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⸺ Calpurnia Acilia de ambitu (c. 67), 431.
⸺ Canuleia, on conubium (t. 445), 294.
⸺ Carvilia, legalizing voluntary exile (t. 212), 249.
⸺ Cassia tabellaria (t. 137), 253, 359.
⸺ Cassia, on qualifications of senators (t. 104), 390 f.
⸺ Cassia, for creating patricians (t. 45), 164, 456.
⸺ Cassia Terentia frumentaria (c. 73), 424, n. 5, 444, n. 6.
⸺ Cincia, on gifts (t. 204), 339.
⸺ Claudia, on senatorial qualifications and contracts (t. 219),
335, 370.
⸺ Claudia, for expulsion of Latins (c. 177), 354.
⸺ Clodia, monetary (104?), 392.
⸺ Clodia, frumentaria (t. 58), 444 f.;
de collegiis, 445;
amended, 447 f., 457, n. 6;
on secretaries of quaestors, 445;
on censorial stigma, 445;
repealed, 450, n. 2;
amending Aelian and Fufian laws, 116 f., 445;
de provocatione, 445 f.;
interdicting Cicero, 115, n. 1, 127, 446;
leges on minor subjects, 446, n. 1.
⸺ Cornelia, on gambling, 337, n. 6.
⸺ Cornelia (?), outlawing Marius and others (88), 405.
⸺ Cornelia, repealing Cornelian-Pompeian laws (Cinna, c.
87), 409.
⸺ Cornelia (?), recalling exiles (c. or t. 87), 409.
⸺ Cornelia, de tribunicia potestate (d. 82), 236 f., 413 f., 418;
repealed, 423 f., 426 f.;
violated by Opimius, 425 f.;
de maiestate (81), 415-7;
on praetors, 416;
on quaestors, 415 f.;
de sacerdotibus, 416 f.;
de provinciis ordinandis, 417 f.;
iudiciaria, 419;
de adulteriis et pudicitia, alleged, 420, n. 6, 423, n. 6;
de proscriptione, 421;
de civitate Volaterranis adimenda, 236, 422;
on debts, 422;
de sponsu (?), 422, n. 13;
instituting ludi Victoriae, 422 f.;
sumptuaria, 423;
leges, criminal, 419-21;
on quaestio inter sicarios, 378;
amended, 448;
agrariae (82, 81), 421 f.;
lex on return of Pompey (80), 335, n. 2.
⸺ Cornelia, on collecting certain moneys (Lentulus, c. 72),
⸺ Cornelia, on edicts of praetors (t. 67), 431 f.;
on dispensations, 430 f.
⸺ Cornelia Baebia de ambitu (c. 181), 348.
⸺ Cornelia Caecilia, recalling Cicero (c. 57), 446;
de cura annonae, 446.
⸺ Cornelia Fulvia de ambitu (c. 159), 348.
⸺ Cornelia Gellia, on granting citizenship (c. 72), 424, n. 6.
⸺ Cornelia Pompeia, on assemblies (c. 88), 277, n. 4, 406-8;
on rogations, 406, 407;
colonial, 408;
unciaria, 408.
⸺ Crepereia, on legis actio, 339, n. 5.
⸺ Decia, on duumviri navales (t. 311), 306.
⸺ Didia cibaria (p. or t. 143), 356.
⸺ Domitia, on election of sacerdotes (t. 103), 391 f.;
repealed by Sulla, 416;
renewed, 435.
⸺ Duillia, on appeal (t. 449), 241, 292.
⸺ Duillia Menenia, on interest (t. 357), 297.
⸺ Duronia, sumptuaria (t. before 97), 388, n. 9, 423.
⸺ Fabia de plagiariis (c. 209 or 183?), 357.
⸺ Fabia de numero sectatorum (t. 66), 431, n. 6.
⸺ Falcidia testamentaria (t. 40), 459.
⸺ Fannia cibaria (c. 161), 356.
⸺ Flaminia, agraria (t. 232), 334;
monetary (c. 217), 336.
⸺ Flavia, on punishing Tusculans (t. 323), 310.
⸺ Fufia de religione (t. 61), 438, n. 3.
⸺ Fufia, on voting in quaestiones (p. 59), 443.
Leges Fufia et Aelia (t. about 150), 116 f., 198, 280, 358, 445.
⸺ Furia de sponsu, 298, n. 1.
