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19EAC284: Electronic Circuits II Lab Op–Amp in Closed Loop Configuration

If the signal feedback is of opposite polarity (out of phase by 180°) with respect to
the input signal, the feedback is called Negative Feedback. If the feedback signal
is in phase with the input signal, the feedback is called Positive Feedback. In
amplifier circuits, negative feedback is employed.

Inverting Amplifier using Op–Amp

Gain of the amplifier,

Noninverting Amplifier using Op–Amp

Gain of the amplifier,

Unity Gain Amplifier (Voltage Follower) using Op–Amp

Gain of the amplifier, Av = 1

Frequency Response
Frequency response of any circuit is the plot between frequency and the magnitude
of gain. This shows the variation of gain with change in frequency. Generally, log(f )
is plotted on the X–axis and gain in decibels (dB) is plotted on Y–axis. Gain in
dB is computed using the expression AdB = 20log v .

Department of ECE 13 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

19EAC284: Electronic Circuits II Lab Op–Amp in Closed Loop Configuration

Frequency Response for Voltage Follower with vin =

vo vo
Frequency Output, vo 20log Frequency Output, vo 20log
vin vin

Department of ECE 14 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

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