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Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology

Department of Glass & Ceramic Engineering

Experiment No. 04
: Determination of Bending Strength of a Ceramic Sample.
Name of the Experiment :
: GCE3132
: Materials Characterization Sessional
Course No.

Course Title

Submitted To:

Md. Khairul Islam

Assistant Professor
Submitted By: Dept. of Glass and Ceramic Engineering

Yasin Habib Khan Shezan

Roll : 1906043
Session : 20219-2020
Experiment No. : 04
Experiment Name : Determination of Bending Strength of a Ceramic Sample.


• To determine the bending strength of a ceramic sample, specifically glass.

• To understand the principles of bending strength and its significance in material
• To compare the bending strength obtained from the three-point and four-point
bending tests.
• To analyze the fracture behavior of the ceramic sample under bending stress.


Bending strength, also known as flexural strength, is a crucial mechanical property of

materials, indicating their ability to withstand bending loads without fracturing. It is defined
as the maximum stress a material can withstand before failure in a bending test. Bending
strength is influenced by factors such as material composition, microstructure, and processing

The bending strength of a material is governed by fundamental principles, including Hooke's

Law and the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. According to Hooke's Law, stress is directly
proportional to strain within the elastic limit of a material. The Euler-Bernoulli beam theory
relates the applied bending moment to the curvature of the beam and the material's modulus of

Two common methods used to determine bending strength are the three-point bending test and
the four-point bending test. In the three-point bending test, the sample is supported at two
points with a load applied at the midpoint, creating a bending moment. This test is suitable for
brittle materials like ceramics. The four-point bending test involves two load points and two
support points, providing a more uniform stress distribution along the sample length.

Three-Point Bending Test

In the three-point bending test, the specimen is supported at two points, typically at equal
distances from each end, forming a span. A load is then applied at the midpoint of the span,
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the specimen. This configuration creates a bending
moment that induces stress in the material, causing it to deform and eventually fracture. The
maximum bending stress occurs at the midpoint between the supports.

The formula for the bending strength (σ) in a three-point bending test is given by:



σ is the bending strength F is the

applied load at fracture L is the span
length between supports b is the
width of the sample d is the height of
the sample

Four-Point Bending Test

In the four-point bending test, the specimen is supported at four points, with two loading points
and two support points. The loading points are typically located closer to each other than the
support points, creating an inner span and an outer span. A load is applied at the two loading
points, inducing bending in the specimen. This configuration results in a more uniform stress
distribution along the length of the specimen compared to the three-point bending test.
The formula for the bending stress (σ) in a four-point bending test can be calculated using
advanced beam theory equations and depends on the specific geometry and loading conditions
of the test setup.

However, a general formula for calculating bending stress at any point along the beam in a
four-point bending test is:

3𝐹𝑎 𝛔
= 𝜋𝑅3


σ is the bending stress at the point of interest F

is the bending moment at the point of interest
a is the moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area of the beam
R is the distance from the neutral axis to the outermost fiber of the beam at the point of


 Support and Load Points: Three-point bending test has one load point and two
support points, while the four-point bending test has two load points and two support
 Stress Distribution: In the three-point bending test, the stress distribution is non-linear,
with maximum stress occurring at the midpoint between supports. In contrast, the
fourpoint bending test provides a more uniform stress distribution along the length of
the specimen.
 Sensitivity to Defects: Three-point bending tests are more sensitive to material defects
and irregularities due to the concentrated stress at the midpoint, making it a common
choice for quality control and brittle materials. Four-point bending tests are often used
for materials with higher ductility or to study localized effects on material properties.

Required Apparatus

Bending test machine

Ceramic sample (glass)
Loading fixture with adjustable supports
Load cell or force sensor
Displacement measuring device
Data acquisition system
Safety equipment


1. The ceramic sample was prepared by cutting it into the desired dimensions.

2. The three-point bending test apparatus was set up according to the manufacturer's


3. The ceramic sample was placed on the supports with the loading fixture positioned at

the midpoint.

4. A gradually increasing load was applied at a constant rate until the sample fractured.

5. The applied load and corresponding displacement or deflection were recorded.

6. The test was repeated for multiple samples to ensure reliability.

7. Bending strength was calculated using appropriate formulas based on the test setup and

sample geometry.


The bending strength of the glass ceramic sample was determined using both the three-point
and four-point bending tests. The applied loads and corresponding displacements were
recorded, and the bending strength was calculated using the appropriate formulas. We have,

Applied force =48 kg= 48×9.8N

Length = 59mm= 59×10^-3m
Width of the sample, b= 34.56 mm= 34.56×10^-3m
Height of the sample,d= 8.98mm= 8.98×10^-3m
For the three-point bending test:



= 1.49×10^7 Nm^-2
Results :

The three-point bending test yielded a bending strength of the glass sample is = 1.49×10^7


We compared the bending strength values obtained from the three-point and four-point
bending tests and discussed the fracture behavior observed during the tests, such as brittle or
ductile fracture.Then we had to analyzed any discrepancies between the experimental results
and theoretical predictions.Considering the factors that may influence bending strength, such
as material defects or surface finish.We also suggested the possible improvements to the
experimental setup or testing procedures for future studies.


In this experiment, the bending strength of a glass ceramic sample was determined using both
the three-point and four-point bending tests. The three-point bending test yielded a bending
strength of 178.368 kg/𝑐𝑚2. Overall, the results demonstrate the importance of considering
the testing method and setup when evaluating the bending strength of materials. The bending
strength of the glass ceramic sample was successfully determined, providing valuable insights
into its mechanical properties. These findings contribute to our understanding of material
behavior under bending stress and have potential applications in various engineering fields.

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