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Ordering ADMIRALTY Products

Creating an AVCS Order

Products can be ordered by creating a basket and submitting it to be approved.
When your Office and Chart Agent have approved the order, it will be processed by the UKHO
and updated permits will be provided.

1. Click the ‘Catalogue’ tile on the home screen.

2. On the ‘Catalogue’ screen, select the AVCS products you wish to order from the left list

3. To add a selected item to the basket, click the “Add to Basket” button.

A basket icon will appear in the basket column, showing that the item is ready to be ordered.
4. To submit your order, click Checkout Wizard.

5. When the ‘Checkout Wizard’ opens click Next.

The wizard will automatically remove any items that are already held or any items
already on order.

6. Select Submit Order and then click Next.

Submitting an order via email

1. Select Email, then click Next.

2. Click Browse to bring up the file browser window.

Navigate to the location where you would like to save the request file.
When a location has been selected, click OK to close the Browse window.

3. Click Save.

4. The wizard will provide on-screen instructions for emailing the saved request file.

Follow these instructions in your chosen email client to email the registration request file
to the UKHO.
Once this has been sent, click Finish.

5. When the order has been received, a confirmation email will be sent to your registered email
address stating that the order is with your ADMIRALTY Chart Agent for approval.

When your order has been approved, the updated .admiralty file containing your new
permits will be sent to your registered email address. The ‘Loading an Order Response’
section of this guide provides details.
Loading an order response

1. Click the Wizards Icon on the top-right menu bar.

2. On the ‘Available Wizards’ menu, click Load Response.

3. On the ‘Load Response’ page, Click Browse to bring up the file browser window.

Navigate to the folder where the response file is saved and click Ok . The application will
automatically point to the response file.

4. Click Next.

5. When the process has finished, a ‘The following media items were successfully loaded’
message will be displayed.

Click Finish.
Submitting an order via the internet

1. Select Internet, then click Next.

2. A breakdown of your order will be displayed. Click Next to proceed or Previous to make

3. The order request will now be sent for fulfilment. This process requires an internet

When the order has been received, a confirmation message will be displayed stating that
the order is now with your chart agent for approval.

Order responses are always sent by email. When your order has been approved, the
updated .admiralty file containing your new permits will be sent to your registered email
address. The ‘Loading an Order Response’ section of this guide provides details.

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