Design Report For Ev.876 Tank Reinforcement

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2024.05.22 Reinforcement calculation for 2000m3 D.B J.

water tank

Reinforcement structural calculation for 2000m3 ground water tank

KGL – DD-CI-03-07-001(A)-A B

The main water storage within township water supply system of 2000m 3 capacity will provide for water
needs for the Kafue Gorge Lower township. The tank will be on ground at EL 876m with a concrete
roof slab. This report will detail, analysis and design of reinforced concrete water tank based on BS


The figure below shows the planner layout based on site space conditions and design

Figure 1: Layout of roof slab, beam and column layout

Design Data
Relative elevation of outside design land: ± 0.00 or 876.00m
Style of elevated water tank: water tank on with cover 30mm
Concrete grade: C30
Reinforcement grade (fy): HRB460
Coefficient of structural importance: 1.00
Limitation of crack width: 0.3mm
Density of concrete: 25.0 Kn/cum
Density of water: 10.0 Kn/cum

Other parameters are thus calculated from this layout.

1. Column section is 350mm x 350mm
2. Wall thickness = 375mm
a. Capacity = 2000m3,
b. Gross surface area = L*B = 22.8*22.8 = 519.84 sqm (from assumed layout)
c. Column section area = 9 columns*0.35*0.35 = 1.1025 sqm
Therefore, net surface area = Gross Area – Column section area = 519.84 – 1.1025 = 518.7375 sqm.
Thus, required clear height(H) = Volume Capacity/Net area = 2000/518.7375 = 3.855514591 = 3.86m
Overall Dimensions of water tank
Wall thickness = 375mm, Top slab thickness = 250mm, Bottom slab thickness = 450mm, Free board
height = 300mm.
Therefore, Total length (L) = 22.8+0.375*2= 23.55m = width = 23.55m.
Height = .25+.3+ 3.86+.45= 4.86m (Top slab + Free board + Water height + Bottom slab)

2.1. Roof Slab Reinforcement Design

Useful data:
Panel 1 – Refer to Figure 1. Panel 1 will be used for design analysis
L= 5.790m, B = 5.790m, Thickness = 250mm, Fcu = 30Mpa, Fy = 500Mpa
Live Load = 3kn/sqm, Yc = 25Kn/cum
Assumed support condition: Simply supported on edges
Load Calculation
1) Slab Self-weight = 0.25*25 = 6.25 Kn/sqm
2) Live Load = 3Kn/sqm (BS6399)
Ultimate Design Load = 1.4(6.25) + 1.6(3) = 13.55Kn/sqm
Slab Classification
Ly/Lx = 5790m/5790m = 1< 2, thus 2 – Way Slab!
Moment calculations
For 2-way slab simply supported,
Mx = αx.n. lx2, Mx = αy.n.ly2 (BS8110)
1) Mx = 0.062*13.5*5.792 = 28.10 Kn.m
2) My = 0.062*13.55*5.792 = 28.10 Kn.m
Reinforcement calculation
1) L-Span reinforcement
Assume T12, Cover 30mm, Slab Thickness = 250mm, therefore, d’= 250 – 30 -6 =214mm
Mx = 28.16 Kn.m

K= (28.10*106)/ (30*103*2142) = 0.0204 < 0.156, No compression reinforcement

= 209.03mm > 0.95d, therefore, Z= 0.95d = 203.3mm

= (28.10*106)/ (0.87*500*203.3) = 318mm2/m

Therefore, Provide T12@300mmc/c (Aprov. = 377mm2/m)
However, for crack control, reinforcement to be provided as follows; T12@200mm c/c (Aprov. =
2) B- Span reinforcement
Assume T12, Cover 30mm, Slab Thickness = 250mm, therefore, d’= 250 – 30 – 6-12
Mx = 28. 1Kn.m

Kx= (28.1*106)/ (30*103*2022) = 0.0230 < 0.156, no compression reinforcement

Z = 0.97d = 196.7mm > 0.95d, therefore, Z=0.95d = 191.9mm

= (28.16*106)/ (0.87*500*191.9) = 244.9mm2/m

Therefore, provide T12@300mm c/c (Aprov. = 377mm2/m)
However, for crack control, reinforcement to be provided as follows; T12@200mm c/c (Aprov. =
Min reinforcement check

0.13%bh = 325mm2/m < 1010mm2/m ≤ 4%bh = 10000, when fy = 500 Nmm − 2 okay!

