Section 80 Deductions (0585) Infotype

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Previous Employment Tax Details (0580) Infotype

De nition
This infotype stores the information required by the current employer regarding:

Salary, exemption, contribution and deduction details of the employee pertaining to the previous employments in the
current nancial year.

Certain lifetime exemptions from all previous employments.

Create a Previous Employment Tax Details (0580) infotype record for:

An employee, whenever a new employee joins your organization

All employees who have joined your organization in the past from some other employment, when you are going live with
the SAP system

The information stored in this infotype is used for the computation of:

Tax in the current nancial year

Tax exemption when the employee separates from the your organization

You can store the following information in the Previous Employment Tax Details (0580) infotype:

1. Salary as per provisions under section 17(1), which is the gross salary of the employee for the current nancial year from
previous employment

2. Value of perquisites under section 17(2), which is the perquisites of the employee from previous employment in the
current nancial year.

3. Pro ts in lieu of salary under section 17(3), which is, in monetary terms, the non-monetary bene t that the employee has
enjoyed with the previous employment in the current nancial year

4. Exemptions under section 10 that the employee has claimed with the previous employment in the current nancial year.
This comprises of exemptions on house rent allowance, leave travel allowance, child education allowance and any special

5. Professional tax paid by the employee with the previous employment in the current nancial year

6. Total Provident Fund contribution made by the employee with the previous employment in the current nancial year

7. Total Income Tax paid by the employee with the previous employers in the current nancial year

8. Medical exemption claimed by the employee with the previous employment in the current nancial year

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9. The sum of all leave encashment exemptions availed with all previous employments so far, and not just the immediately
preceding employment

10. The total gratuity availed with all previous employments so far, and not just the immediately preceding employment

11. The Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) exemption amount availed, if any, with any of the previous employments so far

12. The number of times the employee has claimed Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) exemption with his previous employments
for the current block of four years

13. Whether an LTA Exemption has been carried forward for the employee from the previous block of four years pertaining to
his or her previous employments

14. The education cess deducted in the current nancial year at previous place of employment

15. The surcharge deducted in the current nancial year at previous place of employment

If the employee is hired on the April 1, the system will allow you to enter only points 9 –13 when you create the infotype record
for the employee.

If the employee has been hired on a day other than the 1st of April, the system will allow you to enter all of the above 13 points
when you create the infotype record for the employee.

More Information
Previous Employment Tax Details

Housing(HRA / CLA / COA) (0581) Infotype

De nition
This infotype stores information on employee housing.

The Housing Details section of the infotype has an option for you to choose the Accommodation Type. The type of
accommodation availed by the employee determines the tax computation on housing. The system computes an
exemption on Rented Accommodation, and a perquisite on Company Leased Accommodation (CLA), Company Owned
Accommodation (COA) or Perkable Hotel Accommodation.

Based on the Accommodation Type selected, you also have to enter details such as the rent amount, the city category
and the FRV. For example, if you choose the Accommodation Type as Rented Accommodation, you must also enter the
rent amount and the city category.

If you have created your own Accommodation Types, the infotype will list the same under the Accommodation Type
option. To con gure customer speci c Accommodation Types, go to the Customizing under Payroll India Housing De ne
Accommodation Types.

 Note
If you have created your own Accommodation Types, the system will not use the standard computation methods on
any Accommodation Type. It will instead use the computation methods that you have de ned through the
EXIT_HINCALC0_005 User Exit in the Enhancement HRINHRA0.

For more information on User Exits for Housing, see the Customizing under Payroll India Housing.

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If the company has provided furniture or domestic help to an employee, you must enter the details of the same under
the Helper and furniture details section. The system uses the information maintained in this section to compute
perquisite on furniture and domestic help.

In the Landlord's Details section, you can maintain contact details of the landlord whose property the employee has
taken, on rent or lease. There are no computations performed on the data stored in this section.

When you create a new housing record, or modify the Accommodation Type or the beginning date of the infotype, the system
dynamically updates the Basic Pay infotype (0008). When you save the Housing(HRA / CLA / COA) infotype (0581), the system
automatically displays the Basic Pay infotype (0008) with the changed information and you must save this infotype.

If there is a change in the Accommodation Type, the dynamic action will default the changed Accommodation Type in the Basic
Pay infotype (0008). If there is a change in the beginning date of the Housing(HRA / CLA / COA) infotype (0581), the dynamic
action will delimit the earlier record, and create a new record having the changed beginning date.

This dynamic action is necessary to ensure consistency between the information maintained in the Basic Pay infotype (0008)
and Housing(HRA / CLA / COA) infotype (0581).

For example, the employee was earlier staying in a Rented Accommodation and then shifted into a CLA. The Basic Pay infotype
(0008) earlier contained a housing wage type that had the tax code for Rented Accommodation. The dynamic action now
updates the Basic Pay infotype (0008) with the housing wage type that is associated with the tax code for CLA.

More Information

Exemptions (0582) Infotype LTA Subtype

De nition
The LTA subtype of the Exemptions infotype (0582) stores the details of the travel submitted as proof for Leave Travel
Allowance (LTA) tax exemptions.

The details in this subtype are used during the calculation of LTA tax exemption. This infotype can be created at any point of
time during a nancial year. The infotype records are read for the entire nancial year, each time there is a regular payroll run.

