fertiliser Plant To The Nation

Extra Points
● The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, marked a significant moment in the nation’s journey towards
self-sufficiency by dedicating the Hindustan Urvarak & Rasayan Ltd (HURL) Sindri Fertiliser Plant at Sindri,
Dhanbad, Jharkhand.
● The establishment of the state-of-the-art gas-based Sindri Plant, with an investment of Rs. 8939.25 Crore,
reflects the strategic partnerships and investments crucial for realizing national objectives.
● Equity participation from NTPC, IOCL, CIL, and FCIL underscores a collaborative approach towards fostering
economic growth.

Extra Info:
● India’s annual urea requirement stands at 360 lakh metric tonnes, with a shortfall evident in 2014 when
domestic production was only 225 lakh metric tonnes.
● Over the past decade, concerted efforts have elevated urea production to 310 lakh metric tonnes, yet
addressing the deficit remains imperative.


India’s First Underwater Metro Train Service Launched in Kolkata by PM Modi

Extra Points
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated India’s pioneering underwater metro train service in Kolkata,
ushering in a landmark achievement in the nation’s infrastructure and urban development.
● Built at a cost of Rs 4,965 crore, the engineering marvel is part of the 16.6 km of the East-West Metro corridor.
● It is designed to enhance connectivity between Howrah and Salt Lake, the twin cities of West Bengal’s capital.
● Kolkata Metro touched a milestone in April 2023, as its rakes completed a trial journey under the bed of river
Hooghly through a tunnel 32 metres below water level for the first time in India.
● Spanning a 4.8-kilometer stretch between Howrah Maidan and Esplanade, this section forms a vital segment
of the East-West Metro corridor, connecting key areas like the IT hub Salt Lake Sector V.
● Of the total 16.6 kilometres of the East-West Metro, 10.8 kilometres consist of an underground corridor,
including the groundbreaking tunnel beneath the Hooghly River.
● Metro train is expected to traverse a 520-metre stretch under the river in just 45 seconds.
● The work for the East-West Metro corridor began in 2009 and the work for tunneling under River Hooghly
began in 2017.


Union Minister Inaugurates Three CIPET Centers Across India

Extra Points
● Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilisers and Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya,
virtually inaugurated three centers of the Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering & Technology
(CIPET) from New Delhi.
● These centers, located in Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Madhya Pradesh, are significant additions to
CIPET’s network.
● Highlights of the new centers include CIPET: CSTS Baddi (Himachal Pradesh), CIPET: CSTS Gwalior (Madhya
Pradesh), and CIPET: CSTS Ranchi (Jharkhand).
● Government efforts have increased the number of CIPET centers from 23 to 47 over the last decade,
emphasizing support for the petrochemical industry's growth.


Finance Minister Sitharaman Inaugurates LIC’s International Business Centre

Extra Points
● Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister Nirmala Sitharaman inaugurated via virtual mode LIC’s new
international business centre at GIFT City, Gujarat.

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● Meanwhile, LIC Chairman Siddhartha Mohanty presented an interim dividend cheque of ₹2441.44 crore to


Minister Hardeep S Puri Inaugurates 201 CNG Stations And GAIL’s First Small Scale LNG Unit
Extra Points
● Minister Hardeep Singh Puri, overseeing Petroleum and Natural Gas as well as Housing and Urban Affairs,
dedicated 201 CNG Stations and India’s inaugural Small Scale LNG Unit of GAIL to the nation via video
● The 201 CNG stations dedicated to the Nation have been set up by 15 city gas distribution (CGD) entities of
GAIL group in 52 geographical areas across 17 states while India’s first small-scale LNG unit has been set up
by GAIL at its Vijaipur LPG plant.
● Out of these 15 CGD entities, 53 stations belong to GAIL Gas Limited, 50 to Indraprastha Gas Limited, 43 to
GAIL and 20 to Mahanagar Gas Limited.


PM Inaugurates Spiritual Experience Project in Chitrakoot

Extra Points
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi performed Bhoomi Pujan and inaugurated projects worth 118 crore 72 lakh
rupees in Madhya Pradesh through video conferencing
● Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of the “Experience of Spirituality at Chitrakoot Ghat” project in
● The Prime Minister performed the Bhoomi Pujan of the upgradation and development works of Ganga Ghats at
a cost of about 26 crore 55 lakh rupees.

Extra Info:

● The Prime Minister inaugurated various development works worth Rs 50 crore under the Prasad Scheme in
● These include the development around the Narmada Temple, and the expansion of tourist and public facilities
in Amarkantak.


PM inaugurates world's longest twin-lane tunnel in Arunachal Pradesh

Extra Points
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi, inaugurated the world's longest twin-lane Sela tunnel, located at an elevation of
13,000 ft in Arunachal Pradesh.
About the Sela tunnel:

Foundation laid February 9, 2019

Objective To provide all-weather connectivity to the Tawang region of Arunachal Pradesh

Located at West Kameng district, Arunachal Pradesh

Elevation 13,000 ft

Composition Two tunnels (First being a single-tube tunnel spanning 1,003 meters and the
second measuring 1,595 meters)

Link roads 8.6 km-long

Constructed by Border Roads Organisation (BRO)

Cost ₹825 crore

Construction Austrian Tunnelling Method


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PM Modi Inaugurates 15 Airport Projects in Uttar Pradesh

Extra Points
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled 15 airport projects worth Rs 9,800 crore, stating that these
inaugurations should not be seen through the lens of the upcoming general elections but as part of the nation's
journey to become developed by 2047.
● Modi, at a public rally in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, virtually inaugurated the new terminal buildings of Pune,
Kolhapur, Gwalior, Jabalpur, Delhi, Lucknow, Aligarh, Azamgarh, Chitrakoot, Moradabad, Shravasti, and
Adampur Airports.
● The 12 new terminal buildings were developed at a total cost of Rs 8,903 crore, with a combined capacity to
serve 61.5 million passengers annually.

Extra Info:

● The PM also laid the foundation stone for new terminal buildings at Kadapa, Hubballi, and Belagavi Airports.
● The Airports Authority of India (AAI) will undertake the development of the three terminal buildings at a total
cost of Rs 908 crore.


Amit Shah Inaugurates Dilli Gramodaya Abhiyan Projects

Extra Points
● Union Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurated the commencement of Piped Natural Gas (PNG) facilities in 41
villages and various development projects in 178 villages under the ‘Dilli Gramodaya Abhiyan’.
● The Dilli Gramodaya Abhiyan has a fund of Rs 960 crore to develop necessary infrastructure in Delhi’s
urbanized villages and new urban areas.
● Projects worth Rs 383 crore have been sanctioned in various villages of Delhi during the current financial year.
● PNG supply initiated in 41 villages through a 100-kilometer pipeline network at a cost of Rs 20 crore by
Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL).
● In Delhi, IGL has reached 1.5 million households, for which a 11,000-kilometer pipeline network has been


Prime Minister Narendra Modi Inaugurates India’s First Automobile In-Plant Railway Siding
Extra Points
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the inaugural automobile in-plant railway siding at Suzuki Motor
Gujarat Private Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Maruti Suzuki India Limited (MSIL).
● Upon reaching full operational capacity, the Gujarat railway siding facility is poised to dispatch an impressive
300,000 cars annually to 15 destinations across India.
● The collaborative effort behind this project includes Gujarat Rail Infrastructure Development (G-RIDE), a
partnership between the Government of Gujarat and Indian Railways.


Inauguration of Kochrab Ashram and Launch of Gandhi Ashram Memorial Master Plan by PM Modi
Extra Points
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Sabarmati Ashram to inaugurate Kochrab Ashram and launch the Master
Plan of the Gandhi Ashram Memorial.
● The Kochrab Ashram was the first Ashram established by Mahatma Gandhi after coming to India from South
Africa in 1915.
● It is still preserved as a memorial and tourist space by Gujarat Vidyapeeth.
● Under this master plan, the existing five-acre area of the Ashram will be expanded to 55 acres.
● 36 existing buildings shall undergo restoration, out of which, 20 buildings including 'Hriday Kunj', which
served as Gandhi's residence, will be conserved, 13 will undergo restoration, and 3 will be reproduced.


PM Modi Lays Foundation Stone of three Semiconductor Facilities worth 1.25 Lakh Crore
Extra Points

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● Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated three semiconductor projects virtually, with a combined
investment of approximately Rs 1.25 Lakh Crore.
● The three facilities include a semiconductor fabrication unit in Dholera, Gujarat, an Outsourced
Semiconductor Assembly and Test (OSAT) facility in Morigaon, Assam, and another OSAT facility in Sanand,

About these three semiconductor projects

Project Cost Developed by

Semiconductor Fabrication Rs 91,000 crore Tata Electronics and Powerchip Semiconductor

Facility at Dholera, Gujarat Manufacturing Corporation (PSMC) from Taiwan

OSAT Facility in Morigaon, Rs 27,000 crore Tata Electronics


OSAT Facility in Sanand, Rs 7,500 crore CG Power and Industrial Solutions Limited


Union Minister Inaugurates “National Speed Breeding Crop Facility” At NABI

Extra Points
● Dr. Jitendra Singh, the Union Minister of Science & Technology, inaugurated the “National Speed Breeding
Crop Facility” at NABI (National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute), Mohali.
● This initiative aligns with PM Modi’s vision of increasing farmers’ income and promoting Agri StartUps.
● The facility serves all Indian states, with a focus on North Indian states like Punjab, Himachal Pradesh,
Haryana, and Jammu & Kashmir.
● India’s projected rise as the world’s third-largest economy highlights the vital role of the agriculture sector.


India And Dominican Republic Sign Protocol To Establish Joint Economic And Trade Committee
Extra Points
● A significant milestone in the diplomatic and economic relations between India and the Dominican Republic
was achieved as the Protocol for the establishment of the Joint Economic and Trade Committee (JETCO).
● It was signed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic in Santo Domingo.


Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia inaugurated Fly91 & flagged its First Flight
Extra Points
● Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) has inaugurated Just Udo Aviation
Private Limited (Fly91), Ribandar (Goa) based regional airline.
● He also flagged off its maiden flight between Manohar International Airport (MOPA), Goa and Agatti Islands,
● FLY91 is a regional carrier that strives to enhance air connectivity from tier 2 and tier 3 towns across India.


PM Modi Inaugurates Marathwada Rail Coach Factory in Latur , Maharashtra

Extra Points
● Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated the Marathwada Rail Coach Factory in Latur,
● He also dedicated to the nation 506 railway projects including a wagon repair workshop at Badnera and
Vande Bharat chair car maintenance-cum-workshop depot in Pune.
● The Marathwada Rail Coach Factory will be pivotal in supplying Vande Bharat Train sets, comprising a 16-car

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● PM Modi inaugurated 4 rail coach restaurants at Nashik Road, Akola, and Mumbai’s Andheri and Borivali
● The PM also inaugurated 5 Jan Aushadi Kendras (JAKs), offering affordable and quality generic medicines.
● These Kendras are located at strategic points including the Lokmanya Tilak Terminus (LTT) (Mumbai),
Manmad (Nashik), Pimpri, Solapur, and Nagbhir (Chandrapur).


PM Modi Inaugurates State-of-the-Art Medical Facility in Thimphu

Extra Points
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bhutanese counterpart Tshering Tobgay jointly inaugurated a modern
hospital in the Bhutanese capital, Thimphu.
● The Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Wangchuk Mother and Child Hospital is a shining example of the strong
development cooperation between India and Bhutan.
● The hospital is a state-of-the-art 150-bedded facility that has been built with Indian assistance.
● The construction was carried out in two phases, with the first phase costing ₹22 crore and becoming
operational in 2019.
● The second phase, completed recently, was undertaken as part of Bhutan’s 12th Five Year Plan at a cost of
₹119 crore.

International News

Peru declares dengue health emergency

Extra Points
● Peru has declared a health emergency in response to the escalating cases of dengue fever across the nation.
● Health Minister Cesar Vasquez announced that over 31,000 cases of dengue have been reported within the
first eight weeks of 2024, resulting in 32 fatalities.
● The emergency declaration will encompass 20 out of Peru’s 25 regions.


South Korea’s Fertility Rate Hits New Low in 2023

Extra Points
● In 2023, South Korea experienced a further decline in its already record-low fertility rate, exacerbating
concerns about population decline.
● South Korea’s fertility rate hits a record low of 0.72 in 2023, continuing a trend of decline.
● The rate is well below the replacement level of 2.1 children per woman required for population stability.
● South Korea’s population, currently at 51 million, faces the prospect of halving by the end of the century.


PM Modi & PM Jugnauth inaugurate airstrip, jetty in Agalega Island

Extra Points
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Mauritius Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth jointly inaugurated
significant infrastructure projects in Agalega Island, marking a milestone in bilateral cooperation between India
and Mauritius.
● The inauguration ceremony, conducted virtually, included the unveiling of an airstrip and the St James Jetty,
along with six other projects financed by India.


Ghana Parliament Passes Anti-LGBTQ Bill

Extra Points
● Ghana’s parliament has approved a controversial anti-LGBTQ bill, the Human Sexual Rights and Family
Values Bill, which awaits presidential assent.
● This legislation has sparked debate and condemnation due to its stringent measures against lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, and questioning (or queer) LGBTQ individuals.
● The bill aims to uphold traditional Ghanaian family values and regulate human sexual rights.

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● Introduced in 2021, the bill follows heightened anti-LGBTQ sentiments triggered by the establishment of Ghana’s
first LGBTQ+ community center.


Thailand to ban recreational cannabis use by year-end

Extra Points
● Thailand Health Minister Cholnan Srikaew said that the country will ban the recreational use of marijuana
by 2024 end, but will continue to allow its use for medical purposes.
● In Southeast Asia, Thailand became the first country to free up marijuana's medicinal use in 2018 and then
recreational use in 2022.
● Since then, tens of thousands of cannabis shops have come up in various parts of the country, while this
business is projected to be worth up to $1.2 billion by next year.


France becomes world’s first country to enshrine abortion in constitution

Extra Points
● French lawmakers have approved a bill that will enshrine the right to an abortion in the Constitution of
France in a joint session of Parliament at the Palace of Versailles.
● The move makes France the first country in the world to offer explicit protection for terminating a pregnancy
in its basic law.
● Both houses of Parliament, the National Assembly and the Senate, have already adopted a bill to amend Article
34 of the constitution to specify a woman’s right to an abortion is guaranteed.


Panama Officially Joins International Solar Alliance

Extra Points
● In a significant development for global renewable energy efforts, Panama has officially become the 97th member
of the International Solar Alliance (ISA).
● This milestone was announced by Randhir Jaiswal, the spokesperson for the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA).
● The formal ratification process was completed in New Delhi, where Panama’s Ambassador Yasiel Burillo
presented the Instrument of Ratification to Abhishek Singh, the Joint Secretary (Economic Diplomacy) of the


Sweden officially becomes 32nd member of NATO

Extra Points
● Sweden has officially become the 32nd member of NATO after it completed the accession process in
● The handover of documents took place at a ceremony two years after Sweden applied to join the military
alliance following the full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine in February 2022.


New Insurance Package for Indian Blue-Collar Workers in UAE

Extra Points
● The Indian Consulate in Dubai has introduced a new insurance package called the Life Protection Plan (LPP)
for Indian blue-collar workers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
● This plan aims to provide financial benefits to the families of the workers in case of natural or accidental
● The Consulate General of India in Dubai facilitated meetings between major companies recruiting Indian blue-
collar workers and two insurance service providers – Gargash Insurance Services LLC and Orient Insurance


Hong Kong Introduces Stricter National Security Law, Tougher Jail Terms
Extra Points

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● Hong Kong has introduced a new national security law draft. The proposed legislation, covering treason,
espionage, and external interference, signifies a significant increase in state authority in the region.
● This development arises amidst a wider crackdown on dissent, resulting in pro-democracy figures being
imprisoned or exiled.