Deflection check
Span/depth = 5790/214= 27.06
Service stress = (5/8) *500*(318.5/566) = 16.01Nmm2

MF = 0.5 + 477-14/ (120*(0.9+16010000/ (200*2142))) = 1.69

Modified S/d = 20*1.69 = 33.9 > actual M.F = 27.06 okay!
Crack Check
Useful data.
Design crack width =0.3mm
Es = 200Kn/sqm
Ec = 15Kn/sqm
Thickness = 250mm
Asprov. = 566mm2/m
Cover = 30mm
Service moment = 0.62*5.792*(3+6.25) = 19.23Knm
P =As/b*d = 566/103*214 = 0.00264
Modular ratio = (Es/Ec)*p = (200/15) *0.00264 = 0.0353

= 0.0353*((1+2/0.0353)) ^0.5-1) = 0.233

X = d*0.233 = 49.862mm
Z = d-X/3 = 197.379mm
Tensile stress level fs = 19.23*106/197.379*566 = 172.07N/mm2
Compressive stress level fscu= 2*19.23*106/ (197.379*103*49.862) = 3.91N/mm2
Stress level check
1) 0.45*fc = 13.5N/mm2 > 3.91N/mm2 okay!
2) 0.87*fs = 0.87*500 = 435 > 172.07N/mm2 okay!

ε1 = = ((250-49.862)/(214-49.862))*(172.07/200*103) = 0.001049

ε2 = = (103(250-49.862)2)/(3*200000*566*(214-49.862)) = 0.000540
εm = ε1- ε2 = 0.000509

= 98.98mm

Crack width = (3*(0.000509*98.98))/(1+2*((98.98-30)/250-49.862)) =

0.09mm < 0.2mm okay!
2.2) BEAM BM1 250 X 450
Length = 5.790m, Depth = 450mm, width = 250mm
Note: From Figure 1 Any the centrally located beam carries critical loads from a 2- way
tributary area of 16.76sqm.
Load calculation
Live Load = 3*16.76/5.79 = 8.685 Kn/m
Dead Load slab = 0.25*25*16.76/5.79 = 18.094Kn/m
Self-weight = 0.25*.2*25=1.25Kn/m
Design Load = 1.4*(1.25+ 18.094) +1.6*(8.685) = 40.977Kn/m
Design Moment = 5.182*40.977 /8 =171.176 Kn.m

Effective Depth
Assuming bar size of T16, Cover 30, Links = R8
d’ = 450-30-8-8=404mm
Moment resistance, Mu = 0.156fcu*b*d2 = (0.156*30*250*4042) = 190.963 Kn.m < Md =
171.176 therefore, no compression reinforcement required.

= Md/0.87*500*313.9 = 1257.71mm2
Provide 5T20 (Aprov. 1570mm2)
Deflection check
Span/depth = 5790/404 = 14.3
Service stress = (5/8) *500*(1257.71/1570) = 274.34Nmm2
M.F = 0.5 + 477-271.15/ (120*(0.9+274.34*106/ (200*4042))) = 0.91
Modified Span/depth ratio = 20*.91 = 18.3 > Actual M.F=14.3 OKAY!

Shear reinforcement
Shear force, V= 40.977*5.79/2 = 118.629Kn
Shear stress = V/b*d = 1.054N/mm2


Shear stress 1.0544812333
100As/bh 1.1
From table 3.8 bs8110
for given d', vc
Asv/sv 0.2
Asprov. 0.335
Type R8@300

However, for crack control, links to be provided as R8@200mm (Asprov= 0.503mm2)

Useful Data
Design Code; BS 8110
1) Wall thickness = 375mm
2) Height of wall = 4.41m
3) Height of water = 3.86m
4) Density of concrete = 25Kn/cum
5) Density of water = 10Kn/cum
6) Density of backfill = 20Kn/cum
7) Surcharge load = 10Kn/sqm (BS8004)
8) Height of backfill = 4.86/2 – 0.45 = 1.98m
9) Effective Density of backfill = 18Kn/cum
10) Angle of friction of backfill = 30Degs.
Loads from slab are assumed carried by beams to columns
End restraints: Simply supported at edges.
Load calculation
1) Water Pressure= pz = 10*3.86 = 38.6Kn/sqm
2) Loads from slab are assumed to be carried by columns
Design Load Under ULS = 1.4*38.6 = 54.04Kn/sqm

Reinforcement Calculation
Design moment per meter length = 54.04*1*3.862/3 = 268. 39Kn.m
Assume T16, cover 30mm, thickness 375mm
d’ = 375-30-8 = 337mm
k= (268.39*106/ (103*3752*30) = 0.0788 < 0.156 - NO compression reinf. Required!
Z = d(0.5+sqrt(0.25-k/0.9)) = 0.903d<0.95d, therefore Z= 0.903d = 304.3mm
Asreq. = 268390000/ (0.87*500*304.3) = 2027.3mm2/m
Therefore, Provide T20@150 (2090mm2/m) both ways.
Min reinforcement check:

0.13%bh = 487.5mm2/m < 1010mm2/m ≤ 4%bh = 15000, when fy = 500 Nmm−2 OKAY!


