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Energy Conversion and Management 108 (2016) 190–201

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Advanced exergy analysis of the Kalina cycle applied for low

temperature enhanced geothermal system
M. Fallah, S. Mohammad S. Mahmoudi ⇑, M. Yari, R. Akbarpour Ghiasi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tabriz, P.O. Box: 51666-14766, Tabriz, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In recent years, the possibility of using low temperature heat sources has been followed as a hot topic in
Received 1 August 2015 different research and academic centers. In this regard, the Kalina cycle has been paid a lot of attention
Accepted 7 November 2015 because of its promising features. Using the engineering equation solver (EES) software, conventional
Available online 18 November 2015
exergy analysis is carried out in this study for the Kalina cycle driven by a low temperature enhanced
geothermal source. After validating the developed model for conventional exergy analysis, the advanced
Keywords: exergy analysis, i.e., splitting exergy destruction rate into endogenous, exogenous, avoidable and
Geothermal system
unavoidable parts, is performed to provide detailed information about improvement potential of the sys-
Kalina cycle
Ammonia–water mixture
tem components. The results of advanced exergy analysis show that the cycle has high potential for effi-
Advanced exergy analysis ciency improvement. It is also revealed that the advanced exergy analysis gives the improvement priority
first for the condenser, then for the turbine and the evaporator. From the conventional exergy analysis
however, the exergy destruction calculated for the evaporator is higher than that for the turbine.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction performances of an ORC and a KC (known as KCS 11) used for low
temperature geothermal heat sources. They concluded that, under
Generating electricity from geothermal sources has a history of specified conditions and at moderate turbine inlet pressures, the
more than 100 years [1]. The worldwide installed capacity of elec- KCS 11 performs better than the ORC. Using binary working fluids,
trical power generation from these sources in 2015 is around the performances of a KC (KCS 34) and an ORC for producing elec-
12,635 MW and it is expected that this capacity will reach tricity from geothermal sources in the Republic of Croatia was
21,443 MW in 2020 [2]. Nearly 11–12% of this power is generated investigated by Guzović et al. [8]. In the proposed binary plants
from geothermal plants with binary working fluids [1]. As defined with ORC and Kalina cycles for this study, geothermal fluid has
in literature, the binary cycle is the main technology for generating transferred heat to the working fluid by cooling. Their results
power from low to medium temperature (<180 °C) geothermal showed that the ORC efficiency increases when the geothermal
energy sources [3]. The organic Rankine cycle (ORC) and Kalina fluid is cooled from 175 °C to 69 °C. At the same time, the results
cycle (KC) are two major groups of these binary geothermal cycles emphasized that the cycle produces higher output power when
[4]. Using the KC with a mixture of ammonia–water as working the temperature of geothermal fluid increases. Guzović et al. con-
fluid brings about a performance enhancement of nearly 20% com- cluded that for geothermal sources with lower temperatures, the
pared to some other power cycles [5]. KCS 34 demonstrates better performance. Using a variety of work-
The Kalina cycle was designed and developed by Alexander ing fluids and working fluid compositions, Rodríguez et al. [9] car-
Kalina to be used as a bottoming cycle instead of the Rankine cycle ried out comparative exergoeconomic analyses for the KC and ORC
in combined cycle power plants. Kalina showed that the efficiency employed for an advanced geothermal system in Brazil. They sug-
of this new cycle is about 30–60% higher than that of the Rankine gested R-290 and a mixture of 84% ammonia–16% water (in mass
cycle [6]. A lot of research works have been carried out on the fraction) as working fluids for the ORC and KC, respectively and
Kalina cycle all over the world. In this section, some of these works reported the superiority of the KC to the ORC from the viewpoints
are reviewed. Hettiarachchi et al. [7] examined and compared the of thermodynamics and economics. Singh et al. [10] performed a
parametric study on the combined KCS 11 – Rankine cycle and
⇑ Corresponding author at: Building No. 8, Department of Mechanical Engineer- reported that the best cycle performance is achieved with an
ing, University of Tabriz, 29 Bahman Avenue, P.O. Box: 51666-14766, Tabriz, Iran. ammonia concentration of between 78% and 82% for the working
Tel.: +98 41 33392487; fax: +98 41 33354153. fluid of KCS 11 and a moderate pressure of 4000 kPa for the ammo-
E-mail address: (S. Mohammad S. Mahmoudi).
0196-8904/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Fallah et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 108 (2016) 190–201 191

nia turbine inlet. Li et al. [11] compared the performances of KC advanced exergy analysis, which has been proposed in recent
and CO2 transcritical power cycle (CTPC) utilizing low temperature years, however, provides this information for the designers. In
geothermal sources in China. Results of this study showed that the the advanced exergy analysis, the exergy destruction in each sys-
KC has higher thermal efficiency and net output power and better tem component is split into avoidable and unavoidable parts and
economic performance than the CTPC. A detailed review about the also into endogenous and exogenous components. The advanced
results of the references [7–11] are shown in Table 1. Yari et al. [12] exergy analysis offers a great opportunity for improving a system
compared thermodynamic and economic performances of the KCS performance and identifies system components which play a major
11, ORC and trilateral power cycle (TLC) and showed that for both role in this improvement. The idea of advanced exergy analysis was
the KCS 11 and the ORC, the optimum operating conditions for proposed by Tsatsaronis et al. [13]. In recent years, Tsatsaronis and
maximum net output power is different from those for minimum his research group (in technical university of Berlin) have
product cost. presented several research works using advanced exergy, exergoe-
In most of the above mentioned research works, conventional conomic and exergoenvironmental analyses for various thermody-
exergy analysis plays an important role, especially in determining namic systems. They applied advanced exergy method to analyze
the exergy destruction in different components. The analysis how- vapor-compression and absorption refrigeration machines and also
ever, doesn’t specify the internal or external sources of irre- to the gas turbine power systems [14,15]. Petrakopoulou et al. [16]
versibilities for system components (concepts which can be very used advanced exergoeconomic method to analyze the perfor-
useful for thermodynamic system designers). The concept of the mance of a gas turbine-low pressure steam turbine combined cycle

Table 1
Detailed review of Refs. [7–11].

