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Nowadays, more and more teenagers are entering the job market and

also more young people have employment possibilities during the

school year. Most of them are taking jobs for the weekend or part-time
jobs. Personally, I think it could have a positive influence in the future.
To explain the reasons for my view, I will examine the issue in terms
of future and self-improvement.
When we get employed, the employer is expecting from us self-
discipline. It makes good habits, for example, it’s necessary to always
be on time also the job forces us to have good time management
because teenagers have to focus on school but also on the job so this
feature is important. Also earning your own money makes you more
self-contained and confident which is important for young people.
Another important aspect of this issue is the future. New skills that we
get from work, can help us with getting a job in the future. Employers
are paying attention to the experience of past employees and their
knowledge. Likewise, when your job is connected to an important
subject from school it can help you to get to your dream university.
It is true that working as a student can lead to worse grades at school
and less time for study, however, I am of the opinion that working at a
young age during the school year has many advantages which will
help in the future.
All in all,I think it is better to be a working person in teenage life and
learn new necessary skills and earn your own money for your
expenses which can introduce you to young adult life.

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