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Procedia Structural Integrity 17 (2019) 487–494

ICSI 2019 The 3rd International Conference on Structural Integrity

ICSI 2019 The 3rd International Conference on Structural Integrity
Vibration-Based Fault Detection for Flywheel Condition Monitoring
Vibration-Based Fault Detection for Flywheel Condition Monitoring
Takanori Hasegawaa,a,*, Mao Saekiaa, Tetsuji Ogawaaa, Teppei Nakanoa,b
Takanori Hasegawa *, Mao Saeki , Tetsuji Ogawa , Teppei Nakanoa,b
Department of Communications and Computer Engineering, Waseda University, 27 Waseda-machi, Shunjiku-ku, 1620042 Tokyo, Japan
Department of Communications
b and Electric
Futaba Computer Engineering,
Co., Waseda
Ltd., 2-22-19 University,
Omori-nishi, 27 Waseda-machi,
Ota-ku, 1430015 Tokyo,Shunjiku-ku,
Japan 1620042 Tokyo, Japan
Futaba Electric Co., Ltd., 2-22-19 Omori-nishi, Ota-ku, 1430015 Tokyo, Japan

Flywheels are one of the promising energy storage devices for stabilizing the power quality of reusable energy, owing to their fast
response timeare one
and of thecycle
high promising energy
lifetime. storageitdevices
However, for stabilizing
can be catastrophic the power
when quality
they fail, of reusable
because energy,
they store owing
kinetic to their
energy that fast
be releasedtime
in and highamount
a short cycle lifetime.
of time.However,
Data-drivenit can be catastrophic
monitoring techniqueswhenhave
fail, because
proposedthey store fault
to solve kinetic energy that
detection taskscan
be released
several typesinofa rotation
short amount of time.
machinery withData-driven
ball bearings.monitoring
In contrasttechniques haveapproaches
to traditional been proposed
usingto solve fault detection
human-engineered tasksthat
features in
require atypes
highof rotation
level machinery
of expertise, with ball bearings.
a data-driven approachInrequires
traditional approachesHowever,
prior knowledge. using human-engineered
flywheels differ features that
from typical
high level because
of expertise,
a magneticapproach
or pivotrequires
suchit prior knowledge.
is unclear whether However, flywheels
a data-driven differ
method canfrom typical
be used to
rotation machinery
detect a fault. In thebecause they use
present study, theaeffectiveness
magnetic or pivot bearing, and
of a data-driven it is
fault unclear system
detection whetherfora flywheels
data-driventhatmethod can bearings
use pivot be used to is
detect a fault.
evaluated. In the present
A flywheel study, the effectiveness
fault progresses of a data-driven
in several stages, and vibration fault
datadetection system for
were collected for aflywheels
flywheelthat use pivot
running bearings
at each of thoseis
evaluated. A flywheel fault
stages. A convolutional progresses
neural networkin(CNN)
stages, and vibration
exploited to detectdata wereofcollected
a fault for a flywheel
the flywheel running
and identify a modeat each of those
of the fault.
stages. A convolutional
Experimental comparisons neural networkusing
conducted (CNN) was exploited
vibration to detect
signals from a fault
an actual of the flywheel
flywheel and identify
demonstrated a mode
that faulty of the fault.
operational state
observed at ancomparisons conductedlife
end of the flywheel’s using vibration
can be detectedsignals fromaccuracy
with high an actualusing
flywheel demonstrated
a data-driven method.that faulty operational state
observed at an end of the flywheel’s life can be detected with high accuracy using a data-driven method.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2019
Authors. Published
Publishedby Elsevier
by B.V. B.V.
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of Elsevier
of the the ICSI
ICSI 2019 2019 organizers.
Peer-review under responsibility of the ICSI 2019 organizers.
Keywords: Deep neural networks; Data-driven feature; Anomaly detection; Condition monitoring system; Flywheel
Keywords: Deep neural networks; Data-driven feature; Anomaly detection; Condition monitoring system; Flywheel

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
A flywheel energy storage device (FESD) stores energy in kinetic form (Akinyele and Rayudu (2014)). Its
A flywheel
advantages overenergy storagestorage
other energy devicedevices
stores energy in
as batteries andkinetic formare(Akinyele
fuel cells and Rayudu
its high energy (2014)).
and power Its
advantages over other energy storage devices such as batteries and fuel cells are its high energy and power density,

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +81-3-3203-4468.