When you create an Exemptions infotype (0582) LTA subtype record for an employee, the data from the Family/Related Person
infotype (0021) records get defaulted into this infotype record. This happens only if Family/Related Person infotype (0021)
records exist for the employee. This defaulting of data into the Exemptions infotype (0582) LTA subtype record is for
information only and does not affect the actual LTA exemption. You can select the indicator to specify that the employee has
declared the related person as a dependent.

You have to enter the following details in this subtype:

The date on the ticket, which the employee has submitted as proof. If there are a number of tickets for the same trip,
this date can represent any one of the tickets.
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The exemption amount, which is the total amount against which travel tickets have been submitted as proof for LTA

You can combine the amounts of more than one Exemptions infotype (0582) LTA subtype record to account for a single
LTA exemption. To do so, you must enter the same two digit code as the trip exemption counter for all the records that
are to be considered for a single exemption.

The start date of the journey

The end date of the journey

The journey start point

The journey destination

The mode of travel used for the journey

The class of travel

The ticket numbers

If the employee has been a part of the trip for which the employee is claiming the LTA Exemption, you must select the
indicator for self-travel. If the trip has been undertaken by the dependents only, you must not select this indicator.

If the exemption is for the trip carried forward from the previous block of four years, then you must select the indicator.

If you select the indicator for self travel of the Exemptions infotype (0582) LTA subtype, the system checks the Absences
infotype (2001). If the employee is on leave for the period of the trip, the system will save the infotype record. Otherwise,
the system will show an error.

A dependent can be exempt only once for a particular trip exemption counter code.

A dependent can be exempt only once for a particular trip exemption counter code.

The system will allow you to enter only two unique codes as the trip exemption counter for an employee in a block of four

More Information
Exemption on Leave Travel Allowance (LTA)

Exemptions Infotype (0582) MDA Subtype

Exemptions Infotype (0582) SCEA/SCHA Subtypes

Exemptions Infotype (0582) MDA Subtype

De nition
The MDA subtype of the Exemptions (0582) infotype stores the details of the bills submitted as proofs for medical exemptions.
This includes the details of proofs submitted for:

Medical Reimbursements

Medical Insurance

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Medical Reimbursement treated as Insurance

The details in this subtype are used during the calculation of medical tax exemption. This infotype can be created at any point of
time during a nancial year. Each time there is a payroll run, the system reads the infotype records for the entire nancial year.
When you create an Exemptions (0582) infotypeMDA subtype record for an employee, the data from the Family/Related
Person (0021) infotype records get defaulted into this infotype record. This happens only if Family/Related Person (0021)
infotype records exist for the employee. This default of data into the Exemptions (0582) infotype MDA subtype record is for
information only and does not affect the actual medical exemption. You can select indicator to specify that the employee has
declared the related person as a dependent.

You have to enter the following details in this subtype:

The date on the bill, which the employee has submitted as proof. If you are making a consolidated entry for a number of
bills, this date can represent any one of the bills.

The exemption amount, which is the total amount against which the employee has submitted medical bills as proofs for
medical exemption.

If the bills provided are for Medical Reimbursement to be treated as Medical Insurance, you must select the Medical insurance
exemption indicator. If the bills submitted as proofs are for the same type of medical exemption, you can either:

Create an individual record for each bill that the employee provides, or

Sum up the amounts of all the bills that the employee provides and create a record for this value. For example, you can
sum up the amounts of two Medical Insurance premium bills, provided by an employee, and create one record for this
consolidated amount.

More Information
Medical Reimbursement

Medical Insurance

Incremental Medical Perk

Exemptions (0582) Infotype SCEA/SCHA Subtypes

De nition
The SCEA and SCHA subtypes of the Exemptions (0582) infotype stores the details of expenditure submitted as proofs for
exemptions on child education and hostel allowances, respectively.

The details in this subtype are used during the calculation of tax exemption on child education and hostel allowances. This
infotype can be created at any point of time during a nancial year. Each time there is a payroll run, the system reads the
infotype records for the entire nancial year.

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When you create an Exemptions (0582) infotype SCEA or SCHA subtype record for an employee, the data from the
Family/Related Person (0021) infotype records get defaulted into this infotype record. This default of data into the Exemptions
(0582) infotype SCEA or SCHA subtype record is for information only and does not affect the actual exemption. You can select
the indicator to specify that the employee has declared the related person as a dependent.

You have to enter the following details in this subtype:

The date on the receipt, which the employee has submitted as proof. If you are making a consolidated entry for a number
of expenditures, this date can represent any one of the receipts.

The exemption amount, which is the total amount against which the employee has submitted expenditure as proofs for
exemption on child education and hostel allowances.

More Information
Exemption on Child Education Allowance/Child Hostel Allowance

De ning Exemptions on Child Education/Child Hostel Allowances

Car & Conveyance (0583) Infotype

De nition
This infotype stores for an employee the details of the:

Conveyance type

Car and driver for the different Car Schemes

The system calculates tax exemption and/or perquisite value for an employee depending on the Conveyance Type that
you select for the employee.

 Caution
Perquisite on Car Schemes and driver(s) provided by the company is valid only till nancial year 2004 – 2005.

If you select a Car Scheme as the Conveyance Type, the system checks the table view Type and Age Eligibility for Car
Schemes (COCS/OYCS) (V_T7INC3) for the eligibility of an employee for a Car Scheme.

