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Teacher : Mrs Ndiaye




MAMADOU A BA 1. Tradition cultural

2. Tradition modern

academic year :2021 -2022

Tradition is defined as the transmission by word of historical facts, customs and legends from
generation to generation. The notion of tradition first refers to the idea of a position and a
movement in time. Tradition would therefore be a fact of the permanence of the past in the
present, while modernity is above all the project of imposing reason as a transcendental norm
on society.
Modernity is a mode of reproduction of society based on the political and institutional
dimension of its regulatory mechanisms as opposed to tradition whose mode of overall
reproduction and the meaning of the actions that are accomplished therein is regulated by
cultural dimensions. and special symbols. Modernity is an ontological change in the mode of
regulation of social reproduction based on a transformation of the temporal sense of
legitimacy. The future in modernity replaces the past and rationalizes the judgment of action
associated with men. Modernity is the reflexive political possibility of changing the rules of
the game of social life.


1. Tradition cultural
Folklore (or traditional and popular culture) is the set of creations of a cultural community
based on tradition, manifested by a group or by individuals and recognized as meeting the
expectations of the community as an expression of its cultural and social identity, the norms
and values transmitted orally, by imitation or in other ways. Its forms include, among others,
language, literature, music, dance, games, mythology, rites, customs, crafts, architecture and
other arts.

2. Tradition modern
The tradition comes from the Latin “traditio” which means “the act of transmitting”. Tradition
is a transmission link from the past to the present. For example, the oral transmission, from
generation to generation, of more or less authentic or legendary facts, opinions, customs, etc.
Or customs, doctrines or know-how.
Modern: From the Latin "Modernus" which means "recent, current". So that belongs to the
present time or to a relatively recent time. Or who benefits from the most recent advances
(technologies). We can qualify a way of life as modern, a way of teaching in accordance with
the latest ideas on the subject and which are generally in opposition to the previous ones. Or
in an architectural, plastic, etc. field, we qualify a style where the volume, the color
contributes to clean lines. But in the present case the meaning would be “that which is


What are the traditions? This is explained by the fact that tradition is evocative of limits while
modernity is an opening to the unexpected, an illumination of absence and an allegorization of
the untranslatable (Emmanuelle Ravel 2007: 13-34). Therefore, it is a crystallization of
evolution at all levels.
The traditional society has plenty of time at its disposal to carry out its tasks as prescribed in
the texts of the past. Modern society does not have much time at its disposal to perform its
tasks as prescribed in the ancient texts. This is a major difference between the two terms.
Traditional society does not believe much in the application of technology and science and
therefore tends to rely more on traditional methods of science and medicine. On the other
hand, modern society loves to make the best use of available technologies. It also takes
advantage of advancements in medicine and science to a great extent.
The traditional society attached more importance to the cultural and philosophical values of
the country. Moreover, modern society does not attach much importance to the cultural and
philosophical values of the country of its existence. Instead, he is greatly influenced by the
cultures of other countries.
The traditional society believes in the common family system of life. On the other hand,
modern society believes in the individual family life system. The traditional society does not
believe in using the latest trends in clothing and other accessories. On the other hand, modern
society believes in making the most of the latest trends in clothing and other accessories.
The disappearance of cultural tradition replaced by modernity
Modernity now belongs to past centuries (17th, 20th centuries). Hyper-modernity is the
hallmark of the 21st century. Thanks to the spectacular development of science and
technology, all of humanity has embarked on an accelerated modernity which has now
reached cruising speed. Our modernity has become, in this era of globalization, a hyper-
modernity that spares no sector of human life on earth: from religion to culture, including
economy, politics, society. , sports, etc
Man has embarked on a remarkable and irreversible process of development. Nowadays,
distances are reduced, geographical borders and cultural insularities transcended in favor of a
globalization that aims to standardize visions of the world and human practices. We now live
in a world where the virtual has taken over the real, the being over the appearance, the
material over the meaning of the human. The media and the internet have replaced the palaver
tree of our traditional society, with all that it symbolized. Social networks have become the
new public space when television, computer and mobile phone have replaced parents.
Modernity now belongs to past centuries (17th, 20th centuries). Hyper-modernity is the
hallmark of the 21st century. Thanks to the spectacular development of science and
technology, all of humanity has embarked on an accelerated modernity which has now
reached cruising speed. Our modernity has become, in this era of globalization, a hyper-
modernity that spares no sector of human life on earth: from religion to culture, including
economy, politics, society. , sports, etc.
Man has embarked on a remarkable and irreversible process of development. Nowadays,
distances are reduced, geographical borders and cultural insularities transcended in favor of a
globalization that aims to standardize visions of the world and human practices. We now live
in a world where the virtual has taken over the real, the being over the appearance, the
material over the meaning of the human. The media and the internet have replaced the palaver
tree of our traditional society, with all that it symbolized. Social networks have become the
new public space when television, computer and mobile phone have replaced parents.
We are faced with a youth who no longer drink from the sources of our traditions and our
cultures, but from the prairies of American, French, Thai, Brazilian culture... This is why the
oldest seem to no longer recognize in the cultural face of our current society, which no longer
reflects our realities but rather seems to be a cocktail, that is to say a socio-cultural and
religious mixture. All deviations are allowed to a youth who has skipped important stages and
indicated spaces of his socialization: the family in dislocation, the school in crisis, the retired
society and the bankrupt state.
The pillars of our society which are education, discipline, birthright, work, discretion, the
word given, dignity, honor, courage are undermined in favor of pseudo-values and counter-
values. values which are ignorance, laziness, easy gain, theft, embezzlement of common
goods, bad mentality towards public affairs, lies, rape, aggression, assassination, in short the
unbridled search for luxury, material and therefore only worldly pleasure; and that at all costs.
Ancestral, not to say traditional, wisdom has fallen silent, leaving the field open to an
ignorant, pretentious and hurried youth. The religious is strongly tinged with worldliness to
the point of losing its splendor and its spiritual sap. Politics runs behind power for its own
interests to the detriment of satisfying the real needs of citizens. Everyone seems to run,
without any measure or precaution, behind the success which seems to be summed up, in our
time, only in its material dimension in the eyes of the Senegalese.
Today, everything that we preserve and value in our culture revolves around folklore - that is
to say music and dance - sterile games and not necessarily intellectual work, that is,
imagination and creativity, sources of true human progress.
Ultimately, we want to say that our world in general and our Senegalese society in particular
are in danger of progress. Responsibilities are shared. We all have an interest in reviewing our
copy, in reinventing a new society where, in perfect harmony, what is modern in our
traditions and what is human in modernity will be brought together.
Beyond common sense (not always synonymous with common sense), the evolution of many
societies shows that modernity is not the antithesis of tradition. Most of the time, modernity,
even when it proceeded from rupture, was built from certain elements of tradition.

Tradition and modernity are two very common notions, but their meaning is not always very
easy, insofar as we tend to oppose them, whereas modernity is only a normal and inevitable
evolution of the tradition. In other words, tradition and modernity designate the same
sociological reality in a community, that is to say the way of being and doing of men at
sufficiently spaced different times. This is why it behooves us to expound a little on our
perception of modernity and tradition in order to highlight the origins of the generally
proclaimed divorce between the two notions.

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