Refs. Cycle, input parameters and their ranges Main results Values of the parameters
for Kalina cyclea
Hettiarachchi Kalina Cycle  For given conditions, an optimum range of operating pressure Input parameters
et al. [7] Turbine inlet temperature = 90 °C and ammonia fraction that result in the best overall cycle per- TIT = 90 °C
Turbine inlet pressure = 15 to 40 bar formance can be identified. P = 25 bar
Ammonia fraction (X) = 0.7 to 0.95  Generally, for moderate turbine inlet pressures, the KCS 11 X = 0.8
Organic Rankine Cycle performs better than the ORC. Output parameters
Turbine inlet temperature = 90 °C gth = 8.7%
Working fluid: Ammonia
Turbine inlet pressure = 15 to 40 bar
Working fluid: Isobutane
Turbine inlet pressure = 5 to 15 bar
Guzović et. al. Kalina Cycle  The ORC is more convenient to be utilized at medium geother- Input parameters
[8] Geofluid temperature = 176 °C mal heat sources while the Kalina cycle performs better at TIT = 108.8 °C
Turbine inlet temperature = 108.8 °C lower geothermal source temperature. The difference in per- P = 28 bar
Turbine inlet pressure = 28 bar formances however, is not significant. X = 0.885
Ammonia fractions (X) = 0.885  Considering the problems associated with new technologies Output parameters
Organic Rankine Cycle experience in the starting phase, for geothermal sources with gth = 10.6%
Turbine inlet temperature = 110 °C lower temperatures in Croatia, the application of ORC with gex = 44%
Turbine inlet pressure = 9 bar binary working fluid is proposed.
Working fluid: Isopentane
Rodríguez et. Kalina Cycle  For the Kalina cycle, the best performance was obtained with Input parameters
al.[9] Geo-fluid Temperature = 90 to 140 °C 84% ammonia + 16% water in ammonia–water solution as Geothermal source
Turbine inlet temperature = 80 to 130 °C working fluid. With this working fluid, compared to the ORC, Temperature = 100 °C
Turbine inlet pressure = 15 to 50 bar the Kalina cycle offers 18% more output power, requires 37% TIT = 90 °C
Ammonia fractions (X) = 0.65, 0.75 and 0.84 less mass flow rate and achieves 17.8% lower levelized elec- P = 25 bar
Organic Rankine Cycle tricity cost. X = 0.84
Geo-fluid Temperature = 90 to 140 °C  For Organic Rankine cycle, the best performance was obtained Output parameters
Turbine inlet temperature = 80 to 130 °C with R-290 as working fluid. gth = 6%
Working fluid: i-butane, n-butane, i-Pentane, n- gex = 36.5%
Pentane, R13aa, R141b, R142b, R290, R40,
R152a, R-11, R-12, R-113, R-114, R-21, NH3
Singh et. al. Kalina Cycle  For a given turbine inlet pressure, there is an optimum value of Input parameters
[10] Source: exhaust gas ammonia fraction that yields in the maximum cycle efficiency. T = 132.6 °C
Turbine inlet temperature = 132.6 °C  Specification of different ammonia mass fraction for higher P = 25 bar
Turbine inlet pressure = 15 to 40 bar performance in literature may be due to the difference in the X = 0.8
Ammonia fraction (X) = 0.5 to 0.9 correlations used for ammonia–water mixture properties Output parameters
and/or due to the difference in the algorithms used in the sim- gth = 9%
ulation procedure.
 An Increase in the turbine inlet pressure is more effective that
an increases in the ammonia mass fraction for having efficient
Li et. al. [11] Kalina Cycle  The output power and thermal efficiency of the Kalina cycle Input parameters
Geofluid temperature = 120 °C are higher than those of the CTPC, while a reverse result is TIT = 91 °C
Turbine inlet temperature = 91, 98 and 108 °C achieved for exergy efficiency. P = 25 bar
Turbine inlet pressure = 10 to 40 bar  The adoption of the Kalina cycle may be reasonable in the low- X = 0.8
Ammonia fraction = 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8 temperature geothermal sources due to the better thermo- Output parameters
CO2 transcritical power cycle (CTPC) economic performance in contrast to the CTPC. gth = 7 %
Geofluid temperature = 120 °C gex = 39%
Turbine inlet temperature = 91, 98 and 108 °C
Turbine inlet pressure = 10 to 40 bar
The input data are approximately the same as the ones in the present work.
192 M. Fallah et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 108 (2016) 190–201