For a Car Scheme, the system will check the respective table views for the eligibility of an employee with respect to

Car Type

Table view Type and Age Eligibility for Car Schemes (COCS/OYCS) (V_T7INC3). You can assign only that Car Type
that has been maintained in this table view for the Car Scheme that you have selected and the Pay Scale
Grouping for Allowance that the employee belongs to.

Age of the car (Registration Date)

Table view Type and Age Eligibility for Car Schemes (COCS/OYCS) (V_T7INC3). The age of the car is calculated
from the registration date that you enter in this infotype. The age of the car cannot exceed the age that you have

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maintained in this table view.

Number of cars

Table view Amount and Number Eligibility for Car Schemes (COCS/OYCS) (V_T7INC7). The system allows you to
enter the details of the number of cars that you have maintained in this table view for the Car Scheme that you
have selected and the Pay Scale Grouping for Allowance that the employee belongs to. You can enter the details
of a maximum of three cars.

Total value of the car or cars

Table view Amount and Number Eligibility for Car Schemes (COCS/OYCS) (V_T7INC7). The total value of the cars
that you enter in this infotype should not exceed the amount maintained in this table view.

 Caution
The Car Schemes, Availing COCS (Old) and Availing OYCS (Old), are not legally valid after September 30,

You must enter the:

Validity dates for the infotype record. You can delimit a record and create another record for an employee. But, for any
day in a nancial year:

There should necessarily be a Car & Conveyance (0583) infotype record for an employee, provided you have once
created a record for that employee

There cannot be more than one record for an employee

Conveyance Type for the employee. The options that are available are the ones that you have maintained in the table
view Codes for Conveyance Types (V_T7INCA).

For a Car Scheme, You must also:

Enter the type pf car for the employee. The options that are available are the ones that you have maintained in the table
view Type and Age Eligibility for Car Schemes (V_T7INC3) for the combination of:

Pay Scale Grouping for Allowance that the employee belongs to, and

Car Scheme that you have selected in this infotype for the employee.

Enter the date of registration of the car. This determines the age of the car for the purpose of eligibility.

Enter the price of the car for the purpose of eligibility.

Select the indicator to specify whether you want the system to calculate the perquisite value for the car (valid only till
nancial year 2004 – 2005).

 Caution
If the Car Scheme is COCS Employer Maintained or COCS Employee Maintained, you get this choice only for the rst
car. Ten percent of the total value, which you enter as the price of the second and third cars, are considered as
perquisite values.

Enter the number of drivers provided by the company to the employee in case of COCS and OYCS schemes.

 Caution

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In case of COCS Car Scheme, you can enter the details of a maximum of three cars

In case of OYCS Car Scheme, you can enter the details of only one car.

If you have maintained the wage type in table view Conveyance Allowance Eligibility (V_T7INC9), a dynamic action is triggered,
wherein the system takes you to the Basic Pay (0008) infotype. The wage type is defaulted in Basic Pay (0008) infotype. If it is
an INVAL wage type, the amount is also defaulted, else you have to enter an amount here and save the infotype.

More Information
Car and Conveyance

Exemption and Perk Calculation for Car and Conveyance

Income from Other Sources (0584) Infotype

De nition
This infotype stores the details of income from sources other than that from your employment, for the current nancial year.
There are two subtypes to this infotype:

Subtype 0001 - Income From House Property

Subtype 0002 - Income From Other Sources

If an employee chooses to declare income from sources other than that from the current employment, you must maintain the
income details in this infotype.

Subtype 0001 - Income From House Property

There are three property types:

1. Self-occupied\Deemed self-occupied House Property

In this case you can enter the following details:

Deduction of interest under section 24, which is the interest that the employee is paying in the current nancial
year in case he or she has taken a loan to acquire the house. You must enter the interest amount here if you have
not maintained this loan in the Loans infotype (0045).

Loan type

Loan sequence number

If the loan has been taken from your organization, the system reads the Loans (0045) infotype, to calculate the
interest paid for the nancial year.

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Period of the nancial year from which the company housing loan has to be considered for Section 24 interest

Period of the nancial year until which the company housing loan has to be considered for Section 24 interest

Interest limit

If you have entered the loan type and loan sequence number under Company Housing Loan Details section of this
infotype, the system will add the interest amount for this loan to the amount entered as the deduction of interest
under section 24. The total amount cannot be greater than the interest limit.

The interest amount entered as the deduction of interest under section 24 is added to Any Other Income wage type
(/131) in Exemptions u/s 10 rule (IN70).

2. Partly Let out House Property

In this case you can enter the following details:

Final lettable value, which is the amount obtained after subtracting Section 23 deductions from the annual
lettable value.).

Deduction on account of house repairs under Section 24

Deduction of interest under Section 24

Deduction on account of other expenses under Section 24

Period of the nancial year until which the company housing loan has to be considered for Section 24 interest

Loan type

Loan sequence number

Period of the nancial year from which the company housing loan has to be considered for Section 24 interest

Period of the nancial year until which the company housing loan has to be considered for Section 24 interest

Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on income from lettable house property.

If you have entered the loan type and loan sequence number under Company Housing Loan Details section of this
infotype, the system will add the interest amount for this loan to the amount entered as the deduction of interest under
section 24. The total amount cannot be greater than 30% of the nal lettable value. This percentage is maintained in the
Repairs under Section 24 constant (REP24) of table view Payroll Constants (V_T511K).

