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Real Estate - Strategy &


Case Study

Sep 2023
Real Estate, Hospitality & Tourism - Strategy & Transactions
Case Study Assessment
Scenario for the case study

 You are invited by Chief Development Officer of Company XYZ international located in Jeddah to discuss the development of a land plot
on the King Road in Jeddah
 Key facts and objectives:
 Land plot has a BUA of 200k SqM
 Land plot is easily accessible of the
 Timeline to launch will be 3-5 years
 Key questions to be answered and explained with a sound approach
 What is happening in the market around the area? i.e. what are some of the notable developments in the sub-market area?
 What should be the quantum of each of the development components proposed i.e. what should be the residential, hotel, office and
retail areas proposed?
 Explain your recommendation above i.e. why would one consider all of the asset classes or only a few of them?
 Positioning of the products being envisioned should be luxury, premium or mid-scale?
 What are some of the unique development concepts that could be introduced based on some global benchmarks?
 How would you determine the proposed price points for selling or leasing the asset classes proposed?
 What would be some of the other operational metrics of the asset classes proposed by you i.e. operating costs, operating margins,

 Prepare a presentation of 5-10 slides that will be utilized to present your findings to the CDO
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