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The invoice251 with Hunter’s professionally-corroborated252 signature for the repair (Quote #7469),
which Hunter never paid, can be seen below. Additionally, the invoice from Mac Isaac’s inventory
tracking software was used as an exhibit in his unsuccessful defamation lawsuit against Twitter.

The text at the bottom of Hunter’s signed invoice clearly stipulated the consequences if he did not
return to the repair shop to pick up the laptop: “Equipment left with the Mac Shop after 90 days of
notification of completed service will be treated as abandoned and you agree to hold the Mac Shop
harmless for any damage or loss of property. In the event of nonpayment, The Mac Shop reserves the
right to remove any equipment or parts installed.”253

251 Mac Isaac v. Twitter, Inc. (1:21-cv-20684), Document 44-17, S.D. Fla., May 2021,
252 “It is not a forgery. … The signature on the computer repair store from April 2019 was signed by RHB.”
See Wayne Barnes, “Report on the Signature of Robert Hunter Biden,” Just the News, July 2021,
253 Mac Isaac v. Twitter, Inc. (1:21-cv-20684), Document 44-18, S.D. Fla., May 2021,


After receiving threats254 for over a month, Mac Isaac released five videos255 which provided more
background. Instead of copying snippets, the entire transcripts of the five videos are in the
ENDNOTES section of this Report. The aforementioned subpoena256 issued by Assistant U.S.
Attorney for Delaware, Lesley257 Paula Frieder Wolf—and signed by Agent Wilson—featured the
serial number258 (FVFXC2MMHV29) of Hunter’s laptop, which matched the metadata259 on our copy,
along with the serial number of the external hard drive on which Mac Isaac copied the laptop’s data.

Lesley Paula Frieder Wolf

DOB: 12/17/1974
PA Bar #: 202068

254 “I would be watching my back if I were you.”

See “American Blocked: The Fallout from Social Media’s Political Bias - Teaser,” John Paul Mac Isaac - YouTube,
September 2021,
255 “The Truth,” John Paul Mac Isaac - YouTube, December 2020—January 2021,

256 Mac Isaac v. Twitter, Inc. (21-cv-20684), Document 1-20, S.D. Fla., February 2021,

257 “Lesley Frieder Wolf,” US Law Directory, (

258 Robert Graham, “No, that’s not how warrantee expiration works,” Security Boulevard, October 2020,

259 “Find the serial number of your Apple product,” Apple,


As was the case with his longtime business partner and felon, Devon Archer, Hunter graduated from
Yale around the same time as Lesley Wolf.260 Lesley’s husband, Daniel Wolf, just so happened to be
a professor261 at the same school where Joe ran the Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global
Engagement: the University of Pennsylvania. A self-congratulatory man, Dr. Wolf taught at the
medical school.262 The university, which controlled the funding and budget for the Biden Center,
received more than $22 million263 from anonymous Chinese donors, a whopping $15 million of which
came in just a two month span from March to May of 2018, thereby repeatedly and blatantly violating
20 USC § 1011f(e).264 The statute does not allow anonymity to foreign donations over $250k.265

Dr. Daniel “Dan” Herman Wolf

Lesley Wolf & David Weiss (D. Del.) DOB: 06/16/1970
PA MD License #: 427314

260 “The bride, 25, graduated from Yale University and recently completed her second year at the Columbia University
School of Law. Next month, she is to become a summer associate at the Boston law firm of Ropes & Gray.”
See “Weddings; Lesley Frieder, Daniel Wolf,” New York Times, May 2000,
261 “Daniel H. Wolf, MD, PhD,” Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,

262 “Dean’s Award for Excellence in Basic Science Teaching- CONGRATS DAN!,” April 2021,

263 “Money poured into the school after the Penn Biden Center officially opened. In May 2018, the largest anonymous

donation from China rolled in, totaling $14.5 million. More money was donated once Biden announced he was running for
president last year.”
See Marisa Herman, “Millions in Chinese Donations to Biden Center Not Disclosed,” Newsmax, October 2020,
264 “MacCarthy was very careful to say Penn ‘never solicited any gifts’ to Penn Biden Center, Kamenar said. ‘It doesn’t

take a Sherlock Holmes to conclude that foreign funds are being directed to the Biden Center even if not solicited or
earmarked for the Center.’”
See Tori Sousa, “U. denies complaint that Penn Biden Center accepted undisclosed donations from China,” The Daily
Pennsylvanian, May 2020,
265 “The complaint also notes that the David L. Cohen, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the university, hosted a major

fundraising event for Biden on the day he announced his candidacy.”

See “Complaint Filed Against University of Pennsylvania and Biden Center for Undisclosed China Mega-Donations,”
National Legal and Policy Center, May 2020,


The final document exchanged between the FBI and Mac Issac was a “Receipt for Property” form.266
The Case ID, 272D-BA-3065729, confirmed the money laundering investigation was being conducted
by the Baltimore Field Office.267268 Besides inadvertently misspelling the surname of Agent Wilson,
the Twitter threads shown below—from Adam Housley and two anonymous users—turned out to be
extremely precocious and thorough. If not but for Mac Isaac, the feds could have buried the Biden
Laptop under Rule 6(e), the grand jury secrecy guidelines from the Rules of Criminal Procedure.269

Josh Wilson

266 Margot Cleveland, “FBI Knew of Hunter Biden’s Missing Laptop as Early as December 2019,” The Federalist, August
2021, &
267 “The External Effects of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Reprioritization Efforts,”

268 “‘272’ is the bureau’s classification for money laundering, while ‘272D’ refers to ‘Money Laundering, Unknown SUA

[Specified Unlawful Activity]—White Collar Crime Program,’… One government official described ‘272D’ as ‘transnational
or blanket.’”
See Brooke Singman and Jake Gibson, “Laptop connected to Hunter Biden linked to FBI money laundering probe,” Fox
News, October 2020,
269 “Rule 6: The Grand Jury,” Cornell University Law School,


After Hunter realized that he had, in fact, forgotten to pick up his laptop, he dispatched270 his lawyer
and fixer, George Mesires, to call Mac Isaac and ask—very diplomatically, we are sure—what in the
hell was going on. Apparently, Mesires had been contacted by the New York Post to comment on the
materials271 that the Post would publish the next day (10/14/2020). Hunter needed Mesires to run
interference—and quickly! Hunter evidently told Mesires that he dropped off the laptop in 2017, which
Mesires then conveyed to Mac Isaac. In fact, Hunter had abandoned the laptop two years later in
04/2019. Third-party sources confirmed the authenticity of the email below; in a republic with even the
patina of an impartial press corps, the email below would’ve inspired curiosity and fresh reporting.272

George Mesires

270 Mac Isaac v. Twitter, Inc. (21-cv-20684), Document 44-20, S.D. Fla., May 2021,
271 “The blockbuster correspondence — which flies in the face of Joe Biden’s claim that he’s ‘never spoken to my son
about his overseas business dealings’ — is contained in a massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer.”
See Emma-Jo MORRIS and Gabrielle Fonrouge, “Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian
businessman to VP dad,” New York Post, October 2020,
272 “Here ya go....this is the email sent to John Paul by Hunter Biden’s lawyer. It is in reference to returning the laptops.

Also...the attorney said Hunter dropped [‘]em off in 2017. Nope..try April 2019. He didn’t even know when he left [‘]em
there. Redactions on this document are mine[.]”
See “@adamhousley,” Twitter, October 2020,


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