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Overview of Technical

Specifications for Grid-

Connected Microgrid
Battery Energy Storage

by vaneeza ahmed
Background and Motivation
The US Energy Storage Association aims to add 100GW of new energy storage by 2030, primarily through
electrochemical batteries, to aid the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources. This widespread
deployment faces technical challenges, such as stand-alone operation, interoperability, safety validation, and training,
as well as economic challenges, including integration costs and uncertain economic benefits of various Battery Energy
Storage System (BESS) applications. Faulty grid integration of BESS can incur penalties if it fails to manage sags,
surges, and harmonics, and must comply with grid connection requirements and facilitate transitions between islanded
and grid-connected modes using a programmable controller. Such systems, termed Microgrids (MGs) by the U.S.
Department of Energy, are critical in hurricane-prone regions like the Caribbean and Central and South America. For
example, after Puerto Rico's transmission grid was devastated by a hurricane in 2017, studies suggested that MGs with
BESS and power swapping capabilities could restore power faster than traditional grid repairs. Similarly, the Electric
Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) outage during a winter storm highlighted the need for community MGs that
operate independently in islanded mode and support ancillary services, potentially mitigating such crises.

This presentation presents a comprehensive review of the architecture, integration, operational challenges, guidelines,
control strategies, and protection schemes used in grid-connected microgrids with battery energy storage systems
(BESSs) and discuss the technical details and considerations for designing and implementing reliable, safe, and
efficient BESS systems that can seamlessly integrate with the power grid and provide a range of ancillary services.
FIGURE 1. Schematic diagram of information and
contribution organization.
MG BESS Architecture
The architecture of MG BESS involves two primary elements: the physical battery packs and
the interfacing Power Conversion System (PCS). Here's a concise breakdown:

Device Layer Power Electronic Controller Supervisory Layer

Battery Pack: Consists of weather- Controls switching of converters and Energy Management System (EMS):
resistant containers housing battery racks inverters using pulse width modulation Collects data from internal (BMS, TMS)
composed of modules. (PWM). and external sources for decision-making.
Battery Management System (BMS) and Ensures steady DC link voltage for Routes data to the EMS via the
Thermal Management System (TMS): conversion stages. communication layer.
Monitor and protect battery racks and Makes decisions based on system
cells. optimization and performance guidelines.
Power Conversion Sublayer: Includes
converters, inverters, filters, and
transformers for DC/AC conversion.
MG BESS Architecture

FIGURE 2. BESS components breakdown.

A. MG BESS Benchmark Requirements

Dispatchability and Intermittency

BESSs regulate power output to address
intermittency issues of renewable systems like Distribution Deferral
solar PV. 2
Provide backup power, reserve power for BESSs postpone upgrades to distribution line
distribution lines, excitation power for infrastructure, avoiding congestion-related
generators, or reference frequency. costs.

Grid Services
Peak load shaving, power balancing,
frequency regulation, and reserve capacity
Support black start operations with stable
voltage and frequency references, inverter
ride-through capabilities, and reactive power
BESS Integration and Operational Challenges in an MG
Despite the advantages of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), their integration into Microgrids (MGs) and bulk grid
use faces multiple technical and economic challenges. Technical challenges include performance and safety validation,
interoperability, education and training, and technological constraints. Economic challenges involve high system integration
costs, sub-optimal efficiency, and regulatory uncertainties. BESSs are preferred over peaker plants for ancillary grid services
but are often seen as lossy consumers due to efficiency-output power relationships. Proper BESS integration requires
addressing these issues while optimizing ramp rates and latency periods.

Technical Challenges Economic Challenges

Key technical challenges include stand-alone Economic challenges include complete system
operation and interoperability validation, safety integration cost, and uncertainties surrounding the
validation, education and training on emerging economic benefits of varying BESS applications.
systems, and technological constraints.
Battery Chemistries
Current Usage of Batteries with MG Capability:

As per the DOE’s database:

Aluminum-ion and lithium-air batteries show

research progress but are not commercialized.
Effective BESS deployment requires selecting
the right battery chemistry for longevity and
performance. Studying real-world cases helps
address deployment obstacles and operational
challenges, though each BESS setup is unique.
Guidelines, Standards and Operational Requirements
Components involved in the BESS architecture, specifically
BMS and PCS, require specific guidelines and requirements to allow interconnection and operation in a
grid-connected setting. The following subsections discuss the approach for battery parameter acquisition
and modeling, interconnection and operational standards, internal BESS connections, vary- ing PCS
topologies and configurations, and the practical use cases for BESS in a grid-connected MG environment.
A. Battery Parameter Acquisition and Safe Operation Requirements
1. Parameter Acquisition
a. Battery Current Acquisition b. Battery Voltage Acquisition c. Battery Temperature Acquisition
Current sensors face drift, offset, and Voltage measurement ensures cells operate Monitoring thermal extremes prevents
temperature errors. within specified ranges. damage and prolongs lifespan.
Different approaches like shunt resistors or Programmable comparators and voltage Sensors like NTC thermistors or
Hall sensors are employed. acquisition channels are utilized. thermocouples are used.
Considerations for placement and Accuracy crucial for state-of-charge (SOC) Installation considerations to mitigate EMI-
configuration to optimize accuracy and estimation. induced changes.
minimize disturbances.
A. Battery Parameter Acquisition and Safe Operation Requirements
2. Battery Modeling
Battery modeling is essential for analyzing grid-connected BESS and BMS behavior. Existing models fall into three main categories:

Electrochemical Models: Equivalent Circuit Models (ECMs): Multi-physics Models:

These physics-based models, like P2D and ECMs represent cell behavior with voltage Integrating numerical analysis with internal
SP models, simulate battery dynamics sources, resistors, and capacitors. Models phenomena, these models simulate
considering internal electrochemical like Rint, Linear, and SAFT RC offer a electrochemical reactions, heat exchange,
processes. While accurate, they can be simpler yet effective approach, balancing and mechanical aspects. Combining thermal
computationally intensive. Simplification accuracy with computational efficiency. and health-conscious optimization strategies,
methods and filters are used to manage Filtering techniques enhance fault diagnosis. they extend battery lifespan and improve
complexity. performance.
A. Battery Parameter Acquisition and Safe Operation Requirements
3. Battery Modeling
a: Equalization Algorithm b: Contactors, Galvanic Isolation,
and Redundancy

Cell parameter variations necessitate equalization Contactors play a crucial role in disconnecting faulty
algorithms to mitigate disparity in interconnected cells. battery modules to prevent damage. Arc extinguisher
Active and passive balancing techniques are common, systems and galvanic isolation ensure safety and
with passive methods prevalent in grid-connected r e l i a b i l i t y. R e d u n d a n c y m e a s u r e s , i n c l u d i n g
applications. These techniques, like resistor-based continuous monitoring and backup systems, enhance
passive balancing, ensure uniform cell discharge, functional safety and interoperability standards
enhancing overall battery performance. compliance.
Guidelines, Standards and Operational Requirements
B. BESS Interconnection and Operational Requirements: Grid Codes and Standards

Grid codes, including IEEE 1547 and 2030 series, govern the interconnection of high-power systems like BESS. IEEE
standards address communication protocols, voltage fluctuation limits, and operational parameters. Compliance with UL
standards ensures safety and functionality of BESS PCSs. Designers must consider application-specific requirements
when configuring battery banks and PCSs.
C. Battery Interconnection and Integration Topologies

1. Internal Battery Pack Connections: 2. External Connections to Battery Packs:

Battery pack configurations vary based on application Safe and efficient battery performance relies on
needs and PCS requirements. Interleaved and non- maintaining cell parameters within specified limits.
interleaved configurations offer different monitoring External monitoring systems like BMS and TMS
and equalization capabilities. Emerging reconfigurable manage data acquisition, charge variations, and
battery packs enhance reliability and scalability, temperature control. Battery packs can connect to
allowing for dynamic configuration adjustments. PCUs either in a dedicated or parallel configuration,
with transformers facilitating connections to higher
grid voltage levels. Compliance with IEEE standards
ensures appropriate protection schemes and procedures
based on BESS power ratings and connection voltages.
D. Battery Energy Storage Power Conversion
D. Battery Energy Storage Power Conversion

FIGURE 3. Operational features of various grid-connected inverters.

E. Operational Use Cases for Grid-Connected BESS

Grid-Support/Ancillary Services: Behind-the-Meter (BTM) Services: Economic Applications:

These services aid basic power system BTM services enhance power quality and Economic use cases include transactional
functions like generation, transmission, reliability for distribution and consumption markets and investment deferrals.
and distribution, ensuring stability and without utility grid interaction. They help Transactive energy involves dynamic
reliability. They include frequency control, reduce facility/electricity costs, especially balancing of supply and demand across the
network control, and system restart in residential settings, but also in grid through economic and control
services. BESSs play a crucial role in time- commercial applications like hospitals and mechanisms, based on time-dependent
shifting services, such as load following universities. Some BTM services overlap energy prices. Investment deferral suggests
and peak shaving, essential for integrating with ancillary services but focus on that as battery capacity and Distributed
Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) given individual consumers. Generation (DG) levels increase, the need
their intermittent nature. for infrastructure upgrades decreases,
reducing costs.
BESS Power Conversion and Topologies
Power Conversion Stages Converter Topologies
It outlines the different power conversion Discuss a variety of bidirectional DC-DC
configurations, including single-stage and converter topologies, such as half-bridge,
double-stage topologies, used to interface the buck-boost, and dual active bridge, and their
battery packs with the grid or DC loads. advantages and disadvantages for BESS