* Corresponding
E-mail address:author. Tel.: +81-3-3203-4468.
E-mail address: hasegawa@pcl.cs.waseda.ac.jp
2452-3216 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
The Authors. of
the ICSIby Elsevier
2019 B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the ICSI 2019 organizers.

2452-3216  2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Peer-review under responsibility of the ICSI 2019 organizers.
488 Takanori Hasegawa et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 17 (2019) 487–494
2 Takanori Hasegawa et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000

long life as well as being environmentally friendly since they are made of non-hazardous materials (Wicki and Hansen
(2017) and Nasiri and Hamidi (2018)). FESDs have been regarded as promising energy storage devices for stabilizing
the power quality of reusable energy (Akinyele and Rayudu (2014) and Tanabe et al. (2009)) and also used in transport
systems (Doucette and McCulloch (2011)).
Although rarely reported, its failure can be quite catastrophic, because it stores kinetic energy that can be released
in a short amount of time. In Awata and Mita (2006), diagnostic approach using amplitude modulation of the ultrasonic
waves is proposed to detect faults in ball bearings. Finite element method is used in Liu et al. (2015) to simulate a
crack, and Hilbert–Huang transform algorithm is applied for the FESD vibration analysis. Previous fault detection
methods for FESDs, however, require high level of expertise and are not easily applicable to sites where expert
knowledge is not sufficient or at sites that are not easily accessible.
In contrast to such methods, data-driven approaches allow the feature extraction from a given dataset and require
no domain knowledge. In Janssens et al. (2016) and Kateris et al. (2014), convolutional neural networks (CNN)
(Hinton et al. (2012) and Krizhevsky et al. (2012)) are used to solve fault detection tasks in several types of rotation
machinery with ball bearings. However, FESDs may differ from typical rotation machinery because they use a
magnetic or pivot bearing, and it is unclear whether a data-driven method can be used to detect a fault.
Hence, the aim of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a data-driven, specifically a CNN-based fault
detection system for FESDs that use pivot bearings. A fault in a FESD progresses in several stages. Initially, there is
a loss of helium that is originally filled inside the FESD. Subsequently, degeneration of the oil around the pivot can
be confirmed before a final breakdown. Attempts are made to detect these signs using vibration data that can be
collected easily by attaching an accelerometer externally. Each of the fault stages can be identified by classifying
unknown inputs into the fault stages. It serves for diagnosis of failure but needs preliminary recording of vibration
data at all fault stages to be identified. If faulty data are not available for machine learning, novelty detection or outlier
detection approach is applicable. In the present study, both approaches are examined on an actual FESD. The
knowledge obtained from the present experiments could be useful to improve the condition monitoring of FESDs.
The rest of the present paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the function and structure of FESD and
data collection. Data-driven operational state classification and novelty detection are applied to condition monitoring
of FESD in Sections 3 and 4. Finally, Section 5 provides a summary.

2. Flywheel energy storage device and data collection

This section describes functions and features of flywheel energy storage device (FESD) and vibration materials
utilized in this study.

2.1. Flywheel

FESDs store energy in the form of rotational kinetic energy. FESDs typically consist of a spinning rotor, motor-
generator, bearings, a power electronics interface, and housing. FESDs consume electrical energy to increase and to
keep the rotational speed of a rotor via motor-generator in the charging and the steady state. Contrary in the discharging
state, electrical energy is generated by motor-generator using the rotational energy of the rotor, and electrical power
is supplied to an electronics interface. A bearing system plays an important role in FESDs to reduce the friction against
the rotation, and to achieve the main characteristics such as high cycle life, long lifetime and high round trip efficiency.
Proper type of the bearing system is employed depending on the weight, lifecycle life, and lower losses (Amiryar and
Pullen (2017)).
The present study employed a FESD equipped with the pivot bearing system, which is one of the levitation bearing
to avoid attrition (Kato et al. (2015)). Figure 1 shows the overview and specifications of the device, and Fig. 2 shows
the internal structure and pivot bearing system. As illustrated in the right side of Fig. 2, the concave of the bearing is
suffused with the oil. The pivot, mounted on the center of heavy rotor, levitates in the oil during the high-speed rotation
to avoid attrition of the bearing. Besides, the housing case is fulfilled with helium gas to reduce the air resistance of
the rotor. This helps to reduce the air temperature increase. With these features, high efficiency and long-lifetime
energy storage system is achieved.
Takanori Hasegawa et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 17 (2019) 487–494 489
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There is a known fault state in that a pivot bearing loses the levitation pressure, and the bearing wear out in this
device. In the normal state, the pivot is levitated and the case is filled with helium, there is no attrition of the pivot
bearing and few windage. However, when it loses helium for some reasons such as a problem in the case, the windage
loss increases and the air temperature inside the case is raised. As the temperature rises, the viscosity of the oil
decreased causing the levitation pressure decreases. Finally, the pivot shaft comes in contact with the bearing, causing
it to be scraped and worn, and oil is deteriorated. To avoid this fault state, it is important to detect the state when
helium has decreased before oil is deteriorated.