The sum of the deductions on account of house repairs under Section 24, interest under Section 24 and other expenses
under Section 24 cannot be greater than the nal lettable value. The system adds the amounts entered as deductions
on account of house repairs under Section 24, interest under Section 24 and other expenses under Section 24 to Any
Other Income wage type (/131) in Exemptions u/s 10 rule (IN70).

3. Wholly Let out House Property

In this case you can enter the following details:

Final lettable value

Deduction on account of house repairs under Section 24

Deduction of interest under Section 24

Deduction on account of other expenses under Section 24

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Loan type

Loan sequence number

Period of the nancial year from which the company housing loan has to be considered for Section 24 interest

Period of the nancial year until which the company housing loan has to be considered for Section 24 interest

Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on income from lettable house property.

If you have entered the loan type and loan sequence number under Company Housing Loan Details section of this
infotype, the system will add the interest amount for this loan to the amount entered as the deduction of interest under
section 24. The total amount cannot be greater than 30% of the nal lettable value. This percentage is maintained in the
Repairs under Section 24 constant (REP24) of table view Payroll Constants (V_T511K). The system adds the amounts
entered as deductions on account of house repairs under Section 24, interest under Section 24 and other expenses
under Section 24 to Any Other Income wage type (/131) in Exemptions u/s 10 rule (IN70).

Subtype 0001 - Income From House Property

You can enter the income from the following sources:

Long term capital gains (Normal rate)

Long term capital gains (Special rate)

Business pro ts

Short term capital gains

Income from dividends

Income from interest

Other income (unspeci ed)

Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on income from other sources (other than income from house property).

The system add the sum of the amounts entered above to Any Other Income wage type (/131) in Exemptions u/s 10 rule (IN70).

Long term capital gains, Normal Rate and Special Rate, are taxed at rates, which are maintained in constants Long capital gain
normal rate (LCNRT) and Long capital gain special rate (LCSRT), respectively, of table view Payroll Constants (V_T511K).

Other income (unspeci ed) is taxed at a rate, which is maintained in Other Income - rate constant (OTHRT) of table view
Payroll Constants (V_T511K).

You can also enter the TDS on other incomes. The system then adds this amount to the Tax deducted so far wage type (/456).

More Information
Income from Other Sources

Section 80 Deductions (0585) Infotype

De nition

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This infotype keeps a record of the proposed and actual contributions made by an employee towards Section 80 subsections
and divisions.

During payroll run, the tax deductions are made after checking the entries in this infotype.

Only one infotype record can exist for an employee for a nancial year. When you are creating the infotype record, the system
checks the payroll period from the Payroll control record. The nancial year, to which this period belongs, will be defaulted in the
infotype record. If you are modifying the infotype record, then the nancial year, to which this period belongs, will be picked up
for modi cation.

This infotype can be created/modi ed:

At the beginning of the nancial year

When an employee joins the company

When an employee changes his or her declarations of proposed or actual contributions

When you are creating the infotype, the following information will be defaulted in the infotype record:


This is the different subsections and divisions of Section 80 deduction.


This is the maximum limit for which an employee can avail the tax deduction for each type of division. An employee can
contribute any amount to a particular division. But there is a maximum amount after which even if the employee
contributes, it will not be considered for tax deduction.

Tax exemption percentage

This is the percentage of the contribution that is considered for tax deduction. This percentage depends on the purpose
or recipient of the contribution. For example, Section 80G has two divisions - Donation to CRY and Donation to PM's
Relief Fund. Donation to CRY is 50% tax deductible and Donation to PM's Relief Fund is 100% tax deductible.

You will have to enter the employee speci c information for Section 80 deductions:

Proposed contributions

This is the amount that an employee proposes to contribute. This could be done at the beginning of the year. It can be
changed at any point of time. The payroll will read the latest entries, deduct it from the Gross Taxable Income and
calculate tax accordingly.

Actual contributions

This is the amount that an employee actually contributes. When an employee shows the proof of contribution, the
amount is entered here.

Consider actual contributions for tax exemption

You must select this indicator, if you want the actual contributions to be considered for tax deduction. This is typically
done at the end of the nancial year, when the employees have produced the proof of contribution.

 Note
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If you want to calculate the tax for all or selected employees based on actual Section 80 contributions, you can run
the Batch Program for Section 80 (HINIS800) for those employees, instead of updating the infotype record of each

Section 80 Deductions infotype (0585) reads various table views for the information defaulted here:

Table view Sub section description (V_T7INI5) for subsection description

Table view Sub section limit (V_T7INI7) for maximum limits on each subsection

Table view Sub division description (V_T7INI8) for subsection division description

Table view Sub division details (V_T7INI9) for the upper limit of contribution, the percentage to be considered for tax
deduction and the validity periods for the subsection divisions

If you run the the Batch Program for Section 80 (HINIS800), the Consider Actual Contributions for Tax Exemption indicator will
automatically get selected in the Section 80 Deductions infotype (0585).

More Information
Section 80 Deduction

Section 80C Deductions (0586) Infotype

De nition
This infotype keeps a record of the proposed and actual investments made by an employee towards Section 80C.

During payroll run, Section 80C tax deductions are made after checking the entries in this infotype.