WB, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and UNICEF pledge approx. USD 600 mn to Combat Cervical Cancer
Extra Points
● The World Bank (WB), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations Children’s Fund
(UNICEF) pledged nearly USD 600 million towards eliminating cervical cancer.
● This funding includes USD 400 million over three years by WB, USD 180 million from the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation, and USD 10 million from UNICEF.
● This commitment was made during the first-ever ‘Global Cervical Cancer Elimination Forum: Advancing the
Call to Action’ held in Cartagena, Colombia .
● The funds will be utilised to enhance global access to vaccination, screening and treatment for cervical


Sea6 Energy Launches World’s First Large-Scale Mechanized Tropical Seaweed Farm
Extra Points
● Sea6 Energy, a pioneer in the Blue Economy, has launched the world’s first large-scale mechanized tropical
seaweed farm off the coast of Lombok, Indonesia.
● The one-square-kilometer seaweed farm is a significant milestone in establishing the scalability of sustainable
tropical seaweed cultivation


Numaligarh Refinery opens its first-ever overseas office in Bangladesh

Extra Points
● India's Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) has opened its first overseas office in Dhaka. The office will serve
as a liaison office for the company.
● The India-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline Project was jointly inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister
Narendra Modi and Bangladesh Premier Sheikh Hasina virtually.
● The pipeline has a capacity to transport 1 Million Metric Tonnes Per Annum (MMTPA) of high-speed diesel
and has been completed at a total estimated cost of over Rs 375 crore.
● Over Rs 285 crore has been spent for the construction of the Bangladesh portion of the pipeline under an
Indian government grant.
● A 130 KM Indo-Bangla Friendship Pipeline (IBFPL) for transporting products from its terminal at Siliguri to
Bangladesh was set up.
● NRL has also set up the Country's first bamboo-based 2G Bio-Refinery through a joint venture company Assam
Bio-Refinery Pvt.


Over 1500 Skeletons Discovered At Construction Site in Germany’s Nuremberg

Extra Points
● In Nuremberg, Germany, construction laborers stumbled upon an astonishing find while building a house: a
vast number of human skeletons, indicating the presence of what may be Europe’s largest cemetery.
● Nearly a thousand skeletons have been unearthed so far, with estimates suggesting the total could surpass
● Preliminary analysis suggests these skeletons may date back to the 17th century, possibly relating to historical
events such as the Bubonic Plague.


Nepal Declares Pokhara as Its Tourism Capital

Extra Points
● In a move to boost its tourism industry, the government of Nepal has officially declared Pokhara, a city in the
Gandaki province, as the tourism capital of the Himalayan nation.

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● The declaration was made during a special ceremony held at the Barahi Ghat on the shores of the Phewa Lake.
● The ceremony to declare Pokhara as the tourism capital was attended by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal


Cyclonic storm 'Megan' brought heavy shower in northern Australia

Extra Points
● Cyclonic storm Megan, which made landfall as a category three storm along the Gulf of Carpentaria in March
2024, brought heavy rain and winds to Australia's Northern Territory.
● The cyclone formed over the Gulf of Carpentaria, east of Groote Eylandt.
● The Gulf of Carpentaria is a sea off the northern coast of Australia.


New Zealand will ban disposable e-cigarettes

Extra Points
● New Zealand's government announced in March 2024 that it will ban the sale of disposable e-cigarettes, or
vapes, and increase penalties for selling them to minors.
● Under the new laws, retailers that sell vapes to children under 18 years of age will face fines of up 100,000
New Zealand dollars ($60,000), while individuals will be fined 1,000 New Zealand dollars ($600).


Australia Commits $3 Billion to British Industry for Timely Construction of Nuclear-Powered Submarines
Extra Points
● Australia commits 4.6 billion Australian dollars (USD 3 billion) to British industry to aid in the construction
of nuclear-powered submarines, ensuring the timely delivery of its new fleet.
● The 10-year deal will enhance capacity at the Rolls-Royce factory in Derby, UK, to manufacture the nuclear
reactors required for the submarines to be built by BAE Systems in Adelaide, Australia.
● Australia plans to acquire at least 3 US nuclear submarines from the early 2030s as part of the AUKUS


PepsiCo to invest $400 million more in two new plants in Vietnam

Extra Points
● PepsiCo, the U.S. food and beverage giant, has committed to investing an additional $400 million in Vietnam.
● This decision was made public during a visit by delegations from over 60 U.S. enterprises, including Suntory
PepsiCo Vietnam Beverage, to Vietnam last week.
● One plant will be located in southern Long An Province, with an estimated cost exceeding $300 million.
● The second plant, focusing on food processing, will be situated in northern Ha Nam Province, requiring an
investment of $90 million.


Iconic Indian Brand Amul Launches Fresh Milk in the US

Extra Points
● The Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), the organization behind the iconic Amul brand,
is set to launch its fresh milk products in the United States for the first time.
● Initially, the fresh milk will be available in major cities such as New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Washington,
Dallas, and Texas, among others.
● Within a week, GCMMF will introduce four variants of fresh milk in the US market.
● The organization has already established an export presence in around 50 countries worldwide.


China’s Marriage Rates Rise for First Time in Nine Years

Extra Points
● The number of new marriages in China jumped 12.4% in 2023 from a year earlier, reversing a downtrend
that has lasted for almost a decade as more youth tied the knot after delaying their nuptials due to Covid.

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● The number of newlyweds rose to 7.7 million last year, according to data released by the ministry of civil
● This was up 845,000 couples from 2022 but still far below the peak of 13.5 million couples hit in 2013.


Saudi Arabia to participate in Miss Universe event in historic first

Extra Points
● Saudi Arabia will participate in the Miss Universe pageant for the first time, making it a historic event for
the Islamic country.
● Rumy Alqahtani, a beauty pageant veteran and an influencer announced this news on her Instagram handle that
she will be representing the kingdom in one of the most popular pageants in the world.
● Last year, Miss Nicaragua Sheynnis Palacios was crowned Miss Universe 2023.


Florida Imposes Restrictions on Social Media for Minors

Extra Points
● Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a bill that prohibits minors under 14 from having social media
● The law requires parental permission for 14- and 15-year-olds to create accounts on platforms like Meta,
TikTok, and others.
● There are rising concerns about the impact on youth mental health and the spread of sexually explicit

● States like Arkansas and Ohio have enacted similar laws requiring parental approval for minors’ social
media accounts.

Sports News

Neil Wagner Announces Retirement from International Cricket

Extra Points
● Veteran fast bowler Neil Wagner has called time on his international cricketing career, bringing an end to a
distinguished 12-year Test match journey with the Black Caps.
● The 37-year-old Wagner represented New Zealand in 64 Tests, claiming a total of 260 wickets, placing him fifth
on the nation’s all-time wicket-takers list.
● Wagner was an integral part of the New Zealand team that clinched the inaugural World Test Championship
in 2021.


Juventus Midfielder Paul Pogba Banned for 4 Years for Doping

Extra Points
● Juventus midfielder Paul Pogba has been handed a four-year suspension from football due to doping
● The former Manchester United star tested positive for testosterone, leading to his provisional suspension in


Red Bull's Max Verstappen wins season-opening Bahrain Formula One Grand Prix
Extra Points
● Max Verstappen showcased his dominance in the opening race of the Formula One season, clinching victory at
the Bahrain Grand Prix from pole position, along with setting the fastest lap.
● His teammate, Sergio Perez, followed closely behind, securing a strong finish for Red Bull.

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India Women’s Football Team Finished Runners-up in Turkish Women’s Cup 2024
Extra Points
● The Indian women’s football team (nickname: Blue Tigresses) finished runner-up at the Turkish Women’s
Cup 2024 after losing to Kosovo in the finals held at the Gold City Sports Complex in Alanya, Türkiye.
● The 8th edition of the Turkish Women’s Cup, also known as the Alanya Gold City Cup, was held in Alanya,
● This marks the Indian team’s best performance in the Turkish Women’s cup, among its three appearances
(2024, 2021 & 2019).

About Turkish Women’s Cup

Started in 2017

Number of teams 4 countries: India, Hong Kong, Estonia, and Kosovo.

Current champion Kosovo (2nd title)

Most successful team(s) France B & Kosovo (2 titles)


Puneri Paltan emerged victorious in the Pro Kabaddi League Season 10 final, defeating Haryana Steelers
Extra Points
● Puneri Paltan emerged victorious in the Pro Kabaddi League Season 10 final, defeating Haryana Steelers 28-
25 in a nail-biting encounter here at the Gachibowli Indoor Stadium.
● This win marks the Pune-based team’s first-ever title and comes after a heartbreaking loss in the final of the
previous season.


Team India tops the ICC World Test Championship 2023-25 rankings
Extra Points
● The two-time finalists India have topped the charts of the ICC World Test Championship 2023-25 as New
Zealand slipped to the second spot after their defeat in Wellington against Australia in the first test match.
● With a 172-run defeat against Australia, the Black Caps slipped to the second spot with a points percentage of
60, with three wins and two losses.
● India, who were at second spot with 62 points in 8 matches, replaced them at the top with a stronger points
percentage of 64.58.
● The defending champions, Aussies remain in the third position, gaining 12 crucial points with the win in
Wellington, taking their points tally from 66 to 78.


Ireland claim their first ever victory in Test cricket with six-wicket win over Afghanistan
Extra Points
● Ireland claimed their first test victory when they beat fellow minnows Afghanistan by six wickets in a one-off
match in Abu Dhabi.
● Ireland, who acquired test status along with Afghanistan in 2017, had lost seven straight matches before
they eventually beat the Asian side in a low-scoring affair that finished inside three days.


Indian shuttler B Sai Praneeth announces retirement from international badminton

Extra Points
● World Championships bronze medallist B Sai Praneeth announced his retirement from international
● The 31-year-old from Hyderabad decided to hang his boost after battling nagging injuries since the Tokyo Games.

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World's first jet suit race In Dubai featuring 'Iron Man' pilots
Extra Points
● The world's first jet suit race featuring "Iron Man" pilots took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
● The race involved seven "Iron Man" pilots who lined up on a runway and raced around a one-kilometer course
while avoiding inflatable obstacles in the water.
● The jet engines in the "Iron Man" suits can reach speeds of up to 80 mph (128 km/h).
● In this 90-second race, Issa Kalfon grabbed first place. Kalfon is a former professional gymnast and Gravity’s
deputy head of flight training.
● British pilots Paul Jones and Freddie Hay bagged the second and the third place, respectively.


Khelo India University Games 2023

Extra Points
● Chandigarh University won the overall championship of the 4th edition of the Khelo India University Games
(KIUG 2023) held in the NorthEast region
● The KIUG 2023 was held in 07 States of North East namely, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram,
Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura.

Top 5 on KIUG 2023 Medal Tally:

Rank University Gold Silver Bronze Total

1 Chandigarh University 32 18 21 71

2 Lovely Professional 20 14 8 42

3 Guru Nanak Dev 12 20 19 51


4 Panjab University (Chandigarh) 12 12 16 40

5 Jain University (Karnataka) 12 7 6 25

KIUG 2023 Records:

Athlete (University) Event Old record New record

Adarsh Gopi (University Men’s 1500m Run 3:51.61 3:51.34

of Calicut – Kerala)

Vikash (Chandigarh Men’s 1500m Run 3:51.61 3:50.70


Deepika (Chandigarh Javelin Throw 50.14m 52.68m


Jyoti (Chaudhary Devi Javelin Throw 50.14m 53.16m

Lal University –

M Gowtham (University Pole Vault 4.90m 5.00m

of Madras-Tamil Nadu)

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Krishna Sharma Long Jump 7.44m 7.47m

Vishnu. M (University of Long Jump 7.47m 7.63m


Amandeep Kaur Women’s 800m Run 2:06.40 2:06.27

(Panjab University)

All About Khelo India University games:

1st edition 2020 (Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

2nd Edition 2021 (Bangalore, Karnataka)

3rd Edition 2023

3rd Edition held Uttar Pradesh (Lucknow, Varanasi, Noida and Gorakhpur)

3rd edition Shooting Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range in Delhi

competition held

3rd Edition winner Panjab University (69 medals, including 26 gold, 17 silver, and 26

4th edition held Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim
and Tripura

4th edition mascot Ashtalakshmi

4th Edition winner Chandigarh University


Asian River Rafting Champions Take on the Sutlej River

Extra Points
● The scenic town of Shimla has become the centre stage for the first-ever Asian River Rafting Championships,
officially opened by Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu.
● The championship is taking place on the Sutlej River, near Basantpur in the Sunni region.
● Around 20 national and international teams are participating, hailing from countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Sri
Lanka, Iran, Iraq, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Indonesia.


Spain Wins First UEFA Women’s Nations League

Extra Points
● Spain’s women’s team secured a historic victory over France, winning the first-ever UEFA Women’s Nations
League with a convincing 2-0 triumph in Seville, Spain.
● Aitana Bonmati’s exceptional display throughout the tournament earned her the title of MVP (Most Valuable
Player) of the Finals tournament.

About UEFA Women’s Nations League

Started in 2023–24

Edition 1st

Host France, Netherlands, Spain

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Winner Spain

1st runner up France

2nd runner up Germany


Yashasvi Jaiswal joins Sunil Gavaskar in this elite club after Day 1 of fifth Test match
Extra Points
● After the first day of the final Test, Yashasvi Jaiswal became the first Indian batter after Sunil Gavaskar to score
more than 700 runs in a single Test series.
● The former India captain had done so twice during his career, both against the West Indies – 774 (1971/72)
and 732 (1978-79).
● India captain Rohit Sharma combined with Yashasvi Jaiswal (57) in an opening stand of 104 to consolidate
their position at the picturesque Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association Stadium.


England’s James Anderson Joins Elite 700 Test Wickets Club

Extra Points
● England’s James Anderson claimed his 700th Test wicket by dismissing India’s Kuldeep Yadav in Dharamsala
on the morning of Day 3 of the final Test against India.
● This historic milestone makes Anderson the third bowler to reach the 700-wicket mark in Test cricket.
● The other two players are Muthiah Muralidaran (800) and Shane Warne (708).


Minister Hardeep S Puri Inaugurates 5th ONGC Para Games

Extra Points
● Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Housing & Urban Affairs, inaugurated the 5th
ONGC Para Games.
● The event took place at Thyagaraj Stadium, New Delhi with the presence of Shri Pankaj Jain, Secretary,
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, and senior officials from Oil & Gas PSUs.
● Athletes from oil and gas public enterprises like ONGC, IOCL, BPCL, HPCL, EIL, OIL, and GAIL competed.
● Conceptualized in 2017 to mainstream and foster inclusivity for specially-abled employees.


Indian Racer Kush Maini Clinches Second Place Finish in F2 Saudi Arabia GP
Extra Points
● Indian racer Kush Maini finished a creditable second in the F2 Saudi Arabia Grand Prix after starting the race
from pole position.
● Maini, who is appearing for Invicta Racing, had earlier become the first Indian to grab a pole in the Formula 2
race, which was won by Enzo Fittipaldi from Van Amersfoort Racing with MP Motorsport’s Dennis Hauger
finishing third.


Satwik-Chirag Win BWF French Open Men’s Doubles Title

Extra Points
● Indian badminton stars Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty have won the BWF French Open men’s
doubles title, defeating Chinese Taipei’s Lee Jhe-Huei and Yang Po-Hsuan in the final.
● This is their second French Open title after previously winning in 2022
● The world No. 1 Indian pair had finished runners-up in the French Open in 2019 before winning the title in
● The victory marks their first Super 750 title of the year.