Lex Furia testamentaria (203-170?), 352, n. 5, 463, n. 8.
⸺ Furia (?), instituting prefects for Capua (318), 306, n. 6.
⸺ Furia, on conspiracy (t. 99), 396, n. 2.
⸺ Furia Atilia, surrendering Mancinus (c. 136), 350.
⸺ Furia Quinctia, arbitrating between Ardea and Aricia (c.
446), 294 f.
⸺ Gabinia tabellaria (t. 139), 359.
⸺ Gabina, on secret meetings (t. 186 or 139?), 357.
⸺ Gabinia, on loans to provincials (t. 67), 429;
on sessions of senate, 429;
granting imperium to Pompey, 432 f.
⸺ Genucia (t. 342), 298 f.;
article of on consulship, 238;
on reëlections, often violated, 307 f.;
dispensations from, 307 f., 343;
renewed by Sulla, 415.
⸺ Glitia testamentaria, 459, n. 7.
⸺ Graccana, 383, n. 1.
⸺ Helvia, abrogating tribunicia potestas (t. 44), 455;
on wives of Caesar, 452.
⸺ Hirtia, on partisans of Pompey (t. 48?), 451, n. 2.
⸺ Horatia, honoring Gaia Taracia, 146, n. 7.
⸺ Hortensia (d. 287), 234, 312-6;
epoch-making in social history, 16;
effect on comitia centuriata, 137;
for relief of debtors, 235;
on plebi scita, 236, 269, 330, 475;
on tribunician jurisdiction, 247 f., 270;
on veto, 270.
⸺ Hostilia, on prosecutions for theft, 377, n. 5.
⸺ Icilia agraria, so called (456), 238;
sacrata, 265, n. 1, 272 f.
⸺ Icilia, granting amnesty to seceders (t. 449), 292;
granting triumph, 293.
⸺ Iulia, granting citizenship (c. 90), 57, n. 7, 10, 401 f.
⸺ Iulia, on dedication of Capitoline temple (p. 62), 341, n. 1;
agraria (c. 59), 145, n. 3, 148, 438-41;
relieving publicans, 441;
repetundarum, 441 f.;
dispensation from, 447;
attempt to amend, 448;
confirming acts of Pompey, 443;
on Ptolemy, 443;
curiata, arrogating Clodius (pont. max.), 443;
on debts (d. 49), 452;
de bonorum cessione (?), 452, n. 7;
on rents (47), 452 f.;
creating 2 praetors, 454;
iudiciaria (46), 455;
de maiestate, 455;
de vi, 455;
sumptuaria, 455 f.;
de provinciis, 456;
municipalis, 456 f.;
colonial (45), 453;
de Siculis, alleged (44), 454, n. 4.
⸺ Iulia, on rents (Octavianus, 41), 459;
on conubium of libertini (18), 354, n. 8.
⸺ Iulia Papiria de multarum aestimatione (c. 430), 234, 287.
⸺ Iunia repetundarum (t. 126), 370, 376, 379;
for expelling aliens, 370.
⸺ Iunia, on military pay (c. 109), 392.
⸺ Iunia, colonial (t. 83), 410.
⸺ Iunia Licinia, on filing statutes (c. 62), 437 f.
⸺ Licinia, on games (p. 208), 341, n. 2.
⸺ Licinia, instituting epulones (t. 196), 347.
⸺ Licinia sumptuaria (p. or t. before 97), 388, n. 9, 423.
⸺ Licinia de sodaliciis (c. 55), 447 f.
Leges Licinia et Aebutia, on qualifications of candidates (t. after
194), 347 f.
Lex Licinia Cassia, on appointment of tribuni militum (c. 171),
342, n. 2.
⸺ Licinia Iunia, on filing statutes (c. 62), 437 f.
⸺ Licinia Mucia, on aliens (c. 95), 397.
⸺ Licinia Pompeia de tribunicia potestate (c. 70), 426 f.;
prolonging Caesar’s command (55), 447.
Leges Licinia Sextia (t. 368, 367), 120, 295 f.;
article of on consulship, 237 f.;
relieving debtors, 238;
on pasturage, 291;
violations of, 291, 311, 325, 363;
limiting occupation of land, 291, 310;
amended, 334, n. 1, 363, n. 4.
Lex Licinnia de actione communi dividundo, 339, n. 5.
⸺ Livia, on organization of Africa (t. 146), 349.