Only one infotype record can exist for an employee for a nancial year. When you are creating the infotype record, the system
checks the payroll period from the Payroll control record. The nancial year, to which this period belongs, will be defaulted in the
infotype record. If you are modifying the infotype record, then the nancial year, to which this period belongs, will be picked up
for modi cation.

This infotype can be created/modi ed:

At the beginning of the nancial year

When an employee joins the company

When an employee changes his or her declarations of proposed or actual contributions

When you are creating the infotype, the following information will be defaulted in the infotype record:


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This is the different types of Section 80C investments. You will have to enter the employee speci c information for
Section 80C deduction.

Proposed Investment

This is the amount that an employee proposes to invest. This could be done at the beginning of the year. It can be
changed at any point of time. The payroll will read the latest entries and calculate tax accordingly.

Actual Investment

This is the amount that an employee actually invests. When an employee shows the proof of investment, the amount is
entered here.

Actual Investment to be considered

You must select this indicator, if you want the actual investments to be considered for tax rebate. This is typically done at
the end of the nancial year, when the employees have produced the proof of investment.

 Note
If you want to calculate the tax for all or selected employees based on actual Section 80C investments, you can run
the Batch Program for Section 80C (HINIS880) for those employees, instead of updating the infotype record of each

The maximum amount on which an employee can get tax deduction is INR 1,00,000. This amount is the maximum deduction on
both Section 80C and Section 80CCC.

If you run the Batch Program for Section 80C (HINIS880) [External], the Actual Investment to be considered indicator in the
Investment Details (Sec88) infotype (0586), will automatically get selected.

More Information
Section 80 Deduction

Provident Fund Contribution (0587) Infotype

De nition
This object stores the Provident Fund information of an employee.

Use the Provident Fund Contribution infotype (0587) to capture the Provident Fund (PF) information of an employee. In this
infotype you can capture details on the PF, Pension Fund and VPF.

While processing payroll, the system obtains PF information from this infotype.

In the general employee details section of the infotype, you can maintain the following information:

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The PF trust and the Pension trust for the employee. The different PF and Pension Fund Trusts displayed here
depend on the con gurations that you have set in the table view Trust Master (V_T7INF1).

To con gure the PF and Pension Fund trust details go to the Customization under Payroll India Statutory Social
Contributions Provident Fund De ne Trust Details for PF.

Provident Fund Number and Pension Fund Number of the employee in the PF and Pension Fund trusts.

In the employee PF details section of the infotype, you can maintain the following information:

Percentage or the amount that an employee wishes to contribute, on a monthly basis, towards a Voluntary
Provident Fund (VPF). The amount contributed towards VPF is in additon to the deductions as the standard PF

Basis that the system must take as the PF contribution from the employee. You have the option of selecting the
minimum of Eligible Pay of the employee or the PF basis of the employee as the basis for contribution. You can
also, instead, choose to select the PF basis salary as the basis for contribution.

 Note
The PF basis can be con gured, and can have different elements in it, such as the Basic Salary and Dearness
Allowance. If needed, you can also con gure other pay elements. The EPF Basis wage type (/111) stores the
basis for PF contribution. The PF Eligible Pay constant (PFBAS) stores the Eligible Pay of the employee. You
can maintain the constant using the table view Payroll Constants (V_T511P).

In the employer’s details section, you can:

Select whether the PF contribution basis for the employer should be the minimum of the Eligible Pay of the
employee or the PF Basis of the employee. The options are similar to the options that you select for an employee
contribution, in the employee PF details section.

Indicate whether your company is contributing towards a Pension Fund. You can then select the basis for the
employer contribution towards employee Pension Fund. The Pension fund contribution of the employer can be the
minimum of the Eligible Salary of the employee or the PF basis of the employee. The options are similar to the
options that you select for an employee contribution, in the employee PF details section.

More Information
Provident Fund

Other Statutory Deductions (0588) Infotype

De nition
This object stores the Provident Fund information of an employee.

Use the Provident Fund Contribution infotype (0587) to capture the Provident Fund (PF) information of an employee. In this
infotype you can capture details on the PF, Pension Fund and VPF.

While processing payroll, the system obtains PF information from this infotype.


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In the general employee details section of the infotype, you can maintain the following information:

The PF trust and the Pension trust for the employee. The different PF and Pension Fund Trusts displayed here
depend on the con gurations that you have set in the table view Trust Master (V_T7INF1).

To con gure the PF and Pension Fund trust details go to the IMG under Payroll India Statutory Social
Contributions Provident Fund De ne Trust Details for PF.

Provident Fund Number and Pension Fund Number of the employee in the PF and Pension Fund trusts.

In the employee PF details section of the infotype, you can maintain the following information:

Percentage or the amount that an employee wishes to contribute, on a monthly basis, towards a Voluntary
Provident Fund (VPF). The amount contributed towards VPF is in additon to the deductions as the standard PF

Basis that the system must take as the PF contribution from the employee. You have the option of selecting the
minimum of Eligible Pay of the employee or the PF basis of the employee as the basis for contribution. You can
also, instead, choose to select the PF basis salary as the basis for contribution.

 Note
The PF basis can be con gured, and can have different elements in it, such as the Basic Salary and Dearness
Allowance. If needed, you can also con gure other pay elements. The EPF Basis wage type (/111) stores the
basis for PF contribution.