Indian sailor Vishnu Saravanan clinches gold medal at Europa Cup in Spain
Extra Points

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● India’s Olympian sailor Vishnu Saravanan has won the gold medal in the men’s one-person dinghy (ILCA7)
category at the Europa Cup 2024 sailing meet held in Mallorca, Spain.
● Saravanan, who represented the country in the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2021 and finished 20th, topped the
91-boat race with 17 net points.
● The Netherlands’ Willem Wiersema also accrued the same points but Saravanan won the category on
● In January this year, Saravanan became the first Indian to secure a sailing quota for the Paris 2024 Olympics,
doing so at the ILCA 7 Men’s World Championship 2024 in Australia


Yashasvi Jaiswal, Sutherland Named ICC Players of the Month for February 2024

ICC Men’s player of the month for February 2024 Yashasvi Jaiswal (India)

ICC Women’s player of the month for February 2024 Annabel Sutherland (Australia)

Extra Info:

● At the tender age of 22 years and 49 days, Jaiswal became the third-youngest batter in the world to record
two double centuries in Tests, after the legendary Sir Donald Bradman and Vinod Kambli.
● At 22 years old, Sutherland became the second-youngest double centurion in Women’s Test cricket, trailing
only Mithali Raj.
● She joined an elite group as the ninth woman and fifth Australian to score a double hundred in a Test match.


Khelo India Rising Talent Identification (KIRTI) Programme Launched

Extra Points
● The Union Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports, Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, has inaugurated a unique talent
hunt event called KIRTI (Khelo India Rising Talent Identification) in Chandigarh.
● This nationwide programme, under the Khelo India mission, aims to identify talented athletes between the ages
of 9 and 18 years, currently enrolled in schools across the country.
● KIRTI will conduct 20 lakh assessments across the country throughout the year to identify talent through
notified Talent Assessment Centres.

Max Verstappen Triumphs at Saudi Arabian Grand Prix

Extra Points
● Red Bull’s Max Verstappen clinched victory at the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix, starting from pole position.
● It marked Red Bull’s second consecutive one-two finish in the 2024 Formula One season.
● He extended his winning streak to nine consecutive races, including last year’s success. Verstappen also
achieved his 100th career podium.


Mumbai Wins Ranji Trophy 2024 After Beating Vidarbha

Extra Points
● Mumbai won the Ranji Trophy 2024 after beating Vidarbha by 169 runs at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai.
● This was their 42nd Ranji Trophy title, showcasing their dominance in Indian domestic cricket.


Australian wicketkeeper-batter Matthew Wade announces retirement

Extra Points
● Australian wicketkeeper-batter Matthew Wade has announced his retirement from first-class cricket as the
Sheffield Shield final next week in Perth will be his final red-ball assignment.
● The Sheffield Shield final will mark the end of Wade’s red-ball career that started in 2012.


Royal Challengers Bangalore beat Delhi Capitals by 8 wickets to lift Women’s Premier League title
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Extra Points
● In the Final of the Women’s Premier League (WPL) Cricket, Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) beat Delhi
Capitals by 8 wickets at Arun Jaitley Stadium in New Delhi.
● RCB received Rs 6 crore as prize money, while runners-up Delhi Capital received Rs 3 crore.

List of winners of Women’s Premier League 2024:

Winner Royal Challengers Bangalore

1st Runner up Delhi Capitals

Player of the series Deepti Sharma (UP Warriorz)

Orange cap (Most Runs) Ellyse Perry (Royal Challengers Bangalore) (347)

Purple cap (Most Wickets) Shreyanka Patil (Royal Challengers Bangalore) (13)


Indian Athlete Gulveer Singh Shatters A 16-Year-Old National Record

Extra Points
● Asian Games bronze medallist athlete Gulveer Singh shattered a 16-year-old national record in the men's
10000m to finish second in his heat at The Ten in San Juan Capistrano in California.
● The 25-year-old clocked 27.41.81 to better the earlier national mark of 28:02.89 by over 20 seconds that stood
in Surendra Singh's name since 2008.
● However, Gulveer's effort was not enough for Olympic qualification as he missed the Paris Games qualification
time of 27:00.00 by over 41 seconds.
● In the women's 10000m, Parul Chaudhary finished a disappointing 20th, clocking 32:02.08.


Alcaraz beats Medvedev to win second straight Indian Wells Open title
Extra Points
● Carlos Alcaraz arrived at Indian Wells full of doubt about his twisted right ankle. He's leaving as a two-time
● He defeated Daniil Medvedev 7-6 (5), 6-1 for the second straight year in the BNP Paribas Open final, earning
his first title since winning Wimbledon last year.
● Iga Swiatek beat Maria Sakkari 6-4, 6-0 in just over an hour to win the women's title.


Ace Indian Shuttler Lakshya Sen Climbs Five Places To Become World Number 13 In Men’s Singles Category
Extra Points
● Ace Indian shuttler Lakshya Sen climbed five places to secure the 13th spot in the latest BWF rankings
following his impressive performance at the All England Championships.
● The 22-year-old from Almora, Uttarakhand made it to the semi-finals in Birmingham, propelling him from
the 15th position to the 12th spot in the Olympic Games Qualification rankings.
● With the top 16 players set to qualify for the Olympics by the end of April, Sen is on track to secure his spot.
● In addition, HS Prannoy, the World Championships and Asian Games bronze medalist, currently holds the
ninth position, followed by Kidambi Srikanth at 27th and Priyanshu Rajawat at 32nd.
● In the women's singles category, two-time Olympic medallist PV Sindhu is ranked 11th.


Pankaj Advani inducted into Billiards Hall of Fame

Extra Points
● Legendary Indian cueist Pankaj Advani achieved yet another milestone in his glorious career as he was
inducted into the Hall of Fame at the World Billiards Museum in Shangrao City in China.
● Last November, the 38-year-old Indian star won his 26th IBSF (the International Billiards and Snooker
Federation) title after beating compatriot Sourav Kothari.
● His journey to the Hall of Fame is a testament to his relentless pursuit of excellence and his remarkable
contributions to the sport.

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Formula 4 race organized for the first time in Srinagar, J&k

Extra Points
● A Formula-4 car racing event was organized for the first time in Srinagar.
● This car racing event was held on the banks of Dal Lake in Boulevard Road located on the Zabarwan Mountain
● This race took place on a 1.7 kilometer track from Lalit Ghat to Nehru Park.
● The Formula-4 car racing event in Srinagar was organized by the Federation of Motor Clubs of India.


3rd Edition of North East Games 2024 Begins in Nagaland

Extra Points
● In Nagaland, the 3rd edition of the North East Games 2024 kick-started with a glittering opening ceremony at
the Regional Centre for Sporting Excellence, Sovima.
● The Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio officially declared the games open.
● More than 3000 athletes from eight North Eastern states are competing in 15 disciplines being held across
12 venues in three districts – Chumoukedima, Dimapur, and Kohima.
● The first edition of the North East Games held in 2018.


Nayana James Shines at Indian Open Jumps Competition

Extra Points
● In the women’s long jump event at the 3rd Indian Open Jumps Competition, Nayana James from Kerala
recorded a personal best mark of 6.67m to secure the gold medal.
● Nayana’s leap of 6.67m came nearly seven years after her previous personal best of 6.55m.
● Nayana’s distance was 16cms off Anju Bobby George’s National record and 19cms behind the Paris mark.


Sharath Kamal to be Indian Flagbearer at Paris Olympics 2024

Extra Points
● Ace table tennis player Sharath Kamal will be the Indian team’s flagbearer for the upcoming Paris 2024
● The announcement was made by the Indian Olympic Association (IOA).
● Sharath Kamal will be the 19th flag bearer for India at the Olympics.
● Athlete Purma Banerjee was the first Indian Olympian to become the flag bearer for the Indian contingent
at the 1920 Olympics in Antwerp, Belgium.
● Joining Kamal in the spotlight is MC Mary Kom, who has been named as the chef de mission for the Paris 2024
Summer Games.
● Gagan Narang, a bronze medalist in the 10m air rifle event at the 2012 London Olympics, has been appointed
to head the shooting village operations for the Paris Olympics.
● The Olympic Games will take place from July 26 to August 11 in Paris, France.


Sathiyan Gnanasekaran Creates History at WTT Feeder Beirut 2024

Extra Points
● Indian star paddler G. Sathiyan has achieved a remarkable feat by becoming the first-ever Indian to win a men’s
singles trophy at a WTT Feeder Series event.
● This historic moment took place in Beirut, Lebanon, where Sathiyan triumphed over his compatriot Manav
Thakkar with a 3-1 (6-11 11-7 11-7 11-4) victory in the final of the WTT Feeder Beirut 2024.
● It is also his first singles title at an international ranking event since the ITTF Czech International Open 2021.
● In the women’s singles event, Xia Lian Ni claimed her second WTT Feeder title, exhibiting an excellent
performance to defeat Suh Hyo Won with a score of 11-9 11-5 11-5.


Sreeja Akula wins women’s singles title at WTT Feeder Beirut II 2024 table tennis tournament

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Extra Points
● India table tennis player Sreeja Akula won the women's singles title at the WTT Feeder Beirut II 2024
tournament after beating Luxembourg's Sarah De Nutte.
● This was the 25-year-old's second WTT singles career title, her first one came during the Feeder Corpus
Christi 2024 in Texas.
● On the other hand, in the men's singles final, India's G Sathiyan lost to Kazakhstan's Kirill Gerassimenko.


Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz clinched victory at the Australian Grand Prix

Extra Points
● Australian Grand Prix, Carlos Sainz of Ferrari emerged victorious, marking a remarkable comeback just two
weeks after undergoing appendicitis surgery.
● The race was filled with drama, including the first retirement in two years for Red Bull’s reigning world
champion Max Verstappen.


Virat Kohli Becomes First Indian to Score 12,000 T20 Runs

Extra Points
● Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli has etched his name in history by becoming the first Indian cricketer to
score 12,000 runs in the T20 format.
● Kohli accomplished this remarkable feat during the opening match of the 2024 Indian Premier League (IPL)
between Chennai Super Kings (CSK) and Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) at the MA Chidambaram
● Rohit Sharma is the second-highest Indian run-scorer in T20 cricket with a total of 11,156 runs.
● The leading position in the list of highest T20 run-scorers is held by former West Indies opener Chris Gayle,
who has scored a massive 14,562 runs.
● Following him is former Pakistan captain Shoaib Malik with 13,360 runs, and third is West Indian player
Kieron Pollard with 12,900 runs.


Haryana Crowned Champion at Boxing Sub Junior National Championship

Extra Points
● Haryana clinched the team titles in both the boy’s and girls categories with an impressive combined haul of
19 medals at the Boxing Sub Junior National Championship.
● Haryana showcased its dominance by finishing on top in both categories. The tournament witnessed the
participation of 612 boxers, including 337 boys and 275 girls.

Top 3 in Boys Medal Tally

Rank State Gold Silver Bronze Total

1 Haryana 6 2 1 9

2 Uttarakhand 3 3 0 6

3 Uttar Pradesh 1 3 1 5

Top 3 in Boys Medal Tally

Rank State Gold Silver Bronze Total

1 Haryana 7 1 2 10

2 Delhi 1 3 4 8

3 Maharashtra 1 3 2 6


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Sunrisers Hyderabad's 277/3 breaks record for highest IPL total of all time
Extra Points
● Sunrisers Hyderabad batters unleashed havoc on Mumbai Indians, as the side broke the record for the
highest innings total in the Indian Premier League history.
● SRH posted 277/3 in 20 overs in Hyderabad, going well past RCB's total of 263/5 that the franchise scored
in 2013 against the now-defunct Pune Warriors India.


Kenyan Allrounder Collins Obuya Calls Time on Cricket Career

Extra Points
● Veteran Kenyan allrounder Collins Obuya has announced his retirement from cricket following Kenya’s
defeat to Uganda in the third-place play-off match at the African Games.
● A leg spinning all rounder, Obuya represented Kenya in 104 ODIs, scoring 2044 runs and taking 35 wickets.
● Obuya holds the record for being Kenya’s highest run-scorer in T20Is, amassing 1794 runs from 76


Historic Day-Night Women’s Ashes Test at MCG

Extra Points
● In a historic move, the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) will host a day-night Test match between the
Australian and English women’s cricket teams.
● This will be the first time a pink-ball Test is played at the iconic venue.
● The Test match holds special significance as it will mark the 90th anniversary of the first-ever women’s Test,
played in December 1934.
● Additionally, it will be the first time the Australian women’s team plays a Test at the MCG since 1949.

Awards & Honours


Acharya Lokesh Muni to be Honored as ‘Global Jain Peace Ambassador’

Extra Points
● External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar is set to confer the esteemed title of ‘Global Jain Peace Ambassador’
upon Acharya Lokesh Muni.
● The ceremony, scheduled to take place in Karnataka, will be organized by the Jain pilgrim center, Navagraha
Tirtha Kshetra, in Hubli Varur.
● The accolade is a testament to Acharya Lokesh Muni’s unwavering commitment to fostering peace and harmony
on a global scale.


Bengali Translation Wins Prestigious Romain Rolland Book Prize 2024

Extra Points
● The recipient of 7th Romain Rolland Book Prize is Pankaj Kumar Chatterjee for his remarkable translation of
Jean-Daniel Baltassat’s “Le Divan de Staline” into Bengali, titled “Staliner Divan.”
● “Le Divan de Staline” delves into a pivotal episode in the life of Joseph Stalin, the Soviet leader.
● Published by New Bharat Sahitya Kutir, Kolkata, Chatterjee’s translation stood out for its linguistic prowess and
fidelity to the original text.
● This is the second time a Bengali translator has won the prize, with Trinanjan Chakraborty winning for
Kamel Daoud’s Meursault, contre-enquete in 2022.

About Romain Rolland Book Prize

Started in 2017

Given to Best translation of a French title (francophone area) into any Indian

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language, including English

Given by Priti Paul via Apeejay Trust

Prize A curated trip to France for their professional exchanges

6th edition (2023) No winner

Sunil Bharti Mittal Awarded Honorary Knighthood
Extra Points
● Sunil Bharti Mittal, Chairman and founder of Bharti Enterprises, has been conferred with an honorary
Knighthood by Britain’s King Charles III.
● He becomes the first Indian citizen to receive this prestigious honour, recognized for his contributions to UK-
India business relations.
● Sunil Bharti Mittal received a Knighthood of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (KBE), one of the
highest honours bestowed by the British monarch.

Sangeet Natak Akademi Honors Six Artists as Fellows; 92 with Akademi Puruskar
Extra Points
● The General Council of Sangeet Natak Akademi, the National Academy of Music, Dance and Drama
unanimously elected 6 eminent personalities in the field of performing arts as of Sangeet Natak Akademi
Fellowship (Akademi Ratna Sadasyata).
● The General Council selected 92 artists from the field of Music, Dance, Theatre, Traditional/Folk/Tribal
Music/Dance/ Theatre, Puppetry and Overall contribution/scholarship in the Performing Arts for the
Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards (Akademi Puraskar) for the years 2022 and 2023.
● The council announced the winners of Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar for the years 2022 and 2023.
● A total of 80 Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar were presented for the year 2022 and 2023 combined.
● The awards were presented to 41 individuals for both 2022 and 2023.

