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सं.सं या/Ref.

No /आवेदन सं या/Application No/ 202311073028 िदनांक/Date of Dispatch/Email: 14-05-2024

सेवा मे,/To
Sanjay Sharma,
Sewak IP Consultants N 1/66 Samne Ghat Road, Nagwa Lanka Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India - 221005
Email :

िवषय: एक व अिधिनयम, 1970 क धारा 12 व 13 तथा एक व िनयम, 2003 के अधीन परी ण रपोट
Subject: Examination report under sections 12 & 13 of the Patents Act, 1970 and the Patents Rules, 2003.
1. उपयु आवेदन के संदभ मे परी ण रपोट ( अथात, एक व िनयम, 2003 (यथा संशोिधत) के िनयम 24-ख(3) म िविनिद आपि य का
पथम कथन ) इसके साथ संल न है यह रपोट परी ण हे तु अनुरोध िदनांक 26-04-2024 के उ र मे जारी क गयी है परी ण रपोट का
उ र दािखल करने क अंितम ितिथ (अथात, इस रपोट म लगाई गयी सभी आव यकताओं के अनुपालन क अविध) आवेदक को आपि य का
पथम कथन जारी होने क ितिथ से छः माह है
Please find enclosed herewith an Examination Report ( i.e. a first statement of objections as specified in Rule
24-B(3) of The Patents Rules, 2003 (as amended) ) in respect of above-mentioned application. This report is
issued with reference to a request for examination dated 26-04-2024.The last date for filing a response to the
Examination Report (i.e. a period to comply with all the requirements raised in this examination report) is six
months from the date on which the first statement of objections is issued to the Applicant.

2. यिद रपोट के अंतगत लगाई गयी आव यकताओं का अनुपालन एक व िनयम, 2003 (यथा संशोिधत) के िनयम 24 ख(5) म िविनिद
अविध के भीतर अंदर अनुपालन नह िकया गया तो एक व अिधिनयम 1970 क धारा 21(1) के अधीन वतमान आवेदन को प र य माना
The instant application shall be deemed to have been abandoned under Section 21(1) of The Patents Act,
1970, unless all the requirements raised in this report are complied with in the period as specified in Rule 24-B
(5) of The Patents Rules, 2003 (as amended).

3. आपका यान एक व िनयम, 2003 के िनयम 24 ख(6) के पावधान क ओर भी आमंितत िकया जाता है
Your attention is also invited to the provisions of Rule 24-B (6) of the Patents Rules 2003.

4. आपको सलाह दी जाती है िक शीघ िनपटान हे तु अपना उ र शीघ प तुत कर

You are advised to file the reply at the earliest for early disposal.

Subhadeep Paul
िनयंतक पेट ट/ Controller of Patents
संल न/Enclosed: अपरो अनुसार/As above

िट पणी: यह इले टोिनक प से उ प न रपोट है

NOTE: This is an electronically generated report.
सभी पताचार िनयंतक एक व को उपरोि लिखत पते पर भे जा जाये
All communications should be sent to the Controller of Patents at the above mentioned address.

परी ण रपोट /Examination Report

आवेदन सं या /Application Number 202311073028
दािखल करने क ितिथ /Date of Filing 26-10-2023
पूिव ा िदनांक /Date of Priority --
पीसीटी अंतरा ीय आवेदन क सं या व िदनांक / PCT International Application No. & Date --
आवेदक /Applicant SHARMA, Sanjay
परी ण हे तु अनुरोध क सं या व िदनांक /Request for Examination No. & Date E2024102207326-04-2024
पकाशन क ितिथ /Date of Publication 03-05-2024
इस परी ण रपोट के चार भाग ह, अथात रपोट का सारांश, िव तृत तकनीक रपोट, औपचा रक आव यकताएँ तथा रकॉड मे द तावेज़ /
This examination report consists of four parts, namely summary of the report, detailed
technical report, formal requirements and documents on record.

