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The quality of life in Chinese patients with systemic lupus

erythematosus is associated with disease activity and

psychiatric disorders: a path analysis
B. Shen1-3, G. Feng2, W. Tang2, X. Huang1, H. Yan1, Y. He1, W. Chen1, Z. Da2,
H. Liu4, Z. Gu2
Department of Nursing, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Nantong, China;
Department of Rheumatology, Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Nantong, China;
School of Nursing, Nantong University, Nantong, China;
Department of Haematology, Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Nantong, China.

To identify the socioeconomic status, disease activity and psychiatric disorders that contribute to the health-related
quality of life (HRQOL) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients.

Data were collected from 170 SLE patients and 210 healthy individuals. All of the patients fulfilled the criteria for the
classification of SLE and underwent disease activity assessment according to the SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI).
Self-rated scales for anxiety (SAS) and depression (SDS) were used to evaluate the levels of anxiety and depression.
The patients’ general health status was measured using the Short Form (SF)-36 questionnaire. To provide greater clarity
regarding the determinants of HRQOL, path analysis was used to explore the relationships between the various
predictors and the health-related quality of life (HRQoL).

SLE patients who have depression and anxiety are more likely to have a lower quality of life compared to those who are
not depressed (r=-0.735, p<0.01; r=-0.684, p<0.01). All of the variables were significantly correlated with depression
except age, gender and marital status. Education was negatively correlated with disease activity (r=-0.272, p<0.05) and
anxiety (r=-0.312, p<0.01). Disease activity was positively correlated with anxiety (r=0.198, p<0.05). In addition, work
status also correlated with anxiety (r=-0.294, p<0.01). A path-analytic models analysis suggested that the main influencing
factors of HRQoL are the following: depression, anxiety, education level, income/family, disease activity, age, and work
status. A χ2 test (χ215=17.71, p=0.28>0.05) indicated that the path analysis model had an adequate goodness of fit value.
Depression (β=–0.616, p<0.05) contributed the most to HRQOL. Depression, anxiety and disease activity contributed
to HRQoL both directly and indirectly through other factors. Socioeconomic factors such as education, income/family
and work status, however, did not contribute directly to HRQoL.

HRQoL in SLE is influenced by disease activity and psychiatric disorders. Socioeconomic status has no direct influence
on the quality of life of lupus patients, while disease activity has a direct impact on the quality of life. Anxiety and
depression were significant predictors of poor HRQoL. Understanding how these factors are inter-related may help
clinicians focus their assessments and develop strategies to improve the HRQoL of lupus patients.

Key words
systemic lupus erythematosus, health-related quality of life, socioeconomic status, depression, anxiety,
SLE Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI), path analysis

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2014; 32: 101-107.

Path analysis quality of life in SLE patients / B. Shen et al.