Winners of Sangeet Natak Akademi Fellowship:

Winners Field

Vinayak Khedekar Author and Folklorist

R. Visweswaran Veena Player

Sunayana Hazarilal Kathak Dancer

Raja & Radha Reddy Kuchipudi Dancing Couple

Dulal Roy Theatre Director

Daya Prakash Sinha Playwright

Winners of Akademi Puruskar 2022 & 2023:

Field of activity Number of awardees

2022 2023

Music 12 12

Dance 12 12

Theatre 9 9

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Traditional/Folk/Tribal 11 11
Dance/Music/Theatre and Puppetry

Overall Contribution/Scholarship in 2 2
Performing Arts

Prize money of these 3 awards:

Award Prize

Akademi Ratna Rs 3 Lakh

Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards Rs 1 Lakh

Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar Rs 25,000 besides a Tamrapatra and Angavastram


Dr Pradeep Mahajan receives Maharashtra Bhushan Award 2024

Extra Points
● Dr. Pradeep Mahajan, the Founder and Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of StemRx Hospital and
Research Centre, along with StemRx Bioscience Solutions, has been awarded the prestigious Maharashtra
Bhushan Award 2024.
● This accolade is a testament to his pioneering efforts and substantial impact in advancing regenerative
medicine, offering new hope and innovative treatments to patients worldwide.


Ministry Of I&B Honored For Outstanding Accounting Performance

Extra Points
● On the occasion of the 48th Foundation Day of the Indian Civil Accounts Service, the Ministry of Information
& Broadcasting has been honored with the Award for Best Performance in Accounts during the Financial Year
● Under the able leadership of Ajay S. Singh, serving as the Chief Controller of Accounts, the Ministry of
Information & Broadcasting has demonstrated unparalleled efficiency and diligence in its accounting practices.


Tiger Woods Honored with USGA’s Prestigious Bob Jones Award

Extra Points
● Legendary golfer Tiger Woods has been selected to receive the Bob Jones Award, the highest honour bestowed
by the United States Golf Association (USGA).
● The Bob Jones Award will be formally presented to Woods on June 12th during the week of the U.S. Open held
at Pinehurst Resort’s famed Course No. 2 in North Carolina.

About Bob Jones Award

Started in 1955

Given by United States Golf Association

Given for Recognition of distinguished sportsmanship in golf

2023 Winner Johnny Miller


Yatin Bhaskar Duggal Wins First Prize in National Youth Parliament Festival 2024
Extra Points
● Yatin Bhaskar Duggal from Haryana won the first prize in the National Youth Parliament Festival 2024, while
Vaishna Pitchai from Tamil Nadu won the second prize, and Kanishka Sharma from Rajasthan won the third
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About the National Youth Parliament Festival 2024
Started in 2017

Organised by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, through Nehru Yuva Kendra
Sangathan and National Service Scheme

2024 Edition 5th

Theme Young Voices: Engage and Empower for Nation’s Transformation


PATWA International Travel Awards at ITB, Berlin Announced

Extra Points
● The Pacific Area Travel Writers Association (PATWA) has announced the winners of the coveted and sought
after PATWA International Travel Awards 2024 at an impressive award ceremony at ITB, Berlin which is the
world's biggest travel fair.

Winners of 2024 PATWA International Travel Awards:

Category Winner

Destination of the Year – Culture TAMIL NADU

Destination of the Year – Farm & Rural Tourism PUNJAB

Destination of the Year – India GOA

Destination of the Year – Mediterranean Region MALTA

Destination of the Year – Honeymoons & Romantic Holidays JAMAICA

Destination of the Year – Ecological Tourism GUYANA

Destination of the Year – History ARMENIA

Destination of the Year (World) BRAZIL

Organisational Excellence

Best Organisation – Inclusivity IGLTA – INTERNATIONAL LGBTQ+ TRAVEL



Best City Hotel – New Delhi LE MERIDIEN, NEW DELHI

Best Hotel Chain – South Asia RADISSON HOTEL GROUP

Best Hotel Chain – Service Standards TAJ HOTELS

Individual Excellence

Best Woman Professional – Hospitality Management (India) KANIKA HASRAT – IHCL

Best Professional – Hospitality Development (India) MEENA BHATIA, LE MERIDIEN

Best Professional – Hospitality Operations (India) K. MOHANCHANDRAN – IHCL

Best Critic – Airlines & Aviation JOSH CAHILL

Best Professional – Hospitality (India) ZUBIN SAXENA

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PATWA Gold Awards

Tourism Promotions DR. SAGNIK CHOWDHARY

Hospitality Leadership K.B KACHRU

Travel & Tourism ALAIN ST. ANGE

Excellence in governance on a regional, national and international level

Woman Tourism Minister of the Year – India (Punjab) H.E. ANMOL GAGAN MAAN

Woman Tourism Minister of the Year – South America (Guyana) H.E. ONEIDGE WALROND

Tourism Minister of the Year – India (Goa) H.E. ROHAN KHAUNTE

Tourism Minister of the Year – Indian Ocean Region H.E. SYLVESTRE RADEGONDE


National Creators Award 2024

Extra Points
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi awarded the winners of the National Creators Award 2024
● This was the first edition of the award ceremony for the category. The awards were held at Bharat Mandapam,
a convention centre in New Delhi.

List of winners of National Creators Awards 2024:

Category Winner

Best Creator for Social Change Jaya Kishori

Best Creator in Food Category Kabita Singh (Kabita's Kitchen)

Best International Creator Drew Hicks

Favourite Travel Creator Kamiya Jani

Disruptor of the Year Ranveer Allahbadia (BeerBiceps)

Most Creative Creator-Male RJ Raunac (Bauaa)

Most Creative Creator (Female) Shraddha

Best Micro Creator Aridaman

Best Creator in the Gaming Category Nishchay

Best Health and Fitness Creator Ankit Baiyanpuria

Best Creator in Education Category Naman Deshmukh

Heritage Fashion Icon Jahnvi Singh

Swachhta Ambassador Malhar Kalambe

Best Creator in Tech Category Gaurav Chaudhary

Cultural Ambassador of The Year Maithili Thakur

Favourite Green Champion Pankti Pandey

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Best Storyteller Keerthika Govindasamy

Celebrity Creator Aman Gupta


Miss World 2024, Krystyna Pyszkova from Czech Republic Wins the Crown
Extra Points
● Krystyna Pyszkova from the Czech Republic was crowned as the 71st Miss World 2024 at a grand event in
Mumbai, India.
● The previous Miss World 2022, Karolina Bielawska from Poland, crowned her successor in a magnificent
● While Krystyna bagged the coveted title, Yasmina Zaytoun of Lebanon was crowned the First Runner-Up at the
beauty pageant by Karolina.
● The Miss World Humanitarian Award was given to Nita Ambani for her work at the Reliance Foundation, a non-
profit organization.

About Miss World:

Started in 1951

2024 Edition 71st

2024 Winner Krystyna Pyszkova (Czech Republic)

2022 Winner Karolina Bielawska (Poland)

Indian winner Reita Faria (1966), Aishwarya Rai (1994), Diana Hayden (1997), Yukta Mookhey
(1999), Priyanka Chopra (2000) & Manushi Chhillar (2017)


Oscars 2024 Announced

Extra Points
● The 96th Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars took place at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, California
● The most prestigious awards in the film industry were presented across various categories, with Jimmy Kimmel
serving as the host for the evening.
● Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer” was the most nominated film with 13 nominations, followed by Yorgos
Lanthimos’s “Poor Things” with 11 nominations.
● Oppenheimer, once again, swept the floor by winning 7 out of its 13 nominations.

List of Winners of Oscar 2024:

Category Winner

Best Picture “Oppenheimer”

Best Actor Cillian Murphy, “Oppenheimer”

Best Actress Emma Stone, “Poor Things”

Best Director Christopher Nolan, “Oppenheimer”

Best Song “What Was I Made For?” from “Barbie”

Best Score “Oppenheimer”

Best Sound “The Zone of Interest”

Best Supporting Actress Da’Vine Joy Randolph, “The Holdovers”

Best Animated Short “War Is Over!”

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Best Animated Feature “The Boy and the Heron”

Best Original Screenplay “Anatomy of a Fall”

Best Adapted Screenplay “American Fiction”

Best Makeup and Hairstyling “Poor Things”

Best Production Design “Poor Things”

Best Costume Design “Poor Things”

Best International Feature “The Zone of Interest”

Best Supporting Actor Robert Downey Jr., “Oppenheimer”

Best International Feature “The Zone of Interest”

Best Film Editing “Oppenheimer”

Best Documentary (Short Subject) “The Last Repair Shop”

Best Documentary Feature “20 Days in Mariupol”

Best Cinematography “Oppenheimer”

Best Short Film (Live Action) “The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar”

Best Sound “The Zone of Interest”


India Receives ‘Measles and Rubella Champion’ Award

Extra Points
● India has been awarded the prestigious ‘Measles and Rubella Champion’ Award by The Measles and Rubella
● This award recognizes India’s exemplary efforts in preventing measles and rubella diseases.
● The award was presented at the American Red Cross Headquarters in Washington D.C., USA.
● Ambassador Sripriya Ranganathan, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of India, received the award on behalf
of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.


Japanese Architect Riken Yamamoto Wins Pritzker Architecture Prize 2024

Extra Points
● Architect Riken Yamamoto of Yokohama, Japan, has been named the 2024 Laureate of the Pritzker
Architecture Prize, the highest global architectural recognition.
● He is the 53rd laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize and the 9th Japanese architect to win the prize.

About Pritzker Architecture Prize:

Started in 1979

Given to To honour living architects whose built work demonstrates a combination of

talent, vision, and commitment

Prize USD 100,000 and a bronze medallion

2023 Winner Sir David Alan Chipperfield (UK)

Indian winner Balkrishna Doshi (2018)


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Indian Writer Amitav Ghosh Awarded the Netherlands’ Erasmus Prize 2024
Extra Points
● Eminent Indian Writer and Padma Shri Awardee Amitav Ghosh was awarded the Erasmus Prize 2024 by the
Netherlands’ Praemium Erasmianum Foundation for his writings on the planetary crisis and climate change.
● He was honoured for his contribution to the theme of the Erasmus Prize 2024 “imagining the unthinkable”.

Extra Info:
● He was the first English-language writer to be honoured with the Jnanpith Award, India’s highest literary award,
in 2018.
● He also got Padma Shri in 2007 in the field of ‘literature and education’.


Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Awards

Extra Points
● Delhi Airport has once again asserted its dominance in the aviation sector by securing the prestigious title of
‘Best Airport’ in the Asia-Pacific region for the sixth consecutive year.
● The Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Best Airport award for 2023 was conferred upon Delhi Airport in the category
of over 40 Million Passengers Per Annum (MPPA) by the Airports Council International (ACI).

Awards won by Indian airports in ACI World’s annual ASQ Awards 2024:

Category Winner

Best Airports by Size and Region

2 to 5 million passengers per year Chandigarh Airport (Chandigarh, India)

15 to 25 million passengers per year Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (Hyderabad, India)

Over 40 million passengers per year Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (Mumbai, India)
& Indira Gandhi International Airport (Delhi, India)

Best Airport at Arrivals Globally

1. Kempegowda International Airport (Bangalore, India)

2. Thiruvananthapuram International Airport


Mr. Srinivasan Swamy Receives 2024 IAA Golden Compass Award

Extra Points
● Mr. Srinivasan Swamy, currently serving as the chairman and managing director of RK Swamy Ltd, was
honored at the 45th IAA World Congress in Penang, Malaysia.
● Governor Tun Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak presented him with the esteemed IAA Golden Compass Award.
● This award is being given for the first time to an Indian industrial leader.
● The 44th IAA World Congress was hosted in Kochi, India, under the chairmanship of Srinivasan Swamy.


President Murmu Presents “President’s Standard & Colours” to 4 IAF Units

Extra Points
● Droupadi Murmu, President of India, presented the President’s Standards and Colours to four units of the
Indian Air Force (IAF) at the ceremony held at Hindon Air Force station, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.
● For the first time, 4 units were honoured with the President’s Standard & Colours in a single ceremony.
● President’s Standard were presented to No. 45 ‘Flying Daggers’, the first Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) squadron,
and No. 221 Squadron ‘Valiants’.
● President’s Colours were presented to 11 Base Repair Depot (BRD) and 509 Signal Unit (SU).


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President Murmu conferred with honorary degree of Doctor of Civil Law by University of Mauritius
Extra Points
● President Droupadi Murmu was conferred with the honorary degree of Doctor of Civil Law by the University
of Mauritius, demonstrating the depth of bilateral ties.
● She will also grace the Mauritian National Day as chief guest, becoming the sixth Indian President to do so
since 2000.


Ravindra becomes youngest recipient of Sir Richard Hadlee Medal

Extra Points
● Rachin Ravindra became the youngest player to receive the Sir Richard Hadlee Medal, the prestigious
accolade for men's game, at the New Zealand Cricket Awards ceremony in Christchurch.
● At 24, Ravindra is the youngest winner in the award's history, after a season that's seen him become a mainstay
of New Zealand's red and white ball sides.

List of New Zealand Cricket Awards 2024 winners:

Category Winner

Sir Richard Hadlee Medal Rachin Ravindra

Debbie Hockley Medal Melie Kerr

Bert Sutcliffe Medal for Outstanding Services to Cricket Trudy Anderson

Test Player of the Year Kane Williamson

Men’s ODI Player of the Year Daryl Mitchell

Women’s ODI Player of the Year Melie Kerr

Men’s T20I Player of the Year Mitchell Santner

Women’s T20I Player of the Year Melie Kerr

Men’s Domestic Player of the Year Nathan Smith

Women’s Domestic Player of the Year Emma Black

Super Smash Men’s Player of the Year Danru Ferns

Super Smash Women’s Player of the Year Melie Kerr

The Redpath Cup for men’s first-class batting Kane Williamson

The Ruth Martin Cup for women’s domestic batting Suzie Bates

The Winsor Cup for men’s first-class bowling Matt Henry

The Phyl Blackler Cup for women’s domestic bowling Emma Black

GJ Gardner Homes New Zealand Umpire of the Year Chris Brown


Sangita Kalanidhi award for T.M. Krishna, Nritya Kalanidhi for Neena Prasad
Extra Points
● Noted carnatic vocalist and Magsaysay award winner T.M. Krishna has been selected for the Sangita
Kalanidhi award of the Music Academy for 2024.
● This year’s Nritya Kalanidhi award will be presented to Dr. Neena Prasad.

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List of all awards that will be given:

Award Winner

Sangita Kalanidhi award T.M. Krishna

Nritya Kalanidhi Neena Prasad

Sangita Kala Acharya award Mridhangam player Parasala Ravi (V. Raveendran
Nair) and vocalist Geetha Raja

TTK(TT Krishnamachari) Award Thiruvaiyyaru Brothers S. Narasimhan and S.

Venkatesan & Violinist H.K. Narasimhamurthy

Musicologist Award Dr. Margaret Bastin


Tata AIA Recognized as Kincentric Best Employer 2023

Extra Points
● Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited (Tata AIA), one of India’s leading life insurers, is proud to announce
its recognition as a Kincentric Best Employer 2023.
● Tata AIA's recognition as the Kincentric Best Employer for the 8th consecutive year is a result of its effective
people management in an increasingly complex business environment.


Uday Bhatia and Manasi Gupta received ‘Diana Memorial Award’

Extra Points
● India's Uday Bhatia and Manasi Gupta were honored with the 'Diana Memorial Award'.
● Along with them, a total of 20 people from the world were honored with the 'Diana Memorial Award'.
● The Diana Award charity, established in memory of the late Princess of Wales, is celebrating its 25th
● Uday Bhatia and Manasi Gupta received the award from Prince William at the awards ceremony at the Science
Museum, London. Prince William is the elder son of the late Princess Diana.


Prabha Varma Bags 33rd Saraswati Samman for ‘Roudra Sathwikam’

Extra Points
● Noted Malayalam poet and author Prabha Varma has been selected for the prestigious 33rd Saraswati
Samman for the year 2023.
● He won the award for his novel in verse ‘Roudra Sathwikam’ published in 2022.