⸺ Livia, colonial (t. 122), 383 f., 397;
on Latins, 252, 383.
⸺ Livia agraria, frumentaria, etc. (t. 91), 397-400.
⸺ Lucretia, on Campanian vectigalia (t. 172), 351, n. 5.
⸺ Maenia, on ludi Romani (c. 338), 308 f.
⸺ Maenia, on patrum auctoritas (t. 287?), 230, 331.
⸺ Maenia, on dowries (188?), 352.
⸺ Maenia Sextia de multae dictione (c. 452), 233.
⸺ Maevia, on Asiatic affairs (about 189), 349. n. 5.
⸺ Mamilia, on arbitri (c. 239?), 332, n. 9.
⸺ Mamilia, appointing special court (t. 109), 390.
⸺ Mamilia, Roscia, etc. (t. 55?), 441, n. 1.
⸺ Manilia, on libertini (t. 67), 433;
granting imperium to Pompey (66), 433 f.
⸺ Manlia, on manumission of slaves (c. 357), 202, 297.
⸺ Manlia, granting Numidia as province (t. 107), 381, n. 5.
⸺ Marcia, on usurers (c. 352?), 298, n. 1.
⸺ Marcia, appointing special court (t. 172), 255, n. 1.
⸺ Marcia Atinia, on treaty with Macedon (t. 196), 349.
⸺ Marcia Porcia, on triumphs (t. 62), 438.
⸺ Maria, on pontes (t. 119), 389.
⸺ Memmia de incestu (t. 111), 377, n. 5, 390, n. 4.
⸺ Metilia, on master of horse (t. 217), 342;
on fulling cloth, 338.
⸺ Minicia, on children of mixed parentage, 354, n. 2.
⸺ Minucia, instituting triumviri mensarii (t. 216), 336 f.
⸺ Minucia, repealing Rubrian colonial law (t. 121), 385.
⸺ Mucia, appointing special court (t. 141), 255, n. 1.
⸺ Munatia, pardoning certain persons (c. 42), 459. n. 5.
⸺ Norbana, appointing special court (t. 104), 390.
⸺ Octavia frumentaria (about 90), 401.
⸺ Ogulnia, on sacerdotes (t. 300), 102, 166, n. 7, 307, 309.
⸺ Oppia, on luxury of women (t. 215), 338;
repealed, 356.
⸺ Orchia cibaria (t. 181), 356.
⸺ Ovinia, on senators (t. 339-312), 164, 307, 335.
⸺ Papia de Vestalium lectione (t. 65?), 156, n. 7, 434;
expelling aliens, 434.
⸺ Papiria, on viatores of aediles, 290, n. 4.
⸺ Papiria, granting citizenship (p. 332), 304.
⸺ Papiria, on dedications (t. after 304), 309.
⸺ Papiria, on triumviri capitales (t. after 242), 332.
⸺ Papiria tabellaria (t. 131), 369, 371.
⸺ Papiria, monetary (t. 89), 91, 403.
⸺ Pedia, appointing special court (c. 43), 457, n. 7.
⸺ Peducaea, appointing special court (t. 113), 390.
⸺ Pesolania, on injury done by dogs, 332, n. 9.
⸺ Petillia, appointing special court (t. 185), 255, n. 1, 319, n.
⸺ Pinaria, on appointment of judge, 339, n. 5.
⸺ Pinaria annalis (p. 182?), 347, n. 3.
⸺ Pinaria Furia de intercalatione (c. 472), 238.
⸺ Plaetoria, on urban praetor (after 227), 342, n. 1.
⸺ Plaetoria, on cura of young men (before 192), 340.
⸺ Plaetoria, appointing duumviri aedi dedicandae (151?),
347, n. 2.
⸺ Plautia iudiciaria (t. 89), 401, n. 3, 402 f., 427;
probably repealed, 409, n. 1;
agraria, 403.
⸺ Plautia de vi (t. 78-77), 424.
⸺ Plautia, recalling exiles (t. 73?), 424.
⸺ Plautia Papiria, granting citizenship (t. 89), 57, n. 10, 353,
n. 9, 402.
⸺ Poetelia de ambitu (t. 358), 296 f.
⸺ Poetelia, on slavery for debt (c. or d. 326 or 313), 310.
⸺ Pompeia, granting citizenship (c. 89), 402.