Inverter Topologies Power Filtering

The reviews both 2-level and multilevel Provided an overview of the terminal-
inverter topologies, including Z-source, dual- connected power filters, such as L, LC, LCL,
buck half-bridge, and cascaded H-bridge, that and LLCL filters, that are used to reduce
are commonly used in grid-connected BESS harmonics and improve power quality in BESS
systems. power conversion systems.
MG Protection
Protection Blinding Intentional Islanding
Integration of BESSs with conventional Islanding mode transition protects MG
generators in MGs can cause protection systems from disruption.
blinding. Various detection mechanisms ensure
BESSs can delay overcurrent protection smooth transition to islanded mode.
due to their short circuit contribution. BESSs facilitate load adjustment during
Adaptive protection and differential islanding and resynchronization
protection systems are proposed processes.
solutions. Tr a n s i t i o n f r o m i s l a n d e d t o g r i d -
Central monitoring at the common AC connected operation requires
bus can detect protection blinding synchronization control algorithms.
without complex communication. Intentional islanding is crucial for MG
system protection, but sustainability
depends on adequate power generation.
BESS Control Strategies

Battery Pack BESS Unit Multiple BESS BESS Protection

Equalization Control Control The authors discuss
The paper discusses The authors outline The paper reviews the issues of
the different battery the hierarchical the control strategies, protection blinding
pack equalization control levels, such as centralized, and the use of
techniques, both including device, decentralized, and intentional islanding
passive and active, primary, secondary, distributed, for to protect the
and their objectives, and tertiary, used to coordinating the microgrid system
such as optimal manage the voltage, operation of multiple from grid instability
parameter threshold f r e q u e n c y, a n d stationary and plug- and ensure reliable
selection, minimized power flow in grid- in electric vehicle operation of the
equalization time connected BESS (PEV) BESSs in a BESS.
and energy loss, and systems. grid-connected
c a p a c i t y microgrid.
FIGURE 4. Control and measurement hierarchy of both MG (left) and BESSs in MGs (right) with their corresponding response times.
Case Study: Renewable Microgrid with BESS at FIU
A. Overview of the Renewable MG Project
FIU's Engineering center campus hosts a 1.4 MW solar PV and 3MW/9MWh NMC (Li-ion) BESS.
The BESS is sized to provide 24-hour uninterrupted power to critical loads.

B. Technical Details of the BESS

Consists of two parallel battery banks interfacing a grid-forming PCS.
Connected to a 23kV switchgear bus, serving chiller plants and campus loads.

C. Black Start Operation of MG Using BESS

MG controller initiates a black start sequence during power failure.
Manages BESS SOC% to maintain control during transient periods.

D. Islanded Operation Performance

Islanding operation lasted 20 minutes, with compliance to IEEE 1453 requirements.
FIGURE 5. Single-line diagram of the FIU MG
This presentation provides a comprehensive review of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) architecture,
integration challenges, operational considerations, and development in guidelines and interconnection requirements
for grid-connected Microgrids (MGs). While organizations like IEEE, IEC, and UL have outlined integration
methodologies, research gaps persist in fully understanding the internal dynamics of grid-connected BESSs. For
instance, capacity measurement accuracy varies with battery pack scale-up and C-rates, highlighting the need for
further investigation.

Different BESS DC/DC converters and AC/DC inverters are discussed, with CHB and NPC variant inverters preferred
for their superior performance. Operational use cases for BESSs include grid-support/ancillary, Behind-the-Meter
(BTM), and financial applications, each crucial for grid stability and reliability. This presentation also verifies the
voltage sag limits recommended in IEEE 1453 through practical testing.
Future Outlook and Recommendations
While BESSs are better understood, challenges persist with the increasing penetration of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs).
Future research should focus on proportional deployment of BESSs alongside other solutions to address RES intermittencies. The
rise of Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) introduces opportunities and challenges, necessitating research on battery reuse, safety, and
integration into BESSs.

As RES penetration increases, the value and role of BESSs in power system stability evolve, necessitating controlled and
aggregated deployment. Future work should consider energy curtailment, demand response, and the potential of PEVs in providing
grid services. Overcoming barriers like local control limitations and BESS redundancy issues will advance RES and BESS
integration into the power grid.

In summary, future research should focus on developing robust control strategies, addressing safety concerns, and optimizing
BESS integration to realize the full potential of grid-connected BESSs in supporting a sustainable and reliable energy future.

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