The PF Eligible Pay constant (PFBAS) stores the Eligible Pay of the employee. You can maintain the constant
using the table view Payroll Constants (V_T511P).

In the employer’s details section, you can:

Select whether the PF contribution basis for the employer should be the minimum of the Eligible Pay of the
employee or the PF Basis of the employee. The options are similar to the options that you select for an employee
contribution, in the employee PF details section.

Indicate whether your company is contributing towards a Pension Fund. You can then select the basis for the
employer contribution towards employee Pension Fund. The Pension fund contribution of the employer can be the
minimum of the Eligible Salary of the employee or the PF basis of the employee. The options are similar to the
options that you select for an employee contribution, in the employee PF details section.

More Information
Provident Fund

Other Statutory Deductions (0588) Infotype ESI (0001) Subtype

De nition
This infotype is used to store the Employee State Insurance (ESI) details of an employee.

The Employees' State Insurance Contribution -India payroll function (P0588) reads this infotype for the ESI eligibility period of
the employee. An employee is eligible for ESI, only if a record for this subtype exists for the employee.

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Form 6 and Form 7 for Employees State Insurance report (HINCESI0) reads the following other details for printing on Form 6
and Form 7:

Temporary Certi cate Number

ESI Number

ESI dispensary

Enter the dates during which the employee is entitled for ESI contribution.

Enter the Temporary Certi cate Number, ESI Number and ESI dispensary for the employee

Payroll function P0588 reads this infotype record to determine the ESI eligibility and the Number of ESI days.

More Information
Employee State Insurance

Other Statutory Deductions Infotype (0588), LWF Subtype (0002)

Other Statutory Deductions Infotype (0588), PTX Subtype (0003)

Other Statutory Deductions (0588) Infotype, LWF (0002)


De nition
In this infotype, you can specify the eligibility of an employee for a Labour Welfare Fund (LWF).

The infotype has an indicator for LWF contribution. The Labour Welfare Fund for India payroll function (INLWF) reads this
infotype and computes the LWF only if you have selected this indicator.

Other Statutory Deductions (0588) Infotype, PTX (003)


De nition
In the Other Statutory Deductions infotype (0588), under PTX (Professional Tax Eligibility) subtype (0003) you specify the
professional tax eligibility of an employee.

By default, the system deducts professional tax for all employees. In some states, however, certain employee categories are
exempt from paying professional tax. For example, in Karnataka, the following categories of employees are exempt from paying

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Blind, deaf, or dumb employees

Employees who are above 65 years of age

You can change the professional tax applicability of these employees in the Other Statutory Deductions infotype (0588), under
PTX (Professional Tax Eligibility subtype (0003).

The Other Statutory Deductions infotype (0588), under PTX (Professional Tax Eligibility) subtype (0003) has an indicator for
professional tax eligibility. When you create this infotype for an employee, the professional tax eligibility indicator is selected by
default. If the employee is exempt from paying a professional tax, you can clear the selection.

In this infotype, you must also specify the start and end dates within which the information in this infotype is valid.

The payroll driver performs the professional tax calculation only when the professional tax eligibility option is selected for the
employee. Any change to this infotype triggers a retroactive payroll run.

More Information
Professional Tax

Individual Reimbursements (0589) Infotype

De nition
This infotype stores employee speci c eligibility amount for reimbursements. The reimbursement eligibility amounts
maintained here override the eligibility determined by the employee’s Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances .

The system uses the details in this infotype while processing an employee’s reimbursement claims. This infotype is used by the
following functionalities:

Flexible bene t package


The entries maintained in this infotype are used to determine an employee’s eligibility for a particular reimbursement claim.
Payments against reimbursement claims, however, are not made through this infotype.

Eligibility maintained in this infotype is not the prorated amount. It is the total employee eligibility for a particular
reimbursement component and is valid for a particular period. You can maintain the validity period in the IMG activity under
Payroll India Reimbursements, Allowances and Perks Claims Maintain Salary Year and Period End Treatment of RAP.

 Example
You have maintained an employee’s eligibility for medical reimbursement as INR 15,000 that is valid for one year. In this case,
the employee can make medical claims only upto an amount of INR 15,000 within the speci ed one year.

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You can update information in this infotype either manually or through Flexible bene t package.

Updating the infotype manually

To update the infotype manually:

Select the relevant wage type.

Wage Type Text and Tax Code are defaulted.

Based on the reimbursement wage type behavior, as maintained in Wage Type Characteristics table view
(V_T511), you can specify either or both of the following :


Number of units

For further information, refer to Claims.

Updating the infotype through Flexible Bene t Package:

An employee uses Flexible bene t package (transaction P16B_ADMIN) to structure the salary components of his or her
compensation. Depending on the con guration of the salary component in the IMG activity under Payroll India Flexible
Bene t Package Salary Components De ne Salary Components, the system updates the following infotypes:

Individual Reimbursement infotype (0589)

System updates this infotype with those components that an employee receives as reimbursements against

Basic Pay infotype (0008)

System updates this infotype with the salary components that an employee receives during every payroll period.

Claims Processing

You can process the reimbursement claims of an employee through HR-IN: Disbursement of claims module pool program

The system determines the wage type associated with the Claims component based on the employee’s Allowance Grouping
.The wage type is indirectly evaluated to determine the eligibility amount assigned to the Allowance Grouping for the particular
claim. The system then checks if the wage type is maintained in Individual Reimbursement infotype (0589). If the wage type
exists here, the amount associated to the wage type overrides the reimbursement eligibility amount determined by Indirect

When an employee makes a claim, the system validates the claimed amount against the balance reimbursement eligibility for
the validity period.