Note: Only soil pressure and surcharge acts on tank wall when empty.
Earth pressure = ρKz = 18*((1-sin30)/(1+sin30)) *1.98 = 18*1/3*1.98=11.88Kn/sqm
Surcharge load = 10/3 = 3.33Kn/sqm
Design load = 1.4*(11.88 + 3.33) = 21.30 Kn/sqm
Design Moment = 21.30*1.982*1/3=27.83 Kn.m
Comparatively, case 1 produces critical moment (268. 39Kn.m) than case 2. Thus reinforcement
is designed on case 1.
Deflection Check
Service stress = (5/8) *500*(2027.3/2090) = 303.13n/mm2

Mf= 1.33<2 OK!

Therefore, d’min = 4410/ (20*1.33) = 165mm < 337mm, Section thickness okay!
Crack Check
Useful data.
Es = 200Kn/sqm
Service moment = 191.71Knm
Ec = 15Kn/sqm
Thickness = 375mm
As = 2090mm2/m
Spacing = 150mm
Cover = 30mm
P =Asprov. /bd = 2090/1000*362 = 0.00577
Modular ratio = (Es/Ec) p = (200/15) *0.00577 = 0.0827

= 0.0770*((1+2/0.0770)) ^0.5-1) = 0.323

X = d*0.332 = 111.884mm
Z = d-x/3 = 299.71mm
Tensile stress level fs = 191.71*10^6/299.71*2090 = 306.09N/mm2
Compressive stress level fscu= 2*191.71*10^6/ (299.71*1000*116.93) = 11.43N/mm2
Stress level check
3) 0.45fc = 13.5N/mm2> 11.43N/mm2 OKAY!
4) 0.87fs = 0.87*500 = 435> 306.09N/mm2 OKAY!

ε1 = = 0.001789

ε2 = = 0.000680
εm = e1-e2 = = 0.001109

= 76.09mm

Crack width = 0.1875mm <0.2mm OKAY!


Useful Data
Design Code; BS 8110
1) Column section = 350*350mm
2) Height = 4.16m
3) Density of concrete = 25Kn/cum
By inspection, any of centrally located columns in Figure 1 carry critical loads. We design column on
grid C/3 on the same figure.

Load calculation
1) Weight of top slab = 0.25*25 = 6.25Kn/sqm
2) Live Load = 3Kn/sqm
3) Self-weight = 0.35^2*4.16*25 = 12.74Kn
4) Beam load = 0.2*25*(5.79+5.79) =14.475Kn
Total design load on column = 1.4*(6.25*5.79*5.79) + (1.4*(12.74+14.475)) + 1.6*(3*5.79*5.79)
293.35+38.101+160.92= 492.37Kn
ALSO NOTE: Due to symmetrical loading on both sides, all moments cancel out. Thus column is
designed for axial load only and moment due to minimum eccentricity. Column is considered braced
from inspection (BS8110).
Moment Due to eccentricity = N*emin = 492.37*(0.05*350) = 8. 616Kn.m (In both axes)

Column classification
End condition at Top = 1, at Bottom = 3 >> Thus β=0.9mm (Table 3.19 BS8110)

Lef = 0.9*4.16 = 3.744m

Short or slender
Lef/b =Lef/h = 3744/350 = 10.70< 15 Short Column
1) N/bh = 492370/ (350*350) = 4.0
2) Mx/bh^2 = 861600000/ (350*350^2) =0.2

For Fy 500Mpa, Fcu= 30Mpa

Assuming Y16, R8, Cover, 30mm, d= 350-30-8-16/2 = 304mm
Therefore, d’/h = 304/350 = 0.87
Thus we use chart no. 28 (BS8110). And by plotting 1 and 2, we need only provide the minimum code
prescribed longitudinal reinforcement of 0.4%.
=0.4% =100Asc/bh
Asc == 0.4*300*300/100 = 360mm2
Provide 4T16 (804mm2) > Min 12mm Min
Links spacing = 12*16 = 192mm, thus
Provide R8@150mm = 8mm Min