power plant. This analysis showed that plant performance - The system works under steady state condition.
improvement can be obtained by modification of each component. - Energy losses and changes in kinetic and potential energies are
Their results also indicated that component interactions play neglected [9–11].
insignificant role in this improvement. In another works, advanced - Polytropic efficiencies of 85%, 95% and 80% are considered for
exergy analyses were carried out by Morosuk et al. [17,18] on the the turbine, the generator and the pump, respectively [9,29,30].
liquefied natural gas-based cogeneration system to identify the
interactions among components and the potential for performance 3. Thermodynamic analysis
improvement. Tesatrasonis et al. [19] estimated the combustion
process exergy destruction resulting from different sources of irre- 3.1. Conventional exergy analyses
versibility (heat transfer, chemical reaction, friction and mixing).
Tsatsaronis and Morosuk [20] identified the value, location and By considering the mentioned assumptions, the mass, energy
causes of the irreversibilities as well as the costs and environmen- and exergy balances for the system components as control vol-
tal impacts of gas turbine based cogeneration system using the umes can be written as:
advanced exergy, exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental X X
methods. They reported that the combustion chamber and heat
m _e
m ð1Þ
recovery steam generator are important for improving the system X X
efficiency. Using the advanced exergy method, Hepbasli et al. ana- Q_  W
_ ¼ _ e he 
m _ i hi
m ð2Þ
lyzed the Afyon geothermal district heating system [21,22], and a
gas engine heat pump for food drying processes [23,24]. Açıkkalp _ ¼
E_ Q  W _ e ee 
m _ i ei þ E_ D
m ð3Þ
et al. applied the advanced exergy method for a cogeneration and
a trigeneration systems and identified the potential of economic In these equations, Q_ is the rate of heat transfer to control vol-
improvement for each component and also the effects of compo- ume, W _ is the rate of work leaving control volume, P m _ e he is the
nents on one another in terms of exergy destruction and its associ- P
rate of enthalpy leaving control volume, m_ i hi is the rate of
ated cost [25,26]. Soltani et al. [27] carried out an advanced exergy P
enthalpy entering control volume, m_ e ee is the rate of exergy
analysis on an externally fired combined cycle power plant using P
leaving control volume, m_ i ei is the rate of exergy entering con-
biofuel and reported that the exergy destructions in most of the
trol volume, E_ D is the rate of exergy destruction and E_ Q is the rate
components are endogenous and unavoidable. Tan et al. [28] eval-
of exergy associated with heat transfer.
uated a geothermal district heating system in terms of thermody-
namic and economic aspects by using the advanced exergy analysis For a given temperature of T, The E_ Q can be calculated from:
method and identified potentials of the system improvement and X 
T0 _
energy saving. E_ Q ¼ 1 Q ð4Þ
From the above mentioned review, it is clear that the Kalina
cycle has been paid a lot of attention because of its promising fea- In this formula, T 0 is the environment temperature.
tures (especially in generating power from low temperature According to the scientific articles, specific exergy can be split
geothermal sources). Also, it can be seen that the advanced exergy into the physical and chemical parts as:
analysis provides useful information not attainable from the con- e ¼ eph þ ech ð5Þ
ventional exergy analysis. To our knowledge, the Kalina cycle has
not been analyzed using the advanced exergy method so far. This The specific physical exergy is expressed as:
is important considering that the interaction between system com- eph ¼ ðh  T 0 sÞ  ðh0  T 0 s0 Þ ð6Þ
ponents in the Kalina cycle can play a major role in identifying the
weak points of the system from the viewpoints of second law of where h0 and s0 are the specific enthalpy and specific entropy at the
thermodynamics. The present work is an attempt to fulfill this lack environmental condition.
of information and to reveal the real sources of irreversibilities and As in the Kalina cycle the ammonia concentration changes from
real potential of improvement in the Kalina cycle used for low tem- one point to another, the variation in the specific chemical exergy,
perature enhanced geothermal system. It is hoped that the results, as expressed below, should be considered [10]:
which cannot be attained from the conventional exergy analysis, " # " #
e0ch;NH e0ch;H O
will be useful for engineers and thermal designers. ech ¼ 3
yþ 2
ð1  yÞ ð7Þ

2. Description of the geothermal power plant where e0ch;NH3 , e0ch;H2 O , MNH3 and MH2 O are standard molar specific
chemical exergy of ammonia, standard molar specific chemical
The process flow diagram of Kalina cycle (KCS 11) that is used in exergy of water, molecular weight of ammonia and molecular
the enhanced geothermal power plant is shown in Fig. 1. As shown weight of water, respectively. Also, y in Eq. (7) represents the mass
in the figure, the system consists of an evaporator, a separator, a fraction of ammonia.
turbine-generator, high and low temperature recuperators In order to assess the system performance in the present work,
(HTR and LTR), a recirculation pump, a throttling valve, a con- the first and second law efficiencies are used as follows:
denser and a mixer. In the first stage, the ammonia–water mixture _
is heated in the HTR and also in the evaporator. Then the rich gI ¼ _ net ð8Þ
ammonia vapor is separated in the separator and sent to the tur- Q in
bine for producing power. The liquid ammonia–water mixture
leaving the separator passes to the HTR before getting mixed with gII ¼ _ net ð9Þ
the liquid leaving the turbine. The mixture then passes to the LTR Ein
where it rejects heat before flowing to the condenser. The con-
_ net is the net produced power, Q_ in is the
In these equations, W
densed liquid is pumped to the evaporator via the low and high
temperature recuperators, and thus the cycle is completed. rate of thermal energy provided by the geothermal fluid and E_ in
The main assumptions in analyzing the Kalina cycle are as follows: is the exergy rate associated with Q_ in .
M. Fallah et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 108 (2016) 190–201 193

Fig. 1. Schematic of the Kalina cycle (KCS 11) [9].

In this table, g is isentropic efficiency, w is specific work and h is

Table 2 specific enthalpy.
Energy and exergy balance equations for Kalina cycle components.

