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Class –X Assignment


1. Observe the figures given as Figure (A) and (B) answer the following:

(a) Which of the figures A or B indicates the process of inhalation and which the process of
(b) In the figure label the arrows and indicate the direction of
(i) Movement of air
(ii) Movement of diaphragm
(iii) Movement of ribs

2. Paheli participated in a 400 m race competition held at here school and won the race. When she
came home she had mixed feeling of joy and pain as she had cramps in her leg muscles. After a
massage she was relieved of the pain. Answer the following questions related to the situation.
(a) What can be the possible reasons for the pain in her legs?
(b) Why did she feel comfortable after a massage?

3. Explain the respiration of (a) Fish (b) Earthworms

4. (A) Observe the following figure, what does it show?

(b) Label the missing parts marked as 1, 2, 3 and 4.
5. Complete the following flow chart as per the given instructions.

6. Explain with the help of neat and well labelled diagrams the different steps involved in holozoic
nutrition in Amoeba.
7. Label the figure given below and write one function of each part.

8. (A) Why is nutrition necessary for the human body?

(b) What causes movement of food inside the alimentary canal?
(c) Why is small intestine in herbivores longer than in carnivores?
(d) What will happen if mucus is not secreted by the gastric glands?

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