Specifications of flywheel.
Energy Capacity 900kJ (30kW*30sec or 15kW*60sec)
Rotation Speed 200Hz (6000rpm)
Rated Input Power AC200V (three-phase three-wire)
Bearing System Pivot
Flywheel Size, Wight 620W×741D×326H, 130kg
Internal Gas Helium
Material of Housing Aluminium
Overall Size, Weight 820W×950D×400H, 285kg

Fig. 1. Overview and specifications of flywheel. From https://www.products.sanken-ele.co.jp/prod/powersp/emu/what_emu/emu_w00.html

Fig. 2. Left figure illustrates internal structure of flywheel. Pivot bearing is mounted at center of rotor. Rotor and heavy weight rotates around
bearing during energy storage. Right figure illustrates pivot bearing diagram. Concave of bearing is suffused with oil. Pivot bearing generates
levitation pressure owing to spiral groove on conical axial end catches up oil when conical axial end is rotated at high speed. (Reprinted from
Figs. 3 and 4 in Kato et al. (2015))

2.2. Vibration materials

Three operational conditions listed in Table 1 were simulated. A triaxial acceleration sensor was mounted on the
top of a device to pick up vibration signals of a FESD in the XYZ directions (i.e., three-channel signals). Four
sequences of three-channel vibration signals were recorded under the aforementioned three conditions. Durations of
490 Takanori Hasegawa et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 17 (2019) 487–494
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the vibration signals collected in respective conditions are 111.03 hours, 23.67 hours, and 10.18 hours for normal, no-
helium, and bad-oil conditions. These signals were sampled at 5000 Hz and quantized into 16-bit data.

Table 1. Operational conditions of FESD.

condition gas inside FESD oil state
normal helium new
no-helium air new
bad-oil air deteriorated

3. Data-driven operation state classification

A CNN-based classifier was desinged to identify operation states of a FESD, such as normal, no-helium, and bad-
oil states listed in Table 1. Since the developed system yields possibilities of FESD operating in these three states, it
serves for diagnosis of failure. In this system, data-driven features were extracted from vibration signals inside the
neural network without any prior knowledge of experts. This section aims to investigate the effectiveness of a data-
driven method on operation state identification.

3.1 Operation state classification system

The neural network with three-channel, four convolutional layers followed by five fully-connected layers was
employed to identify an unknown input into three operation states (i.e., normal, no-helium, and bad-oil). The network
architecture is illustrated in Fig. 3.
2500-dimensional power spectra were extracted from recorded vibration signals for every one second by fast
Fourier transform (FFT) and taken as inputs to the CNN-based operation state classifier. Note that mappings of input
spectra and corresponding operation states were learned in an end-to-end fashion i.e., feature extraction and
classification can be performed with a single neural network. In this example, convolutional layers and fully-connected
layers can be considered to be a feature extractor and a classifier, respectively.
For the convolutional network, the filter size, kernel size, and stride size in four respective layers are set to {(6,5,3),
(10,5,3), (10,5,3), and (2,5,2)}. The number of units in each fully-connected layer was set to {64 – 32 – 16 – 3}. At
the fourth convolutional layer, three-channel outputs were flatten into a 175-dimensional vector and taken as an input
to the first fully-connected layer. A ReLU activation was applied to the output of each hidden layer. The network was
optimized with Adam.

