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Title: the Landfills Construction and

This research explores the construction of landfills, including types, layers,
geomembrane, and geosynthetics used, along with recommendations for
building landfills in Jordan.

1. Introduction :
Definition and significance of landfills:
Landfill : a system of trash and garbage disposal in which the waste is
buried between layers of earth.

Significance of the landfills : Landfills are designed to make sure the waste
is isolated from the neighboring environment, such as groundwater, air and
rain. It is important to keep waste from surrounding environments to ensure
it does not decompose.

Fact : “According to the World Bank, global waste generation is expected

to rise to 3.40 billion tons by 2050, highlighting the importance of effective
waste management strategies.Construction of Landfills”

2. Site selection criteria:

Site selection for landfills involves several criteria to ensure environmental
protection and public health. Some common criteria include:
1. *Geology and Hydrogeology:* The site should have impermeable
geological formations, such as clay or bedrock, to prevent leachate (liquid
waste) from contaminating groundwater.
2. *Hydrology and Flood Risk:* Landfills should be situated away from
floodplains and areas prone to groundwater flooding to prevent
contamination and ensure stability.
3. *Distance from Population Centers:* Landfills should be located at a
safe distance from residential areas to minimize potential health risks and
nuisance from odor and traffic.
4. *Air Quality:* Proximity to sensitive receptors such as schools,
hospitals, and recreational areas should be considered to minimize air
pollution and health risks from landfill emissions.
5. *Transportation Access:* Easy access to transportation routes is
important for waste collection and transportation to the landfill site,
minimizing costs and environmental impact.
6. *Land Use Compatibility:* The site should be compatible with
surrounding land uses and zoning regulations to minimize conflicts with
other activities and protect ecosystems and habitats.
7. *Socioeconomic Factors:* Consideration of the socioeconomic
characteristics of the surrounding communities is important to minimize
potential social injustices and ensure equitable distribution of environmental
8. *Regulatory Compliance:* Compliance with local, state, and federal
regulations, including environmental impact assessments and permits, is
essential to ensure the landfill operates safely and legally.
9. *Buffer Zones:* Buffer zones around the landfill site can help mitigate
potential impacts on neighboring communities and ecosystems.
10. *Monitoring and Maintenance:* Availability of resources for long-term
monitoring, maintenance, and closure of the landfill is crucial to ensure
environmental protection and public safety over the site's lifespan and

3. Types of landfills :
Landfills can be classified into several types based on their design, the
types of waste they accept, and their management practices. Some
common types include:

1. *Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfills:* These are designed to

accept household waste, commercial waste, and non-hazardous industrial
waste. They are typically lined to prevent leachate from contaminating
groundwater and equipped with systems to collect and treat landfill gas.

2. *Construction and Demolition (C&D) Landfills:* These landfills

specifically accept waste generated from construction and demolition
activities, such as wood, concrete, metals, and drywall. They may have
different design and management requirements compared to MSW landfills
due to the nature of the waste.

3. *Industrial Landfills:* These are designed to accept non-hazardous

industrial waste generated by manufacturing processes. They may have
specialized liners and containment systems to handle specific types of
waste, such as sludges, fly ash, or industrial byproducts.

4. *Hazardous Waste Landfills:* These landfills are specifically

engineered to handle hazardous waste materials that pose a risk to human
health and the environment. They have stringent design and management
requirements to prevent contamination of soil, groundwater, and surface

5. *Bioreactor Landfills:* Bioreactor landfills utilize various technologies to

accelerate the decomposition of organic waste, such as adding moisture,
nutrients, or oxygen to promote microbial activity. This can enhance waste
degradation and methane production while reducing the long-term
environmental impact of the landfill.

6. *Sanitary Landfills:* Sanitary landfills are engineered to minimize

environmental impact and odors by compacting waste and covering it with
soil or other materials at the end of each operating day. They typically have
liners and leachate collection systems to prevent groundwater

7. *Subtitle D Landfills:* These landfills comply with the regulations set

forth in Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
in the United States. They must meet specific design, operation, and
closure requirements to ensure environmental protection.

8. *Managed Landfills:* Managed landfills employ advanced waste

management practices such as waste sorting, recycling, and composting to
minimize the amount of waste sent to the landfill and maximize resource

These are just some of the common types of landfills, and variations may
exist depending on regional regulations, waste composition, and
technological advancements.

4. construction of landfills :
The construction of a landfill involves several key steps and engineering
considerations to ensure environmental protection and public health. Here's
a general overview of the typical construction process:

1. *Site Selection:* As mentioned earlier, selecting an appropriate site for

the landfill involves considering factors such as geology, hydrogeology,
proximity to population centers, regulatory compliance, and other
environmental and socioeconomic factors.

2. *Permitting and Regulatory Compliance:* Before construction begins,

obtaining necessary permits and approvals from local, state, and federal
regulatory agencies is essential. This may involve conducting
environmental impact assessments, public hearings, and compliance with
zoning regulations and landfill siting criteria.