Cycle Energy balance equation Exergy balance equation

3.2. Advanced exergy analyses
In the advanced exergy analysis, the rate of exergy destruction
Turbine gT ¼ wwas , W_ T ¼ m_ 1 ðh1  h2 Þ E_ 1 ¼ E_ 2 þ W _ T þ E_ D;T
in kth component of the system is split into two parts, named as
Mixture m _ 12 h12 ¼ m
_ 2 h2 þ m _ 3 h3 E_ 2 þ E_ 12 ¼ E_ 3 þ E_ D;mix
endogenous and exogenous exergy destructions:
LTR h3  h4 ¼ h7  h6 E_ 3  E_ 4 ¼ E_ 7  E_ 6 þ E_ D;LTR or
E_ 3 þ E_ 6 ¼ E_ 4 þ E_ 7 þ E_ D;LTR E_ D;k ¼ E_ EN _ EX
D;k þ ED;k ð14Þ
HTR _ 7 ðh8  h7 Þ ¼ m
m _ 10 ðh10  h11 Þ E_ 7 þ E_ 10 ¼ E_ 8 þ E_ 11 þ E_ D;HTR
Pump g ¼ ws , W_ p ¼ m_ 5 ðh6  h5 Þ E_ 5 þ W _ p ¼ E_ 6 þ E_ D;p The endogenous part is associated with the irreversibility
p wa
Condenser _ 4 ðh4  h5 Þ ¼ m
m _ 15 ðh16  h15 Þ E_ 16 þ E_ 5 ¼ E_ 15 þ E_ 4 þ E_
occurring inside the kth component and the exogenous part is
Evaporator m _ 13 ðh13  h14 Þ
_ 8 ðh9  h8 Þ ¼ m E_ 13 þ E_ 8 ¼ E_ 9 þ E_ 14 þ E_ D;ev ap
related to the irreversibilities taking place in the other compo-
Separator m _ 1 h1 þ m
_ 9 h9 ¼ m _ 10 h10 E_ 9 ¼ E_ 1 þ E_ 10 þ E_ D;sep
nents. Splitting the exergy destruction into the endogenous and
m _ 10 X 10 þ m
_ 9 X9 ¼ m _ 1 X1 exogenous parts provides the opportunity of realizing real loca-
Throttling h11 ¼ h12 E_ 11 ¼ E_ 12 þ E_ D;tv tions of irreversibilities in the system, so that, one can decide
valve where to focus in improving the system performance.
The rate of the exergy destruction in each system component
The basic equations used in the conventional exergy analysis for can also be split into avoidable and unavoidable parts as:
kth component of the system are as follows:
E_ D;k ¼ E_ AV _ UN
D;k þ ED;k ð15Þ
E_ D;k ¼ E_ F;k  E_ P;k ð10Þ
The unavoidable part cannot be reduced because of technical
limitations while the remaining part representing the avoidable
E_ E_
ek ¼ _ P;k ¼ 1  _ D;k ð11Þ exergy destruction can be reduced [31]. This splitting highlights
EF;k EF;k the potential for improving thermodynamic efficiency of each sys-
tem component.
E_ D;k The endogenous and exogenous exergy destruction rates can
yk ¼ ð12Þ also be split into avoidable and unavoidable parts as:
E_ F;k
E_ EN _ EN;AV þ E_ EN;UN
D;k ¼ ED;k D;k ð16Þ
E_ D;k
yk ¼ ð13Þ
E_ D;tot E_ EX _ EX;AV þ E_ EX;UN
D;k ¼ ED;k D;k ð17Þ

In these equations, E_ D;k ; E_ F;k ; E_ P;k are the exergy destruction In addition, the unavoidable and avoidable exergy destruction
rate, exergy rate of fuel and exergy rate of product in the kth com- rates can be divided to endogenous and exogenous parts as:
ponent, respectively. Also, ek and yk (and also yk ) are the exergy E_ UN _ EX;UN þ E_ EN;UN
D;k ¼ ED;k D;k ð18Þ
efficiency and exergy destruction ratio, respectively.
The energy and exergy balance equations for different compo-
E_ AV _ EX;AV þ E_ EN;AV
D;k ¼ ED;k D;k ð19Þ
nents of the Kalina cycle (Fig. 1) are presented in Table 2.
194 M. Fallah et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 108 (2016) 190–201

Fig. 2. Flow chart for calculating the different parts of the exergy destruction for kth component.

Table 3
Detailed model validation using the data reported by Ogriseck [32].

Stream Temperature (°C) Mass flow rate (kg/s) x = Ammonia concentration (kg
NH3/kg solution)
Ref. Pres. Study Ref. Pres. Study Ref. Pres. Study
1 116 116 11.4 11.48 0.97 0.9718
2 43 42.7 11.4 11.48 0.97 0.9718
3 46 42.6 16.8 16.95 0.82 0.82
4 30 27.1 16.8 16.95 0.82 0.82
5 8 7.9 16.8 16.95 0.82 0.82
6 8 8.4 16.8 16.95 0.82 0.82
7 41 37.6 16.8 16.95 0.82 0.82
8 63 60.6 16.8 16.95 0.82 0.82
9 116 116 16.8 16.95 0.82 0.82
10 116 116 5.4 5.466 0.5 0.5012
11 46 42.6 5.4 5.466 0.5 0.5012
12 – 42.6 – 5.466 – 0.5012
Net electrical output power (kW)
Present study Ref.
2176.4 2196.8

T9 = 116 °C, P9 = 32.3 bar, X9 = 0.82, T13 (Geofluid input temperature) = 122 °C, Geofluid mass flow = 89.0 kg/s, DPHE = 1 bar (For all heat exchangers).

The combination of the endogenous, exogenous, avoidable and component efficiency and by improving efficiency of the remaining
unavoidable exergy destruction concepts is important for system components. The E_ EX;UN however, cannot be reduced because of tech-
designing. For example, E_ EN;UN in Eq. (16) is a part of the exergy
D;k nical limitations associated with the other system components [15].
destruction rate occurring within kth component and cannot be Different approaches have been reported in literature for the
reduced while E_ EN;AV in this Equation can be reduced by improving
advanced exergy analyses. These approaches are the thermody-
namic cycle method, the engineering method, the exergy balance
the efficiency of kth component. Also, E_ EX;AV
D;k can be reduced by
method, the equivalent components method and the structural
improving the overall system structure, by improving the kth
theory method. The thermodynamic cycle method is the most con-
M. Fallah et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 108 (2016) 190–201 195

Table 4 the real cycle. In a hybrid cycle however, the process taking place
Input data for enhanced geothermal power plant calculations [9]. in kth component is considered as irreversible and the processes
Working fluid 0.84 NH3–.16 H2O occurring in the other components are considered as reversible.
gT 85% In this way, the value of endogenous exergy destruction for kth
gp 80% component can be calculated. It is obvious that the number of
P eV 2.5 bar hybrid cycles for a system is equal to the number of components
P cond 1.2 bar in the system [15].
DT pp 3 °C
The main points considered in analyzing the ideal Kalina cycle
TTD 10
T CW;in 25 °C
are as follows:
T CW;out 35 °C
m_ wg 200 kg/s - The pinch point temperature difference in all the heat exchang-
T in;wg 100 °C ers is considered as zero ðDT pp ¼ 0Þ.
- Isentropic efficiencies for the turbine and recirculation pump
and also the efficiency for the generator are considered as 100%.
Table 5 - Terminal temperature differences in all the heat exchangers are
Comparison of the components exergy destruction rates (for 1 kg/s geo-fluid), considered as zero (or in their minimum possible values).
obtained from present work with those reported in Ref. [9]. - Values of the minimum temperature differences in HTR and LTR
Component E_ D (Present study) (kW) E_ D (Ref. [9]) (kW)
are considered as equal to each other.
- An isentropic expander is considered instead of the throttling
Turbine 1.46 1.5
LTR 0.64 0.6
valve because the process in the throttling valve is irreversible
Condenser 5.34 5.4 and cannot be reversible.
Pump 0.093 0.09 - In analyzing the ideal or hybrid cycle the value of W _ net;ideal are
HTR 0.54 0.5
_ net;real .
kept constant and considered as equal to the value of W
Evaporator 3.21 3.4
Throttling valve 0.088 –
A flow chart of the simulation model is shown in Fig. 2.