Fig. 3. Network architecture of operation state classifier that consists of four-layered convolutional network followed by five-layered fully-
connected network.
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3.2 Experiment

Experimental comparisons using three-channel vibration data obtained from the actual FESD were conducted to
investigate the effectiveness of the developed data-driven classifier on the operational condition monitoring of FESD.

3.2.1 Experimental result

Recorded data include four vibration signal sequences for each operation state. These sequences were divided and
exploited for a four-fold cross validation test; for each validation, one sequence was used for testing and the remaining
three sequences were used for training. Each sequence was divided every one second. Table 2 lists the number of one-
second data samples for each validation set and operation state. For each validation, the number of data samples for
each state was adjusted to be equal for all validation sets. Note that training and testing data must not include same
Table 3 lists the confusion matrix in terms of the number of data samples identified into normal, no-helium, and
bad-oil states for respective validation sets. This result indicates that the bad-oil state, which corresponds to an end
stage of the FESD life, can be accurately identified whereas detecting no-helium state, which is a sign of failure, is
difficult. In fact, the developed system confused the normal and no-helium states for the validation sets 1 and 4. This
table also shows that classification accuracy varies according to validation sets. It implies that the mismatch in
distributions between training and testing data cannot be negligible and an increase in training data is needed.

Table 2. Number of one-second data samples for each validation set.

validation normal no-helium bad-oil
train test train test train test
set 1 15204 5068 18462 6154 5430 1810
set 2 15204 5068 18462 6154 5430 1810
set 3 15204 5068 18462 6154 5430 1810
set 4 15204 5068 18462 6154 5430 1810
total 60816 20272 73848 24616 21720 7240

Table 3. Performance of operation state classification. Numbers of data samples identified to normal,
no-helium, and bad-oil conditions are listed.
Predicted label
Validation set
normal no-helium bad-oil
normal (set 1) 5060 6154 0
no-helium (set 1) 8 0 0
bad-oil (set 1) 0 0 1810
normal (set 2) 5037 0 0
no-helium (set 2) 31 6154 112
bad-oil (set 2) 0 0 1698
normal (set 3) 5068 1 0
no-helium (set 3) 0 6153 486
bad-oil (set 3) 0 0 1324
normal (set 4) 2282 0 0
no-helium (set 4) 2786 6065 142
bad-oil (set 4) 0 89 1668

3.2.2 Analysis

2500-dimensional spectra were projected onto two-dimensional space by principle component analysis (PCA) as
shown in Fig. 4. This figure indicates that vibration data samples in the normal state (green symbols) are compactly
492 Takanori Hasegawa et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 17 (2019) 487–494
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aggregated, irrespective of recordings; bad-oil data (red symbols) have a multimodal distribution in response to
recordings but are far apart from normal and no-helium data distributions; and no-helium data (blue symbols) also
have a multimodal distribution depending on recordings but some components were overlapped with normal data
distribution and some components are close to bad-oil data distributions. This figure indicates that difference in
recordings induced the mismatch between training and testing data, especially in fault (i.e., no-helium and bad-oil)
states. This analysis supports the result in Table 3 that the developed system did not yield good performance, especially
in classifying the normal and no-helium data. Note that the preliminary experiment demonstrated that the developed
CNN-based classifier achieved approximately perfect classification of three classes (99.97%) under a recording-closed
condition where training and testing data were different but sampled from the same recording. Therefore, to reduce
classification errors derived from such mismatch, training data should be increased, especially under fault conditions.

Fig. 4. Scatter diagrams of two-dimensional vibration data in normal, no-helium, and bad-oil operational conditions of FESD.

4. Data-driven anomaly detection

The no-helium and bad-oil states were regarded as faults and detected using neural networks in anomaly detection
fashion. Note that anomaly detection focuses on detecting a fault not identifying a mode of a fault (e.g., no-helium
and bad-oil). Therefore, developing anomaly detection systems does not necessarily use fault data. Since in general,
it is not easy to collect fault data in advance, this approach is more adaptable. This section aims to investigate the
effectiveness of data-driven methods on fault detection for FESD condition monitoring.

