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Model Paper (2023-24)

Class: 9th

Time allowed Max. Marks Objective Subjective Total

(18) (32) (50)
2 hours Marks Obtained

Student Name: Date:

Campus: Roll No: Section:

Q. No. 1 2 3 Total
Marks Obtained

Time allowed: 30 Max. Marks for Objective: 18 Obtained Marks:


This section is compulsory. All questions are to be answered.
Deleting / overwriting is not allowed. Overwritten/rewritten answer will be considered wrong.
Use separate / extra sheet(s) for Reading and Writing paper

Q.1.a. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. She ________ English now.
a) speak b) is speaking c) speaks d) spoke
2. Have you______ a car?
a) kept b) keep c) being kept d) keeps
3. Posts were _____ by Najma.
a) break b) broke c) broken d) breaks
4. He ______ in the row for an hour.
a) stand b) stood c) will stand d) has been standing
5. The man ____ you were talking to at the meeting is my cousin.
a) that b) which c) what d) whome

b. Choose the correct spellings of the following words.

6) a) civelization b) ciaviliztion c) civializtion d) civilization
7) a) include b) inklude c) incldue d) inclood
8) a) recrut b) recruit c) racrute d) racruit
9) a) absolately b) absoleteley c) absalutely d) absolutely

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Student’s name: Roll No. Class Section:

c. Choose the correct meanings of the underlined word.

10) Recruit meanns:

a) dismiss b) grow (c) employ (d) support
11) Unfortunately means:
(a) bad luck (b) greatly (c) holy (d) clearly
12) Keep up your morale.

(a) wealthh (b) self-esteem (c) section (d)

13) The floors are The floors are covered with carpets:
(a) exposed (b) hidden (c) light (d) close
14) The word ‘supervise’ means”
(a) control (b) make orders (C) administrator (d) obey

d. Choose the correct option according to the grammar.

15) He proved as a lion in the fight.

(a) simile (b) metaphor (c) imagery (d) personification

16) He has been playing football _____ a long time.

(a) for (b) since (c) from (d) by

17) Media______ the attention of a very large audience.

(a) attract (b) attracts (c) attracting (d) has attract

18) He is the richest man in the family. Identify the degree of adjective is:
(a) positive degree (b) comparative (c) superlative (d) no degree
degree degree

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December Assessment (2023-24)

Class: 9th

Student Name: Date:

Campus: Roll No: Section:

Time allowed: 1:30 hour Max. Marks: 32 Obtained Marks:

Attempt all questions.
Answer the questions on separate sheets.
Write your answers neatly and legibly.

Q.2. Answer any four of the following questions. (8)

1. What type of land Arabia is?

2. How will you define patriotism?
3. What are the two major means of communication?
4. Why was Abu Jahl furious?
5. How can we become a strong nation?
6. Who started the construction of blue Mosque ?

Q3. Translate the Following Paragraph in Urdu. (04)

(i) In the fifth and sixth centuries, mankind stood on the verge of chaos. It seemed that the civilization which
had taken four thousand years to grow had started crumbling. At this point in time, Allah Almighty raised a
prophet from among themselves who was to lift the humanity from their ignorance into the light of faith.
The Sultan Ahmad mosque is one of the most impressive monuments in the world. It is also known as Blue
Mosque because of the blue tiles that embellish its interior. Situated in Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey and
the capital of Ottoman Empire from 1453 to 1923, it has become the most popular tourist attraction.

Q.4. Read passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end. (3)
The age of steam has yielded place to the age of electricity. We have harnessed and introduced it into the
service of man. The electric telegraph bears our message to and brings us news from all quarters of the world.
Submarine cable does its own work all right. Who is not familiar with the electric bell? Who has not used
telephones? Who is not enjoying electric light? Electric motors, wireless telegraphy, electric railway, electric
mods of construction and destruction all attest to the great power of the electricity; Electricity has developed
modern industry and has created many industries. It has enabled man to conquer land, the sea and the air.
1. Why do we call the present age the age of electricity?
2. Which age has yielded place to the age of electricity?
3. How do we send and receive messages?

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prosecution under the copyrights act and any other law.
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Student’s name: Roll No. Class VII Section:

Q5. Write a letter to your mother who is worried about your health (08)
OR . Write a story on the topic "Robbers turn good citizens".
OR . Write a dialogue between two students about examination.

Q6. Translate the other three of the following sentences into English. (03)
1. ‫وہ اپنے بھائی کو نہیں مار رہا تھا۔‬
2. ‫اشتہارات کہاں لگائے جا رہے ہیں۔‬
3. ‫کیا اس سے پہلے اپ کو دھوکہ دیا گیا تھا۔‬
4. ‫پاکستان کون سی اشیاء درامد کرے گا؟‬
5. ‫میرا بھائی مجھے تحفہ دے گا۔‬
Q7. Change the voice of the following. (04)
1. They will win the match.
2. My Friends will be seen off by me.
3. Father had read the book.
4. Why was a letter written by her?

Q8. Use the any two words/Phrase/Idioms in your sentences. (02)

(i) global village (ii) to keep an eye on (iii) across (iv) fall a prey

This is a CONTROLLED & CONFIDENTIAL document of “THE EDUCATORS”. Its unauthorized disclosure or reproduction shall be liable for
prosecution under the copyrights act and any other law.
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