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Adswood ~ Bridgehall ~ Davenport ~ Cale Green ~ Shaw Heath

Winter 2011

Welcome to the Winter/Christmas newsletter for Adswood, Bridgehall, Davenport, Cale Green and Shaw Heath. As the cold Winter nights draw in and the anticipated rise in expensive goods being purchased for Christmas gifts, we cannot emphasise enough in staying extra vigilant for the opportunist thief or burglar. As festive as it looks, wrapped gifts under a Christmas tree are an inviting sight for a burglar and we advise not to display gifts under your Christmas trees, particularly if they can be seen from outside your property. Keep lights and radios on if youre going out and make sure all windows and doors are locked and secured. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR HOME TO BECOME AN EASY TARGET FOR BURGLARS! From all at your local Policing Team; we wish you a happy and safe Christmas, and all the best for the New Year.

Inspector Stephen Gilbertson

We have been working tirelessly in the Adswood area over the past few months to drive down Anti Social Behaviour. Our zero tolerance approach seems to have helped ASB levels plummet in recent weeks. I ask for you, the community, to help and support us to enable us to continue to tackle this ongoing issue. We have seen a trend in metal thefts this year, and currently have OPERATION ALLOY in place to tackle the issue. In particular, criminals are targeting homes with lead on the top of porches/roofs, and lead in and around bay windows. Thieves are using wheelie bins to transport the lead, so we again ask for you to stay extra vigilant and to call us if you see anything suspicious. I am pleased to announce that crime figures are down on this time last year: All crime - 783 victims compared to 831 this time last year. Reduction of 48 = 5.8% Burglary - 76 victims compared to 129 this time last year. Reduction of 53 = 41.1% Robbery (personal & business) - 13 victims compared to 13 this time last year. No change Vehicle crime (theft of/from vehicles) - 54 victims compared to 79 this time last year. Reduction of 25 = 31.6% ASB - 607 reports compared to 755 this time last year. Reduction of 148 = 19.6%


You can contact your local officers on the number below
0161 856 9770
We are not always able to take your call, but please feel free to leave a message and the required officer will contact you at their soonest possible point or Feel free to call in at the Bridgehall Police Post; if we are in, well be happy to speak with you. 9 Cuddington Crescent, Bridgehall (next to the post office)

If you need to report a crime, or for non-emergency calls, please call 101

Your Neighbourhood Officers are listed below

Police Surgery Times & Dates

Neighbourhood Policing surgeries will be held at the following times and locations. Please feel free to visit your local officers at any of these locations to discuss any local issues in which you feel the Police can help you with. Best One Xtra Bramhall Lane Saturday 10th December 3:30pm- 4:30pm Bridgehall Policing Post - Cuddington Crescent Monday 19th December 6pm- 8pm

PC Ben Taylor

Pc Gemma Lovegrove

PC Steve Webster

PC Steve Wraxall

Picture unavailable at present

PCSO Barry Edwards PCSO Hayley Phillips PCSO Jane Demidoff PCSO Edward Jackson

Visit www.gmp.police.uk and select Stockport West from the Your Neighbourhood tab for more information

Increased Awareness During Winter

As we enter the winter months, we ask local residents to be extra vigilant to prevent becoming a victim of crime. Residents can use ALL to beat thieves by remembering the following when leaving your house or retiring for the night: A Alarm, L Locks, L Lights

Never leave your vehicle unattended whilst defrosting it!

Dont fall into the trap of thinking there is nobody around; opportunist thieves are everywhere and are currently operating in your area! Remember; should your car be stolen whilst it is unattended you may not be able to claim on your insurance!

1. Act in an anti-social manner. The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 defines anti-social behaviour as behaving in a manner that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as himself;, 2. Use abusive, insulting, offensive, threatening or intimidating language or behaviour towards any employee of Stockport Council, Stockport Homes Ltd or member of the public in a public place or in any place to which the public has access;, 3. Enter or attempt to enter the area highlighted in yellow on the attached map known as the Adswood Estate except between the hours of 1pm and 7pm, and only when accompanied by his mother, Clare Platt, solely for the purpose of visiting 4 Otley Grove and 7 Melrose Crescent and only to use the route marked in red on the above map.

Street Lights You can report issues such as faulty street lights or street lights blocked by trees etc. to the council, either online: www.stockport.gov.uk/doitonline or by calling: 0161 480 4949 Effective street lighting is a powerful deterrent to criminals.

School Parking
The Police are taking a zero tolerance approach to illegal parking at the local schools. 30 Fixed Penalty Notices are being issued on the spot to any offenders whose vehicles are found to be causing an obstruction. We ask for you to please park considerately, and within the law when doing the school run.

Business Watch on Bramhall Lane

Neighbourhood officers have begun contacting businesses on Bramhall Lane to start a Business Watch scheme which allows both businesses and GMP to share and discuss information about local crime issues to help reduce crime within the area. There will be more information in the next newsletter about how the Business Watch is shaping up.

For non-emergency calls or to report a crime, call: Greater Manchester Police Tel: 0161 872 5050 Call 999 in an emergency, where there is a threat to life or a crime in progress To anonymously pass on information to police, contact: Stockport Councils New Police Anti-Social National Behaviour Hotline Single Non Environmental Emergency Number Services Parks and Recreation Street scene Traffic Services Tel: 0161 217 6111 Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (Stockport) Tel: 0161 608 5426/27

Neighbourhood Watch
If you would like to get in touch about your local Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, please contact the West Neighbourhood Policing Team on 0161 856 9770

Follow the West Neighbourhood Policing Team on Twitter @GMPStockWest Where we update our followers on a regular basis with events, surgeries, crimes in the area, and what were doing.

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