The approved claim amount is stored in either:

Additional Payments infotype (0015)

In this case, employee receives the amount during the next regular payroll run.

Additional Off-Cycle Payments infotype (0267)

In this case, employee receives the amount during an off-cycle payroll run.
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More Information
Salary Packaging


Long Term Reimbursements (0590)

De nition

Use the Long Term Reimbursements infotype (0590) to maintain details of the Long Term Reimbursements claimed by your

The Long Term Reimbursement infotype (0590) has the following subtypes:


Use this subtype to capture details for Hard Furnishing schemes claimed by your employees. You create this
subtype when an employee acquires an asset for the rst time under a Hard Furnishing Scheme. You must create
the record for the dates between the acquiring date and the xed block End Date. Also mention the asset code, a
description of the asset and the asset value. The subtype by default, displays the xed End Date for a Hard
Furnishing Scheme.

The Determine block of years for Long term reimbursements feature (40LTR).returns the value for the xed End
Date of a Hard Furnishing Scheme. You can con gure the reimbursement period and the xed End Date through
the Customizing under Payroll India Long Term Reimbursements Maintain block of years for Long Term

 Note
You can also maintain data entries in the Long Term Reimbursement infotype (0590) for subsequent Blocks of
Years. In the case of Hard Furnishing Schemes (SHFS), if you need to maintain entries for subsequent blocks
of years, you must ensure that you also modify the block End Date using the Determine block of years for
Long term reimbursements feature (40LTR).

As and when an employee acquires an asset, you must copy the latest record of the Long Term Reimbursements
infotype (0590) and subtype SHFS. Enter the details of the additional asset and set the Begin Date to the date
on which the employee acquired the additional asset. The system delimts the previous record. Delimiting the
previous records helps assess the usage of assets by an employee across the different years. It also helps
calculate the exact perquisite value for the current nancial year.

 Note

The perquisite percentage to be applied for calculating the perquisite value of an asset is determined
by the authorities. The subtype SHFS has the column for perquisites in a display mode. You maintain
this perquisite percentage in the table view Payroll Constants (V_T511K) under the Hard Furnishing
Percent - Perk constant (HFPRC).

You can enter information for a maximum of 15 rows.

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If an employee decides to buy back an asset at the end of the xed End Date, you must delete the row containing
details of the asset. To do so, copy the latest infotype record and then delete the required row.

The infotype displays the total value of the assets that the employee currently possesses and the total value of
the assets claimed till date by the employee. When an employee buys back an asset, the total value of the assets
that the employee currently possesses reduces by the value of the asset bought back. As the total claim value
remains unchanged, the total value of the assets claimed till date by the employee does not change.


Use this subtype to capture details for Soft Furnishing Schemes. You create this subtype when an employee
acquires an asset for the rst time under a Soft Furnishing scheme. You must enter a description of the asset, the
perquisite percentage and the value of the asset in this subtype.

The Begin Date of the record is defaulted to the date on which the employee aquires an asset under the soft
furnishing scheme. This date is treated as the Begin Date of the block period. The End Date for the block is
defaulted as the begin date plus the span of the block period.

The Determine block of years for Long term reimbursements feature (40LTR) returns the value for the span of a
block period. You can con gure the span of the reimbursement block period through the IMG under Payroll India
Long Term Reimbursements Maintain block of years for Long Term Reimbursements.

You can also maintain data entries in the Long Term Reimbursement infotype (0590) for subsequent Blocks of

As and when an employee acquires an asset, you must copy the latest record of the Long Term Reimbursements
infotype and subtype SSFS. Enter the details of the additional asset. You must set the Begin Date to the date on
which the additional asset was acquired. The previous record is delimited. Delimiting the previous records helps
assess the usage of assets across the different years and in calculating the exact perquisite value for the current
nancial year.

 Note
You can enter information for a maximum of 15 rows.


Use this subtype to capture details of the Car Maintenance Scheme. You create this subtype when an employee
submits a claim for the rst time under a Car Maintenance Scheme. In this subtype, you enter a description of
the Car Maintenance Scheme and the amount.

The system creates the record for the dates between the block Begin Date and the block End Date. The End Date
for the block is defaulted as the begin date plus the span of the block period.

The Determine block of years for Long term reimbursements feature (40LTR) returns the value for the span of a
block period. You can con gure the reimbursement period and the xed End Date through the IMG under Payroll
India Long Term Reimbursements Maintain block of years for Long Term Reimbursements.

You can also maintain data entries in the Long Term Reimbursement infotype (0590) for subsequent Blocks of

 Note
The Feature to determine the eligibility for RAPs feature (40ECS) returns the Begin Date and the End Date of
the smaller blocks of validity period. It also returns the eligible amount and the number of times that an
employee can make a claim within a given smaller validity period. In the Feature to determine the eligibility for
RAPs feature (40ECS), you must specify the name of the program that you are using to con gure the smaller
blocks of period, compute the eligible amounts and the limit.on the number of times an employee can make a
claim within a sub block. You must create your own program to compute smaller period blocks, the eligible
amounts and the number limit.