About Saraswati Samman

Started in 1991

Given by K. K. Birla Foundation

Given for For prose or poetry in any one of 22 languages in Schedule VIII of the Indian

Prize A plaque, a citation, and a cash prize of ₹15 lakh

First winner Harivansh Rai Bachchan (Hindi)

32nd winner Sivasankari ["Surya Vamsam" (Memoir) in Tamil]


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Raksha Mantri Trophy for Best AFMS Hospitals 2022
Extra Points
● The Raksha Mantri Trophy for the Best and Second Best Command Hospitals of the Armed Forces Medical
Services (AFMS) for the year 2022 was awarded in New Delhi.
● The Command Hospital (Southern Command), Pune was judged as the Best Command Hospital, while the
Command Hospital (Central Command), Lucknow was the Second Best for 2022.
● The trophies were presented by Lt Gen Daljit Singh, Director General Armed Forces Medical Services and
Senior Colonel Commandant, Army Medical Corps.
● The Raksha Mantri Trophy was instituted in 1989 to recognize excellence in healthcare services by Armed
Forces Hospitals.


Ramnath Goenka Award for Excellence in Journalism 2021, 2022 Announced

Extra Points
● The 17th edition of the prestigious Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards was conferred to
journalists in 13 categories in a ceremony held in New Delhi.
● Union Minister for Road Transport and Highway Nitin Gadkari was the chief guest of the award ceremony.

Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Award Winner 2021&2022:

Award Category Winner of 2021 Winner of 2022

Print (Hindi) Kiriti Dubey, Anand Choudhary,

BBC News Hindi India Today Magazine

Print (Regional) Shabitha MK, Anand Madhusoodan Sowdi, Kannada

Mathrubhumi Daily Prabha Daily

Environment, Scientific and Jayshree Nandi Basant Tiwary and Ayush Kumar
Technology Reporting Hindustan Times Newslaundry

Uncovering Invisible India Monica Jha Rupa Chakraborty

Freelancer for FiftyTwo.In The Indian Express

Business and Economic Aditya Kalra and Steve Stecklow Twesh Mishra
Journalism Reuters News Agency The Economic Times

Reporting on Politics and Ritika Chopra Prawal Bhatt

Government The indian Express The News Minute

Sports Journalism Mahender Singh Manral and Mihir Andrew Amsan

Vasavada The Indian Express
The Indian Express

Investigative Journalism Devesh Kumar and Arun Godana Zoya Hassan

Lok Satta TRT World

Feature Writing Vandana Menon Raj Chengappa

The Print India Today magazine

Foreign Correspondent Covering Joannna Slater and Niha Masih

India The Washington Post

Prakash Kardaley Memorial Vinod Kumar Menon Azeefa Fathima,Balakrishnan

Award for Civic Journalism Mid- Day Ganeshan and Prjwal Bhatt
The News Minute

Photojournalism Gurinder Osan Abhinav Saha

Press Trust of India The Indian Express

Books (Non-Fiction) The Long Game The Life and Times of George
Vijay Gokhale Fernades
Rahul Ramagundam

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Broadcast (Hindi) Jugal Purohit Hriyadesh Joshi
BBC Hindi News Newslaundry

Broadcast (Regional Language) Sofia Bind Tejas Vaidya

Media One TV BBC News Gujarati

Broadcast (Environment, Princess Giri Rashir Down to Earth Web Multimedia Team
Scientific and Technology East Mojo Down to Earth Web Portal

Broadcast (Uncovering India Vishnukant Tiwari Vikas Trivedi

Invisible) The Quint BBC Hindi News

Broadcast(Reporting on Politics Brut India Abhishek Bhatia

and Government)

Broadcast (Investigative Meghnad Bose Saurabh Shukla

Reporting) The Quint NDTV


Sultan Al Jaber honored for sustainable energy leadership

Extra Points
● Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, President of COP28, was awarded the ‘CERAWeek Leadership Award for Building Global
Consensus towards a Sustainable Energy Future’ at Houston's CERAWeek.
● Over the last decade, CERAWeek by S&P Global has honoured PM Modi, Prime Minister of Canada: Justin
Trudeau & Enrique Peña Nieto, former President of Mexico.


PM Modi Honoured with Bhutan’s ‘Order of the Druk Gyalpo’ Award

Extra Points
● Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has created history by becoming the first non-Bhutanese to receive the
‘Order of the Druk Gyalpo’, Bhutan’s highest civilian award.
● The announcement for the honour was made by the King of Bhutan during the 114th National Day
celebrations on December 17, 2021.
● He received this prestigious honour from Bhutan’s King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck during his two-day
state visit to Thimphu.
● Only four eminent personalities have received this award since its institution.
● They are: Ashi Kesang Choden Wangchuck (2008), Je Thrizur Tenzin Dendup (68th Je Khenpo of Bhutan,
2008), Je Khenpo Trulku Ngawang Jigme Choedra (2018).


THDC bags 'The GEEF Global Environment Award 2024' in power industry
Extra Points
● THDC India Limited has been awarded in the gold category for the prestigious 'The GEEF Global Environment
Award 2024' in the power industry.
● The award ceremony was part of the Global Clean Energy Summit-2024 and the Global Environment - Safety
Awards 2024 held at JW Marriott Aerocity.
● THDC India Limited (THDCIL) is a leading power generation company and profit-making public sector
enterprise, which has expertise in harnessing Hydro, Solar, Wind, and Thermal Energy sources.


Bina Agarwal and James Boyce awarded the first “Global Inequality Research Award”
Extra Points
● Bina Agarwal and James Boyce have been awarded the first “Global Inequality Research Award” for their
significant contributions to understanding global inequalities.
● The laureates will be invited to receive their awards and present an overview of their work at conferences in
Paris in the fall and spring of 2024.
● These conferences will be organized in conjunction with Sciences Po’s Social-Ecological Transitions (SET)

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Aviation Week Laureates Award Was Given To ISRO for Chandrayaan-3

Extra Points
● The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has been honored with the prestigious Aviation Week
Laureates Award for its remarkable achievements in the Chandrayaan-3 mission.
● Sripriya Ranganathan, Deputy Ambassador at the Indian Embassy in the US, accepted the award on behalf of
● The Aviation Week Network’s Laureate Awards are highly esteemed accolades in the aviation and aerospace

About the Chandrayaan 3 Mission:

Parameter Specifications

Launch Date and Time 2:35 PM on Friday, July 14, 2023

Launch Location Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota

Landing Date August 23 or 24 (Approax)

Budget of the Mission Rs. 615 crore

Launch vehicle Launch Vehicle Mark-III or LVM3- M4 (Previously referred as GSLV Mk III)

Height & Weight of Launch vehicle 43.5 Meter & 642 tons

Lander Vikram

Rover Pragyan


French mathematician Michel Talagrand Honoured with the 2024 Abel Prize
Extra Points
● The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters announced Michel Pierre Talagrand, the French
mathematician, as the 2024 Abel Prize winner in Oslo, Norway.
● Michel Talagrand is the 27th recipient of the Abel Prize, also known as the Nobel Prize for Mathematics, and
he is the 5th Frenchman to receive the award.
● Norway’s King Harald V will present the Abel Prize to Michel Talagrand at an award ceremony in Oslo, Norway
on 21st May, 2024.

About Abel Prize:

Started in 2002

Started by Norwegian Parliament (The Storting)

Given by Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

Prize 7.5 million Norwegian Krone(USD 7,10,000)

2023 winner Latin American mathematician Luis A Caffarelli


Indian Airline IndiGo Named ‘Airline of the Year’ at 2024 Air Transport Awards
Extra Points
● The Indian airline IndiGo was named as the “Airline of the Year” at the 2024 Air Transport Awards held at
Ekali, Greece.

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● IndiGo became the first Indian airline to carry 100 million passengers in a single calendar year (2023).
● It was also the first Indian airline to fly 2,000 flights in a single day.


Bihar Diwas in New York honored four prominent diaspora members

Extra Points
● Four prominent Americans of Indian origin belong to Bihar were honored on the occasion of 'Bihar Diwas'.
● Four prominent Americans of Indian origin were honored at an event in New York for their outstanding
achievements and contributions.
● Many celebrations were organized in the country and abroad to commemorate the 112th Foundation Day of
Bihar state on March 22, 2024.

Prominent individuals to be honored include the following:

● Dr. Chris Singh: Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Holtec International
● Amit Choudhary: Chief Operating Officer of Wipro
● Dr. Dinesh Ranjan: Founder of ‘PRAN Medical Group’
● Abhinav Atul: Director of ‘Nutrivet Pharmcare’.

Summits & Conference


IIT Madras Hosts Four-Day Long All India Research Scholars’ Summit 2024

Summit All India Research Scholars’ Summit (AIRSS) 2024

Hosted by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras

Inaugurated by Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Minister of State for Electronics and

Information Technology, and Skill Development and Entrepreneurship


Rajnath Singh to inaugurate DefConnect 2024 to encourage indigenous defence innovation

Summit DefConnect 2024

Held at New Delhi

Inaugurated by Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh

Extra Info:
● During DefConnect 2024 in New Delhi Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh unveiled the Acing Development of
Innovative Technologies with iDEX (ADITI) scheme.

About ADITI scheme

Objective Promote innovations in critical and strategic defence technologies

Duration 2023-24 to 2025-26

Budget Rs 750 crore

Grant-in-Aid Up to Rs 25 crore for research, development, and innovation in defence

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9th edition of National Conference on Economics of Competition Law

Conference National Conference on Economics of Competition Law

Edition 9th

Held at New Delhi

Organised by Competition Commission of India

Started in 2016


IICA hosted webinar on ‘Viksit Bharat: Corporate Governance for 2047’

Event Viksit Bharat: Corporate Governance for 2047

Held at Virtually

Organised by Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA)

Inaugurated by Shri Manoj Pandey, Additional Secretary, MCA


India, Brazil hold first '2+2' defence ministerial dialogue on tech, energy

Meeting '2+2' defence ministerial dialogue on tech, energy of India & Brazil

Edition 1st

Held at New Delhi

Chaired by Additional secretary in the external affairs ministry G V Srinivas and joint
secretary in the defence ministry Vishwesh Negi.


47th Meeting of National Committee of Archivists held in Srinagar

Meeting Meeting of the National Committee of Archivists (NCA)

Edition 47th

Held at Sher-e Kashmir International Convention Centre (SKICC), Srinagar

Attendees Delegates from Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir,
Ladakh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Rajasthan, and Uttar

Next will held at Gujarat

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4th Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Startup Forum organized in New Delhi

Summit Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Startup Forum

Edition 4th

Held at New Delhi

Started in 2020


India at G20 2nd Employment Working Group Meeting at Brasilia

Meeting Employment Working Group (EWG) meeting

Edition 2nd

Held at Brasilia

Chaired by India is co-chairing the 2nd EWG meeting, along with Brazil and South


Indian Army organises First Army Commanders’ Conference 2024

Meeting Army Commanders’ Conference 2024

Edition 1st

Held at New Delhi

Chaired by Chief of Defence Staff, General Anil Chauhan


METOC seminar 'MEGHAYAN 2024' - An insight into the frontline of climate change

Seminar METOC (Meteorological and Oceanographic) seminar _’Meghayan-24’

Held at Southern Naval Command

Organised by School of Naval Oceanology & Meteorology (SNOM) and Indian Naval
Meteorological Analysis Centre

Theme At the Frontline of Climate Action

Extra Info:
● On this occasion an indigenous mobile application INDRA (Indian Naval Dynamic Resource for Weather
Analysis) to disseminate weather related information and forecasts empowering optimal & quick decision
making was also launched.
● It has been developed by BISAG (Bhaskaracharya National Institute for Space Applications and Geo-
informatics) in coordination with the Indian Navy.

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Defence News

ICG Conducts ‘Day at Sea’ off Chennai Harbour to Celebrate its 48th Raising Day
Extra Points
● As a part of the events planned to celebrate the 48th Raising Day of Indian Coast Guard (ICG), ICG Regional
Headquarters (East) organised “A Day at Sea” off Chennai Harbour (Chennai, Tamil Nadu).
● 8 ships of ICG, with around 1,500 guests sailed out from Chennai harbour on a voyage to witness operational
prowess and ICG’s capabilities at sea.
● ICG celebrated its 48th Raising Day on 1st February 2024.


Indian Army inducted DRDO Developed 46-metre Modular Bridge

Extra Points
● The Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced that a 46-meter modular bridge Military Load Classification-
70(MLC-70) was inducted into the Indian Army (IA) in a ceremony held at the Manekshaw Centre, New Delhi.
● The bridge was indigenously designed and developed by the Defence Research and Development
Organisation (DRDO) and produced by Mumbai (Maharashtra) headquartered Larsen & Toubro (L&T)
● It consists of seven carrier vehicles (based on 8×8 Heavy Mobility Vehicles) and two launcher vehicles
(based on 10×10 Heavy Mobility Vehicles).
● About 41 sets of Modular Bridges(valued at Rs.2,585 Crores) will be inducted into IA in the next four years.


DRDO conducts successful flight test of VSHORADS missile in Chandipur

Extra Points
● The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully conducted two flight tests of the
Very Short-Range Air Defence System (VSHORADS) missile.
● The tests were conducted from a ground-based portable launcher off the coast of Odisha from the Integrated
Test Range, Chandipur, Odisha.
● The VSHORADS system incorporates advanced technologies, including a miniaturised reaction control system
and integrated avionics.
● The VSHORADS is a Man Portable Air Defence System (MANPAD) indigenously developed by Research Centre
Imarat (RCI) in collaboration with other DRDO laboratories and other industry partners.



Exercise Name Exercise Samudra Laksamana

Edition 3rd

Held between Indian and Malaysia (Navy)

Held at Visakhapatnam

Participants Indian Naval Ship Kiltan and the Royal Malaysian Ship KD Lekir


In Aatmanirbhar push, MoD makes indigenous purchases worth Rs 40K cr

Extra Points
● The Ministry of Defence (MoD) signed five major capital acquisition contracts worth Rs 39,125 crore as part
of the 'Make-in-India' initiative to bolster indigenous capabilities and reduce dependency on foreign original
equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

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About the deals:

Contract amount Contract

Rs 5,249 crore For RD-33 aero engines for MiG-29 aircraft was signed with
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)

Rs 7,669 crore With Larsen & Toubro (L&T) for procurement of close-in weapon
systems (CIWS)

Rs 5,700 crore With Larsen & Toubro (L&T) for procurement of high-power radars

Rs 19,519 crore For BrahMos missiles has been signed with BrahMos Aerospace

Rs 988 crore Contract for buying ship-borne BrahMos systems has been signed
with BrahMos Aerospace


Indian Navy To Commission New Base INS Jatayu On Minicoy Island

Extra Points
● The Indian Navy is set to inaugurate a new naval base, INS Jatayu, on Minicoy Island, marking a significant step
in bolstering security infrastructure in the strategically vital Lakshadweep Islands.
● The commissioning ceremony will be graced by Admiral R Hari Kumar, Chief of the Naval Staff, underscoring
the importance of this development.
● Minicoy Island, situated as the southernmost outpost of the Lakshadweep archipelago, commands a crucial
position along the Sea Lines of Communications (SLOCs).
● In conjunction with existing bases like INS Dweeprakshak in Kavaratti, INS Jatayu will not only bolster
operational surveillance and reach but also usher in a new era of capacity building.


