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StartUp Level 4 Grammar Activities Unit 5, Lesson 1, Page 54

Tag questions

Complete the questions. Use tag questions.

1. This isn’t your first job, is it ?

2. You drove to work today, didn´t you ?

3. Brian can’t type, can he ?

4. You’re going to Annette’s party after work on Friday, aren´t you?

5. This office has a nice view, doesn´t it ?

6. You haven’t met the new boss, have you ?

7. He’s from around here, isn´t he ?

8. She won’t ask us to work late again tonight, will she ?

Read the questions. Rewrite them as tag questions. Use contractions when possible.

1. Are you going to check all the applicants’ references?

You’re going to check all the applicants references, aren´t you?

2. Have you interviewed more than one applicant for the job?
You have interviewed more than one applicant for the job, haven´t you?

3. Is there another applicant waiting in the reception area?

There’s another applicant waiting in the reception area, isn´t there?

4. Should you spend more than five minutes with each applicant?
You should spend more than five minutes with each applicant, shouldn´t you?

5. Did you tell the receptionist to offer the applicants coffee?

You did tell the receptionist to offer the applicants coffee, didn´t you?

6. Will you make your decision by the end of the week?

You will make your decision by the end of the week, won´t you?
7. Have you spoken to Sophia about your search?
You have spoken to Sophia about your search, haven´t you?

8. Do you always ask for references?

You do always ask for references, don´t you?

Copyright © 2019 by Pearson Education, Inc. Photocopying for classroom use is permitted. StartUp Level 4 Grammar Practice
StartUp Level 4 Grammar Activities Unit 5, Lesson 2, Page 54
Expressing preference with would rather and would prefer

Complete the sentences. Use would rather or would prefer.

1. I don’t want to see a horror film. I would rather go to a comedy.

2. We would rather spend our free time playing tennis or swimming.

3. I would rather buy new furniture, but my husband would prefer to go on a trip.

4. We’ll have to ask Pedro, but I think he would prefer to have a cookout on Sunday.

5. When we’re on vacation, we would rather stay in small hotels. We don’t like large hotels.

6. Would you prefer to sit at a table outside, or would you rather sit inside in the air conditioning?

Write questions. Use Would you rather … or … ? in 1–4. Use Would you prefer to … or … ? in 5–8.

1. Would you rather go shopping downtown or to take the bus to the mall?
(go shopping downtown / take the bus to the mall)
2. Would you rather play tennis or to go swimming?
(play tennis / go swimming)
3. Would you rather have a small party or to invite all your friends?
(have a small party / invite all your friends)
4. Would you rather go out to a restaurant or to get take-out?
(go out to a restaurant / get take-out)
5. Would you prefer to meet some friends on Saturday or stay home alone?
(meet some friends on Saturday / stay home alone)
6. Would you prefer to watch TV or read a good book?
(watch TV / read a good book)
7. Would you prefer to play word games or sports?
(play word games / sports)
8. Would you prefer to spend time with new friends or old friends?
(spend time with new friends / old friends)

Copyright © 2019 by Pearson Education, Inc. Photocopying for classroom use is permitted. StartUp Level 4 Grammar Practice
StartUp Level 4 Grammar Activities Unit 5, Lesson 3, Page 54

Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words.

1. I like any / some English food, but not all of it.

2. I’ve only got a few / little days of my holiday left.

3. There’s many / a lot of ketchup on this burger! It’s swimming in sauce!

4. The lesson was so fun. Many / Much students didn’t want to leave at the end.

5. Stay for dinner. We’ve got a few / enough food.

6. Does Janet have any / many time to help out?

7. Are there any / a little people coming to visit on Saturday?

8. Do we have many / some free time on Saturday? There are a few / little tickets left to the exhibitdowntown. I’d

like to go.

Complete the conversations. Circle the correct words.

Ari: We’ve got a little / little time before the movie starts. What do you want to do?
TJ: Would you like to go to a café? There are a few / few good ones in the neighborhood.
Ari: Oh, sure. I’ll check out a little / some reviews online.
TJ: Sounds good.

Ari: Hmm. This one looks good.

TJ: Yeah, but it doesn’t have some / any food. I’d like to eat some / any food.
(4.) (5.)
Ari: Yeah, me, too. How about this one? It has a lot of / much good reviews.
TJ: But it’s far from here. Do we have a few / enough time to walk there and back?
Ari: I think so. And we can take the bus back if we run out of time.

TJ: That sounds good. Plus, there are a little / a few shops I’d like to stop in on the way.
Ari: OK. Let’s go!

Copyright © 2019 by Pearson Education, Inc. Photocopying for classroom use is permitted. StartUp Level 4 Grammar Practice

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