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Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Correlations Collinearity Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Zero-order Partial Part Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) B0 = .165 .068 2.419 .016
OrgMean B1 =.099 .046 .103 2.126 .034 .807 .099 .042 .170 5.897
PsySafMean B2 =.007 .048 .007 .157 .876 .776 .007 .003 .181 5.530
RelCoMean B3 =.033 .049 .033 .668 .505 .796 .031 .013 .165 6.051
ProOpMean B4 =.008 .045 .008 .178 .859 .779 .008 .004 .180 5.542
ComMean B5 =.038 .035 .041 1.084 .279 .752 .051 .022 .281 3.558
MotMean B6 =.098 .045 .105 2.163 .031 .820 .101 .043 .170 5.894
SkiExpMean B7 =.141 .054 .151 2.635 .009 .853 .122 .053 .122 8.211
WorkAtMean B8 =.306 .045 .310 6.733 .000 .862 .301 .134 .188 5.317
IFWoLifBalMean B9 =.223 .035 .229 6.438 .000 .807 .289 .128 .314 3.186
a. Dependent Variable: EESayMean

- Look for the sig. value

What can predict the Dependent Variable?
The indeodenent variable which can predict are Organizational Culture (.034), Motivation (.031), Skills and Expertise (.009), Work Attitude (.000), Work
Life Balance (.000) for their sigma value is lower than P-value (which is 0.05).

Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
EESayMean 3.0744 .66499 466
OrgMean 3.0667 .69340 466
PsySafMean 3.0275 .65262 466
RelCoMean 3.0374 .66796 466
ProOpMean 3.0211 .69813 466
ComMean 3.0228 .71307 466
MotMean 3.0710 .70917 466
SkiExpMean 3.0555 .71067 466
WorkAtMean 3.0929 .67417 466
IFWoLifBalMean 3.0022 .68476 466
Say= b0+b1(Organizational Culture )+ b2(Motivation)+ b3(Skills and Expertise )+ b4(Work Attitude )+ b5(Work Life Balance)
Say = .165+ .099 (3.0667 )+ .098 (3.0710)+ .141 (3.0555)+ .306 (3.0929 )+ .223 (3.0022)
Say= 2.8162602
Say= 2.82

Lighter Scale – until 4 lng sa data.

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Correlations Collinearity Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Zero-order Partial Part Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) .165 .068 2.419 .016
OrgMean .099 .046 .103 2.126 .034 .807 .099 .042 .170 5.897
PsySafMean .007 .048 .007 .157 .876 .776 .007 .003 .181 5.530
RelCoMean .033 .049 .033 .668 .505 .796 .031 .013 .165 6.051
ProOpMean .008 .045 .008 .178 .859 .779 .008 .004 .180 5.542
ComMean .038 .035 .041 1.084 .279 .752 .051 .022 .281 3.558
MotMean .098 .045 .105 2.163 .031 .820 .101 .043 .170 5.894
SkiExpMean .141 .054 .151 2.635 .009 .853 .122 .053 .122 8.211
WorkAtMean .306 .045 .310 6.733 .000 .862 .301 .134 .188 5.317
IFWoLifBalMean .223 .035 .229 6.438 .000 .807 .289 .128 .314 3.186
a. Dependent Variable: EESayMean

Look at VIF – wlang multicollinearity kapag below 5. Lapag above mayroron muulticollinearity it means that it has the same.

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