⸺ Pompeia iudiciaria (c. 55), 448;
de parricidio, 448;
de ambitu (52), 448, 454;
de provinciis, 449;
de iure magistratuum, 449;
excepting certain persons from law, 449.
⸺ Pompeia Licinia de tribunicia potestate (c. 70), 426 f.;
prolonging Caesar’s command (55), 447, 449.
⸺ Poplicia, granting burial place, 342, n. 8.
Leges Porciae de provocatione (198-184?), 250-3, 256, 349.
Lex Porcia de sumptu provinciali (c. 195), 349;
on provincial governors (177?), 349.
⸺ Porcia, on interest (c. 118?), 392.
⸺ Porcia Marcia, on triumphs (t. 62), 438.
⸺ Publicia, on gambling, 337, n. 6.
⸺ Publicia, on gifts at saturnalia (t. 209), 338;
rogatio for abrogating proconsular imperium, 342.
⸺ Publilia de sponsu, 298, n. 1.
⸺ Publilia, so-called (471), 196, 233, 270-2;
does not exclude patricians, 262, n. 2, 271;
confused with L. Publilia Philonis, 300.
⸺ Publilia (d. 339), 299-302;
article of on patrum auctoritas, 235;
on plebiscita, 236;
on consuls, 237;
excludes patricians, 262, n. 2, 276 f.;
relation to Valerian-Horatian laws, 300.
⸺ Pupia, on sessions of senate (p. 71), 424 f.;
amended, 429.
⸺ Quinctia de aquaeductibus (c. 9), 462.
⸺ Quinctia Furia, arbitrating between Ardea and Aricia (c.
446), 294 f.
⸺ Remmia de calumniatoribus (91?), 400.
⸺ Roscia theatralis (t. 67), 357, n. 2, 428 f.
⸺ Roscia, granting citizenship to Transpadani (p. 49), 454.
⸺ Rubria de Gallia Cisalpina, so-called, 454, n. 3.
⸺ Rubria, for founding Junonia (t. 123), 383.
⸺ Rufrena, honoring Caesar (42), 457, n. 7.
⸺ Rutilia, on military tribunes (169), 349, n. 1.
⸺ Saenia, for creating patricians (c. 30), 164, n. 6, 460.
⸺ Saufeia agraria (t. 91), 400.
⸺ Scribonia de usucapione servitutum (c. 76 or t. 50), 424, n.
4, 450, n. 2.
⸺ Scantinia, on violation of ingenui, 357.
⸺ Sempronia, for dedication of temple (c. 215), 341, n. 1.
⸺ Sempronia, on loans (t. 193), 351 f.
⸺ Sempronia de imperio (t. 167), 335, n. 2, 349, n. 1.
⸺ Sempronia agraria (t. 133), 363-7, 371;
abrogating potestas of colleague, 366, 367 f., 391.
⸺ Sempronia de provocatione (t. 123), 355 f., 371;
frumentaria, 372 f., 444;
agraria, 372, 373 f.;
on taxation of Asia, 380 f.;
on consular provinces, 381;
repealed, 449;
on military service, 382, 389;
colonial, 382 f.;
viaria (?), 373;
iudiciaria (122), 374-6;
on murder and poisoning, 378.
⸺ Servilia repetundarum (t. 111?), 393.
⸺ Servilia, on qualifications of iudices (c. 106), 388.
⸺ Sestia or Sextia, instituting Decemvirate (c. 452), 233, 273.
⸺ Silia, on legis actio per condictionem, 339. n. 5.
⸺ Silia, on weights and measures (t. Flaminian era), 337 f.
⸺ Sulpicia, on various subjects (t. 88), 404 f.;
article of on new citizens, 58;
on transferring command to Marius, 381, n. 5.
⸺ Terentia, on sons of libertini (t. 189), 355.
⸺ Terentilia, 120.
⸺ Thoria agraria (t. 111), 386 f.
⸺ Titia, on gambling, 337, n. 6.
⸺ Titia, on questorian provinces (267?), 332. n. 3.
⸺ Titia agraria (t. 99), 396;
criminal (99?), 396, n. 5.
⸺ Titia, abrogating potestas of colleague (t. 43), 455, n. 3.
⸺ Trebonia, on tribunician elections (t. 448 or 401), 285 f.,
⸺ Trebonia, granting provinces (t. 55), 447.
⸺ Tullia, on free legations (c. 63), 437.
⸺ Tullia Antonia de ambitu (c. 63), 436 f.;
article of renewed, 449.