Indian Coast Guard Ships Samarth and Abhinav departed from Port of Colombo
Extra Points
● Indian Coast Guard Ships Samarth and Abhinav departed from the Port of Colombo.
● During the entire week that the ships spent at Galle and Colombo, several activities included professional
training for the Sri Lanka Coast Guard on various aspects.
● The ships also conducted a Passage Exercise (PASSEX) with the Sri Lanka Coast Guard, enhancing maritime


Defence Minister Inaugurates Navy’s Infrastructure Facility ‘Project Seabird’ In Goa

Extra Points
● Defence Minister Rajnath Singh to inaugurate infrastructure projects at the Indian Navy's Karwar base under
Project 'Seabird.'
● The expansion of the naval base, approved for berthing 32 ships and submarines, includes an iconic dry berth
and townships.
● The first phase of Project Seabird, concluded in 2011, was designed to accommodate 10 ships.
● The execution of Project Seabird involves industry leaders such as AECOM India Ltd., Larsen & Toubro, ITD
Cementation India Ltd, Nagarjuna Construction Company, Navayuga Engineering Company Ltd., and
Shapoorji Pallonji Group.
● The phase IIA marine works include piers designed to accommodate ships/submarines, providing a berthing
space of more than 6 kilometers, technical facilities, electrical substations, switch gears, and support utilities
● The center-piece of phase IIA Works is an iconic covered dry berth, standing at a height of 75 meters, taller
than the Qutub Minar in Delhi, and spread over 33,000 metre square land area.


US Coast Guard Ship Bertholf visits Port Blair for joint exercise "Sea Defenders-2024" with Indian Coast Guard

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Exercise Name Sea Defenders-2024

Held between Indian and USA (Coast Guard)

Held at coast of Port Blair

Participant of USA United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Bertholf


Indian Armed Forces To Conduct Mega ‘Bharat-Shakti’ Exerc

Exercise Name Bharat Shakti

Held between Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force

Held at Pokaran field firing range, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan


MoD buys indigenous anti-drone tech worth Rs 200 cr from Big Bang Boom
Extra Points
● Big Bang Boom Solutions Private Limited, has secured an order worth more than Rs 200 crores from the
Indian Air Force and the Indian Army for its counter-unmanned aerial systems technology (C-UAS).
● This contract is the largest the Ministry of Defence has awarded under the Innovations for Defence Excellence
● C-UAS systems are intended to counter the growing threat from technologically simple, inexpensive,
commercially available drones that can inflict disproportionate damage on Indian targets.


PM Modi Praises Mission Divyastra, First Test Flight Of Agni-5 MIRV Missile
Extra Points
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the development of "Mission Divyastra '' -- an indigenously developed,
landmark weapons system that alters the country's geopolitic and strategic position and significantly
changes the situation in southeast Asia.
● The Agni-5 MIRV missile, developed by defence research centre DRDO for over a decade, took its first flight
from Odisha.
● The new weapon system has Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle (MIRV) technology, which
ensures that a single missile can deploy multiple nuclear warheads and hit targets at different locations
● MIRVs have been developed by the US, UK, Russia, France and China.


‘Agray’ and ‘Akshay’ ships launched to augment Indian Navy’s anti-submarine operations
Extra Points
● Two ships 'Agray' and 'Akshay' were launched to enhance anti-submarine operations of the Indian Navy. A
contract for the production of eight such ASW Shallow Water Craft (SWC) was signed by the Ministry of
Defence with Kolkata-based PSU GRSE.
● These ships have been built by Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited (GRSE).
● Agray and Akshay – Named after the former Abhay class corvettes Agray and Akshay of the Indian Navy.
● As per tradition, there is a tradition of naming only a woman, hence Neeta Chaudhary named both the ships
INS Agray and INS Akshay.
● Neeta Choudhary, wife of Air Force Chief Air Chief Marshal VR Choudhary, launched the ships on the
invocation of Atharva Veda.
● The Indian Navy officially said that these Arnala class ships will replace the Abhay class ASW corvettes in
service with the Indian Navy.
● The ASW SWC ships are 77.6 meters long and 105 meters wide. These ships have a displacement of 900 tonnes
and an endurance of over 1800 NM.

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Indian Navy at Exercise Cutlass Express 2024

Exercise Name Exercise Cutlass Express 2024

Held between Navies of 16 countries

Held at Port Victoria, Seychelles

Inaugurated by President of Seychelles, Wavel Ramkalawan

Led by U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. Sixth Fleet

Sponsored by U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM)

Indian Participant INS Tir led by Senior Officer, First Training Squadron, Capt Anshul

India participating since 2019


MoD & HAL sealed Rs 8073 Cr deal for 34 ALH Dhruv helicopters
Extra Points
● The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) has put its stamp of approval for the procurement of 34 Advanced
Light Helicopters (ALH) Dhruv Mk III along with Operational Role Equipment.
● The Ministry of Defence has inked two contracts with state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)
worth Rs 8073 crore for ALH Dhruv MkIII.
● Out of the 34 helicopters, the Indian army will get 25 and the Indian Coast Guard will get nine.


Indian Army contingent departing for the joint military exercise “Exercise Lamitiye – 2024”

Exercise Name LAMITIYE-2024

Edition 10th

Held between India and Seychelles (Army)

Held at Seychelles

Participants 45 personnel each from the GORKHA RIFLES of the Indian Army

Started in 2001

India-US Joint Military Exercise “EX TIGER TRIUMPH – 24”

Exercise Name Tiger Triumph-24

Held between India and USA

Held at Eastern Seaboard (East Coast) of India

1st Edition 2019


Defence Minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated ‘Nausena Bhawan’ the new Headquarters of Indian Navy

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Extra Points
● Union Minister Rajnath Singh, Ministry of Defence (MoD), has inaugurated ‘Nausena Bhawan’, the first
independent headquarters building of the Indian Navy (IN), at Delhi Cantonment in New Delhi.
● The event was attended by General Anil Chauhan, Chief of Defence Staff (CDS); Admiral Radhakrishnan Hari
Kumar, Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS).
● Nausena Bhawan has three wings across four stories.


Indian Army’s New Tech Unit STEAG

Extra Points
● The Indian Army has set up a specialized technology unit called Signals Technology Evaluation and Adaptation
Group (STEAG) to research and evaluate next-generation communication technologies.
● This unit, with a strength of nearly 280 personnel, will undertake research and evaluation of futuristic
communication technologies like 6G, artificial intelligence, machine learning and quantum computing.


UK tests a laser weapon that can hit a coin from a kilometer

Extra Points
● Britain has recently conducted successful test firings of its DragonFire Laser Directed Energy Weapon
(LDEW), showcasing its capability to intercept enemy aircraft and missiles at a remarkably low cost.
● The DragonFire LDEW boasts precision equivalent to hitting a target as small as a £1 coin from a kilometer
● Firing the laser for a 10-second burst costs less than £10, making it comparable to the price of a large pizza in
● With a joint investment of £100 million from the UK MoD and British industry, the DragonFire weapon system
is poised for further development and deployment.


India Joins Hands with Mozambique and Tanzania for TRILAT-2024 Maritime Exercise

Exercise Name TRILAT-2024

Edition 2nd

Held between India-Mozambique-Tanzania

Held at Zanzibar (Tanzania) and Maputo (Mozambique) [Harbour Phase] & Nacala
(Mozambique) [Sea phase]

Indian participant INS Tir and INS Sujata

1st Edition 2022


Army deploys advanced anti-drone defense systems along China border

Extra Points
● In a strategic move to bolster its defense capabilities along the northern borders with China, the Indian Army
has inducted an initial lot of seven new indigenous integrated drone detection and interdiction systems
● Developed by DRDO and Bharat Electronics, these systems, known as Mark-1 variants, add to the existing
counter-drone systems in place.
● The IDD&IS have a detection range of 5 to 8 km, and can target low Radar Cross Section aerial targets.
● It provides both "soft kills" through jamming and "hard kills" using lasers.


Indian Navy's "Op Sankalp" marks 100 days of vigilance

Extra Points

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● On March 23, 2024, the Indian Navy completed 100 days of its maritime security operations called "Op
● During this time, the Indian Navy has responded to 18 incidents and has played a pivotal role as the ‘First
Responder’ and ‘Preferred Security Partner’ in the Indian Ocean Region.
● The arduous efforts of IN since Dec 23 involved deployment of over 5000 personnel at sea, over 450 ship days
(with over 21 ships deployed) and 900 hours of flying by the maritime surveillance aircraft to address threats
in the maritime domain.


BRO connects strategic Nimmu-Padam-Darcha road in Ladakh

Extra Points
● The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) connected strategically important all-weather 298-km long road
from Manali to Leh through Darcha and Nimmu on the Kargil–Leh Highway.
● The BRO further said that Nimmu-Padam-Darcha road is now the third axis apart from Manali-Leh and
Srinagar-Leh which connects Ladakh to the hinterland.
● The Nimmu-Padam-Darcha road derives its strategic importance from the fact that it is not only shorter vis-a-
vis the other two axes, but crosses only one pass—Shinkun La (16,558 feet)—on which tunnel work is
about to commence by the BRO.

Festival & Fairs


J&K: Four-day-long ‘Tawi Festival’ to begin

Extra Points
● In Jammu and Kashmir, the four-day-long ‘Tawi Festival’ to showcase the Jammu region’s art, culture, and
heritage will begin on March 1, 2024.
● The festival comprises Seminars, workshops, and talks, performances of folk music and street theatre, classical
and folk dance and music, and a Mela,


Union Minister Arjun Munda Inaugurates National Dairy Mela and Agricultural Exhibition in Jharkhand
Extra Points
● The 3-day National Dairy Mela and Agricultural Exhibition at Chaibasa in Jharkhand was inaugurated by
Union Minister of Tribal Affairs, Agriculture, and Farmers Welfare, Shri Arjun Munda.
● Organized by the National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana, this event marks the first of its kind in
Jharkhand, aimed at fostering the comprehensive development of livestock and agriculture in tribal areas.
● The event witnesses participation from over 6 thousand stakeholders including cattle rearers, farmers, input
dealers, entrepreneurs, students, and government officials.


Sahityotsav, World’s Biggest Lit Fest

Extra Points
● Sahitya Akademi, the esteemed National Academy of Letters in India, is marking its 70th anniversary this year,
and in honor of this milestone, the annual ‘Sahityotsav’ has transformed into the world’s largest literary
● Dr. K. Sreenivasrao, Secretary of Sahitya Akademi, has revealed that over 1100 renowned writers and scholars
will grace the event, participating in more than 190 sessions.


Startup Mahakumbh 2024

Extra Points
● Over 1,000 start-ups, more than 500 incubators, hundreds of investors, and delegations from over 10
different countries will assemble for a three-day mega startup event 'Startup Mahakumbh,' set to kick off in the
national capital.

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● Startup Mahakumbh is being organised by ASSOCHAM, NASSCOM, Bootstrap Incubation and Advisory
Foundation, TiE and Indian Venture and Alternate Capital Association (IVCA)

Science & Tech


IIT Madras researchers develop first India-specific AI model to determine age of foetus
Extra Points
● Researchers with the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) and Translational Health
Science and Technology Institute (THSTI), Faridabad, have developed the country’s first AI model.
● It will precisely determine the age of foetus in pregnant women in the second and third trimesters.
● ‘Garbhini-GA2’, a population-specific model based on artificial intelligence for estimating gestational age, is
expected to reduce the error by almost three times as currently the age of a foetus is determined using a
formula developed for the Western population.
● Developed as part of Interdisciplinary Group for Advanced Research on Birth Outcomes – DBT India Initiative
(GARBH-Ini) program, the new GA model is likely to help doctors determine precise delivery dates.


Eco-Friendly wound dressing developed by Indian scientists using banana fibres

Extra Points
● In March 2024, scientists at the Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST) in Assam,
India, announced that they have developed an eco-friendly wound dressing material from banana fibers.
● The research team, led by Prof. Devasish Chowdhury and Prof. (Retd) Rajlakshmi Devi, also incorporated
biopolymers like chitosan and guar gum into their design.
● The research has been published in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules and is considered
a significant scientific breakthrough.


Russia Launches Iran’s ‘Pars 1’ Research Satellite into Space

Extra Points
● Russia launched Pars 1, an Iranian research-sensing and imaging satellite by its Soyuz-2.1b rocket from the
Vostochny Cosmodrome launch base of Russia into an orbit 500 km above Earth.
● Pars-1 marks the 12th satellite launched under the current administration of President Ebrahim Raisi, which
took office in August 2021.
● Pars 1 will scan Iran’s topography and carry a 15-meter camera, enabling it to send high-resolution images of
surface locations from its orbit.


SpaceX Sends MethaneSAT Satellite Into Orbit To Track Methane Gas

Extra Points
● Recently, the MethaneSAT satellite was launched aboard a SpaceX Falcon9 rocket from California.
● It will track and measure methane emissions at a global scale. It will provide more details and have a much
wider field of view than any of its predecessors.
● The entity behind MethaneSAT is the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) — a US-based nonprofit
environmental advocacy group.
● It is developed in collaboration with Harvard University, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and the
New Zealand Space Agency.
● It will orbit the Earth 15 times a day, monitoring the oil and gas sector.


Ashwini Vaishnaw launches India's fastest router with 2.4 tbps capacity
Extra Points
● Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, launched India's fastest and indigenously developed IP/MPLS
(Multiprotocol Label Switching) router in Bengaluru.

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● The router has a capacity of 2.4 tbps. The router was developed by the collaboration of the government's
Department of Telecom, CDOT and Nivetti.
● Terabytes per second (TBps) is the rate of data transmission. It is equivalent to 1,000 gigabytes, or one lakh
crore bytes per second.
● The multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) technique was first developed in the 1990s.


NASA To Carry ‘Message In Bottle’ To Europa, One Of Jupiter’s Moon In October

Extra Points
● NASA will carry ‘message in a bottle’ to Europa, one of Jupiter’s moon in October this year.
● The mission dubbed as Europa Clipper mission will explore signs of life as Scientists chose to predict a salty
lake under its icy crust.
● The Europa Clipper spacecraft will carry a triangular metal plate with an engraving of US Poet Laureate Ada
Limón’s handwritten “In Praise of Mystery: A Poem for Europa,” along with a silicon microchip stenciled with
more than 2.6 million names submitted by the public.
● The other, outward-facing side of the metal plate will sport etchings of 103 waveforms, a visual representation
of the sound wave produced by saying the word “water” in 103 different languages – including Hindi.
● On the inward-facing side , the plate includes the Drake Equation, a mathematical formulation by astronomer
Frank Drake estimating the chance of finding advanced civilizations.
● The plate also references radio frequencies for interstellar communication. These frequencies match the radio
waves emitted in space by water's components, recognised by astronomers as the "water hole."
● The plate also has a portrait of one of the founders of planetary science, Ron Greeley, a pioneering figure in
planetary science and an early advocate for the Europa mission.


SpaceX Starship lost on return to Earth after completing most of third test flight
Extra Points
● SpaceX’s Starship rocket, aimed at lunar missions and beyond, faced another setback as it disintegrated during
its third test flight.
● The Starship, consisting of the cruise vessel atop the Super Heavy rocket booster, launched from Starbase near
Boca Chica Village, Texas.
● Achieved peak altitudes of 145 miles, surpassing previous attempts but still encountering failure during re-
● SpaceX plans six more Starship test flights this year, contingent upon regulatory approval.


SAKHI: The Lifeline for Gaganyaan Crew

Extra Points
● Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) has developed SAKHI, a revolutionary app aimed at aiding astronauts
during the Gaganyaan space flight mission.
● SAKHI, or Space-borne Assistant and Knowledge Hub for Crew Interaction, offers indispensable support
across various critical aspects of the mission.
● Astronauts can use SAKHI to maintain a detailed log of the mission, utilizing multiple formats including voice
recordings, texts, and images for efficient documentation.