Useful data.
Length of slab = 23550mm, Width = 23550mm, assumed thickness = 450mm
Loads on slab
1) Self-weight = 0.35*25 = 8.75Kn/m2
2) Wall loads = 0.375*(23.55*2) *2*25*4.16 = 3673.8Kn/ (554.6025) = 6.62Kn/m2
3) Water loads = Transient and Assumed to be directly supported by earth through slab. Not
4) Design load from column = 492.37Kn for central columns.
5) Design load from columns on grid (B, C, D)/1, (B, C, D)/5, (1,2,3)/A and (1,2,3)/E are half that
of the central columns = 492.37Kn/2 = 246.185Kn
6) Similarly, design load from corner columns are quota of central columns = 123.09Kn
7) Wall dead load = 13.125Kn/m
Design load and moment analysis
This is done with the help of Robot structure analysis.
The loads are modeled in the following figure.
Figure 2: Design loads from central columns

Figure 3: Design load from edge columns

Figure 4: Design loads from corner columns

Figure 5: Wall dead load applied as linear load

Figure 6: All applied loads

Analysis and results

Figure 7: Moment results from analysis in y-y
Maximum moment= 181.54Knm

Figure 8:Moment results from analysis in x-x

Maximum design moment = 175.96Knm

Reinforcement design
1) Y-Y Span reinforcement
Design moment = 181.54Knm ( from Figure 7)
Assume T16, Cover 30mm, Slab Thickness = 450mm, therefore, d’= 450 – 30 -8 = 412mm

K= (181.54*10^6)/ (30*1000*412^2) = 0.0356< 0.156, no compression reinforcement!

= 0.96d> 0.95d, therefore, Z=0.95d= 391.4mm

= (181.54*10^6)/ (0.87*500*391.4) = 1066.3mm2/m

Therefore, Provide T16@150mmc/c (Aprov. = 1340mm2/m)

2) X-X Span reinforcement

Assume T16, Cover 30mm, Slab Thickness = 350mm, therefore, d’= 450 – 30 – 8-16 =396mm
Mx = 175. 96Kn.m

= 0.0375 < 0.156, no compression reinforcement

= 0.96d>0.95d, therefore, Z= 376.2mm

= (175.96*10^6)/ (0.87*500*376.2) = 1109.3mm2/m

Therefore, Provide T16@150mm c/c (Aprov. = 1340mm2/m)
Min reinforcement check:

0.13%bh = 585mm2/m < 1340mm2/m ≤ 4%bh = 18000, when fy = 500 Nmm−2 OKAY!
Crack Check
Useful data.
Maximum Service moment = 124.92 Kn.m (See Figure 9)

Figure 9: Bottom slab under service moments

Es = 200Kn/
Ec = 15Kn/
Thickness = 450mm
As = 1340mm2/m
Spacing = 150mm
Cover = 30mm
P =As/bd = 1340/1000*412 = 0.00325
Modular ratio = (Es/Ec) p = (200/15) *0.00325 = 0.0434

= 0.0434*((1+2/0.0434)) ^0.5-1) = 0.254

X = d*0.254 = 104.648mm
Z = d-x/3 = 377.18mm
Tensile stress level fs = 124.92*10^6/377.18*1340 = 245.41N/mm2
Compressive stress level fscu= 2*124.92*10^6/ (377.18*1000*104.648) = 6.28N/mm2
Stress level check
0.45fc = 13.5N/mm2> 6.283N/mm2 OKAY!
0.87fs = 0.87*500 = 435> 245.41N/mm2 OKAY!

ε1 = = 0.001379

ε2 = = 0.000857
εm = e1-e2 = = 0.00521

= 76.08mm

Crack width = 0.09mm <0.2mm OKAY!

Deflection Check
Note: Slab is assumed to sit on rigid foundation, thus no local deflection. OKAY!

Soil Bearing Capacity Check

Fa = 120Kpa (Minimum site soil capacity)
Applied pressure = base slab design load + water weight = 27.68Kn/sqm + 1.4*38.6Kn/sqm =
81.72Kn/sqm< Fa =120Kn/sqm OKAY!

Float Resistance Check

Note: Ground water level way below the base of structure. Structure unaffected by ground water uplift
pressure. OKAY!

Element As-req. As-prov. Bar and spacing As-req./As-prov.

Roof slab 244.9mm2/m 566mm2/m T12@200mm c/c 0.433
1257.71mm2 bottom 1570mm2 5T20 – Bottom 0.801
Beams Construction reinf. Top 402mm2 2T16 – Top -
0.335mm2 0.503mm2 R8@200mm c/c 0.666
Columns 360mm2 1210mm2 6T16 0.298
Walls 2027.3mm2/m 2090mm2/m T20@150mmc/c 0.97
Bottom slab 1109.3mm2/m 1340mm2/m T16@150mmc/c 0.828

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