⸺ Valeria de provocatione (c. 509), 232 f., 240, 473 f.;
a l. sacrata, 265, n. 1;
granting building lot to proposer, 238, n. 3.
⸺ Valeria (d. 342), 234 f.;
abolishing debts, 238, 298;
a l. sacrata, 265, n. 1.
⸺ Valeria de provocatione (300), 233, 234, 242, 250;
relation of to Porcian laws, 252 f.
⸺ Valeria, repealing Oppian law (t. 195), 356.
⸺ Valeria, granting suffragium (t. 188), 352.
⸺ Valeria, granting citizenship to priestesses of Ceres (p. 98),
353, n. 5.
⸺ Valeria, on debts (c. 86), 409 f.;
repealed, 422.
⸺ Valeria, appointing Sulla dictator (interrex, 82), 236, 412,
⸺ Valeria Horatia (c. 449), 234, 274-80, 474;
de provocatione, 233, 241;
a l. sacrata, 265, n. 1;
violated by rogatio Servilia, 259;
on oath of plebs, 264, n. 7;
bearing on tribunician jurisdiction, 270, 280;
on sanctity of plebeian officials, 274;
on plebiscita, 274-8.
⸺ Valeria Marcia, instituting bank (c. 352), 297 f.
⸺ Varia de maiestate (t. 90), 400 f.
⸺ Vatinia iudiciaria (t. 59), 442;
colonial, 440, n. 8;
granting provinces to Caesar, 443 f.;
leges on foreign affairs, 443, n. 6.
Leges Vibiae, confirming acts of Caesar (c. 43), 237, 457, n. 7,
458, n. 2;
abolishing dictatorship, 459, n. 2.
Lex Villia annalis (t. 180), 347;
renewed by Sulla, 415.
⸺ Visellia de curatoribus Viarum (before 71), 424, n. 6.
⸺ Voconia, on inheritance (t. 169), 72, n. 2, 85, 90, 352.
Levy, obstruction of, 272, 273, 279.
Liber and Libera, forfeiture of estates to, 274.
Libertini, class of clients, 22;
enrolment in tribes, 58, 354;
deterioration of status, 354 f.;
lex Terentia on, 355;
l. Sulpicia on, 404.
Licinius Crassus, M., consul (70), 426 f.;
triumvir, 441;
second consulship (50), 447 f.
Licinius Macer, tribune (73), 426.
Licinius Stolo, C., trial of (357), 291.
Lictors, curial, 10, 154, 468;
curiate sanction, 189, n. 2;
cast votes of curiae, 196, 198, 199;
magisterial, 150;
granted to Vestals, 459, n. 5.
Liticines, in comitia centuriata, 206, 226.
Lituus, 468.
Livius Drusus, M., tribune (122), 252, 383.
Livius Drusus, M., tribune (91), 397-400.
Livius Salinator, M., trial of (218), 317 f.
Livy, on early Roman history, 25, n. 3, 26;
centuriate system, 66 f.;
comitia and concilium, 119-25;
patricians in tribal assembly, 275;
agrees with Fabius Pictor, 293, n. 3.
Locupletes, 61.
Lucerenses, 74.
Luceres, 3, 74;
in Ardea, 4, n. 3.
Lucerus, in Ardea, 4, n. 3.
Lucilius (Licinius?), hurled from Tarpeian Rock, 257, n. 5.
Lucretius, C., praetor (171), prosecution of, 321.
Ludi, Romani, 308;
Victoriae, 422 f.
Lusitanians, rogation on, 349 f.
Lustrum, 204.
Lutatius Catulus, Q., prosecution of (87), 257, n. 5.
Lycurgus, 177.

Magic, prosecution for, 325.

Magistracy, bestowed by curiate law, 185 f.
Magistrates, patrician, 103, 263;
higher and lower, 103, 141 f.;
occupy templa, 109;
take auspices, 110;
have obnuntiatio, 111 f.;
spectio, 113;
preside over contio, 140 f.;
comitia, 465, 468, 469;
bound by laws, 180 f.;
iusti, optimo iure, 186-8;
and lex curiata, 189 ff.;
higher, 229;
act as accusers, 259;
controlled by dictator, 273, 284;
right to divide business, 306;
to enrolment in senate, 307;
exempt from prosecution, 318;
under law of extortion, 377;
regulated by Sulla, 413-8;
by Pompey, 449;
swear to uphold laws, 464;
municipal, 457.