भाग -1: रपोट का सारांश

क. सं.
अिधिनयम के तहत आव यकताओं पर िव तृत िट पिणयां
/Sl. दाव क सं या /Claim Numbers िट पणी /Remarks
/Requirements under the Act
दावे /Claims: 1-10 हाँ /Yes
नवीनता /Novelty
दावे /Claims: नह /No
धारा 2(1)(ञ) के तहत दावे /Claims: हाँ /Yes
1. आिव कार /Invention u/s आिव कारी कदम / Inventive step
2(1)(j) दावे /Claims: 1-10 नह /No
औ ोिगक उपयोिगता /Industrial दावे /Claims: 1-10 हाँ /Yes
Applicability दावे /Claims: नह /No
धारा 3 के अधीन पेटट-अयो यता (यिद हाँ, खंड 3(क-त) /Non- हाँ /Yes
दावे /Claims: 1-10
2. patentability u/s 3 3(m)
(if yes, specify section3(a-p)) दावे /Claims: नह /No
प ता/ संि ता /Clarity / दावे /Claims: हाँ /Yes
[धारा 10(5) व 10(4) (ग)] Conciseness दावे /Claims: 1-10 नह /No
3. के अधीन दावे /Claims
[u/s 10(5) & 10(4) (c)] प रभािषकता /Definitive दावे /Claims: हाँ /Yes
दावे /Claims: 1-10 नह /No
अ य आव यकता (एँ ) /Other requirement(s):
1. If any amendment is necessitated in the complete specification or claim then it is required to clearly
identify (submission of marked copy) the amendments carried out and to indicate the portion (page no and
line no) of the complete specification as filed on which these amendments are based on. Further, the
pages wherever amendments are carried out need to be freshly typed on white pages and to be filed in
2. Details regarding the search and/or examination report including claims of the application allowed, as
referred to in Rule 12(3) of the Patent Rule, 2003, in respect of same or substantially the same invention
filed in all the major Patent offices along with appropriate translation where applicable, should be
submitted within a period of six months from the date of receipt of this communication as provided under
section 8(2) of the Indian Patents Act.
3. All the submitted documents and forms have been presumed as originally signed by the authorized
signatory under the provisions of the Patents Act, 1970. If not, submit the originally signed copy of the
same failing to which the document may not be considered filed.

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भाग –II िव तृत तकनीक रपोट


क. उ रत द तावेज क सूची /A.List of documents cited:

(क) पेटट सािह य / (a). Patent Literature :

उ रत द तावेज़ का
पासंिगक िववरण (पृ व
उ रत द तावेज़ के
क. सं. पकाशन अनु छे द सं या) / अिभकिथत आिव कार के
द तावेज़ का िववरण पासंिगक दावे /
/ ितिथ(िदन/माह/वष) / Relevant दावे /Claims of
/Details of documents Relevant claims of Publication date description (page alleged invention
cited document
and paragraph no.)
of cited document

1 D1: CN108022043A 11/05/2018 full document 1-10

2 D2: IN202311010917A 17/03/2023 full document 1-10

(ख) गैर-पेटट सािह य /(b).Non-patent literature

कोई द तावेज़ उ ृत नह है /No Document Cited

ख. अिधिनयम के तहत आव यकताओं पर िव तृत िट पिणयां /B. Detailed observations on the requirements under the

(1).आिव कारी कदम / INVENTIVE STEP:

(I) ऊपर उ रत द तावेज़(ज ) के संदभ मे प अ यापन(न ) को यान मे रखते हए, िन निलिखत कारण से दावा(व ) (1-10) मे आिव कारी
कदम क कमी है
Claim(s) (1-10) lack(s) inventive step, being obvious in view of teaching (s) of cited document(s) above under
reference for the following reasons:
The subject matter of claims 1-10 does not constitute an invention under section 2(1)(j) of the Patents Act, 1970
(as amended) because it does not involve an inventive step in view of the following documents:
D1: CN108022043A 11/05/2018
D2: IN202311010917A 17/03/2023
Below are the claimed feature and citations in parentheses:
Regarding claim 1,
D1 discloses a method and a device for identification of an abnormal electricity behavior, and a central server.
The method comprises the steps of: collecting user information recorded by a smart meter, performing gathering
and arrangement of the collected user information, generating an electricity data set, extracting electricity
information of all the users in a first preset time frame in the electricity data set, calculating a standard electricity
feature value representing an average electricity level of all the users, extracting electricity information of an
assigned user in a second preset time frame, calculating an individual electricity feature value representing the
electricity level of the assigned user, comparing the individual electricity feature value with the standard electricity
feature value, if the individual electricity feature value of the assigned user is larger than the standard electricity
feature value, determining that the assigned user has an abnormal electricity behavior, and therefore, power
supply departments can pay close attention to users having abnormal electricity behaviors to improve the
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supervision force and the management level for the user electricity behaviors (abstract).
D2 discloses a system (100) and a method (200) for generating an alert to the user device (105), when an
estimated power consumption data corresponds to a predefined threshold value. The system (100) comprises
one or more appliances (101), a controller (102), an edge server (104), a user device (105) and a remote server
(106). The controller (102) is configured to generate a power signal based on a voltage (V) and current (I) signals
generated by the one or more appliances (101). The edge server (104) generates an estimated power
consumption data based on current and historical power signals data. Further, the edge server (104) sends an
alert to the user device (105) if the estimated power consumption corresponds to a threshold value(abstract).
The edge server 104 may send the estimated power consumption data and/or the stored one or more signals
along with the power signal to the remote server 106, coupled to the edge server 104, via the second
communication network 107. The remote server 106 may perform the further analysis on the received data from
the edge server 104, to add and provide more services to the user through the user device 105.