ISRO’s Successful Pushpak Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) LEX 02 Landing Experiment
Extra Points
● The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) carried out a successful landing mission for its Reusable
Launch Vehicle (RLV) LEX 02, “Pushpak” from the Aeronautical Test Range (ATR) in Chitradurga.
● An Indian Air Force helicopter lifted Pushpak to an altitude of 4.5 km before release.
● Pushpak autonomously navigates towards the runway, making cross-range corrections, showcasing its ability
to adapt to dynamic conditions and navigate accurately.


Gaia telescope discovers two ancient streams of stars Shiva & Shakti
Extra Points

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● The European Space Agency’s Gaia space telescope has made a groundbreaking discovery, uncovering two
ancient streams of stars named Shiva and Shakti.
● Led by Khyati Malhan of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Germany, this revelation
significantly enhances our understanding of the Milky Way’s origins.
● Each cluster comprises about 10 million suns, with stars aged 12 to 13 billion years, displaying remarkably
similar orbits and structures.


US Surgeons Perform First Pig-to-Human Kidney Transplant

Extra Points
● Surgeons from Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston have performed the first pig-to-human kidney
● A 62-year-old man with end-stage renal disease received a new kidney from a genetically modified pig.
● Dr. Jim Kim, director of kidney and pancreas transplantation at the USC Transplant Institute in Los Angeles,
highlighted the importance of this milestone.
● The transplanted kidney was provided by eGenesis, a company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
● The recipient, whose name has not been disclosed, had previously received a human kidney transplant at the
same hospital in 2018 after seven years on dialysis.


A new disease of pea has been discovered by Haryana Agricultural University Scientists
Extra Points
● A new and potentially devastating disease affecting the pea crop has been identified by scientists from
Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University of Hisar.
● The disease has been named “Witches’ Broom,” which is associated with the pathogen ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma
asteris’ (16SrI).
● The new diseases in plants have been recognized by The American Phytopathological Society (APS), USA.
● Scientists from Haryana Agricultural University are the first scientists in the world to discover this disease.


Jayantmurthy: IAU Named Asteroid after Indian Professor Jayant Murthy

Extra Points
● The International Astronomical Union (IAU) has designated the asteroid 2005 EX296 as “(215884)
Jayantmurthy”, named after Indian Prof. Jayant Murthy in recognition of his work in the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) New Horizons Science Team.
● The announcement was made by the IAU’s Working Group on Small Bodies Nomenclature.
● This Asteroid was discovered by M.W. Buie at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona, United States of
America(USA), in 2005.
● It goes around the Sun in an orbit between Mars and Jupiter once every 3.3 years.


IIT Guwahati completes technology transfer to BioMed for first recombinant vaccine for Swine Fever Virus
Extra Points
● Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IIT Guwahati) is all set to roll out the first recombinant vaccine
for Swine Fever virus, an official statement from the institute has confirmed.
● A recombinant vaccine is a type of vaccine produced by inserting genetic material from a pathogen into a
harmless host organism, such as yeast or bacteria.
● IIT has successfully transferred a pioneering vaccine technology to BioMed Pvt.Ltd., a leading manufacturing
company specializing in high-quality vaccines.
● In India, instances of this disease have been frequently observed in northeastern states, as well as in Bihar,
Kerala, Punjab, Haryana, and Gujarat, among others.


ISRO will start Its START 2024 Programme In April-May

Extra Points
● The Indian Space Research Organisation announced the START-2024 programme, aimed at increasing
space science and technology awareness.

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● The Space Science and Technology Awareness Training (START) 2024 programme will take place from
April to May 2024.
● The training programme aims to attract young people to the fields of space science and technology.

Books & Authors


Goa Governor PS Sreedharan Pillai unveiled his New Book “Basic Structure and Republic”

Book Name Basic Structure and Republic

Authored by PS Sreedharan Pillai, Governor of Goa

Extra Info It is his 212th book


Former Indian Diplomat Lakshmi Puri launched her Debut Novel “Swallowing the Sun”

Book Name Swallowing the Sun: A Novel

Authored by Lakshmi Murdeshwar Puri, Former Assistant Secretary General, United

Nations and wife of Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri

Published by Aleph Book Company


Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik Releases Coffee Table Book Titled ‘FIH Odisha Hockey Men’s World Cup 2023’

Book Name Coffee table book titled ‘FIH Odisha Hockey Men’s World Cup 2023’

Published by Sportstar, the sports magazine of The Hindu Group

Released by Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik


“The Conspiracy” By Gotabaya Rajapaksa

Book Name The Conspiracy to Oust Me from the Presidency

Authored by Former Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa


Union Minister Anurag Singh Thakur unveiled the Book ‘Israel War Diary’

Book Name Israel War Diary

Authored by Vishal Pandey

Published by Union Minister Anurag Singh Thakur


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SIDBI’s CMD S. Ramann Presented 2 Books to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman

Books ‘Prabhaav’ and ‘Diagnostic Mapping of Cluster- Charting the Path Ahead
through Intervention’

Presented by S.Ramann, Chairman & Managing Director (CMD) of the Small Industries
Development Bank of India (SIDBI)

Presented to Union Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, Ministry of Finance


Kerala Animal Husbandry Minister Released a book Titled “A Compendium on Non-Native Organisms of India”

Book Name A Compendium on Non-Native Organisms of India

Authored by K.V. Jayachandran, Sheela S., Jasmin Anand and Vinod Haridas

Published by Animal Husbandry Minister J. Chinchurani, the government of Kerala


A book titled “From A Car Shed To The Corner Room & Beyond” by S. Raman

Book Name From A Car Shed To The Corner Room & Beyond

Authored by S. Raman’s autobiography

About the book His remarkable journey from a clerk at SBI to becoming the Chairman and
Managing Director of Canara Bank and a full-time Member of SEBI

Obituaries News

Renowned Ghazal Singer & Padma Shri Awardee Pankaj Keshubhai Udhas Passed Away
Extra Points
● A prominent Indian Ghazal singer and Padma Shri awardee Pankaj Keshubhai Udhas passed away at the age
of 72 in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
● The Government of India honoured him with the Padma Shri for arts in 2006.


Eminent Archaeologist & Padma Shri Awardee Arun Kumar Sharma Passed Away
Extra Points
● Renowned Archaeologist and Padma Shri awardee, Arun Kumar Sharma, passed away at the age of 91 in
Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
● The government of India honoured him with Padma Shri (Others category) in 2017.


Former Canadian PM Martin Brian Mulroney Passed Away

Extra Points
● Martin Brian Mulroney, who served as the 18th Prime Minister of Canada (1984-1993), passed away at the
age of 84 in Palm Beach, Florida, the United States of America.
● He played a crucial role in the signing of the Canada-United States (US) Free Trade Agreement with former US
President Ronald Reagan.
● In 1984, he took office as the 18th PM of Canada and was re-elected in 1988.

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● He was awarded Canada’s highest honour, Companion of the Order of Canada in 1998.


Admiral Laxminarayan Ramdas, Former Indian Navy Chief, Dies At 90

Extra Points
● Admiral Laxminarayan Ramdas, the former Chief of Naval Staff of the Indian Navy (1990-1993), breathed
his last peacefully at the age of 90 at the Military Hospital, Secunderabad, Telangana.
● Inspired by duty and patriotism, he joined the Armed Forces Academy in Dehradun in 1949.
● He became the 13th Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) on November 30, 1990.


Renowned Rabindra Sangeet Singer Sadi Mohammad Passes Away at 70

Extra Points
● Sadi Mohammad, a legendary Rabindra Sangeet singer, has passed away at the age of 70. His death has cast a
grim shadow in the cultural sphere of the country.
● In 2017, Mohammad was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award by Channel i.


Prominent Tribal Leader Lama Lobzang Passes Away at 94

Extra Points
● The former member of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and prominent
Buddhist Monk of Ladakh, popularly known as Lama Lobzang, passed away this morning at his residence in
New Delhi.
● Lama Lobzang was a distinguished tribal leader who served the National Commission for Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes for 19 years since 1984.
● When the National Commission became constitutional through an amendment of Article 338 of the
constitution, he was appointed anew as its member for two terms from 1995 to 1998 and 1998 to 2001.

Important Days

Reserve Bank of India Observes Financial Literacy Week: February 26 to March 1

Day February 26 to March 1

Day Name Reserve Bank of India Observes Financial Literacy Week

Theme 2024 Make a Right Start – Become Financially Smart


World Seagrass Day: 1st March

Day 1st March

Day Name World Seagrass Day

Theme 2024 Healthy Seagrass, Healthy Planet


Zero Discrimination Day: 1st March

Day 1st March

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Day Name Zero Discrimination Day

Theme 2024 To protect everyone’s health, protect everyone’s rights


World Wildlife Day: 3rd March

Day 3rd March

Day Name World Wildlife Day

Theme 2024 Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife


48th Civil Accounts Day – March 1, 2024

Day 1 March

Day Name 48th Civil Accounts Day

Extra Info ICAS was constituted in 1976 and is headed by the Controller General of
Accounts (CGA) of India.


World Civil Defence Day 2024 – March 1

Day 1st March

Day Name World Civil Defence Day 2024

Theme 2024 Honour Heroes and Promote Safety Skills


World Hearing Day | 3 March

Day 3 March

Day Name World Hearing Day

Theme 2024 Changing mindsets: Let's make ear and hearing care a reality for all!


National Safety Day | 4 March

Day 4 March

Day Name National Safety Day

Theme 2024 Safety Leadership for ESG Excellence

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International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness | 5 March

Day 5 March

Day Name International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness

Started in 2022


World Obesity Day 2024 – March 4

Day March 4

Day Name 10th World Obesity Day 2024

Theme 2024 Let’s Talk About Obesity And…


Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day 2024: 5 March

Day 5 March

Day Name Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day 2024

Started 2012


International Women’s Day: 8 March

Day 8 March

Day Name International Women’s Day

Theme 2024 Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress


6th Jan Aushadhi Diwas – 7th March 2024

Day 7 March

Day Name 6th Jan Aushadhi Diwas

Started in 2019


No Smoking Day 2024: 13 March

Day Second Wednesday of March

This year 13 March

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Day Name No Smoking Day 2024

Theme 2024 Protecting children from tobacco industry interference


CISF Raising Day 2024: 10 March

Day 10 March

Day Name CISF Raising Day

Celebrated as Establishment of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) in 1969


International Day of Women Judges | 10 March

Day 10 March

Day Name International Day of Women Judges

Theme 2024 Women in Justice, women for justice


World Kidney Day: 14 March

Day 14 March

Day Name World Kidney Day 2024

Theme 2024 Kidney Health for All – Advancing Equitable Access to Care and Optimal
Medication Practice


World Plumbing Day: 11 March

Day 11 March

Day Name World Plumbing Day

Started in 2010


14th March: Pi day

Day 14th March

Day Name Pi day

Theme 2024 Engineering Solutions for a Sustainable World


International Day of Action for Rivers 2024: 14th March

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Day 14th March

Day Name International Day of Action for Rivers 2024

Theme 2024 Water for All


International Day of Mathematics 2024 – March 14

Day 14th March

Day Name 5th International Day of Mathematics 2024

Theme 2024 Playing with math


World Consumer Rights Day 2024: 15 March

Day 15th March

Day Name World Consumer Rights Day 2024

Theme 2024 Fair and responsible AI for consumers


International Day to Combat Islamophobia | 15 March

Day 15 March

Day Name International Day to Combat Islamophobia

Started in 2022


National Vaccination Day | 16 March

Day 16 March

Day Name National Vaccination Day

Theme 2024 Vaccines Work For All


Ordnance Factories Day | 18 March

Day 18 March

Day Name Ordnance Factories Day

Theme 2024 To commemorate the day when Ordnance Factory in Cossipore, Kolkata was
formed in 1787

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Global Recycling Day 2024 – March 18

Day 18th March

Day Name 7th Global Recycling Day

Theme 2024 RecyclingHeroes


International Day of Happiness: 20 march

Day 20th March

Day Name International Day of Happiness

Theme 2024 Reconnecting for Happiness: Building Resilient Communities


World Sparrow Day | 20 March

Day 20 March

Day Name World Sparrow Day

Theme 2024 Sparrows: Give them a tweet-chance!


French Language Day: 20 March

Day 20 March

Day Name French Language Day

Theme 2024 The Francophonie of the Future


World Poetry Day I 21 March

Day 21 March

Day Name World Poetry Day

Theme 2024 Standing on the Shoulders of Giants


World Water Day I 22 March

Day 22 March

Day Name World Water Day

Theme 2024 Water for Peace

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World Puppetry Day 2024 – March 21

Day 21 March

Day Name World Puppetry Day 2024

Theme 2024 The Climate


International Day of Nowruz 2024 – March 21

Day 21 March

Day Name International Day of Nowruz 2024

Celebrated as Nowruz, meaning “new day” in Farsi, is the Iranian/Persian New Year
celebrated by over 300 million people globally

Started in 2010


World Meteorological Day: 23rd March

Day 23 March

Day Name World Meteorological Day

Theme 2024 At the Frontline of Climate Action


World Tuberculosis Day: 24 March

Day 24 March

Day Name World Tuberculosis Day

Theme 2024 Yes! We can end TB


International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of
Victims | March 24

Day 24 March

Day Name International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights
Violations and for the Dignity of Victims

Celebrated as Tribute to the memory of Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero, who was
murdered on 24 March 1980

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Shaheed Diwas or Martyrs’ Day 2024 – March 23

Day 23rd March

Day Name Shaheed Diwas or Martyrs’ Day

Celebrated as To mark the death anniversary of Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru, and
Sukhdev Thapar, the three revolutionaries of India who were executed by the
British government on 23rd March 1931


International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade | 25 March

Day 25 March

Day Name International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the
Transatlantic Slave Trade

Started in 2007


World Theatre Day | 27 March

Day 27 March

Day Name World Theatre Day

Theme 2024 Theatre and a Culture of Peace


Earth Hour 2024 – March 23

Day Last Saturday of March

This year 23rd March

Day Name Earth Hour 2024

Started in 2007


World Piano Day: 28 March

Day 88th day of the year because of the number of keys on the musical instrument 'Piano'
(which is 88)

This year 28 March

Day Name World Piano Day 2024

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State/UT News

Nagaland CM presents Budget, announces universal life insurance scheme

Extra Points
● Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio announced a fully-funded universal life insurance scheme as he
presented the Budget for 2024-25 which did not propose any hike in taxes.
● The scheme will offer life insurance for the primary earner of the family and accidental insurance for three
additional family members in the state.
● The scheme will provide life insurance coverage of Rs 2 lakh for the primary earner, along with an additional
accidental insurance coverage of Rs 2 lakh for each of the other three family members.
● It will also encompass every household in Nagaland, with a provision of Rs 15 crore allocated to cover the cost
of premiums.


Telangana Government Introduces One-Time Scheme

Extra Points
● The Telangana state government has issued a directive for the adoption of the One Time Scheme (OTS) across
all urban local bodies (ULBs), including the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC).
● This initiative is geared towards alleviating the financial strain faced by property owners who are grappling
with mounting arrears interest on property tax payments.
● Under the OTS the government ordered a waiver of 90 per cent on accumulated arrears interest on property
tax, provided taxpayers clear the principal amount of dues till the financial year 2022-2023 together with 10
percent of interest at one go.


Dharmendra Pradhan Launches Project ODISERV For Odisha’s Graduates

Extra Points
● Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Union Minister of Education and Skill Development, inaugurated Project ODISERV
in Sambalpur, aiming to ready Odisha's young graduates for financial services careers.
● According to the National Skill Development Corporation, the project aims to train graduates, especially first-
generation graduates, through Bajaj Finserv’s Certificate Programme for Banking Finance & Insurance
(CPBFI) programme.
● The total duration of the training programme will be 100 hours, during which youth from tier-II and tier-III
cities are trained for employment in the financial services sector.
● 60 colleges of Odisha across 11 cities and 10 districts are expected to be a part of the launch of the 100-hour
training programme.