Maiestas, 257, n. 5;
Cornelian court of, 258;
Claudia tried for, 326, 394;
under lex Varia, 400 f.;
Cornelia, 419;
Iulia, 455.
Majority rule, primitively unknown, 170, n. 7.
Mancinus, law for surrendering, 350.
Mancipatio, 48.
Manilia, trial of for violence (183), 326.
Manilius, C., tribune (67-66), 433 f.
Manlius, A., consul (178), threatened with prosecution, 231.
Manlius, past consul, trial of, 268.
Manlius, Cn., consul (357), holds comitia at Sutrium, 297.
Manlius, L., past dictator, trial of (362), 288.
Manlius Capitolinus, M., trial of, 123 f., 243.
Manlius Volso, Cn., 231.
Mantua, three tribes in, 4, n. 3.
Marcius, L., propraetor in Spain, 192.
Marcius Coriolanus, C., trial of (491), 267.
Mariana colonia, 394, n. 1, 396.
Marius, C., change in recruiting, 86, 394;
tribune (119), 389;
combines with Saturninus, 393-5;
given command against Mithridates, 404.
Market days, see Nundinae.
Master of horse, presides over contio, 140.
Matienus, C., trial of for desertion, 252.
Matrons, fined for stuprum, 291 f., 326;
trial of for poisoning, 253 f., 309.
Meadow, Flaminian, 465.
Mechanics, see Fabri.
Messala, on curiate law, 185 f.
Metellus, see Caecilius Metellus.
Meyer, E., on four city tribes, 54-6;
origin of tribunate, 55, n. 1, 262, n. 1, 272, n. 2;
Licinian-Sextian laws, 296, n. 4;
chronology of Sempronian laws, 371, n. 2;
Cornelian-Pompeian law on assemblies, 406.
Milo, tribune (57), 115 f.
Minervia, founding of, 384, n. 1.
Minos, 177.
Minucius, L., trial of, 246.
Minucius Augurinus, C., tribune (184), 320.
Mithridates, 403, 404, 433, 434.
Mommsen, Th., on patrician state, 33-6;
gens, 35;
gentile ownership of land, 48;
urban tribes, 51 f., 54 f.;
classis, 72, n. 1;
concilium populi, 121-4;
grant of patriciate, 166, n. 3;
of citizenship, 181, n. 5;
early legislation, n. 9;
transitio imperii, 197, n. 4;
exercise of comitia centuriata, 203, n. 4;
proletarian century, 207, n. 12;
reformed comitia centuriata, 221-4;
validity of plebiscite, 277, n. 2;
Licinian and Aebutian laws, 347, n. 8;
qualification of iudices, 375, n. 4;
Thorian law, 385, n. 5;
lex Appuleia de maiestate, 394, n. 5;
lex Plautia iudiciaria, 403;
Sulpicius, 405, n. 2;
principium, 466, n. 3.
Morals, laws on, 337 f.
Mucius Scaevola, P., tribune (141), 255, n. 1.
Mucius Scaevola, Q., formula of oath in arrogations, 160.
Mühl, on lex Appuleia de maiestate, 394, n. 5.
Municipia, lex Iulia on, 456 f.
Murder, trial of, 244, 246, n. 6;
under questorian jurisdiction, 248;
court for, 253, 255, n. 1, 257, n. 5, 295, 309, 358;
under lex Sempronia, 378;
Cornelia, 419 f.;
of tribune alleged, 268.
Musicians, in centuriate system, 66, 68, 81, 206, 208, 226.

Naevius, M., tribune (185), 320.

Narbo Martius, founding of, 386, n. 1.
Nefas, Nefasti dies, 159, 470.
Neptunia, founding of, 382.
Niebuhr, on early Roman history, 25 ff.;
patrician state, 27-32;
gens and curia, 11-13, 31 f.;
social composition of gens, 27;
Attic tribal system, 28, 31 f.;
Servian tribes, 51, 61, n. 3;
reformed comitia centuriata, 217-9;
unsoundness of his method, 45.
Niese, on origin of tribunate, 262, n. 1;
Licinian-Sextian law, 296, n. 4.
Nigidius Figulus, P., on auspices, 101, n. 3.
Nobility, origin of, 39;
develops into class, 40;
among various peoples, 40-2;
at Rome, 43;

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