Biyu Shen, MM Introduction psychiatric disorders and quality of life

Guijuan Feng, MM Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (2-3). However, analytical methods
Wei Tang, MM is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune such as correlation cannot determine
Xiaoqing Huang, MB
disease that not only leads to multiple causal relationships between variables.
Hongyan Yan, MB
Yan He, MB organ systems, but is also a significant Path analysis is a statistical technique
Weijun Chen, MB risk factor for depression and anxiety for estimating the magnitude and sig-
Zhanyun Da, MM (1-4). In addition, the disease exerts nificance (indirect and direct) of hypo-
Hong Liu, PhD an unfavourable impact on the health- thetically causal relationships among
Zhifeng Gu, PhD related quality of life (HRQoL), re- sets of variables (21).
*These authors made an equal sulting in a high economic burden on This study aims to identify which fac-
contribution to this work. society (5-7). The survival of patients tors, including socioeconomic status,
Please address correspondence to: with SLE has increased considerably disease activity and psychiatric disor-
Dr Zhifeng Gu, over the past 2 decades, partly due to ders, contribute to HRQol in patients
Department of Rheumatology, earlier diagnosis and better therapeutic with SLE and to explore the direct
Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University,
20th Xisi Road,
approaches (8, 9). With improvements and indirect relationships that exist
226001 Nantong, P.R. China. in SLE survival, increased attention between the identified variables using
E-mail: has been focused on the reduction in path analysis.
Received on May 19, 2013; accepted in HRQoL associated with this condition.
revised form on August 30, 2013. Patients with SLE have reported scores Patients and methods
© Copyright Clinical and on HRQoL measures that are 30–40% Participants
Experimental Rheumatology 2014. lower than those reported by age- and SLE patients were recruited from the Af-
sex-matched peers. All domains of filiated Hospital of Nantong University
HRQoL appear to be affected by SLE between January 2010 and July 2011.
(10). Capturing decrements and im- A total of 170 SLE patients and 210
provements in HRQoL has therefore healthy individuals were consecutively
become important in SLE clinical re- invited to participate in a single-center
search, and these aims are advocated cross-sectional study. The healthy indi-
by both the US Food and Drug Ad- viduals were used as the control group.
ministration, which provides guidance All of the patients fulfilled the 1997
to SLE clinical researchers, and the American College of Rheumatology
Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (ACR) revised criteria for the classifi-
Clinical Trials group (11, 12). The dis- cation of SLE. Patients were excluded
ease has profound effects on HRQoL based on either of the following reasons:
that have been documented extensively (1) they did not complete questionnaire;
in the literature (5). The magnitude of (2) they had comorbidities (e.g. serious
the HRQoL reduction in patients with infections or cardiac, respiratory, gas-
SLE is as substantial as that observed trointestinal, neurological, or endocrine
Funding: this work was supported by in patients suffering from other severe disease) that could influence SLE activ-
the National Natural Science Foundation chronic illnesses such as AIDS and ity. This study was approved by the Eth-
of China (Grant no. 81172841), the RA (13, 14). Several factors, including ics Committee of the Affiliated Hospital
Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu socioeconomic status, disease activity of Nantong University, and written in-
Colleges and Universities Grant (no. and psychiatric disorders, can report- formed consent was obtained from all of
09KJB320010), “Top Six Types of Talents’’ edly influence the quality of life in in- the participants.
Financial Assistance of Jiangsu Province
dividuals with SLE. Other factors such
Grant (no. 6), and the Jiangsu province’s
Outstanding Medical Academic Leader as age and disease duration impact the Measures of clinical variables
Program (LJ201136). This work was also quality of life in lupus patients in a The Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
supported by the Science Foundation of complex manner (15-17). In addition, Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI) was
Nantong City Grant (no. HS2011054, the chronic medication, damage, and used to measure disease activity (22).
HS12966), a project from the College loss of productivity hamper the quality
graduate research and innovation of of life in SLE patients (18). Research The Revised Self-Rating Anxiety
Jiangsu Province (CXLX12_0891), the
on the determinants of life quality in Scale (SAS)
Nantong University Graduate Innovation
Program (YKC12037), a project from the SLE patients showed that psychiatric SAS (23) was used to evaluate the level
Bureau of Jiangsu Province (Z2010005) disorders and disease activity are sig- of anxiety-related symptoms during the
and the Preventive Medicine Projects nificant negative predictors (19, 20). week prior to the survey. This self-ad-
from the Bureau of Jiangsu Province Several studies used regression analy- ministered test has 20 questions, with
(Y2012083). sis to focus on the correlation between 15 items that reflect increasing anxiety
Competing interests: none declared. socioeconomic status, disease activity, levels and 5 questions that reflect de-

Path analysis quality of life in SLE patients / B. Shen et al.