Table 6
The main assumptions for the Kalina cycle under real, ideal and unavoidable 4. Results and discussion

Component Real Ideal Unavoidable The input data used in the present work are those considered by
Turbine gs ¼ 0:85a,b,c
gs ¼ 1 gs ¼ 0:95 k Rodríguez et al. [9] who analyzed the Kalina cycle proposed for an
LTR DT min ¼ 10a DT min ¼ 0 DT min ¼3d enhanced geothermal system in Brazil. These input data are con-
DP ¼ 2%e DP ¼ 0 DP ¼ 1%d sidered for both the conventional and advanced exergy analyses
Condenser DT min ¼ 12a DT min ¼ 0 DT min ¼ 3d in the present work. In the analysis, the ammonia percentage of
DP ¼ 1%f DP ¼ 0 DP ¼ 0:5%
the working fluid and the evaporation pressure are chosen as the
Pump gs ¼ 0:8a gs ¼ 1 gs ¼ 0:95d,k
HTR DT min ¼ 10a DT min ¼ 0 DT min ¼3d optimal values reported by Rodríguez et al. [9]. A detailed model
DP ¼ 3%e,g DP ¼ 0 DP ¼ 1%d validation is performed using the data reported in Ref. [32]. The
Evaporator DT min ¼ 10a DT min ¼ 0 DT min ¼3d comparison is shown in Table 3 indicating a good agreement
DP ¼ 2%e DP ¼ 0 DT pp ¼3d
between the two results. The developed model is also validated
DP ¼ 1%d
Throttling – Expander with Expander with
by using the data of Ref. [9] as indicated in Table 4. Comparison
valve gs ¼ 1 gs ¼ 0:96 of the results is shown in Table 5. Referring to Table 5, there is a
Generator gg ¼ 0:97h gg ¼ 1 gg ¼ 0:99k good agreement between the exergy destruction per 1 kg of geo-
fluid for each component calculated from the present model and
Ref. [9].
Ref. [29].
the corresponding value reported by Ref. [9].
Ref. [30]. For the advanced exergy analysis some additional assumptions
Ref. [33]. are made when dealing with the real, ideal and unavoidable condi-
Ref. [34]. tions. These assumptions and associated references are shown in
Ref. [27].
g Table 6.
Ref. [32].
Ref. [35]. Tables 7–9 indicate the thermodynamic properties and mass
Ref. [36]. flow rates at different state points of the Kalina cycle under real,
ideal and unavoidable conditions, respectively. In addition, the val-
ues of net output power, turbine output power, pump input power,
venient and provides the best results for systems in which a ther- first law efficiency and second law efficiency are presented in these
modynamic cycle can be defined. If this is not possible, the engi- tables. It should be noted that in analyzing the ideal cycle, the net
neering method provides acceptable results. On the other hand, output power has been assumed to be equal to that in the real
the exergy balance method is used for more complex systems cycle and consequently, the mass flow rate in the ideal cycle is
and the structural theory method is not appropriate to be used lower than that in the real cycle. Therefore, despite of the bigger
for calculating values of endogenous exergy destructions. The difference between specific enthalpies entering and exiting the tur-
details of different approaches can be found in Ref. [14]. For the bine in ideal cycle, the ideal cycle output power is less than that for
present work, the thermodynamic cycle method is selected, the real cycle. Energy and exergy efficiencies of 12.7% and 77.2%,
because this method has higher prediction accuracy than the respectively are achieved for the ideal cycle as indicated in Table 8.
others. Concepts such as ideal cycle, hybrid cycle and real cycle In these tables, P is the pressure, DT pp is the pinch point tempera-
are considered to identify different parts of exergy destruction in ture difference, TTD is the terminal temperature difference, TCW is
current study. Furthermore, it is valuable to note that all processes the cooling water temperature, m _ wg is the geofluid mass flow rate,
are considered as reversible in the ideal cycle and as irreversible in T in;wg is the temperature of geofluid, Q is the quality, s is the specific
196 M. Fallah et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 108 (2016) 190–201

Table 7
Thermodynamic properties and mass flow rates at different state points of the Kalina cycle under real conditions.

Fluid T (°C) P (bar) h (kJ/kg) _ (kg/s)

m Q s (kJ/kg K) u (kJ/kg) x E_ ch (kW) E_ ph (kW) E_ (kW)

1 NH3H2O 90 25 1411 21.39 1 4.326 1259 0.99 419,369 9462 428,832

2 NH3H2O 52.6 12.4 1326 21.39 0.978 4.372 1186 0.99 419,369 7350 426,719
3 NH3H2O 57.8 12.4 847.4 33.98 0.6076 3.012 757.8 0.84 355,883 8120 364,003
4 NH3H2O 53.7 12.16 797.4 33.98 0.5784 2.866 713.4 0.84 355,883 7900 363,783
5 NH3H2O 37 12.16 59.7 33.98 0 0.5382 57.87 0.84 355,883 6420 362,303
6 NH3H2O 37.4 26.79 62.46 33.98 0.001 0.54 58.42 0.84 355,883 6496 362,378
7 NH3H2O 47.8 26.27 112.4 33.98 0.001 0.6983 108.3 0.84 355,883 6588 362,470
8 NH3H2O 59.3 25.5 169.2 33.98 0.001 0.8728 165.2 0.84 355,883 6753 362,635
9 NH3H2O 90 25 957.8 33.98 0.6296 3.145 860.4 0.84 355,883 10,527 366,409
10 NH3H2O 90 25 187 12.58 0 1.137 183.6 0.5852 247,965 1030 248,995
11 NH3H2O 57.8 24.25 33.51 12.58 0.001 0.6952 30.32 0.5852 247,965 756.9 248,722
12 NH3H2O 57.9 12.4 33.51 12.58 0.001 0.7 31.87 0.5852 247,965 739.2 248,704
13 Water 100 2.5 419.2 200 1.307 6824
14 Water 68 2.5 285.2 200 0.9315 2409
15 Water 25 1.2 104.9 599.2 0.3669 12.02
16 Water 35 1.2 146.7 599.2 0.5049 423.2

