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Food Microbiology MIC 2104

Tutorial 1

1. ____________________is a potential food vector of Campylobacter jejuni.

A. Raw poultry
B. Vegetable
C. Raw oyster
D. Fish
E. Cereal products

2. The following compounds/substances are considered a naturally occurring antimicrobial chemical

in food except:

A. lysozyme
B. ferulic acids
C. lactoferrin
D. lactoperoxidase
E. sodium nitrite

3. Which of the following is NOT an intrinsic factor?

A. Water availability
B. pH
C. Relative Humidity
D. Nutrients
E. Biological barrier

4. At what temperature range most bacteria can multiply rapidly?

A. 5-65 oC
B. 20-45 oC
C. 45-65 oC
D. 5-20 oC
E. None of the above

5. _________________ causes soft rot in fruits and vegetables.

A. Erwinia carotovora
B. Bacillus cereus
C. Salmonella
D. Clostridium perfringens
E. Listeria monocytogens
6. a) Describe the intrinsic factors of egg that affects the growth of microorganism. (2 marks)

b) Discuss the microorganism that causes spoilage of egg. (3 marks)

7. Discuss the intrinsic characteristic of fruits and microbial spoilage of fruits. (5 marks)

8. Association of Food and Microorganism

Indicate the type of microorganism which is associated with the following food:

Food Characteristic Microorganism

Minced Meat + 200 Eh , Aw 0.95
Meat Jerky Aw=0.77
Crackers Aw= 0.4; pH = 6.5
Dried Fruits Moisture 10-20% Aw= 0.63
Fermented Sausage Aw=0.89 pH 4.3
Vegetable Aw= 0.96 pH 5
Flour Aw 0.33

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