3. *Engineering Design:* The engineering design of the landfill includes

planning the layout, grading, and construction of various components such
as liners, leachate collection systems, gas collection and control systems,
access roads, stormwater management facilities, and landfill cells.

4. *Liner Installation:* One of the critical components of landfill

construction is installing liners to prevent leachate from contaminating
groundwater. Liners typically consist of layers of impermeable materials
such as clay or synthetic geomembranes, along with drainage and
protective layers.

5. *Leachate Collection System:* above the liner, a leachate collection

system is installed to collect and remove liquids that percolate through the
waste. Leachate is typically collected in pipes and directed to storage tanks
or treatment facilities to prevent groundwater contamination.

6. *Landfill Cell Construction:* Once the liner and leachate collection

system are in place, landfill cells are constructed by compacting and
layering waste materials within defined boundaries. Each cell is compacted
regularly to maximize waste density and minimize airspace.
7. *Covering and Compaction:* At the end of each operating day or when
a cell reaches its capacity, the waste is covered with soil or other materials
to minimize odors, control pests, and prevent erosion. Compaction of the
waste and cover materials helps maximize landfill capacity and stability.

8. *Gas Collection and Control System:* Landfills generate methane gas

as organic waste decomposes anaerobically. To mitigate the release of
methane into the atmosphere and reduce the risk of explosions, gas
collection wells and piping systems are installed to collect and treat landfill
gas for energy recovery or flaring.

9. *Monitoring and Maintenance:* Throughout the lifespan of the landfill,

regular monitoring and maintenance activities are conducted to ensure
compliance with regulatory requirements, manage environmental risks, and
address any issues that arise, such as groundwater contamination or gas

10. *Closure and Post-Closure Care:* Once the landfill reaches its
capacity or the permitted lifespan, it undergoes closure procedures,
including covering with a final cap, installing groundwater monitoring wells,
and implementing long-term post-closure care plans to monitor and
mitigate potential environmental impacts.

6. lining of landfill :
Landfills typically employ multi-layered lining systems to prevent the
leakage of contaminants into the surrounding environment, particularly into
groundwater. These lining systems usually consist of several components,
each serving a specific purpose. Here are the layers commonly found in
modern landfill lining systems:
1. *Primary Liner:* The primary liner is the first layer placed directly on
the natural soil substrate. It is designed to provide a barrier to the
downward migration of leachate from the waste materials deposited in the
landfill. The primary liner typically consists of two main components:
- *Compacted Clay Liner (CCL):* A layer of compacted clay, usually
bentonite or kaolin, with low permeability that acts as a natural barrier to
the movement of liquids.
-*geosynthetic clay liner (GCL):*in regard to this layer we should
elaborate more about its texture and features since it’s very recommended
worldwide .
A geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) is a type of geosynthetic material used in
landfill lining systems and other environmental containment applications. It
typically consists of layers of geosynthetic materials sandwiching a layer of
natural sodium bentonite clay.

Here's how a geosynthetic clay liner is typically constructed:

1. *Geotextile Layers:* The GCL begins with two layers of geotextile fabric,
typically made of woven or non-woven polypropylene or polyester. These
geotextile layers serve as reinforcement and protection for the bentonite
clay core.

2. *Bentonite Clay Core:* Between the geotextile layers lies a layer of

natural sodium bentonite clay. Bentonite clay is highly expansive when
hydrated, forming a dense, impermeable barrier that seals against the
passage of liquids.

3. *Seaming:* The geotextile layers are often stitched or heat-bonded

together along the edges to create a continuous barrier and prevent
leakage through potential gaps.
Geosynthetic clay liners offer several advantages in landfill lining systems:

- *High Hydraulic Conductivity Reduction:* The swelling properties of

bentonite clay when hydrated significantly reduce the hydraulic conductivity
of the liner, minimizing the passage of liquids such as leachate.
- *Self-sealing Properties:* Bentonite clay can self-heal small punctures or
defects in the liner by swelling in response to moisture, providing an
additional level of leak resistance.
- *Ease of Installation:* GCLs are relatively lightweight and easy to handle
compared to traditional clay liners, which can reduce construction time and
labor costs.
- *Compatibility with Sloping Surfaces:* GCLs can conform to irregular or
sloping surfaces, making them suitable for use in landfill slopes and other
complex geometries.

However, it's essential to properly design and install GCLs to ensure their
effectiveness as part of a landfill lining system. Quality control measures
during installation, such as proper hydration of the bentonite clay and
careful seaming of the geotextile layers, are critical to achieving the desired
performance and long-term stability of the liner.
And in comparison between CCL and GCL there are many tests conducted
to show the advantages and disadvantages of each of them , we will
provide you with some of the tests that was conducted by a world certified
testing institutes on GCL:
. GRI-GCL5 and GRI-GCL3 spercifications
.ASTM D5887 and D6766 standards
and in order to show you the final conclusion that you will come up with
here we will show you a briefed details that concludes the difference
between the two types in this table shown in the picture :

- *Geomembrane Liner:* A synthetic impermeable liner made of materials

such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE), linear low-density polyethylene
(LLDPE), or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Geomembranes provide an
additional barrier to prevent leachate migration.
. Here's a comparison between PVC and HDPE liners, along with some
certified test results:
1. *Material Properties:*
- *PVC Liners:* PVC liners are flexible and have good puncture
resistance. They offer excellent resistance to chemicals, UV degradation,
and environmental stress cracking. PVC liners typically have a smooth
surface, which facilitates installation and reduces frictional resistance.
- *HDPE Liners:* HDPE liners are also flexible and have high tensile
strength and puncture resistance. They have good resistance to chemical
attack, but they may be susceptible to degradation from UV exposure
unless they are stabilized with carbon black or other additives. HDPE liners
have a textured surface option, which enhances frictional resistance and
stability on slopes.