gexergy ¼ 0:3787 gth ¼ 0:06241 W_ g ¼ 1766 (kW) W

_ net ¼ 1672 (kW) W
_ P ¼ 93:72 (kW) W
_ T ¼ 1820 (kW).

Table 8
Thermodynamic properties and mass flow rates at different state points of the Kalina cycle under ideal conditions.

Fluid T (°C) P (bar) h (kJ/kg) _ (kg/s)

m Q s (kJ/kg K) u (kJ/kg) x E_ ch (kW) E_ ph (kW) E_ (kW)

1 NH3H2O 100 26.79 1441 10.42 1 4.38 1284 0.9835 203,022 4756 207,778
2 NH3H2O 38 8.551 1277 10.42 0.9562 4.38 1143 0.9835 203,022 3042 206,064
3 NH3H2O 47.3 8.551 851.6 10.42 0.6297 3.127 759.9 0.84 173,395 3235 176,630
4 NH3H2O 40.1 8.551 747.1 10.42 0.568 2.799 666.7 0.84 173,395 3132 176,527
5 NH3H2O 25 8.551 2.555 10.42 0 0.352 1.297 0.84 173,395 2900 176,295
6 NH3H2O 25.4 26.79 5.238 10.42 0.001 0.3521 1.298 0.84 173,395 2941 176,336
7 NH3H2O 47.3 26.79 109.7 10.42 0.001 0.6897 105.6 0.84 173,395 2999 176,394
8 NH3H2O 63.8 26.79 190.9 10.42 0.001 0.9369 186.6 0.84 173,395 3116 176,511
9 NH3H2O 100 26.76 1044 15.48 0.6733 3.359 937.1 0.84 173,395 5145 178,540
10 NH3H2O 100 26.79 226 5.056 0 1.256 222.3 0.5441 112,325 386.4 112,711
11 NH3H2O 47.3 26.79 22.65 5.056 0.001 0.5384 26.03 0.5441 112,325 211 112,536
12 NH3H2O 47.1 8.551 24.95 5.056 0.001 0.5384 26.03 0.5441 112,325 199.3 112,524
13 Water 100 2.5 419.2 96.57 1.307 3295
14 Water 67.5 2.5 282.2 96.57 0.9333 1129
15 Water 25 1.2 104.9 275.5 0.3669 5.527
16 Water 35.1 1.2 146.7 275.5 0.5049 194.6

gexergy ¼ 0:7719 gth ¼ 0:1266 W_ g ¼ 1672 (kW) W_ net ¼ 1672 (kW) W_ P ¼ 41:53 (kW) W
_ T ¼ 1714 (kW).

entropy and u is the specific internal energy. Also, E_ ch and E_ ph are in the other components and it can be determined only by the
the chemical and physical exergy destructions. advanced exergy analysis. In fact, as mentioned before, the
Referring to Tables 8 and 9, the ideal exergy efficiency of the advanced exergy analysis reveals the effects of component interac-
system is 77.2% and technical limitations give a value of about tion and technical limitations on the potential of the system
63.6% for this parameter. The exergy efficiency under real condi- improvement.
tions is 37.87% as indicated in Table 7. Considering Table 1, it can In the advanced exergy analysis, the endogenous exergy
be seen that there is a good agreement between this value and destruction rate for component k, E_ EN , is calculated first. Also, the
the values of exergy efficiencies obtained in Refs. [9,11]. value of E_ EN;UN
D;k is determined by considering unavoidable condi-
In the analyses, the exergy rate entering the Kalina cycle is con-
tions instead of the real conditions for the system components.
sidered as the total fuel exergy rate which is the difference
Then, the value of E_ EX is obtained by introducing the defined value
between exergy rates of geothermal fluid entering and exiting D;k

the evaporator ðE_ F;tot ¼ E_ F;eV Þ. Also, the net output power is contem- of E_ EN _ AV
D;k in Eq. (14). Furthermore, the value of ED;k is calculated by

plated as the rate of total products exergy ðE_ p;tot ¼ W

_ net Þ.The results applying the value of E_ UN D;k to Eq. (15). Also, by using the values of
of exergy analysis for Kalina cycles under real, ideal and unavoid- E_ EN;UN and E_ EN in Eq. (16), the value of E_ EN;AV is achieved. Finally,
D;k D;k D;k
able conditions are presented in Tables 10–12, respectively.
by calculating the value of E_ EX;UN
D;k from Eq. (18) and using this value
Referring to Table 10, the highest exergy destruction rate occurs
in Eq. (17), the value of E EX;AV
is determined.
in the condenser, followed by evaporator, turbine, LTR and HTR. As D;k

known, reducing the mentioned destruction rates is imperative for The results of the above mentioned calculations are presented
improving the performance of the cycle. The conventional exergy in Table 13.
analysis suggests focusing on the components which have higher Referring to Table 13, it can be seen that the value of E_ EN is D
exergy destruction rate. Some part of the exergy destruction in a greater than the value of E_ EX
D in all the system components except
system component however, is due to irreversibilities occurring the evaporator. This means that the major part of exergy destruc-
M. Fallah et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 108 (2016) 190–201 197

Table 9
Thermodynamic properties and mass flow rates at different state points of the Kalina cycle under unavoidable conditions.