creasing anxiety levels. Each question Table I. Demographic characteristics of SLE patients (n=158).
was scored on a scale of 1 to 4 (rarely,
Mean±SD Frequency Percentage
sometimes, frequently, and always, re-
spectively). The scores ranged between Age, years 32.9 ±10.2
20 and 80, where scores greater than Gender
70 suggest severe anxious symptoms, Male 14 8.8
scores between 60 and 69 indicate Female 144 91.2
moderate to marked anxiety, scores SAS (≥50 score) 32 20.3
SDS (≥53 score) 52 32.9
between 50 and 59 suggest minimal to SLEDAI score 11.8±9.5
mild anxiety, and scores less than 50
Marital status
indicate no anxious symptoms. Single 32 20.3
Married 126 79.7
The Revised Self-Rating Depression Education
Scale (SDS) <9 years 86 54.4
SDS (24) is a 20-item questionnaire de- ≥9 years 72 45.6
signed to assess mood symptoms over Work status
Working 30 19.0
the past week (e.g. ‘I feel downhearted, Unemployed 128 81.0
blue and sad’). Each item is scored Income/ family
on a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 4. ≤2000 Yuan 100 63.3
Scores greater than 70 suggest severe >2000 Yuan 58 36.7
depressive symptoms, scores between
60 and 69 indicate moderate to marked SLEDAI score, depression, anxiety and AGFI>0.85) indicate that the model
depression, scores between 53 and 59 HRQoL. Next, we performed a path closely fits the data (27). The CFI is
suggest minimal to mild depression, analysis to investigate and quantify an incremental fit index (28) that rep-
and scores less than 53 indicate no de- the hypothesised association between resents the proportionate improvements
pressive symptoms. demographic and socioeconomic fac- in a model fit by comparing the target
tors (i.e. age, gender, marital status, model with a baseline model (usually a
Measure of the Quality of Life education and family income), disease null model in which all of the observed
The general health status of each pa- impairments and HRQoL. It was esti- variables are uncorrelated). The values
tient was measured using the Short mated and tested with a maximum like- range between 0 and 1, where values
Form (SF)-36 questionnaire, which lihood algorithm. The chi-square sta- larger than 0.90 suggest a good model
measures eight multi-item dimensions: tistic was used where a non-significant fit (29).
physical functioning (PF, 10 items); test indicated that the model and data
role limitations due to physical prob- were consistent. This test was chosen Results
lems (RP, four items); role limitations because it is sensitive to the number of Participant characteristics
due to emotional problems (RE, three variables included in a model and the A total of 170 patients met the eligibility
items); social functioning (SF, two sample size available (25). Additional criteria. A small portion, 7.06% (n=12),
items); mental health (MH, five items); measures of fit were also used to evalu- did not complete the full questionnaire
energy/vitality (VT, four items); body ate the model, such as goodness-of-fit due to lack of interest, resulting in a
pain (BP, two items); and general index (GFI), adjusted goodness-of-fit total enrolment of 158 eligible SLE
health perception (GH, five items). For index (AGFI), comparative fit index patients. Table I presents the baseline
each dimension, the item scores were (CFI), and the root mean square error participant characteristics included in
coded, summed and transformed on of approximation (RMSEA). The chi- our analysis. Ages ranged from 13 to 60
a scale from 0 (worst possible health square test assesses whether a signifi- with an average of approximately 32.9
state measured by the questionnaire) to cant amount of observed covariance be- years (SD=10.2). The majority of our
100 (best possible health state). tween items remains unexplained by the study participants were female (91.2%)
model and should not be significant. A and married (79.7%), and the par-
Data analysis statistically significant chi-square result ticipants tended to have lower income
SPSS version 17.0 and AMOS 17.0 (p<0.05) indicates a bad model fit. The (63.3%) and less than a high school-
(SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) were RMSEA takes into account the error of level education (54.4%). The SLEDAI
used to perform the statistical analyses approximation of the model and should score of the participants ranged from 2
for this study. To provide an overview therefore be small (RMSEA<0.08) to 55 (Mean=11.8, SD=9.5).
of the relationship between potential (26). The GFI and AGFI assess the
factors and HRQoL, correlation analy- extent to which the model provides a Correlation analysis
ses were performed with the following better fit compared to no model at all. Table II shows the correlation values
variables: age, gender, marital status, These indices have a range between 0 between each variable. In our study,
work status education, income/ family, and 1, where higher values (GFI>0.90, we found that depressed and anxious

Path analysis quality of life in SLE patients / B. Shen et al.

Table II. Correlations between HRQoL and the variables used in this study.