The remote server 106 can provide long-term storage for the received data. The remote server 106 can compare
the estimated power consumption data, with the target consumption value and generate an alert, if the power
consumption of one or more appliances 101 is high and corresponds to the target consumption value i.e., near to
reach or cross the set target consumption value. The alert is forwarded to a user device 105, which is connected
to the remote server 106 via a second communication network 107. The remote server 106 can provide
suggestions along with alerts to the user.
The subject matter of both D1 and D2 belongs to the same technical field as that of the alleged invention;
therefore, it will be obvious to the person skilled in the art to incorporate the teachings of D2 with that of D1.
Hence, the subject matter of claim 1 is not inventive.

The feature contained in claims 2-10 is either explicitly or implicitly known from Document D1 or D2 or concerns
conventional measures in the art, or are some of the many obvious options from which a person skilled in the art
seeking to solve the stated problem would choose, according to the circumstances without exercising inventive
skill. Therefore, the aforementioned claims do not meet the requirement of section 2(1) (ja) of the Patents Act,
1970(as amended).

(2).पेटट अयो यता /NON PATENTABILITY:

(I) िन निलिखत कारण से धारा 3 के खंड (3(m) )के पावधान के तहत दावा(वे) (1-10) सांिविधक प से पेटट यो य नह ह /
Claim(s) (1-10) are statutorily non-patentable under the provision of clause ( 3(m) ) of Section 3 for the following
Claims 1-10 recite various method steps without disclosing what apparatus/structural component carried out said
steps. In absence any structural limitations, subject matter of these claims is mere scheme and/or mental act and
hence falls within scope of clause (m) of section (3) of the Patents Act, 1970 (as amended). Therefore invention
claimed in said claims is not patentable.


(4). प ता एवं संि ता /CLARITY AND CONCISENESS:

(I) दावा(वे) 1-10 के संबंध मे प प से परीभािषत नह ह.
Claim(s) 1-10 are not clearly worded in respect of:
1. Claims are not clear in respect of following as the subject matter for which protection is sought and hence do
not fulfill the requirements of section 10(4)(c) of the Patents Act, 1970 (as amended):
(a) any change in state of the smart electricity meter;
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(b) predefined interval

(5).प रभािषकता /DEFINITIVENESS:

(I) दावा(वे)1-10 िन निलिखत कारण से आिव कार को पया प से परीभािषत नह करता(ते) ह
Claim(s) 1-10 do not sufficiently define the invention for the reasons as follows:
1. Drafting of claims is not proper because of which the nature & scope of the alleged invention cannot be clearly
ascertained. The statement of claims should, therefore, be revised & all essential features of the invention should
be brought in claim 1 while subsidiary features of the invention may be claimed in the dependent claims.
2. Reference numerals should be supplemented in claims to enhance the intelligibility of claims as per rule 13(4)
of the Patents Rules, 2016 (as amended).

(6).अ य आव यकताएँ /OTHERS REQUIREMENTS:


The independent claims should be cast in the two-part form where appropriate, with those features known in
combination from the prior art being placed in the preamble and the remaining features being included in the
characterizing part.

भाग – III: औपचा रक आव यकताएँ /PART-III: FORMAL REQUIREMENTS

आपि यां /Objections िट पणी /Remarks

1. Proof of right should be furnished in the prescribed manner within a period of 6
Endorsement by months from the date of filing the application in India as prescribed under
/Assignment from section 7 (2) of Indian Patent Act'1970 (as amended) read with rule - 10 of
Inventor Indian Patents rules’ 2003 (as amended). Proof of right is not submitted by the
applicant. Hence, there is an irregularity in the application.

Power of Attorney
(Whether GPA, SPA, Power of attorney is not filed. Agent should file power of attorney with proper stamp
Stamped, requisite fee duty on behalf of applicant.

Other Deficiencies Form-9 should be submitted with proper details of all the applicants.

भाग-IV: रकॉड मे द तावेज़ /PART-IV: DOCUMENTS ON RECORD

िन निलिखत द तावेज़ के आधार पर यह परी ण रपोट तैयार क गयी है

The examination report has been prepared based on the following documents:

कायसूची ितिथ
कायसूची सं या /Docket
/ Docket पिवि सं या िववरण /Entry Number Description
Page 4 of 5
26 Oct 2023 135418 1-New Application For Patent With Provisional /Complete Specification
01 Apr 2024 57141 12-Request For Early Publication - Form 9
26 Apr 2024 70840

परी क का नाम /Name of the Examiner: NIKHIL RANJAN

परी क थान /Examiner Location: Kolkata

िनयंतक का नाम /Name of the Controller: Subhadeep Paul

Controller's Email:
िनयंतक थान /Controller Location: Kolkata

िट पणी: परी ण रपोट का उ र दािखल करने क अंितम ितिथ / Note: Last date for filing response to the Examination Report:

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