Fluid T (°C) P (bar) h (kJ/kg) _ (kg/s)

m Q s (kJ/kg K) u (kJ/kg) x E_ ch (kW) E_ ph (kW) E_ (kW)

1 NH3H2O 97 25.99 1433 12.59 1 4.371 1277 0.9854 245,794 5681 251,476
2 NH3H2O 42.7 9.459 1295 12.59 0.9638 4.394 1159 0.9854 245,794 3855 249,649
3 NH3H2O 50.8 9.459 860.9 12.59 0.6299 3.127 768.6 0.84 209,522 4141 213,662
4 NH3H2O 43.9 9.365 767.9 12.59 0.5757 2.841 685.7 0.84 209,522 3993 213,515
5 NH3H2O 28 9.365 16.76 12.59 0 0.399 15.38 0.84 209,522 3558 213,080
6 NH3H2O 28.3 26.79 19.48 12.59 0.001 0.3995 15.51 0.84 209,522 3607 213,129
7 NH3H2O 47.8 26.52 112.5 12.59 0.001 0.6985 108.4 0.84 209,522 3680 213,202
8 NH3H2O 62 26.26 182.8 12.59 0.001 0.913 178.6 0.84 209,522 3801 213,323
9 NH3H2O 97 25.99 1023 18.98 0.6637 3.311 918.1 0.84 209,522 6177 215,699
10 NH3H2O 97 25.99 213.1 6.381 0 1.219 209.5 0.5529 137,933 487.7 138,420
11 NH3H2O 52.8 25.73 4.035 6.381 0.001 0.6184 0.7393 0.5529 137,933 296.8 138,230
12 NH3H2O 53 9.459 4.015 6.381 0.001 0.6247 2.802 0.5529 137,933 284.6 138,217
13 Water 100 2.5 419.2 118.8 1.307 4055
14 Water 68 285 118.8 0.931 1428
15 Water 25 1.2 104.9 340.7 0.3669 6.835
16 Water 35 146.7 340.7 0.5049 240.6

gexergy ¼ 0:6366 gth ¼ 0:1049 W_ g ¼ 1724 (kW) W_ net ¼ 1672 (kW) W_ P ¼ 41:53 (kW) W_ T ¼ 1714 (kW).

Table 10 Table 12
Results of exergy analysis for Kalina cycle under real conditions. The results of exergy analysis for Kalina cycle under unavoidable conditions.

Component E_ F E_ P (kW) E_ D (kW) e (%) _

y ¼ E_ ED
y ¼ E_ ED Component E_ F E_ P E_ D e (%) _
y ¼ E_ ED
y ¼ E_ ED
F;tot D;tot F;tot D;tot
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
(%) (%) (%) (%)
Turbine 2113 1820 292.4 86.16 6.62 12.56 Turbine 1827 1741 85.8 95.30 3.27 12.02
LTR 220.1 92 128.1 50.91 2.90 5.50 LTR 147.1 73.25 73.89 86.64 2.81 10.35
Condenser 1480 411.2 1069 27.79 24.20 45.88 Condenser 435.3 233.8 201.5 53.71 7.67 28.23
Pump 93.72 75.13 18.59 80.16 0.42 0.80 Pump 51.51 48.59 2.915 94.34 0.11 0.41
HTR 272.9 165.3 107.6 60.57 2.44 4.62 HTR 190.9 121 69.84 63.41 2.66 9.79
Evaporator 4415 3774 641.5 85.47 14.53 27.54 Evaporator 2627 2376 250.3 90.47 9.53 35.07
Throttling 17.67 0 17.67 0.00 0.40 0.76 Throttling 12.18 0.0198 12.05 0.16 0.46 1.69
valve valve
Generator 1820 1766 54.61 97.00 1.24 2.35 Generator 1741 1724 17.41 99.00 0.66 2.44
Overall 4415 1690.87 2329.47 38.3 52.75 100 Overall 2627 1672 713.7 27.17 100
system system

Table 11
The results of exergy analysis for Kalina cycle under ideal conditions.
means that the efficiencies of these components can be improved
Component E_ F E_ P E_ D e (%) y¼ E_ D 
y ¼ E_ E_ D and this improvement is possible by using technical modifications
E_ F;tot D;tot
(kW) (kW) (kW)
(%) (%)
(such as using improved lubrication system) and modern technolo-
gies or by replacing these components with more efficient ones.
Turbine 1714 1714 0 100.00 0.0 0.0
LTR 102.9 58.68 44.21 57.03 2.04 15.54
Table 13 also indicates that the total avoidable exergy destruction
Condenser 232.4 189.1 43.3 81.37 2.00 15.23 rate in the system components is remarkably greater than the total
Pump 41.53 41.22 0.3089 99.26 0.01 0.11 unavoidable exergy destruction rate ðE_ AV  E_ UN Þ. Therefore, the
D;tot D;tot
HTR 175.4 116.5 58.84 66.45 2.72 20.69
Evaporator 2166 2029 137.5 93.65 6.35 48.35
cycle has high potential for efficiency improvement. However,
Throttling 9.8 9.8 0 100.00 0.00 0.00 the maximum reduction in the exergy destruction rate of cycle
valvea components is 1615.765 kW or 69.3% of the E_ real . D;tot
Generator 1714 1714 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
Overall 2166 1672 284.39 13.13 100.00
The endogenous avoidable and the exogenous avoidable exergy
system destruction rates provide important information for cycle opti-
mization. The main focus however, should be primarily on the
In ideal cycle, it is assumed that the throttling valve is replaced by an expander.
endogenous avoidable part and a reduction in the exogenous
avoidable part should be in the next stage. Thus, a modification
tion rate in each of these components originated from irreversibil- in the components with higher endogenous avoidable exergy
ity of the component itself. Therefore, the designer should focus destruction rate should have priority in cycle improvement inves-
only on the internal irreversibilities of the component to improve tigations. The endogenous avoidable exergy destruction rate for
the system performance. Another important point observed from kth component can be reduced by improving the efficiency and
Table 13 is that the evaporator and condenser have the highest working condition of the component. Furthermore, the exogenous
exogenous exergy destruction rates. Therefore, a modification in avoidable part of exergy destruction rate can be reduced by cycle
the other component efficiencies can lead to a reduction in these structure improvement or by improving efficiencies of all system
exergy destruction rates and brings about an improvement in cycle components including the kth component [15]. Referring to
efficiency. Table 13, it can be seen that the endogenous avoidable exergy
It should be mentioned that in practice, only the avoidable part destruction rates in turbine, condenser, pump and generator are
of exergy destruction rate can be reduced. Table 13 indicates that higher than the endogenous unavoidable rates (E_ EN;AV > E_ EN;UN ). D D
this part of exergy destruction is higher than the unavoidable part This indicates that technical modifications of these components
for the turbine, condenser, pump, evaporator and generator. This can improve their efficiency and consequently the efficiency of
198 M. Fallah et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 108 (2016) 190–201