Age Gender Marital Work Education Income / SLEDAI SAS SDS HRQoL
status status family score

Age r 1
p –
Gender r -0.051 1
p 0.657 –
Marital status r 0.546** -0.037 1
p <0.001 0.744 –
Work status r -0.099 0.176 0.012 1
p 0.384 0.121 0.919 –
Education r -0.377** 0.106 -0.250* -0.140 1
p 0.001 0.351 0.026 0.218 –
Income / family r -0.127 0.053 0.031 0.101 0.041 1
p 0.266 0.645 0.783 0.376 0.717 –
SLEDAI score r -0.008 -0.022 0.124 0.103 -0.272* -0.227* 1
p 0.946 0.847 0.275 0.364 0.015 0.044 –
SAS r 0.151 0.195 0.150 0.294** -0.330** -0.024 0.198* 1
p 0.183 0.085 0.187 0.009 0.003 0.047 0.041 –
SDS r 0.067 0.119 0.143 0.303** -0.312** -0.116* 0.294** 0.831** 1
p 0.559 0.295 0.209 0.007 0.005 0.835 0.009 0<0.001 –
HRQoL r -0.178 -0.082 -0.098 -0.154 0.307** 0.092 -0.232* -0.684** -0.735** 1
p 0.116 0.474 0.390 0.176 0.006 0.421 0.040 <0.001 <0.001 –

Spearman correlation was used to analyse the relation among gender, marital status, work status, education, income/ family, depression, anxiety and HRQoL.
Pearson correlation was used to analyse the normal distribution variables such as age and disease activity and HRQoL.
Significant correlations are indicated (2-tailed): *p<0.05, **p<0.01.

SLE patients are more likely to have Path analysis cated that our hypothetical model pro-
a lower quality of life compared with A path analysis model was developed vides a reasonable explanation of the
those who are not depressed (r=-0.735, to examine the relationship between relationship between demographic fac-
p<0.01; r=-0.684, p<0.01). In addi- socioeconomic factors and disease tors, disease impairments and HRQoL.
tion, our results also showed that if the impairments with HRQoL. This mod- A χ2 test was not significant (χ215=17.71,
disease activity of patients is higher, el explained 76% of the variance in p=0.28>0.05), indicating that this mod-
their quality of life is lower (r=-0.232, HRQoL in patients with SLE and indi- el has an adequate goodness of fit val-
p<0.05). However, those who had at
least a 9-year education (vs. less than 9
years) are more likely to have a higher
quality of life (r=0.307, p<0.01). All
of the variables used in our study were
significantly correlated with depres-
sion except age, gender and marital
status. We also found that education
was negatively correlated with disease
activity (r=-0.272, p<0.05) and anxiety
(r=-0.312, p<0.01). The disease activ-
ity of patients with a family income
of more than 2000 Chinese Yuan per
month (versus less than 2000 Yuan) is
lower (r=-0.227, p<0.05), whilea fam-
ily income is positively with anxiety
(r=0.198, p<0.05). In addition, work
status also correlated with anxiety (r=-
0.294, p<0.01). Therefore, the above-
mentioned demographics and disease Fig. 1. Hypothetical causal path diagram for HRQoL of SLE patients. Path analysis results showing
observed path among study variables. The arrows indicate the hypothetical cause-and-effect relation-
characteristics were included in the ships between factors.
final path analyses.

Path analysis quality of life in SLE patients / B. Shen et al.