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As and when an employee submits a claim, you must copy the latest record of the Long Term Reimbursements
infotype and subtype SCAR. Enter the details of the claim and set the Begin Date to the date, on which the
employee submits the additional claim.

In the subtype, the Perk % eld is in a display mode, as a perquisite value does not apply to the car maintenance

More Information
Long Term Reimbursements

Nominations (0591) Infotype

De nition
This infotype stores the nomination details of employees for the following bene ts:

Employee State Insurance


Maternity Act

Provident Fund


According to the company rules and legal laws, an employee has to nominate some person(s) for the transfer of bene ts, in the
eventuality of the death of the employee. These nomination details are maintained in this infotype.

The nomination details have to be maintained

When the employee joins the organization.

As and when the employee is covered under one of the above bene ts.

When the employee wants to change the nomination details.

You are provided with the following subtypes to store the nomination details for the different bene ts:

ESI Bene t (BNES)

Gratuity Bene t (BNGR)

Maternity Act Bene t (BNMB)

PF Bene t (BNPF)

Pension Bene t (BNPN)

For a subtype,

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You must enter the name of the nominee and the percentage of the bene t that goes to the nominee.

The sum of the percentage share must be equal to 100.

Loans (0045) Infotype

De nition
The following options have been added as the Conditions of the Loans infotype (0045) for India:

Tranche/Loan Disbursement Plan

Penal Interest Simulation

Tranche/Loan Disbursement Plan - You can select this option to display the Proposed Disbursement Plan (as per
con guration) of the loan grouping for the employee.

When you select this option, the system reads and displays data from the table views Loans Disbursement Schedule
(V_T7INJ5) and Loan Tranche Disbursement: Text for Event Codes (V_T7INJ6).

Penal Interest Simulation - You can select this option to simulate the Penal Interest Amount for the current period, if you
have entered a Special Repayment Amount under the Payments.

When you select this option, the system calls the Batch Program for Penal Interest (Loans)report (HINILON0) in the
simulation mode, to calculate the Penal Interest Amount for the current period for the employee.

 Note

You must have entered and saved the Special Repayment Amount under the Payments of Loans infotype
(0045), before selecting the Penal Interest Simulation option.

You must have maintained the percentage to be multiplied by the Special Repayment Amount to arrive at the
Penal Interest Amount.

The system conducts the following eligibility checks when you create this infotype:

1. Whether the Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances that the employee belongs to is eligible for the loan type that you are
assigning to the employee.

2. Whether the age of the employee is less than or equal to the maximum age for that loan grouping.

3. Whether the experience of an employee exceeds the minimum experience for that loan grouping.

4. Whether the maximum number of loans of the selected loan type that an employee can avail at a time is less than or
equal to the number for that loan grouping.

5. Whether the maximum number of loans of the selected loan type that an employee can avail for the entire period of his
or her service in your organization is less than or equal to the number for that loan grouping.

6. Whether the total outstanding amount in case of the selected loan type availed by the employee, is less than or equal to
the amount for that loan grouping.

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7. Whether the maximum number of loans of all types that an employee can avail at a time is less than or equal to the
number maintained as a, Max. no. loans allowed at a time constant (LMNL1) of table view Payroll Constants (V_T511K).

Refer to point 3 under Loans Con guration for India.

8. Whether the maximum number of loans of all types that an employee can avail for the entire period of his service in your
organization is less than or equal to the number maintained as a Max. no. loans allowed constant (LMNL2) of table view
Payroll Constants (V_T511K).

Refer to point 4 under Loans Con guration for India.

9. Whether the total outstanding amount in case of all types of loans availed by the employee, is less than or equal to the
amount maintained as a, Max. amt for loans outstanding constant (LMVAL) of table view Payroll Constants (V_T511P).

Refer to point 5 under Loans Con guration for India.

10. Whether the number of months between two loans of the selected loan type is less than the time interval between two
loans for that loan grouping.

11. Whether the approved loan amount is less than or equal to the minimum of:

a.Percentage of the Salary – Salary is the sum of all salary components (wage types) that you have con gured for a
Loan Grouping through Determining Salary Components for Loan eligibility feature (40LSL). All these wage types
should also be maintained in Basic Pay infotype (0008) record that corresponds to the beginning date of the loans
record. Percentage is the value that you have con gured in the table view Individual loan eligibility checks and limits

b.Percentage of the Asset Value – To capture the Asset Value, you must con gure the GET_ASSET_VALUE Method of the
HR_IN_LOANS_VALIDATE Business Add-In (Add-In). Percentage is the value that you have con gured in the table view
Individual loan eligibility checks and limits (V_T7INJ3).

c.Fixed Amount – This is the value that you have con gured in the table view Individual loan eligibility checks and limits

 Note
If you do not con gure the Asset Value through the GET_ASSET_VALUE Method of the HR_IN_LOANS_VALIDATE
Business Add-In (Add-In), the system takes the Asset Value to be zero. As such, the loan approval amount becomes
zero. In such a case, you can maintain the GET_LOAN_APPROVED Method of the HR_IN_LOANS_VALIDATE Business
Add-In (Add-In) to override the loan approval amount computed above.

More Information
Loans Enhancement - India

Loans Con guration for India

Loans Summary report (HINCLON1)

Batch Program for Penal Interest (Loans)report (HINILON0)

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