Table 13
Results of advanced exergy analysis for the Kalina cycle.

Component E_ D (kW) E_ EN
D;k (kW) E_ EX
D;k (kW) E_ AV
D;k (kW) E_ UN
D;k (kW) E_ EN;AV
(kW) E_ EN;UN
(kW) E_ EX;AV
(kW) E_ EX;UN

Turbine 292.4 287 5.4 206.6 85.8 201.2 85.8 5.4 0

LT recuperator 128.1 70.36 57.74 54.21 73.89 9.18 61.18 45.03 12.71
Condenser 1069 671.4 397.6 867.5 201.5 502.4 169 365.1 32.5
Pump 18.59 10.74 7.85 15.675 2.915 8.245 2.495 7.43 0.42
HT recuperator 107.6 59.57 48.03 37.76 69.84 0.01 59.56 37.75 10.28
Evaporator 641.5 320 321.5 391.2 250.3 114.7 205.3 276.5 45
Throttling valve 17.67 10.85 6.82 5.62 12.05 0.117 10.733 5.503 1.317
Generator 54.61 53.04 1.57 37.2 17.41 35.73 17.31 1.47 0.1
Overall system 2329.47 1482.96 846.51 1615.765 713.705 871.582 611.378 744.183 102.327

Fig. 3. Splitting exergy destruction rates of the system components into endogenous, exogenous, avoidable, unavoidable, endogenous-avoidable, endogenous-unavoidable,
exogenous-avoidable and exogenous-unavoidable parts.
M. Fallah et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 108 (2016) 190–201 199

Fig. 3 (continued)

the system. Priority in improvement process should be given to the performance. Referring again to Table 13, the total endogenous
condenser, turbine and evaporator, as these components have avoidable exergy destruction rate is obviously higher than the total
higher values of the E_ EN;AV than the others. It is also observed from
endogenous unavoidable exergy destruction rate. Therefore, there
Table 13 that in all the system components, the exogenous avoid- is a high potential for improving the components performance.
able exergy destruction rate is higher than the exogenous unavoid- Under the working conditions for the present work, the reduction
able exergy destruction rate. Therefore, an improvement in in cycle exergy destruction rate is up to 206.203 kW.
component efficiency leads to a reduction in the exogenous avoid- Splitting exergy destruction rates of the main system compo-
able exergy destruction rates of the other system components. It nents into endogenous, exogenous, avoidable, unavoidable,
should also be noted that the condenser and evaporator have the endogenous-avoidable, endogenous-unavoidable, exogenous-
highest exogenous avoidable exergy destruction rates. Therefore, avoidable and exogenous-unavoidable parts are shown in Fig. 3.
an improvement in the efficiency of the other components plays Also, contributions of the components in total endogenous, exoge-
prominent role in enhancing the efficiency of the condenser and nous, avoidable, unavoidable, endogenous-avoidable, endogenous-
the evaporator. For the turbine, the E_ EX;AV is much smaller than
unavoidable, exogenous-avoidable and exogenous-unavoidable
exergy destruction rates of the system are indicated in Fig. 4. In
the E_ EN;AV
D . Therefore, an improvement in the efficiency of this
addition, contribution of each component on the overall exergy
component plays an important role in optimizing the cycle
destruction rate, based on the conventional and advanced exergy
200 M. Fallah et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 108 (2016) 190–201

Fig. 4. Contributions of the system components in the total endogenous, exogenous, avoidable, unavoidable, endogenous-avoidable, endogenous-unavoidable, exogenous-
avoidable and exogenous-unavoidable exergy destruction rates of the system.

exergy analysis, the designer should focus first on the condenser

and turbine and then on the evaporator in optimizing the cycle
performance. This can be explained if we consider that from the
641.5 kW total exergy destruction rate in the evaporator, 320 kW
(49.9% of E_ D;ev ap ) is related to the component itself and at most
17.9% of E_ D;ev ap (E_ EN;AV
D;ev p ¼ 114:7 kW) can be reduced by technological

improvement or technical modifications. But, the E_ EN;AV for con-

denser and turbine are 502.4 kW (47% of E_ D;cond ) and 201.2 kW
(68.81% of E_ D;T ), respectively. In addition, the results of advanced
exergy analysis don’t suggest any improvement for the HTR and
the LTR, while the conventional exergy analysis indicates consider-
able values of exergy destruction rates for these components. In
fact, approximately 35% of the sum of exergy destruction rates in
these two components can be reduced by improving the other sys-
tem components, when the remaining parts are unavoidable or
have negligible values.
Fig. 5. Contribution of each component on cycle overall exergy destruction rate
obtained from convention and advanced exergy analyses (the contributions of the
LT recuperator, HT recuperator, generator, pump and throttling valve are zoomed 5. Conclusion
for clarification).
In the present work, conventional and advanced exergy analy-
analyses, are shown in Fig. 5. It can be observed from these figures ses are carried out for a Kalina cycle using a low temperature
and also from Table 13 that in spite of the stated priority order for enhanced geothermal source. The main results can be listed as
system components, obtained from the results of conventional follows:
M. Fallah et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 108 (2016) 190–201 201

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