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“Divorce isn't such a tragedy.

A tragedy is staying
in an unhappy marriage, teaching your children the
wrong things about love. Nobody ever died of
Jennifer Weiner
Divorce is a legal process through which a married
couple ends their marriage. It involves obtaining a
court judgment or decree that legally terminates the
marital relationship, allowing both parties to remarry
if they choose.
The effect of divorce on

Poor Performance in Academics Feelings of guilt

Loss of Interest in Social Activity Destructive behavior

Emotionally Sensitive Loss of faith in marriage

Tips on how to reduce the negative impact
of divorce on children:

Communication and explanation

Maintaining stability and routine

Minimizing conflict

Preserving family ties

“A divorce is like an amputation, you survive but there
is less of you”.

Margaret Atwood
Divorce can have a profound and lasting impact on
children, shaping their emotional development,
relationships, and overall well-being. It is essential for
parents and caregivers to provide support, stability, and
understanding to help children navigate the challenges of
divorce and promote their resilience and adjustment.
Thank you for attention!

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