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Cloud Fundamentals:


1) Moving to the Cloud:


What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Terminologies
Cloud Characteristics
The Private Cloud Deployment Model
The Public Cloud Deployment Model
The Community Cloud Deployment Model
The Hybrid Cloud Deployment Model
Common Implementation Obstacles
The Two Types of Business Cloud Models
Transitioning from SOA to Cloud
Cloud Service Providers
How Cloud Computing Adds Value to a Business
Calculating the Cost of the Cloud

2) Cloud Service Models and Benefits and Issues:


The SaaS Service Model

The PaaS Service Model
The IaaS Service Model
Other Cloud Computing Service Models
Development of Cloud Computing
Benefits of Cloud Computing
Disadvantages to Using Cloud Computing
Regulatory and Compliance Issues
Security in Cloud Computing
Usage Scenarios for Cloud Computing
Deciding to Move to the Cloud

3) Cloud Computing Basics:


History of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Key Enabling Technologies
Definition of Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Core Attributes
Core Cloud Computing Service Models
XaaS Cloud Computing Service Models

4) Cloud computing Considerations:


Evaluating Cloud Security

Evaluating Cloud Services
Cloud Service Level Agreements
Business and Consumer Cloud Services
Cloud Compliance and Regulatory Issues
Barriers to Cloud Adoption
Cloud Service Stacks
Infrastructure as a Service
Platform as a Service
Software as a Service
Costing the Cloud
Cloud Deployment Models
Cloud Costing Models
Assessing Applications for the Cloud
Choosing a Cloud Service

5) Cloud Virtualization and Data Centers:


Virtualization Overview
Hardware Virtualization
Desktop Virtualization
Network Functions Virtualization
Storage Virtualization
Virtualization and the Cloud
x86 Server Virtualization Products
Oracle and IBM Server Virtualization Products
Data Center Overview
Data Center Function
Cloud Data Centers
Business Trends in Cloud Computing
Technical Trends in Cloud Computing
Data Center Applications
Cloud Data Center Components
Virtualization and the Cloud Data Center

Storing & Managing Cloud Data:


Storage as a Service
STaaS Model Advantages
STaaS Model Risks
STaaS Providers
Cloud Storage Governance Domains
Cloud Storage Governance Issues
Cloud Storage and Privacy Concerns
Cloud Storage Data Classification
Cloud Storage and Data Security

Cloud Protocols & Standards:


Cloud Standards
Cloud Standards Groups
Cloud Security Protocols
Cloud Security Recommendations
Cloud Protocols and Standards
Cloud APIs
Web Standards
Open Source Overview
Open Source Cloud and N-Tier Architecture
OpenStack Overview
Mobile Cloud Clients
Managing Storage, Governance and Standards

Migration to the Cloud:


Service Oriented Architecture

SOA Benefits
SOA and Cloud Computing
SOA Architectures
Grid Computing vs Cloud Computing
Planning Cloud Deployment
Cloud Service Directory
Migrating Processes and Services
Loosely and Tightly Coupled Services
Technical Factors
Business Factors
Assessing Candidate Cloud Platforms
Issues with Public Clouds
Mitigating Public Cloud Concerns
Private and Hybrid Clouds
Migrating to the Cloud

Cloud Access Control:


Identity and Access Management Basic Concepts

Reasons for Identity Federation
Identity and Access Management Operational Areas
Cloud Service Providers and IAM
Federation Overview
Cloud Federation Considerations
Standards Based Federation
Single Sign-On Overview
Benefits and Risks of Single Sign-On
Identity as a Service Overview
Identity as a Service Challenges
Integrating IDaaS and Other Service Models
IDaaS Pros and Cons

Cloud Presence & Privacy:


Presence Information Overview

Presence System Components
Presence Process and Tools
Presence Security
Cloud Privacy Concerns
Privacy Policies
Data Life Cycle
Data Security Challenges
Mapping Security Measures to the Data Life Cycle
Controlling Access to Cloud Data

Cloud Security:

Information Security Objectives

Cloud Security Challenges
Cloud Security Models
Information Security Standards
Security as a Service
The Cloud Cube Model
Cloud Network Infrastructure Security
Host Level Security
Virtualization Host Security
Application Level Security

Cloud Risk Management:


Cloud Security Risk Areas

Assessing Cloud Service Security Offerings
SaaS Security Challenges
SaaS Security Best Practice
Secure Software Development
Securing Data at Rest and Data in Transit
Cloud Security Risk Assessment
Cloud Security SLAs
Managing Cloud Data Security

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