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Colony Characteristics

No. Colony Characteristics Observations

1 Size Very small, Small, Medium, Large, Very large.
، ‫خيطية‬، ‫دائرية‬، ‫نقطية‬
2 Form ‫مغزلية‬، ‫غير منتظمة‬ Punctiform, Circular, Filamentous, Irregular rhizoid, Spindle.
3 Elevation Flat, Raised, Convex, Pulvinate, Umbonate.
4 Margin Entire, Undulate, Lobate, Erose, Filamentous, Curied.
5 Color White, Grey, Yellow, Black, Orange, Pink, Red, etc
6 Hemolysis Hemolysis a, B or Y
7 Pigment production Color of the pigment production.
8 oder Fruity, Freshly cut apple, Fishy, Fecal or putrid, Bleach, Pungent.
9 Opacity Transparent, Opaque, Translucent.
10 Surface Smooth, Glistening, Rough, Dull.
11 Consistency Buttery, Viscid, Brittle, Mucoid.

Arrangement of flagella on bacterial cells: Bacterial flagella are thread-like appendages composed
entirely of protein, 12-30 nm in diameter, they are the organs of locomotion for the form that possess them, the
types of arrangement are:
Spore shape and location of spore within the bacterial cell: during growth, some bacteria form a highly resistant structure
called an endospore. The endospore is formed within a vegetative cell by a process Called Sporogenesis and is released upon
death of the vegetative cell. - Bacterial spore have either Spherical or oval shape with a central, terminal or subterminal

Capsule formation: capsule is a Condensed, well defined layer closely surrounding the cell, The capsule is considered a
virulence factor because it enhances the ability of bacteria to Cause disease (e.g. prevents phagocytosis).
The detection of capsule could be a useful tool in bacterial typing like Quellung reaction which is used for typing
Streptococcus pnemoniae.
Filiform Lobate
Entire Undulate Curled

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