Neolithic Child Burial Site Unearthed in Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu

Extra Points
● A groundbreaking archaeological discovery has been made in Chettimedu Pathur village, approximately 77
kilometres from Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
● Researchers from the Department of Ancient History and Archaeology at the University of Madras have
unearthed a child burial site dating back to the Neolithic period, around 2500 BCE to 3000 BCE.
● The excavation, spearheaded by Jinu Koshy, in-charge of excavation and professor in the department, and J
Soundararajan, associate professor and head-in-charge, commenced on February 5th.
● The child, estimated to be between 9 to 11 years old, was buried with the body oriented north-south and
facing west, adhering to ancient burial traditions.

CM Yogi Rolls Out ‘MYUVA Scheme’ For Young Entrepreneurs In UP

Extra Points
● In Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has launched an initiative to support young entrepreneurs called
“Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Abhiyan (MYUVA).”
● The scheme offers interest-free loans to young entrepreneurs for projects valued up to Rs 5 lakh.

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● The government aims to prepare one lakh young entrepreneurs every year through this initiative.
● A substantial budget of Rs 1,000 crore has been allocated for the fiscal year 2024-25 to support the
implementation of the scheme.


12 Indigenous Products from Arunachal Pradesh get GI tag

Extra Points
● Chennai, Tamil Nadu based Geographical Indication(GI) Registry has awarded the GI tag to 12 distinctive
products from Arunachal Pradesh.

Newly added 12 GI-certified Products:

Geographical Indications Goods

Arunachal Pradesh Apatani Textile Products Textiles

Arunachal Pradesh Monpa Textile Products Textiles

Arunachal Pradesh Nyishi Textile Products Textiles

Arunachal Pradesh Galo Textile Products Textiles

Arunachal Pradesh Adi Textile Products Textiles

Arunachal Pradesh Tai Khamti Handloom Textile Textiles

Arunachal Pradesh Monpa Handmade Paper HandiCrafts

Arunachal Pradesh Dao (Sward) Manufactured Goods

Arunachal Pradesh Marua Apo (Marua Millet Beverage) Manufactured Goods

Arunachal Pradesh Adi Apong (Beverage) Manufactured Goods

Arunachal Pradesh Angnyat/ Adlay/ Tanyak Millet Agriculture

Arunachal Pradesh Khelap / Phalap/ Agriculture

Felap Tea (Bamboo Processed Tea)


Keyi Panyor Inaugurated as 26th District of Arunachal Pradesh

Extra Points
● Pema Khandu, Chief Minister (CM) of Arunachal Pradesh, inaugurated Keyi Panyor, the 26th district of
Arunachal Pradesh.
● The new district, carved out of Lower Subansiri, will have its headquarters at Ter Gapin-Sam Sarth,
strategically positioned for agricultural and horticultural development.
● This legislative milestone paved the way for the creation of Keyi Panyor and an upcoming 27th district, Bichom,
which is scheduled for inauguration early next week.


Tripura’s traditional attire 'risa' honoured with the Geographical Indication tag
Extra Points
● Tripura’s traditional attire, known as “risa”, has been honoured with the Geographical Indication (GI)
registration, commonly referred to as the GI tag.
● Risa, a handwoven fabric, is an integral part of the attire worn by the indigenous people of Tripura.

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● The Killa Mahila Cluster of Gomati district promoted by Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission (TRLM) obtained
the tag.


Kerala Launches India’s First Govt-Backed OTT Platform, 'CSpace'

Extra Points
● Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan launched India’s first state-run over-the-top (OTT) platform ‘CSpace’
in Thiruvananthapuram.
● The platform, which will be managed by the Kerala State Film Development Corporation (KSFDC).
● In the first phase, 42 films, including 35 feature films, six documentaries and one short film have been
admitted to CSpace and will be available to the public for streaming.
● The platform will operate on a pay-per-view basis. Users are required only to pay Rs.75 to watch a film and
even less to view short films.


Jharkhand Government To Launch Widow Remarriage Promotion Scheme

Extra Points
● To improve the living standard and enhance the dignity of widows, the state government is all set to launch the
Jharkhand Widow Remarriage Promotion Scheme.
● Under the scheme, an amount of Rs 2 lakh will be given to a widow who remarries.


Himachal Pradesh Announces “Indira Gandhi Pyari Behna Sukh Samman Nidhi Yojna”
Extra Points
● In a significant move, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Sukhu has announced a groundbreaking
initiative aimed at empowering women in the state.
● Chief Minister Sukhvinder Sukhu unveiled the “Indira Gandhi Pyari Behna Sukh Samman Nidhi Yojna,” a
scheme designed to provide financial support to women aged between 18 to 60 years.
● Under this scheme, eligible women will receive a monthly stipend of ₹1,500, amounting to an annual
expenditure of ₹800 crore.
● Chief Minister Sukhu emphasized that all girls above 18 years of age would receive ₹18,000 per annum under
the initiative.
● In addition to the women empowerment initiative, Chief Minister Sukhu highlighted the government’s efforts to
restore the old pension scheme, benefiting 1.36 lakh state employees.


India's first AI teacher, Iris, launched in a Kerala school

Extra Points
● In a first in India, a school in Kerala’s Thiruvananthapuram has introduced an AI teacher, Iris.
● The robot, based on generative AI, and created by Maker Labs is ‘poised to redefine the learning landscape’.
● The robot can teach subjects from nursery to Class 12. The robot currently speaks three languages - English,
Hindi and Malayalam, and the developers are planning to expand this to over 20 languages.

Extra Info:

● In August 2023, India inaugurated its first-ever AI school in Kerala at Santhigiri Vidyabhavan in


Majuli Mask Making and Manuscript Painting Receive GI Tags

Extra Points
● Majuli, the largest river island in the world, has received two prestigious Geographical Indication (GI) tags
from the Indian government for its traditional crafts – Majuli mask making and Majuli manuscript painting.
● The GI tags will help in promoting and preserving these traditional crafts of Majuli, which are an integral part
of the neo-Vaishnavite culture of Assam.

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J&K Police Launches “Operation Kamdhenu” to Combat Cattle Smuggling

Extra Points
● In Jammu and Kashmir, the police have initiated “Operation Kamdhenu” to curb the rampant issue of cattle
smuggling in the Jammu, Samba, and Kathua (JSK) police ranges.
● This crackdown aims to tackle not only the immediate smuggling activities but also to target the masterminds
behind these illicit operations.
● SP Rural Jammu, DSP Headquarters Samba, and DSP (Dar) Kathua have been appointed as nodal officers to
oversee the effective implementation of Operation Kamdhenu.


PM Narendra Modi Launches ‘Mahatari Vandana Yojana’ scheme in Chhattisgarh

Extra Points
● Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi launched the Mahatari Vandana Yojana in Chhattisgarh, aiming to uplift
and economically empower women in the state.
● The PM also disbursed Rs 655 crore, as the first installment of the Mahatari Vandana Yojana.
● This scheme aims to provide financial assistance of Rs 1000 per month to eligible married women of the
state through monthly Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).
● All married women above 21 years as of January 1, 2024, including widows and divorced women.


Karnataka-WEF agree to set up Centre for Artificial Intelligence in State

Extra Points
● The State Government of Karnataka has signed a Letter of Intent with World Economic Forum (WEF) to
establish India’s sole Centre for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Karnataka.
● This center will be a part of the WEF Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR) Network, aiming to
govern inclusive technology and foster digital transformation.
● During the 54th WEF summit in Davos, Switzerland in January 2024, the Karnataka government signed 8
Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) with global firms, amounting to Rs 23,000 crore, spanning sectors
such as AI, citizen services, sustainability, and e-governance.


CM Mohan Yadav inaugurates 2 air services to promote tourism in MP

Extra Points
● Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav launched PM Shri Tourism Air Service and PM Shri Religious
Tourism Heli Service with the aim of expanding religious tourism in the state.
● He said that there will be air connectivity between Indore to Mahakaleshwar (Ujjain) and Omkareshwar.
After air service, helicopter service will be started for religious places like Datia, Orchha, and Maihar, etc.
● A contract has been signed with aircraft operator FlyOla and the operator will have to look after assortment of
flight routes, establishment of ticket counters, local staff selection, and training within two months.
● Under the scheme, one twin-engine helicopter will be operated from Bhopal and one single-engine
helicopter will be present in Indore and Ujjain.


CM launches Indiramma housing scheme in Bhadrachalam; 4.50 lakh houses sanctioned with an outlay of ₹22,500
Extra Points
● Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy has said the launch of Indiramma housing scheme was further testament to
the Congress government’s commitment to the welfare of poor and its unwavering resolve to usher in
Indiramma Rajyam.
● As many as 4.50 lakh houses have been sanctioned with an outlay of ₹22,500 crore to provide a roof over the
heads of the homeless poor people under the scheme.
● Sanction of ₹5 lakh financial assistance to the eligible poor people for construction of houses in their own
plots and a housing site as well as ₹5 lakh financial aid to the landless and homeless poor people.
● They said the SC and ST beneficiaries under the scheme are entitled for ₹6 lakh financial assistance.
● Earlier, the Chief Minister offered prayers at the historic Sree Seetharamachandra Swamy temple, dating back
to the 17th century, in Bhadrachalam.

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Maharashtra Cabinet Approves Renaming of Eight Railway Stations in Mumbai

Extra Points
● The Maharashtra Cabinet, headed by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, approved the renaming of the eight
railway stations in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
● The following is the new names for the stations: Curry Road as Lalbaug, Sandhurst Road as Dongri, Marine
Lines as Mumbadevi, Cotton Green as Kalachowki, Charni Road as Girgaon, Dockyard Road as Mazgaon, and King
Circle as Tirthakar Parshivnath.


Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik Inaugurates India’s First Indoor Athletics and Aquatic Centres
Extra Points
● Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik inaugurated India’s first indoor athletics stadium and indoor aquatic
centre at the Kalinga stadium in Bhubaneshwar.
● The Chief Minister also laid the foundation stone for a new indoor diving centre in the stadium complex.
● The stadium, built at an estimated cost of Rs 120 crore, can accommodate 120 athletes for full-time coaching.
● Italian company Mondo SpA has set up a 10,000 sq. meter track in the stadium.
● The indoor aquatic centre has a 50-meter Olympic-size pool and a 25-meter warm-up pool with temperature
● The Odisha Inspire Institute of Sport High-Performance Center will operate from this aquatic centre.
● The diving centre will have a diving pool of 25 meters with an additional 5-meter pool for synchronized


Election Commission launches ‘Mission 414’ campaign in Himachal Pradesh to boost voter turnout
Extra Points
● The State Election Commission of Himachal Pradesh launched a special poll campaign named “Mission 414’’
to increase voter turnout in the polling stations that saw less than 60 per cent turnout in previous Lok Sabha
● The campaign coincides with bypolls for six assembly seats and elections for four Lok Sabha seats, scheduled
for June 1.
● The state election commission is also focusing on 22 assembly segments to boost turnout to 72 per cent,
surpassing the 70 per cent threshold.
● Special attention is given to constituencies with lower female voter participation, appointing ‘Mahila Preraks’
to inspire women to vote, the official said.
● Tashigang in Lahaul and Spiti located at an altitude of 15,256 feet is the country's highest booth, while
Manola polling station in Dalhousie has the most voters (1,410) and Kaa polling station in Kinnaur has the
fewest with 16 voters.


India’s First Battery Storage Gigafactory to Start Operations in J&K

Extra Points
● GoodEnough Energy has announced that it will start operations at India’s first battery energy storage
gigafactory in the northern region of Jammu and Kashmir.
● According to GoodEnough, the facility will help industries cut more than 5 million tons of carbon emissions in
a year. India has set a goal to become net zero by 2070.
● GoodEnough has already invested 1.5 billion rupees ($18.07 million) in the 7 gigawatts per hour (GWH)
● The company plans to spend an additional 3 billion rupees by 2027 to increase the capacity to 20 GWH.
● The Indian government is offering incentives worth $452 million to companies under a program to promote
battery storage projects.


Maha CM Eknath Shinde inaugurates country's first LNG-powered bus

Extra Points
● Chief Minister Eknath Shinde inaugurated India's first Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) powered bus, which will
be operated by Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation.

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● A release from the state-run transport corporation said 5000 of its diesel vehicles will be converted to LNG
alternative fuel vehicles in phases, adding that 34 per cent of its total expenditure is for diesel for its fleet of
16,000 buses.
● MSRTC has signed an MoU with M/s Kings Gas for the conversion of buses to LNG.


Rajasthan Becomes 1st State to Launch Water Resource Dashboard

Extra Points
● Rajasthan became the 1st Indian state to launch the State Water Resources Information Systems dashboard
to forecast drought and to enable better water management based on water availability.
● The portal was developed by the Department of Water Resources under the National Hydrology Project.
● The complete data of 805 dams, daily data of 242 dams and the live data of 88 dams will be available in the
● The rainfall module of the portal will enable the users to view and download the analyzed data of 326 rain
gauge stations from 1957 till date.


Six Madhya Pradesh Heritage Sites Included in UNESCO’s Tentative List

Extra Points
● Six heritage sites in Madhya Pradesh (MP) were included in the tentative list of the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Sites (WHS).
● The six sites are Gwalior Fort, Khooni Bhandara, Bhojeshwar Mahadev Temple, the Rock art sites of Chambal
Valley, the historic ensemble of Dhamnar, and the Gond monuments of Ramnagar.
● As of 21st March 2024, India has 57 sites in UNESCO’s Tentative list of heritage sites.

Extra Highlights

Zoological Survey of India Names New Marine Species after President Droupadi Murmu
Extra Points
● The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) has identified and named a new species of marine head-shield sea slug
discovered along the West Bengal and Odisha coasts.
● Named Melanochlamys droupadi, this distinctive species bears a ruby red spot and has unique characteristics
that distinguish it from other sea slugs.
● The species was discovered from the coastal areas of Digha in West Bengal and Udaipur in Odisha.


American beverage giant PepsiCo launches new globe logo worldwide

Extra Points
● American beverage giant Pepsi rolled out its new globe logo worldwide, as part of its first major global
redesign in 14 years.
● In India, the company unveiled the new globe logo at the Gateway of India, Mumbai, with a digital artwork that
introduced the updated colour palette for the brand – electric blue and black.


Google Unveils Genie AI: Revolutionizing Video Game Creation

Extra Points
● Google’s DeepMind team introduces “Genie,” a groundbreaking AI platform poised to transform the gaming
industry and creative endeavors.
● This innovative project signifies a fusion of cutting-edge technology and imaginative potential, offering the
capability to craft interactive 2D video games from single image prompts or text descriptions.

IOC to become first Indian firm to manufacture fuel for Formula 1 cars
Extra Points

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● The Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) announced plans to start producing fuel for Formula 1 (F1) cars.
● The fuel will be produced at the Paradip refinery in Odisha, which is known for its advanced technology and
strategic location.
● F1 gasoline typically has an octane value of 95 or higher, and high-octane gasoline can minimize engine
knocking and provide more power.


Tata Power Solar Completes India’s Largest Solar And Battery Energy Storage Systems Project
Extra Points
● Tata Power Solar Systems Limited (TPSSL) has achieved a significant milestone by completing the country’s
largest Solar and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) project in Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh.
● The project consists of a 100 MW Solar PV Project combined with a 120 MWh Utility Scale Battery Energy
Storage System (BESS).
● The project is poised to generate 243.53 million units of energy annually and reduce carbon emissions by
4.87 million tonnes over 25 years.

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