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Digital media is an interactive two-way communication with users being the active producers

of content and information.

Outdoor media their home is focused on transmitting information and news when the public
is outside

Pint media is all about the printed form of information and news.

Broadcast media allows ease of news dissemination because it appeals to auditory senses
or both auditory and visual cognition.

Transit media is the concept of advertising and disseminating information when consumers
are "on the go" in public places.

Mass media refers to the medium or method employed for dissemi nation of this
information. Mass communication refers to the act of dissemination of information to the
public, sends a message thraugh a channel of communication to a large group.

types of mass communication

print media (newspaper, magazines books, journals)

transit/ outdoor media (billboards, boardings, posters, banner)

broadcast media film, television, radio)

digital / new media (web sites, podcast, vídeo, e-books, social media)

Isolation-The condition or result of being away from others

Addiction-The condition or result of being hooked on a particular substance or activity

Phishing-An attempt to trick someone into giving information over the internet that would
allow someone to take money from them

Cyberbullying-Using the internet to harm or frighten another person

Trolling (hater)-Leaving an insulting message on the internet to annoy someone

Identity theft-The crime of using someone's personal information to get money or goods in
their name.

Challenge-An invitation to do something difficult, funny or embarrassing, especially on social


Defamation-The action of damaging the good reputation of someone

Types of media:

tradicional media new media

broadcast: television,radio,music, movies websites: apps, email, podcast.

print: newspaper,magazines, books, blogs: ebooks, social networks, streaming.

What makes a news story fake ?

1. it cant be verified.

2. fake news appeals to enetion (it mahes you angry or happy or scared.

3, fake news comes fran fake sites.

netiquette ( network etiquette ) -is the set of unwritten rules and conventions that govern
respectful behavior, it promotes positive interactions.

constructive criticism– offer fedback online in a respotful and helpful manner, avoiding herch

privacy respect: ask for permission before share saneane else profiel.

Rules: 1-remember the human.

2-behave ethically and responsibly

3-be forgiving of others mistakes.

1-familiarize yourself with the technology

5-Keep flame wars under control (don't feed war)

digital divide: the gap between people who have access to modern informacion and
communications technology and those who don't.

causes- different initial settings of countries, weak acess to ICT,,weak acess to infirmation
and knowledge.

effects- weak development and growth, asymmetric and lost knowledge, lower ability to
manage knowledge, lower ability to innovate

Cobot- collaborative robot

Drone-unmanned aerial vehicle

Quadcopter- unmanned aerial vehicle with four rotor

Bionics: the functioning of biological systems, a technology that attempts to minic human
abilities using machines. ex:cyborgs

Robotics:: used to collectively define a field in engineering that covers, the mimicking of
various human characteristic. (repetitive tasks).

cyborgs: hypothetical person whose psychol abilities are extended beyond normal human
limitation. built into the body by mechanical elements.

wearable robot: structure that you can wear, unmanned aerial vehicle with four rotors.

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