4.1. Anomaly detection system

There are two options in designing anomaly detection systems; one approach is based on normal-anomaly
classification, which identifies an unknown input into a normal and a faulty operation state, and the other is based on
novelty detection (or also referred to as outlier detection), which exploits only normal state data to train a model and
detects an faulty state with less similarity to the trained normal state model. Training normal-anomaly classifier
requires fault data and this is not general in condition monitoring as aforementioned. However, in the present study,
both approaches are examined for comparisons. Five-layered fully-connected deep neural network (DNN) was
employed for a normal-anomaly classifier and six-layered fully-connected autoencoder (AE) was employed for a
normal state model in novelty detection.
In this case, the CNN described in Section 3 was employed as a data-driven feature (DDF) extractor; hidden layer
outputs of the second fully-connected layer before applying non-linear activations were taken as inputs to the DNN-
Takanori Hasegawa et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 17 (2019) 487–494 493
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based and AE-based fault detectors. The architectures of (a) the CNN-based DDF extractor, (b) DNN-based fault
detector, and (c) AE-based fault detector are illustrated in Fig. 5. Note that the CNN-based DDF extractor aimed to
classify unknown inputs into three classes such as normal, no-helium, and bad-oil states while the subsequent DNN-
based fault detector classified the extracted DDF inputs into normal and faulty states. During decision in DNN-based
fault detection, unknown inputs with the posterior probability of more than the pre-defined threshold were determined
to be faults. In AE-based fault detection, a fault can be detected using a reconstruction error between the input and
output layers; unknown inputs with the errors more than the pre-defined threshold were determined to be faults.


FC (3) FC (2) FC (32)
FC (16) FC (8) FC (16)
FC (32) DDF (32) FC (16) FC (4)
FC (64) FC (32) FC (16)
RELU FC (32)
CONV (2,5,2) DDF (32)

CONV (10,5,3)
CONV (10,5,3)
CONV (6,5,3)

(a) CNN-based DDF extractor (b) DNN-based detector (c) AE-based detector

Fig. 5. Network architectures of (a) data-driven feature (DDF) extractor, (b) DNN-based normal-anomaly classifier, and (c) AE-based novelty
detector. CONV and FC express convolution and fully-connected layer, respectively. FLATTEN layer yields a vector from multichannel CONV
layer outputs. Number in parenthesis in FC layer is unit size and numbers in parenthesis in CONV layer are filter size, kernel size, and stride
size, respectively.

4.2. Experimental Results

Experimental comparions were conducted using vibration data sets listed in Table 2 to demonstrate the
effectiveness of the developed fault detection system. Four-fold cross validation experiments were carried out and the
averaged performance over four validation sets was used for comparisons as in Section 3. Data samples in the no-
helium and bad-oil states were assigned to the fault class during development of the DNN-based normal-anomaly
Table 4 lists performances of detecting faults for the DNN-based normal-anomaly classifier and AE-based novelty
detector. This table contains the numbers of data samples in the normal, no-helium, and bad-oil states, identified into
the normal and faulty state, together with precisions and a recall. The result showd that the DNN-based and AE-based
systems yielded comparable performance, but the novelty detection approach performed slightly better in terms of the
recall and precisions for faulty inputs. Especially during the opration with the bad-oil condition, faulty data were
perfectly detected by the AE-based detector.
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Table 4. Anomaly detection performance for DNN-based and AE-based fault detector.

DNN-based normal-anomaly classifier AE-based novelty detector

operational conditions
normal faulty precision normal faulty precision
normal 18944 1328 0.934 16470 3792 0.813
no-helium 7003 17613 0.716 6194 18422 0.748
bad-oil 125 7115 0.983 0 7240 1.0
recall 0.727 0.776 0.727 0.806

5. Conclusion

In the present study, data-driven approaches were applied to FESD condition monitoring. A CNN-based classifier
was introduced to identify fault modes such as non-helium and bad-oil operation states and has shown to be effective
in identifying bad-oil states. The inputs in no-helium states were challenging to identify because a scattering of data
differs depending on recordings. More general anomaly detection was also examined. DNN-based normal-anomaly
classifier and AE-based novelty detectors were developed on data-driven features extracted by the CNN; These
systems yielded comparable performances and confused the no-helium state with the normal state in the same manner.
These results indicate that mismatch between training and testing data cannot be negligible, and more data are needed
during training.


The authors would like to thank Sanken Electric Co., Ltd. for providing a FESD and for useful discussions.


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