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Advertisement iklan

1. Definition of Advertisement
mendorong membujuk
Advertisement is a commercial notification that has aim to encourage or persuade general society to
ditawarkan dlm bentuk iklan
buy or use the item/the service offered in the advertisement.
struktur yang membangun iklan
2. Generic Structure of Advertisement
● Headline judul iklannya
A line of words in large letters as the title or the main point of an advertisement.
● Sub-Headline menerangkan

Giving more details about the product or service.

● Picture
additional intersting info
Any illustration to attract customers.
● Benefit (optional) manfaat

Things which the customer can get from a product or service.

● Call to action cara memesan kalau tertarik

An action that the customers should do or a contact number which they can call if they are interested
with the offer in an advertisement. :2 = concatc
● Selling Point/Promoting Word kata kata promosi www/@

a characteristic of a product that will persuade people to buy it (e.g. buy 1 get 1, proven to be
99.99% effective in killing germs)

3. Purpose of Advertisement
⮚ The purpose of advertisement is to inform and persuade an audience (viewer, reader, listener) to
continue or to take some new action.

⮚ To introduce, advertise, promote, offer a product to the public in order to buy and attracted to the
product or service being advertised.

4. Language Feature of Advertisement

In making advertisement text, it should be consisted of these features:
kalimat mengajak
❖ Persuasive. It means that the advertisement text should consist of attracting and interesting words in
order to persuade the buyer/user. (e.g. tired of sweeping floor every time you come home? )
kalimat perintah
❖ Imperative. Oftentimes, advertisement contains imperative words to “command” the reader to
use/buy the product. (e.g Buy it now to get many benefits!

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❖ Informative. Advertisement must be short, simple, yet informative.

5. The Example of Advertisement

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