2. *Installation and Weldability:*

- *PVC Liners:* PVC liners are typically installed using heat welding
techniques, such as hot wedge or hot air welding. They are generally
easier to weld than HDPE liners, especially in cold weather conditions.
- *HDPE Liners:* HDPE liners are also installed using heat welding
methods. They require precise welding parameters and may be more
challenging to weld in adverse weather conditions or on steep slopes.

3. *Environmental Performance:*
- *PVC Liners:* PVC liners have good chemical resistance and can
withstand exposure to a wide range of chemicals commonly found in landfill
leachate. They are also resistant to biological degradation.
- *HDPE Liners:* HDPE liners offer excellent resistance to chemical
attack and are commonly used in aggressive chemical containment
applications. They are resistant to biological degradation and can withstand
long-term exposure to landfill leachate.
4. *Certified Test Results:*
- Certified test results for PVC and HDPE liners typically include tests for
mechanical properties, chemical resistance, seam strength, and durability
under simulated environmental conditions. These tests may be conducted
according to international standards such as ASTM, GRI, or ISO.

Here are some examples of certified test results that may be performed on
PVC and HDPE liners:

- Tensile strength and elongation (ASTM D638)

- Tear resistance (ASTM D1004)
- Seam strength (ASTM D6392)
- Chemical resistance (ASTM D5322)
- UV resistance (ASTM G154)
- Permeability testing (ASTM D4491)

It's important to consult manufacturer specifications and test data to ensure

that the selected liner material meets the specific requirements and
performance criteria for the intended application, including environmental
conditions, chemical exposure, and installation method.
In summery we recommend you to read this article to have a more realistic
view :
Along with this site that may connect you to the suppliers all over the world

2. *Secondary Liner:* The secondary liner is placed on top of the

primary liner and serves as an additional protective barrier. It provides
redundancy to ensure containment even if the primary liner is
compromised. The secondary liner typically consists of a similar
configuration of compacted clay and geomembrane layers as the primary

3. *Leachate Collection System:* above the primary liner, a network

of perforated pipes or channels is installed to collect leachate that
accumulates within the landfill. The leachate collection system prevents the
buildup of liquid pressure and facilitates the removal and treatment of
leachate to prevent groundwater contamination.

4. *Drainage Layer:* A drainage layer, often composed of coarse sand

or gravel, is placed above the primary liner to facilitate the drainage of
liquids away from the waste materials and toward the leachate collection
system. The drainage layer helps prevent the saturation of the waste mass
and reduces the potential for liner damage.

5. *Protective Layers:* Protective layers may be added above the

geomembrane liner to shield it from puncture or abrasion during
construction activities or waste placement. These protective layers can
include geotextiles, geocomposites, or additional layers of soil or

These layers work together to create a robust barrier system that minimizes
the migration of contaminants from the landfill into the surrounding
environment, particularly groundwater. Proper installation, compaction, and
quality control measures are essential to ensure the effectiveness and
integrity of the lining system over the lifespan of the landfill.

7. status of landfills in Jordan :

In Jordan there are 18 landfills distributed on three regions
- 4 landfills in the north
- 5 in the middle
- 9 in the south
The only landfill that was constructed based on an engineering standards
was “ghabawi landfill” which is the biggest landfill in Jordan on an area of 2
km2 and and includes 9 cells (only 5 of them are functioning) , in 2023 the
first stage of the 6th cell construction started which is expected to last for
4.5 years and the remaining 3 cells are not yet ready to function , therefore
the “ghabawi’ landfill was built along with leachate collection system and
gas collection system and receives 55% of Jordan’s solid waste .
The world bank helped the jordanian government to build the ghabawi
landfill through a financial aid in 2002 and It was established in 2003 .
The remaining so called landfills are not constructed properly and causes a
continuous damage to the environment and can be named as dumpsites
which are not capable of leachate treatment nor gas collection and some of
them burn the garbage and the others just bury it .
This represents a very critical environmental challenge to jordan’s
government .
For further details this pdf file will provide you with sufficient data :
and here is a good new article that talks about the current situation :

8. the standards of landfill’s construction in Jordan :

We shall provide you with a pdf file that summarize the design standards of
landfills in Jordan :

9. davis landfill profile :

This landfill is located in the US and we found it interesting to show you one
of the real existing sites beside the theoretical explanations mentioned
earlier. This landfill has a prfile that you can go through it and discover
more details about landfills:

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