ue. Further support for the model was Table III. Direct and indirect effect of variables in study model.
provided by an RMSEA value that was
Variables Direct effect Indirect effect Total effect Total effect sorting
less than 0.05(RMSEA=0.048) and
CFI, GFI and AGFI values that were Age – -0.097 -0.097 6
all greater than 0.90. All of the hy- Income / family – 0.130 0.130 5
pothesised paths reached significance Education – 0.238 0.238 3
(p<0.05). The standardised path direct Work status – 0.031 0.031 7
coefficients for the hypothetical model SLEDAI score -0.090 -0.065 -0.155 4
are presented in Figure 1. The direct, Anxiety -0.338 -0.255 -0.593 2
indirect, and total effects are displayed Depression -0.402 -0.214 -0.616 1
in Table III.
The results of this analysis suggest that relations and the relative importance of with less disease activity during SLE
HRQoL is mainly influenced by the the alternative path of influence (30). In diagnosis (34). However, other groups
following factors: depression, anxi- the present study, we used a path analy- found no relationship between socio-
ety, level of education, income/family, sis method to evaluate the interaction economic status and disease outcome
disease activity, age, and work sta- between variables and the quality of life or organ damage (35, 36). In the current
tus. Among the variables explored in in Chinese SLE patients. The models fit study, we have found that education
the path analyses, the strongest effect with the data reasonably well, indicat- level and family income affect disease
(-0.616) was found between depres- ing that it is possible to identify the key activity.
sion and HRQoL; we also found that determinants of HRQoL in individuals Although HRQoL was found to be
depression, anxiety and disease activ- with SLE using path analysis. The mod- worse in SLE patients in all of the stud-
ity contributed both directly to HRQoL el coefficients and pathways show that ies (37), associations between the meas-
as well as indirectly through other fac- a complex interaction exists between ures of disease activity and HRQL have
tors. Socioeconomic factors such as ed- socioeconomic factors, disease impair- been examined with mixed findings. It
ucation, income/family, age and work ments and HRQoL. has been reported that disease activity
status, however, did not contribute Several studies have focused on the im- correlates with the SF-36 subscales. Vu
directly to HRQoL. Instead, these fac- portance of socioeconomic factors for et al. reported that higher disease activ-
tors contributed indirectly to HRQoL the clinical outcome of SLE patients. It ity on the SLEDAI correlates with low-
through other factors including de- has been reported that SES, such as ed- er scores in two SF-36 domains: bod-
pression, anxiety and disease activity. ucation and zip code-based annualised ily pain and general health (38). Fortin
These findings highlight the benefit household income, are associated with et al. found that an increase in disease
of using path analysis to examine the HRQoL in SLE (31). Trupin and col- activity over time led to worsening in
complex means by which socioeco- leagues have reported that lower indi- all of the SF-36 domains (39). In con-
nomic factors and disease impairments vidual SES, as measured by education, trast, other studies have failed to find a
interrelate with HRQoL. household income, or poverty status, relationship between indices of disease
is associated with physical and mental activity and measures of HRQoL.
Discussion health consequences in lupus patients Gladman et al. reported that the total
Although socioeconomic status, dis- (32). In our path-analytic models, we SF-36 score was not correlated with
ease activity and psychiatric disorders found that SES has no direct influence SLEDAI (40). A recent study report-
have been reported to affect quality of but correlates with HRQoL indirectly ed that SLE patient QoL subscales
life, to our knowledge, no path analysis via depression, anxiety and SLEDAI. A are associated with daily glucocor-
of quality of life prediction in SLE pa- previous study found that educational ticoid dose, depression, and fatigue
tients has been published. The strength qualification had a significant associa- rather than disease activity or damage
of path analysis is that it provides an tion with anxiety and depression. The (19). From our path analysis, we also
explicit theory of the relationships be- authors reported that monthly family showed that disease activity has both
tween variables, rather than simply income has no effect on the frequency direct and indirect effects on the total
testing a set of data from a linear asso- of anxiety (33). Bultink and colleagues SF-36 score.
ciation. In addition, path analysis pro- reported that unemployed lupus pa- A recent study reported that SLE pa-
duces clear results of the strength of the tients have a significantly higher fre- tients with significantly poor health-
inherent mathematical relationships. quency of neuropsychiatric organ dam- related quality of life are also signifi-
Although regressions analysis provides age (16). We have also found that work cantly more depressed and anxious
information about the correlations of status directly impacts depression. It compared to their healthy counterparts
mathematical relationships, path analy- was unclear whether socioeconomic (41). Pettersson et al. reported that lu-
sis explicitly examines confirmatory factors play an important role in lupus pus patients with no present symptoms
relationships. Path analysis is also su- disease activity. It has been reported have a higher HRQoL and lower levels
perior to regression analysis because it that private insurance or Medicare and of depression and anxiety (42). A sur-
provides an explanation of both causal higher education were also associated vey of Chinese SLE patients showed a

Path analysis quality of life in SLE patients / B. Shen et al.

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